LESSON #1: Introduction to Eric’s Tips

By | June 10, 2008

Welcome to Eric’s Tips!

If you want to start an online business, or if you want to make your current online business more profitable, you’ve come to the right place.

Please watch the following video:

Main points:

  • We’re going to start at the very beginning. It’s OK if you don’t know anything about online business.
  • I’m going to show you how to build an online business from ‘A’ to ‘Z’. If you’re an experienced internet marketer, please bear with me through the basics, because I’ll be sharing all of my advanced techniques too.
  • I have a lot of personal experience and success in online business, which qualifies me to teach you what I know.
  • I’m a “normal” guy, and I’m going to try to avoid the hype as much as possible.
  • Action steps:

    1) White list this email address: tips@ericstips.com (put me on your “safe list” to make sure you receive the lessons). For detailed instructions, please see:
    Whitelist instructions

    2) Make a folder to save all the emails you receive from me.

    3) Commit to following each lesson.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

    1,672 thoughts on “LESSON #1: Introduction to Eric’s Tips

    1. gelie

      hi Eric.Greetings from Philippines…I Don’t have any idea about online marketing not after i view this first lesson..hope i can continue and be part of this business marketing…I’m a newbie here so please bare with me..I’m interested to learn

    2. Clarence

      Great first lesson! You seem very knowledgeable about what you are saying in this 1st lesson video.
      Now I have tried being an online marketer for 2 years now and want to learn step by step how to do this. So Thanks for giving these lessons and look forward to Lesson #2.

    3. joan anderson

      Hi Eric, i found your site by accident and I am thrilled your information had already help me put on a video on my blog.
      I am new to all of this so I am looking forward to all the lessons.
      cheers Joan

    4. Jenn

      I thank God for sending you to me, Eric. Thank you so much.

    5. Joseph Juhant

      Hey Eric I can’t figure out how to view a one of the video’s that I downloaded last night..I like you first lesson with no hype..Looking forward to lesson # 2

    6. Emily

      When the economy crashed (and hay and grain prices soared as well), my elk and deer sanctuary (which I inherited as a hunting ranch) sucked the advertising money out of my very successful advice business. This started me on substituting internet presence for the advertising. It’s not just marketeers who are scams but technical people too: They can do whatever it is you want until you pay them upfront, and then there’s some reason that can’t be done, but there’s something else they want to do, because it’s the only thing they know how to do. I got my money back from each of those, and from one of the marketeers who said he was going to do what sites needed done … until you paid him $800. I listen to hundreds of webinars (I work while listening) to find the mooch point, I call it; and I always do. Pretty good at it after 25 years of court reporting. May write a funny ebook about marketeers.

      My blog won’t respond to controls it should respond to. It may be a demo instead of a full-fledged blog. I need to find someone who can diagnose whether to fix it or to go ahead and recreate it.
      Then I need someone who can make the changes on it. Suspect that someone may not be me. Maybe the local friend-of-a-friend can look at the material I bought from you and speed up his knowhow on fixing this blog.
      The blog gets 800 words or more a day of original content, with graphics, on the same subject, and is ranked very highly for the tiny thing it is.
      I need to get this blog developed in order to do some things on the ranch (500 acres with 2500 feet difference in its elevations)that will benefit people who work there, that I pay.
      Interesting, all these people talking about an answer to prayer: That was my impression too.

    7. Ethel Phelan

      Hi Eric -I am not a technosavvy person. I could not open the first video lesson. I think I need to use my internet provider email: COMCAST.NET I would like to use my gmail account but it’not working. How do I change my email address?

    8. Ethell Phelan

      Hi Eric – I was finally able to openthe first video. It was simple and instructional. It made me feel welcomed! Thank you.

    9. Karen Hutchinson

      Hello Eric,
      I just signed up for the “fire sale” video selection. I have got confirmation on payment, is this the intro to all of them? How do I get the actual files?

    10. randy grabenstein

      Hi Eric, thank you so much for taking the time to do this you are so right about getting info but it does not lead to anything but any way i just hope this is the one that lets start a biz for me and my family i am a christan man iand i have been pray to the lord for just an oppertunity to prove i can make a good living for me and my family and i will be shore to check out your site pray way so thanks. Randy

    11. Ruth Nzegwu

      Hi Eric,

      You are an answer to my prayers. Thank you for making yourself available to change other peoples lives. I also share same faith with you which is amazing. It is not very common to see internet marketers with christian values like yours. It’s quite obvious I am going to benefit from your tips because I am a newbie and have no technical knowledge. thank you for presenting yourself to me. Have a peaceful year and God’s abundance.

    12. Elvis Kekegolo

      Hi Eric,
      I’m really happy with this first lesson but I have a question on the Firesale in which I had paid $27.00 for the products. Is this part of that or this is a different thing all together? When would be able to get access to the products I had paid for?

      Thank you for your responds and for this lesson.


    13. Nguyen Thi My Hanh

      What do I do start? I don’t understand English a lot.Help me!

    14. Robert Bippus

      I like your style of teaching, getting a lot out of it, looking forward to #2

    15. john

      there is no sound with this video. I assume there should be.

    16. charlie belle

      Hi Eric,
      May Jesus bless you richly that you may lift up His Name in these end times to millions for salvation!
      Im a missionary also to Israel now and have been to Ethiopia (water projects). The Lord told me to sell all for my last mission to Israel, I believe many were saved. Upon returning the Lord had put $47,000 into my checking account, and gave me a monthly income of $3600, Praise his Holy Name and his instruction on tithing & giving. I have tried for 8 years to do something consistant for appreciable income on the net.I just hope this truly is a gift from God where all good things come from.
      I am really enthused about the potential I see for success (Joshua 1:8) Also so many ways I have seen come into my head for, lack of a better word “Marketing all the many aspects of the Good News of Jesus to all that are Hungry for Salvation;Love; Prosperity; success; peace; happiness; freedom from bondage; victory over the enemy trash; truth, healing and health and all the good news He has provided Man thru His sacrifice of Love.
      I pray a blessing over you and your family and ask a thousand fold return on all the seed you have sown in tithes and offerings.
      your brother in Christ
      Charles w Belle

    17. Nigel Steele

      Thanks for giving us some background about yourself and your motivation. Really appreciate your approach. Using money to help others, not bragging about luxury cars, not putting other people down or using bad language…Quite refreshing. In fact reading some of those things on the intro sales pitch was what made me decide to buy.

    18. linz

      Hi Eric

      Have all pieces of jigsaw on my office walls looks like mental patients cell, been on this online business path over 4 years have brain over load and don’t statistically add up.
      Very optimistic and if the key is the secret.
      just time and visualization.

    19. Zoran

      Hello Eric,
      a recomendation from Jim Cockrum made me sign up, after being burnt and burnt by “guru’s”. This looks real to me . I am looking to make a lot of good thins happen
      Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    20. Setsuko

      Hi Eric,

      You’re absolutely right and I’d agree with you totally.
      As a Newbie like me who have overloaded so many information and got confused and made no progress or any result for my business.

      I’m so glad that I happened to know you and happy to purchased IM Tech Training course today!
      Avoiding the same mistake like before, please give your guidance the best order of learning your training contents as there’re so many video’s and resources in Download Area.

      Thank you.

    21. Chris

      It’s a little bit of a drag that Apple won’t allow Flash & ya’ll don’t do HTML5 so I can watch on my iPhone!!!….I’m just say’n

    22. eric

      hi Eric,
      i’m trying to get a online business started since a year now, but without any success.
      i hope your lessons will help me to find out why and get any better.

      best regards Eric from the netherlands

    23. Bev

      Hi Justin
      As Eric said each email system has it’s own little secrets! I suggest you go to Google.com and type in this question – “How to set up email folders on thunderbird” (without speech marks)- and you will find several good easy to follow instructions.
      Hope this helps

    24. Gary Jensen

      I appreciate your total honesty. I retired with several million dollars but when the economy collapsed I lost almost everything I had. I too enjoyed mission work, bussing kids to a couple of different missions in Mexico to help with building houses, etc. I have tried now for over two years to make a $ on line but have failed. I almost didn’t sign up but in the last hours of your offer, I decided once more that I would like to give it a try again. I do have the desire to make it on line. God has blessed you and your team and I am happy for you.

    25. Susan

      Hi, I have received and watched this lesson but never received lesson 2. I have lesson 3, but not 2. I checked my spam folder and it wasn’t in there either. How can I get access to it? Thank You! Susan

    26. Bill Lynam

      Eric, I have tried to view 2 of your videos and neither one will load. I also tried on Firefox and IE with no success. The lessons were #1 & #3.


    27. Rodney

      Eric, God is truly real and you are right on time. I’m a steel worker with basic computer skills. I bought into one of those “Guru” traps and now I’m stuck with a website that I have know idea how to manage. I NEED HELP!!! To make a long story short, in Nov.2012 I went into the hospital to have a minor surgery. Things didn’t turn out well. I haven’t been back to work since and the road to full recovery is a long way off so now I have plenty of time to dedicate to learning and building a successful online business. In the last several months my whole life prospective has changed. Working in the Mill is no longer enough. Watching my daughter grow up from a distance and seeing my wife in passing is not enough. I owe them more. I want to give them more. I can’t wait to get started.
      I’m all in… Rodney

    28. Carmen

      I just want to tell you Thanks for the training today. I got lesson 1 yesterday and lesson 2 today. I was eager to start lesson 2, but I tried to save it first, something went wrong and now I can’t find it. Can you send me lesson 2 again please. Thank you.

    29. Marcel

      I am a humble believer in your philosophy

      I have a page that you know it is, that in a month received 417 visits with google adwords, no sales, no subscribers, I’ve done wrong?, and I need help, I hope you can do something for me.

      really important for me because I have 54 years and my dream is to be the principle source of my income and independence, by the wayto vary I am unemployed.

      Happy to meet you


    30. ravindra

      Thank you for helping.
      How , indeed, does one make a folder for emails?(I am a relative newbie of about of 2 months knowing only the very basic functions of the computer).

    31. Ave

      Eric, Thank you so much for your kindness and Amazing effort you shared to each and everyone of us.

    32. Rick Stein

      Eric, Thanks for the info–you are the first one to make this simple and “can do it now” instead of trying to sell me something else to get started.

    33. Steve

      Hi Eric, First and Foremost, I’m thrilled that you are a Believer and a committed Christian. And, I’m sincerely encouraged to be studying from you after months of struggling through the maze of IM hype. I’ve already checked out your PrayWay website! Someday when we have a chance to meet, I’ll share my ministry vision for tips and advice. In the mean time, I am looking forward to this 100 Lesson Course. Thanks, Steve (Colorado Springs)

    34. Holly F.

      Hi Eric,

      I live about 3 hours away from Ft. Collins and would love to come and get some personal coaching at some point. Do you do that?

    35. Micah

      Hello Joseph,

      Here is a link that should help you to be able to view the videos properly:

      Trouble Viewing Flash Videos – SOLUTIONS

      Here are some steps for most of our videos, just to make sure you are doing this properly.

      1. Unzip downloaded video file.
      2. Navigate inside the unzipped folder, and find the WATCH-VIDEO file.
      3. Double click the WATCH-VIDEO file, to open in your default web browser.
      4. Click the “play” button in the center of the video.

      If the video still will not play, sometimes the easiest solution is to use a different web browser, such as Chrome, FireFox, IE, etc…

    36. Micah

      Hello Nguyen,

      You’re in the right place. The first lesson is the best place to start!

    37. Micah

      Hello Mumtaz,

      The next lesson will be sent to you soon. You can also visit the following link to see the latest lesson updates and revisit earlier lessons:

      Here is the direct link to lesson 2:

      LESSON #2: What is an online business?

      You may also simply change the number at the end of the link, to go to a different lesson number (example: /lesson1, /lesson2, /lesson3, etc…).

      If your email happens to block some of the lessons, we recommend that you view this tip on whitelisting an email address:

      How To Add a Sender to Your Whitelist (Safelist)


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