Welcome to Eric’s Tips!
If you want to start an online business, or if you want to make your current online business more profitable, you’ve come to the right place.
Please watch the following video:
Video Player
Main points:
Action steps:
1) White list this email address: tips@ericstips.com (put me on your “safe list” to make sure you receive the lessons). For detailed instructions, please see:
Whitelist instructions
2) Make a folder to save all the emails you receive from me.
3) Commit to following each lesson.
As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.
Have a great day!
Hi Eric,
I have no idea about this online business but I’m pretty sure you could help to start. Looking forward for your help.
thank you for the lesson ….be sure i will follow you
Hi Eric. What you said about information overload is so true. With your words of encouragement I breathed a sigh of relief. Looking forward to your lessons.
Thanks Brenda.
Hi, patrick.
It’s true that Nigeria has been blacklisted in paypal and don’t participate in clickbank affiliate program. But there are legitimate ways you can participate in this program. I am also a Nigerian like you, and I do affiliating with click bank and I also have a paypal account.
You can find out about opening a paypal account in Nigeria and how to do affiliating with clickbank, email me at fadyaffiliate@gmail.com.
Hi, Please put on downloadable files of videos. My english language is not well and I need to listen videos again and again.
Hello Fattane,
After this lesson series is complete, Eric will be creating a download membership as well as DVD’s.
Dear Eric,
As a former text book salesman, editor, product manager for major book publishers, now retired, I am back in business! Your proposals are outstanding! I bought in all the way yesterday and look forward to sharing my clients with you as you proposed. I am primarily a writer and now am working with other authors. Thanks for this great opportunity and your lessons to help me where I’m only a beginner!
Gratefully yours, Richard (Colorado Springs, CO)
Hello Eric, I think your approach to teaching is great, I have a back injury and can not return to my previous line of work and I need a way to provide for my family, I do not need a great deal of money I just need a steady supply (lol), I am looking forward to learning a new career, I am not totally computer illiterate so bear with me,( I will learn ) I am also a victim of information overload, Thank You for Your Time and Patients,(James, Utah)
Rightly said by you that most of the user are loaded with junk informations,and don’t knoa how to join them and how to act. But these things are that what we know very well. Please tell me about your work and action to earn online.
I just got done with lesson 1 and I’m very impressed. You seem like a very genuine and honest person. Thank you and I look forward to more lessons.
Hi Eric,
I am a newbie but have been in recurrent cycles of not knowing how to go about internet marketing or just be successful with making a living online. I choose to lay my hopes with you. I need a coach to assist me through this. I have been scammed, spent money on complex unrealistic systems to the point that I fear spending any more and opt for manual sources of earning a living (old school way). Can I put my hope in you?
Hi eric just started on lesson so far I think you speak genuine and ready to help people succeed
can you have a look at my website http://www.graphicautomator.com I need help with my footer wont mach the rest of the website many thanks Jamie
It looks fine to me, I guess you got it fixed.
Well that’s a tough one Joshua. I understand what you’re saying, and I think my lessons can help you. But I would not recommend putting your hope in any person. People will always disappoint and let you down, so I recommend putting your hope in a higher power (for me that’s God). Then… you need to believe in yourself. Fear of failure will hold you back. Lastly you need to find some people you can trust. I explain this in lesson #11, and in that regard I think you can trust me to give you my best Internet marketing teaching. I hope this makes sense.
Many thanks for the info and sensible that step by step actions sounds from this side of the pond
Hi Eric
My name is Richard,A friend of mine recommended this this site so her goes Im going on to lesson 2
Hello Eric, I’m sorry that I’m a little late in starting to go thro’ your lessons but I have saved your daily e-mails and I want to work thro’ the whole lot systematically and learn the biz thoroughly.
You’re dead right, I have been overwhelmed by all the information and dross I’ve been getting so I decided to start from the beginning with your course and cut a straight line thro’ all the other crap. A lot of the stuff I’ve been looking at has been way over my head and I’ve become bogged down, not knowing what to do next.
Having looked at some of your articles, eBooks, advice, etc., and your “Lesson 1”, I feel better already and I am determined to make a proper go of this after so many false starts.
Thanks for your motivational help so far, Chris Hoyle.
I’m really excited to grab life by the horns.
I took advantage of the 7 day deal (Trading Pro System)I’m going through all the downloads and can’t seem to find the sales letter. Did I miss the link for it?
Hello, I am late in starting on the tips, but am interested on doing them. Had a lot of things going on and couldn’t get going on them. Your first tip suggest to make a folder for all your tips. Can you explain how to do that. I have aol.browerser. Thanks Rosemarie
hi Eric,
i was wondering on using offline media for online traffic, is that a good way of starting out?
I look forward to working with you!
Actually offline media is not usually the best way to start. There are easier ways to get traffic, which are more easily tracked than offline media. I cover web traffic generation in depth later on in the lessons, including media buying.
I’m not sure, but there should be instructions in your AOL email account. Thanks for joining!
Thanks for your business
The sales letter is in a file called ResellerSite.zip
If you still need it please return to the download page, or submit a ticket at my helpdesk. Thanks
Good stuff Eric,we have similar stories,it’s freaky!
Hi Eric
I think enjoying your lessons is really a great opportunity for a newbie like me : I am exactly conform to your description :overloaded and overwhelmed with informations ; I hope a lot of you ; my main problem right now is : how to build a list of customers to make money on line
I can’t wait to hear the next lessons
Yes Eric the beginning is a great place to start I am getting tired of the next best thing I have so much incomplete junk of the next best thing I am someone trying to supplemnt my pension of a measly $303/mth and don’have money to waste on the crap I have been taken on. P.S.I have completed leson 0ne.P.S.S.I am similar to you flashy cars and hugh homes don’t impress me.At 62 I just want to be comfortable.
i’m new to this and i have to admit that i could not stop listening to eric, i feel that this may be what i’m looking for in my life!
Hi Eric,
I love what you are doing here. Maybe I can finally get up and running. I have quite a few of your products – going back to the templates – gathering dust on my shelves. Disconnected information, very well put. I will follow every lesson and put into practice what I learn.
when will I get lesson #2 or where can I find it
Thanks Don
Hi Eric,
Thanks for the intro.lesson on some of the issues with information from online markerters. I do not have an online business and don’t know how to start one. Hope to learn and make a difference with your teaching.
1 A day??
I will go crazy waiting!!!!
All kidding aside, I also suffer from overload like most newbies in this business..
1 A DAY??/
I look forward to getting all of your lessons. I have been making money online for over 20 years, but I have never seem to break from working paycheck to paycheck. There were a couple REALLY good years prior to 2001, but since then I have been struggling to really make it. Working hard here in San Diego and looking forward to your tips and advice.
Wonderful introduction! Congratulations for your success! Yes, it is important to give back some of the earnings. Even though you made millions, you do not sound like a “guru” and I thank you for that. I like the way you explain what you are going to teach.
How very gratifying to hear you speak so unabashedly about your faith in a “marketing video”.
I think I will enjoy your series. I know I sure got a good laugh from you “ordinary guys” sales video! I’ll bet you get a lot of sales just because it’s so hilariously cheesy off the top!
Anyway, God Bless you and your family.
Christopher di Armani
Hey Eric,
WOW!!!! It is so nice to watch one of these videos that doesn’t have a bunch of click bank income, helicopters, sports cars, mansions and all that other crap. I saw a webinar the other day and that was the whole damn thing was about how much money this guy had and all the great things he owns. They also stressed the fact that they were not trying to sell anything but at the end of the video they were asking for $20,000. You do seem like a great person and I hope you’re the real deal because I am so sick of being scammed its ridiculous. I do have to admit, there are some great software products out there that I have purchased and now use but most of the stuff is crap.
Am still an amateur in this game and I want to make lots of money if u are willing to show me all the basic requirements. I hope you’ll be of great use to me. And about the payments, how will I get my salary? I dont know the procedures to follow so as to earn money
Eric, Thank you for your great and open lesson which gives me hope that I may be able to succeed. My greatest fear is making mistakes and I have yet to learn how to put my site ontpo the web.
Hi Eric,thanks for the info i have spent several thousand dollars in the last few years to try and set uo an online business to no avail lots of copyright ownerships but still has not found the right starting point.So confused afraid to open my emails CONFUSE DIGUSTED
It’s a great start for newbie like me,thank you so much.God will bless you and your family.
Hey Eric,
I just wanted to let you know I just bought the new product from the real guys. The last couple products I bought I swore they were the last one then some one comes along and convinces me to get their product. After a few days I realize they full of it, I hope your different. I really do because I really believe in you 3. DON’T prove me wrong please.
Thanks from Canada (yes we have computers in Canada lol)
Hi Eric,
I am from India & just received your 1stn e-mail
& found it quite interesting & hope that whatever you are going to teach me about creating my own internet business & improve income status …..
Looking forward to receiving your Next mail .
Hi Maria,
Eric teaches how to upload your website in this lesson:
Hi Alpoem,
Yes, Eric covers those steps in more lessons that you will receive shortly.
Here are some of his lessons on how to receive payments for items you wish to sell online:
We’re glad you found Eric’s Tips! Hope we are able to help you take things to the next level!
Hi Dwight,
We’re glad you found Eric’s Tips! We hope that you won’t have any more confusion with online marketing, but will learn much from Eric’s lessons!
I really related to the disconnection part, We own over 50k in internet assets , tiered of fast eddy, and your refreshing and i agree to follow all 100 lessons, thank Gordon/Shane Meadows Meadows Bros
this site will be the outcome of the 100th lesson,
Hello Eric You know every thing you are talking about has happen to me i am suffering from Information Overload and i am so happy that i listern to your news letters and video they are awesome I am 61 years old and i will never say never and now i feel like i am on the right track after listern to you and yes i will committ to your lesson and i am gonna to make a email folder for your email I just want to say thank you,Thank you Thank you Charlie
Loved the introduction! I definitely relate to the “puzzle” analogy. I’ve gotten puzzle pieces from many different boxes and they just don’t seem to fit together. Looking forward to going from A-Z with you. Blessings!!!