Welcome to Eric’s Tips!
If you want to start an online business, or if you want to make your current online business more profitable, you’ve come to the right place.
Please watch the following video:
Video Player
Main points:
Action steps:
1) White list this email address: tips@ericstips.com (put me on your “safe list” to make sure you receive the lessons). For detailed instructions, please see:
Whitelist instructions
2) Make a folder to save all the emails you receive from me.
3) Commit to following each lesson.
As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.
Have a great day!
Hello Winford,
If you are still in the learning stage, you shouldn’t need one just yet.
Typically, you can get your LLC very quickly. If you want to go the LLC route, you might want to get it when you are ready to start doing business.
Hi Eric:
I actually started all of this almost a year ago…someone stole my computer and when I got it back 3 months later, it was wiped clean. So I am starting all over. Now I will set up my PayPal acct. so I can get your $19.95 30 e-books as well. Looking forward to it all,
Hello Alex,
Just contact us at the helpdesk, so we can assist you with your purchase:
Hey Eric,
Thanks for giving of your time and knowledge. After 100 lessons I should know something about internet marketing. Can’t wait.
i want to know about internet marketing
Hi Eric
Thanks for the starter lesson.It is nice to start on the right footingPlease how do i create a folder to put the lessons in.
I use gmail.
I wait to hear from you soon.
Hello Chris,
Gmail no longer uses folders, but uses labels instead.
Here is some more information for you:
Hi Eric, I have done affiliate marketing and used aweber to store email lists, and I have used Ad,fly to advertise these affiliate sites for comisions and so on, to no avail I spent probably over A $ 1000 to make $ 72 I am loosing hope on making Money on line, I just hope your lessons and advice doesn’t ent up being the same as the others, but I am optimistic and I know that people do make real money on line, so I will give it a go, thank you (Tony Monk)
Thanks Eric for the GREAT lessons- I have been here many times- skipping here and there; However, This time I am starting from |L|#1 … all the way through to the finish line.
MeadowsBros. Productions
W. Coast Division
shane meadows
Glad to have you on board. One thing that is different about this lesson series from what it sounds like you’ve done in the past, is that this focuses on creating your own product rather than affiliate marketing.
Left click on email (e.g Eric’s tips) pop up appears…left click on ‘create new’ new pop up appears…called ‘new label’ place name that you want to save.
Hello Eric.
Is there any chance to download Lessons (videos) in to my computer?? I could listen lessons all over again without overcharging my Internet usage limit. Thanks,
Regards, Mark
Eric, I literally only came across you guys today(you and Joel Comm).
I can certainly relate to the guy who bought the same product twice from you:-) your persuasive,so I started with coming across your daily tradeing system,(am considering buying)and then when checking you came across you and Joel on an old upstream where you were his guest back in 2008 I think. Then signed up for both your blogs,and say your audio interview with him. You guys come across as good guys. Now I am a newbie newbie….never traded on line before. So I bought your 30 products for 19$ and your 10 freebies,may buy daily traiding system…but my basic question,how the heck do I start building a list.
looking forward to the next lesion and beyond.
Great intro, Eric, I’m looking forward to getting out from ‘paralysis by analysis’. I hope this will be that year…I’ve never heard of anyone offering 100 lessons for free, that is truly awesome.
Melissa,its my 1st time on the blog. In gmail folders are called labels(don’t ask me why). So on the left hand side just hover over more and there is an option to create a new label…lets say ericsemails. Then just click in the little box on the email and hover over the icons to archive ,delete tec,but choose move to and select erics email label. Have fun. Outlook or Hotmail is wayyyyyy better by the way:-)
see my reply to Melissa above. Oliver
Its very easy on Hotmail/ On the left hand side under inbox/sent etc,you will see something called new folder just click on that and creat new folder.whatever name you like.You can also go into help for tutorial.
Eric ,should I buy that 25,000 firesale thingy you suggested. Main issue I have with it is,i have no list yet,and aslo you seem to be seilling a more superior product your self?
I can’t believe that you live in Fort Collins. I live in Johnstown CO, just 15 miles south of you. Great Video.
i have been scammed through internet business from past one year so @ last i think now i am in right path.i am already sick of these internet business PTC and other so, here can i get real good road to reach my goals please to see what will be the next Eric
hi eric, i’m marcel from indonesia..
just wanna say thank u for the first lesson..n i believe that God will help u n me to meet His Mission to save the world from what we’re gonna do in the future.. once again, thank u eric..n say hi to jeff n paul..God Bless.
I do not know how old these links are but as of 01/27/13
none of them work.
WOW!!! … Paralysis by Analysis … That sums it up Eric! Wonderful TRUTHFUL (rare) man with a beautiful wife and family. Thank you so very, very much for helping those of us that need help so badly! I’m 65 and the Internet Maze is so hard to understand! Again, many thanks.
May you and Family be blessed each hour of every day!
Oh, Would you please send me the URL for Pray Way? I’d be very grateful if you would. I have a hunch you are of the same Faith I am.
Thanks for creating these lessons, and I’m excited to get started.
Hi Eric,
Hapy to to cross your path, I’m offline entrepreneur since 16 years, and decided to go online 2 years ago.
I see exactly the difficultys that can have a newbie, especially when never made any businesses and wanting to start online business.
It’s why I created a french blog(I’m living in France)called “Donner & Prospérer”(= give to prosper http://www.donner-prosperer.com)it’s exactly what I want to do online and why not to be the “french Eric Holmlund”
See you soon
Hi Eric
what you are saying makes a lot of sense and I can fully relate to it. I’ve spent the last year piecing together bits of information from the James J Jones webinar replays but have’nt been able to piece it all together properly. You are the first person to turn round and say let me show you how it all works. Its a shame its taken me this long to find you I could have been up and running properly months ago if I’d found you sooner.
Couldn’t agree with you more. I am sick and tired of these so called marketeers saying that they will promise you the earth and deliver nothing. All I am looking for is the tools to promote my website so that people can have a look and if sufficiently interested make a purchase. I would love to know how to market so that people would at least take interest. I wish you all the best in your ventures and hope this guy Eric is a genuine guy which he seems to be and not just another con artist. God Bless Peter
I don’t know if this helps but in Gmail if you go right down to the bottom on the left hand side of your account. That is under the COMPOSE heading usually coloured red. Under that you will see the headings. INBOX, STARRED, IMPORTANT, SENT MAIL, DRAFTS etc. Scroll down until you see “MORE”. Beside that you will see an Arrow Button (an upside down half triangle. Click on that, then scroll down until you see two lots texts in blue. One saying “MANAGE TEXTS” ignore & the other saying “CREATE NEW LABEL”. The term ‘label’ is Gmail’s way of saying FOLDER. CLICK on “CREATE NEW LABEL” You will then se a DIALOGUE BOX appear. In that I suggest you put the heading “ERIC’S TIPS”. Below the first heading there is an opportunity to put it into a sub heading. I but I would just ignore that for just now until you are more confident. Hope this helps God Bless. Peter.
David if you look at the reply I made for “dheeraj” hopefully you will find the information helpful as well regarding SETTING UP FOLDERS in Gmail. God Bless Peter
David I sent you a reply but for some reason it didn’t go through. If you follow the reply I made for “dheeraj”, that should help and answer all your queries. God Bless Peter
Sorry David put the reply in “dheeraj” spot instead of yours. David if you look at the reply I made for “dheeraj” hopefully you will find the information helpful as well regarding SETTING UP FOLDERS in Gmail. God Bless Peter
Eric, thanks for your wisdom!! As I get ready to post my eBook to sell on eBay, I’ve learned from many to always add a script that gives the buyer the option to request a refund if they are not satisfied with any product I post to sell on eBay!! However, my eBooks will have simple content to help them make money online so I’m having a hard time adding the “refund” script to my eBooks on eBay!! What would you do or have done regarding this matter? In Kindest & Professional Regard!! Hec
Eric, that is exactly my problem too. Too much information, don’t know where to start.
This lesson really got to the point on the issues I’ve been having so far marketing on the internet. I have bought dozens of programs promising you the world but they never deliver. My main problem is building the websites to sell affiliate products whether it be a regular site or a member opt-in site. I’ve tons of products but no direction. I sincerely hope this training helps me out!
Thank Q Eric’s
I hope now I find a person to whom I can believe.
I find lots of fruad sites, gurus and many people who are inviting to cheat. But Now I feel I got the way where I can find HOPE.
I respect your GOD fearing caracter.
Thank you.
great job Eric i’m interested. God bless you.
How I find your 100 lessons.
There was advertising of ”No cost income stream”. I would be buy product if I would be have $47. Where to get money for it? I hope your lessons will help me to start some earnings. I’m not greedy. Even those $47 would be fine.
But I hope for more and thank you for those free lessons.
QUESTION: The tutorial process with 100 lessons is an excellent way, even for a semi-expert like meself, to refresh myself with all the steps & I’m certain I’ll discovery information that I once learned but over time it had somehow fell through the cracks and I’ve short changed my campaign’s profitability.
NOW, my main point, is a question of learning to sail by watching videos, but never setting foot on one. The first month is a trial period, but, in my opinion, I’d like to monitized my web site and get it into the water as soon as possible so it’s profits will cover the #105.00 (incl NY tax)for the following month’s fee! SO WHERE IS THE BALANCE??
Hi Eric,
Glad to be a part of your lesson plan to success I am a newbie to on-line marketing my question is starting with a low buget, a wife, 4 kids, two dogs, and a fish and limited time what would you reccomend starting out to help fund your on-line venture’s ground level
Hi Eric,
Thanks for your introduction.
I am a newbie in internet marketing, but I have a complete marketing action plan on how to start my business. I just have to collect some money for the legal stuff of starting an enterprise. I am suffering from information overload, too. I need to be wise enough to decide whats essential to learn&buy and what is not. I hope this will be a fast-tips-series.
You’re right about information overload, I have over 20 unread emails from you now because I have so many other email and things found on Twitter to look at, and yours are among the longest emails. Then there is work that I actually get paid for, which obviously take priority over all the above.
Eric, I was very impressed with the first video. You spoke to me when you were talking about being overloaded with information that wasn’t in any order of being able to fully understand what to do. Thank-You for doing this series. I am looking forward to it!….. and what were the needs to start up a new one
Hello Joann,
Here is the link to PrayWay:
Hello Bill,
Here is the link to Eric’s lesson called, Over 400 Free Web Traffic Sources:
Not only is that list much more current, but it is also much more extensive!
Hello Oliver,
That’s not a problem.
Here is the link to Eric’s lesson called, Introduction to List Building:
Hello Oliver,
Here is the link to Eric’s lesson called, Introduction to List Building:
Hello Mark,
Unfortunately, the videos are only available for viewing at this website. But, you may return whenever you wish, to review any lesson again.
Eric plans on making a DVD package available once the 100 lesson series is completed.
Hello Hec,
You don’t need a special script. You can simply let them know your refund policy.
Then, if a refund is requested, just follow these steps:
Hello Glen,
Have you checked out Eric’s recent product, the No Cost Income Stream?
It sounds like it would be a good fit for what you are looking for.