Welcome to Eric’s Tips!
If you want to start an online business, or if you want to make your current online business more profitable, you’ve come to the right place.
Please watch the following video:
Video Player
Main points:
Action steps:
1) White list this email address: tips@ericstips.com (put me on your “safe list” to make sure you receive the lessons). For detailed instructions, please see:
Whitelist instructions
2) Make a folder to save all the emails you receive from me.
3) Commit to following each lesson.
As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.
Have a great day!
Hello Achmad,
That is to discourage new visitors from watching the videos out of order.
To grasp the training best, it’s important to start at the beginning, and learn the material in order.
Hello Setsuko,
Those videos are listed from #1 to #60 on your download page. We recommend that you watch them in that order.
Hello Chris,
Have you tried a Flash enabled browser?
Hello Susan,
You can also visit the following link to see the latest lesson updates and revisit earlier lessons:
Here is the direct link to lesson 2:
You may also simply change the number at the end of the link, to go to a different lesson number (example: /lesson1, /lesson2, /lesson3, etc…).
If your email happens to block some of the lessons, we recommend that you view this tip on whitelisting an email address:
Hello Bill,
Here is a link that should help you to be able to view the videos properly:
If the videos still will not play, you might want to try updating your browsers, or switching to Chrome.
Hello Carmen,
You can visit the following link to see the latest lesson updates and revisit earlier lessons:
Here is the direct link to lesson 2:
You may also simply change the number at the end of the link, to go to a different lesson number (example: /lesson1, /lesson2, /lesson3, etc…).
If your email happens to block some of the lessons, we recommend that you view this tip on whitelisting an email address:
Hello Ravindra,
Please see this link:
Hello Holly,
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, Eric isn’t able to do one-on-one consulting/mentoring, as he is overwhelmed by the tasks that come with catering to over 76,000 people on one list alone. He is also a family man, and family has to come first. Paul and Jeff are also in similar situations.
We recommend that you hang in there with Eric’s free video lessons at http://www.ericstips.com/. Eric’s lessons have helped many people to go from beginners, to successful online business owners!
The lessons are presented in a sequence that starts at the very beginning, where the very first things you need to learn about online marketing are shown in the first few lessons!
There are also still some spots available in the Real Guys Coaching Club, which can help you if you’re interested to go even more in-depth with marketing:
While it is more group coaching than one-on-one, you are able to ask personal coaching questions, which are answered during the Coaching Call webinars.
Here are some of the other features included for members:
– 2 Live Coaching Webinars Per Month with Jeff Wellman, Paul Counts, and Eric Holmlund
– Access to the Archive of All Coaching Calls
– Monthly High Quality PLR Product (So you’d be getting at least 3 more products out of this)
– Massive Video Training Library
– Community Forum (JV’s, Support, and More)
– Articles, Bonuses, and More
Hope that helps!
Thanks for this. I am looking forward to getting this to work after so many wrong turns. Bless you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This looks to be a God sent to me. You seem to be very down to Earth good sense kind of guy I sure hope I can keep up the lessons I work the graveyard shift & sometimes is very hard to just get through even the shortest of reads. I downloaded everything the other day & this is looking like something I’d like to promo on my website as my site is geared toward earning an income from home on the internet for retirement.
Hi Eric,
I really look forward to all the lessons. I have a golf school website and need targeted traffic to find it and I am sure I will learn how from you. I am also going to purchase No Cost Income Stream from you Paul and Jeff. I was on your list four years ago and should have followed you more.
Thanks for the learning opportunity
It does a heart good to know that a real internet marketing pro is willing to help those of us who have struggled.
It is even better that you give back to the communities and those less fortunate.
I look forward to learning and Applying all the knowledge you are going to share.
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou! I’m looking forward to learning so much and to finally working out the secret of online success!
Hi Eric,
I would just like to say thanks and was wondering roughly how long would it take for me to get this up and running, i’m currently unemployed and have been for the past 4 years, have a wife and two gorgeous twin girls whom I all love to pieces. I don’t mind wether it takes 6 minutes or 6 years, all I want is to start making money. I’m currently 5 months behind on rent as I cannot afford to buy my house and are scrimping by week to week on social welfare (money from the state). I’m NO computer genius but I am computer literate.
Thanks again for all the info i recieved and look forward to your responce.
Hello Mark,
We can’t guarantee that your idea or business will be successful, but the people who don’t quit, but try again and again with new ideas, often find great success!
We have seen people earn money on their first day in some cases though. If you work hard, it’s possible for you to build a successful business too!
If you don’t have any money to invest right now (or even if you do), we recommend that you hang in there with Eric’s free video lessons at http://www.ericstips.com/. Eric’s lessons have helped many people to go from beginners, to successful online business owners!
The lessons are presented in a sequence that starts at the very beginning, where the very first things you need to learn about online marketing are shown in the first few lessons!
Later, if you’re interested to go even more in-depth with marketing, you might also want to take part in Eric’s coaching club:
Eric, Paul, and Jeff are expert marketers. They will be a great resource for you!
Eric, appreciation and thankfulness for the opportunity to share “what” you know is what i would say, at this intitial point;1st lesson;Just “Joined” You tonite; On the eve of Bryan (5iphon) recommend to me this afternoon. Everything needed is beginning to make sense. Thank God for His mercy.
Hi Eric
I will first say thank you very much for all the information.Sometimes I am very confused by all this information online, people make you think that you can make money just like that, and I don’t know who to trust. I want to know what is the best way to get a lot of trafict to my website, and how to be successful in online business.
Thank you very much and the best for you
Hello Eric,
Thank you for sharing. You’re really a blessing. I have bought tons of low quality products, scams etc. I never thought I would come across a Christian online marketer. I was looking for one. I’m tired of wasting time, money and going in circles. I really hope to be able to build an online business like yours and learn from you.
God bless you & continue the great work!
Hello Azman,
Here is the link to Eric’s lesson called, Introduction to Web Traffic:
Very excited to learn all I can.
Hey Eric, just wanted to say…Great Info Man!
Thank you, Eric, for this service! I am a senior newbie who really wants to augment her SS check (which is nowhere near enough to live on)!
Question: I use a MacBook Pro. Will that interfere with my doing any homework? This training is really appreciated.
Hi Eric,
Indeed its a blessing to be part of your group when there is truth and honestly dwells within..
An answer prayer to be brought in this community..
Eric I just got into No Cost Income Stream yesterday and I am happy to get your tips cause surely this is the daily support I will need.
The 1 Lesson was inspiring
Just waiting for next…
Thanks a lot.
You have a beautiful family from seeing the beginning photos.
It should be interesting to learn what you have to offer in these lessons with your extensive background in internet marketing and the fact that you have been quite successful with generating an incredible income doing so.
Looking forward to what’s in store and lies ahead.
It seems that Google may have done away with “Folders” inside of Gmail. They are now called “Labels” it appears. So there is a link that brings you to a page where you can create a label. When a e-mail comes into your in-box, there is this little bumpy looking icon that appears when you roll over the message. if you click ad hold that icon, your cursor should turn into a hand gripping something. While still holding your mouse button down, you can then drag that to the Label that you created. I created a label called “Eric’s Tips” and I will be placing each lesson in that Label.
Eric, list a series of links that explain how to create folders on each e-mail service. I’d be willing to create video tutorials that show people how to do that for each popular service. They can be updated occasionally, as they do change the interfaces occasionally.
Thank you for everything you are doing for us!
Awesome Eric! I am still in info overload stage but savvy enough to purchase your WP Ninja product. I tried to purchase the Hot Niche upgrade but went back one page too far and couldn’t get back to your offer. Can you send link? Also will your video training teach me how to make money with the “hot niche” and “hot niche upgrade” products?
Hi Eric,
Good day!! Could you resend the lesson # 2 video..I deleted it by mistake and I have not watched it yet..
Hi Eric,
Good day!! Could you resend the lesson # 2 video..I deleted it by mistake and I have not watched it yet..
Hi Eric,
I’m new here, just wanted to say Hello.
Looking forward to learning from you.
Hi Eric,
I’m new here, just wanted to say Hello.
Looking forward to learning from you.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Hi Eric,
Ok thanks for lesson 1…..but… I cant seem to find lesson 2?
I see lesson 88?
Thank you very much for your valuable lessons.
All of us have dreams, and you present to us with the opportunity to achieve our dreams through online businesses.
Before seeing your lessons, building an online business is unthinkable for me. But now, it’s not anymore. So, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Where can I find lessons 2,3,4,5 etc?
Hi Eric, My name Roger and yes I am newbie but I want to say I have ok computer skills, at least I can navigate I liked your first class and I think I will be able to learn a lot from you. I am 55, but I am pretty sharp and I cannot wait to learn this new business and start making some $$$
Hi Eric,
I am looking forward to follow your lessons. i am totally new to internet marketing but am a fast learner. When you talk about overload i do understand exactly. I dont know how many systems i have bought thru internet marketing and then cancelled because , 1 its been a total mess in their products and 2 they always will try to upsale you about 4 times and if you say no to a coach on a call and say you want to go thru the product first. Then they never help ypou again. Regards to that i have a question. I just bought this course/system to start working with an Authority site and build your customer list. he is suppose to be one of the top Gurus in this country, But when i follow the modules it feels more that they want to sell books etc to teach you what to do instead of actually learning me anything. And when you talk about overload it is maybe that doing that at the same time as doing the product niche ill bought from you is to much. I was going to create an Authority site about that Niche do WP plugins. What do you think? Another system i should cancel? They build me a free website and free hosting for a year?? Now i am going to watch lesson 2. Please let me know what you think.
Hello Mona,
Your Mac should be just fine. Occasionally, products are recommended that are Windows-only. But, all of these video lessons will work on your machine.
Hello Jeff,
For all support regarding the “Hot Niche Firesale,” please contact Jeff’s helpdesk at http://www.xybercodesupport.com for quick assistance.
Hello Michael,
Here is the direct link to lesson 2:
You may also simply change the number at the end of the link, to go to a different lesson number (example: /lesson1, /lesson2, /lesson3, etc…).
If your email happens to block some of the lessons, we recommend that you view this tip on whitelisting an email address:
Here is the direct link to lesson 2:
You may also simply change the number at the end of the link, to go to a different lesson number (example: /lesson1, /lesson2, /lesson3, etc…).
If your email happens to block some of the lessons, we recommend that you view this tip on whitelisting an email address:
Hello Benn,
Here is the direct link to lesson 2:
You may also simply change the number at the end of the link, to go to a different lesson number (example: /lesson1, /lesson2, /lesson3, etc…).
If your email happens to block some of the lessons, we recommend that you view this tip on whitelisting an email address:
Hello Enric,
Here is the direct link to lesson 2:
You may also simply change the number at the end of the link, to go to a different lesson number (example: /lesson1, /lesson2, /lesson3, etc…).
If your email happens to block some of the lessons, we recommend that you view this tip on whitelisting an email address:
Hello Per,
Are there ongoing monthly payments for that membership? If you aren’t using it, it would certainly be advantageous to cancel.
However, if it is a product that you haven’t applied yourself to yet, we recommend that you put a little sweat into your business efforts, and see what it can do for you!
Hi Eric!
What a blessing from God!
How I got to your site, is an answer to my prayers!
I am 63 years young, was retrenched at the end of November 2012 and unable to find other work at my age. I have no income, divorced since 1993, live in a commune and at this stage, 6 months in arrears with my rent. The landlord, also a child of God, like me, understands my problem and so far, has helped me staying where I am staying.
I am trying to start an internet bussiness with almost no money, but is hampered by funds to pay for hosting a site.
I bought the WP program, and the WPSimulator program, but have a problem with on of the zipfiles.
I must tell you that the signal strength in the area I live in, varies between 0-18% and occasionally goes up to 43%. To download the simulator file, took longer than 12 hours! The zipfile that I have a problem with, is the xampp file. I’m on Windows and the message I receive, is that the file is invalid!
Because of the fact that I have very little funds and have to make every single cent count, I need to follow your step-by-step teachings and am commiting myself to do that!
That’s why I said that this is a blessing from God!
Will be doing lesson 2 next!
Thank you and blessings and greetings to you and your family!
P.S. Talk again later
Hello Eric
I just wanted to send you a thank you for not only sending out these lesson’s for everyone to learn from you, but for also keeping them available to those of us who are a little slower at going through them than others are. Me personally, I have tried 3 to 4 times to keep up with them over the last few years, except I kept loosing access to the different Wi-Fi’s in my area….This time though, I hope I have solved my problem. And as a result, not only am I going back to start at the very beginning of your lessons to do a quick review of them—I am now also taking notes during each lesson and using them as a reference, which is a big help to me.
Taking notes is a good habit, which I would recommend to anyone to do this.
Thank You Again,
Hello Eric
I just wanted to send you a thank you for not only sending out these lesson’s for everyone to be able to learn from you, but for also keeping them available to those of us who are a little slower at going through them than others are. Me personally, I have tried 3 to 4 times to keep up with them over the last few years, except I kept loosing access to the different Wi-Fi’s in my area for long periods of time….This time though, I hope I have solved my problem. And as a result, not only am I going back to start at the very beginning of your lessons to do a review of them—I am now also taking notes during each lesson and using them as a reference, which is a big help to me.
Taking notes is a good habit, which I would recommend to anyone to do this.
Thank You Again,
thank you so much i am disabled and need some extra income so me and my son can eat regular and drive a car. i love your prayway
Hello Eric, Happy to start this course with you. I will be always waiting for the next one. Very interesting. Thank you because I knw now WHO is talking with me. Have a great day.
Is there a way to expand the video to full screen?
As an experienced internet marketer I hope these tips can help with my current online business. Hope to hear some good tips!