LESSON #1: Introduction to Eric’s Tips

By | June 10, 2008

Welcome to Eric’s Tips!

If you want to start an online business, or if you want to make your current online business more profitable, you’ve come to the right place.

Please watch the following video:

Main points:

  • We’re going to start at the very beginning. It’s OK if you don’t know anything about online business.
  • I’m going to show you how to build an online business from ‘A’ to ‘Z’. If you’re an experienced internet marketer, please bear with me through the basics, because I’ll be sharing all of my advanced techniques too.
  • I have a lot of personal experience and success in online business, which qualifies me to teach you what I know.
  • I’m a “normal” guy, and I’m going to try to avoid the hype as much as possible.
  • Action steps:

    1) White list this email address: tips@ericstips.com (put me on your “safe list” to make sure you receive the lessons). For detailed instructions, please see:
    Whitelist instructions

    2) Make a folder to save all the emails you receive from me.

    3) Commit to following each lesson.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

    1,672 thoughts on “LESSON #1: Introduction to Eric’s Tips

    1. Anonymous

      you are refreshing to listen to. I appreciate your selfless willingness to share what you know.

      Thanks much for your help.

      I am committed to following your lessons.

      Abundant peace to you and yours.


      1. anny halpin

        Have asked God about how to do this as have been bombarded with info.Bless you for shining his light on us.

    2. Kathy

      Thanks Eric. I’m also going through Info Cash by your friend, Chris Carpenter, so I am a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I just have to carefully schedule my time to get things done when they need to be done. I’m looking forward to learning what you have to teach as well.

    3. Ken Klug

      Your 100 tips is a refreshing approach which I know will suggest various tools at a cost, which is fair, and which you said will be talked about in #8. That will be my choice. And with your thoughts and experience behind them will help with any decision.
      I saw a promo on one of your website pages for Chris Carpenter’s Info Cash System. I have looked at it and get stuck when it gets to writing ads with the right keywords promoting the right products. I would need a lot more help to make that work.
      Have you made money doing PPC and CPA ads over a period of time? Would you recommend such a project as a first time effort by someone who has never made money online?

    4. Jeff

      I don’t have a website built yet. As you mentioned in lesson one I have so much information from so may teachers that I nearly gave up because of the confusion. I loved what you said and are doing for God and I feel he lead me in this direction to hear what you will be able to teach me. I look forward to the future lessons. Thank you

    5. William

      Hello Eric,

      I am new and looking forward to your step by step teaching. Great introductory video of your early beginning into an on line business and a little about your family. Thanks…

    6. MichaelFG

      Hi Eric
      I am using the 1st version of the ipad.
      No camera version
      No adobe etc
      Where do i go for the java script to enable so that i can see your videos

    7. Anonymous

      OK DONE! Looking forward to next.
      There is also a course you are selling for $17.
      should I buy this or will your lessons cover this.I have been disappointed with buying courses before.

    8. Am

      OK DONE! Looking forward to next.
      There is also a course you are selling for $17.
      should I buy this or will your lessons cover this.I have been disappointed with buying courses before

    9. Micah

      Hello Ken,

      Yes, we definitely recommend it, as that’s how Eric got his own start in online marketing!

    10. Micah

      Hello Michael,

      You would need to download an app that allows you to play Flash video.

    11. Micah

      Many people are happy with the courses we put out!

      $17 sounds like the No Cost Income Stream. That’s definitely a good one!

    12. Micah

      Many people are happy with the courses we put out!

      $17 sounds like the No Cost Income Stream. That’s definitely a good one!

    13. Marcel

      Hi, need your help to know how to begin and what to do with all the material I Have.
      My name is Marcel

      I live in Mexico, age 54, two years ago my wife left me without incurring any reason, I am unemployed, trying to start an Internet business, do not get a penny and my father helps me with his pension, is 79 years, which takes 6 knee surgeries and October 9 make another one, I’m a father, mother, nurse, cook and try to win some money, I can not get a job, the young son stayed with me, school gone wrong in the last year .

      Because a monetary debt, I have a lawsuit and lawyers want me to take my house, I pray for the Lord to give me strength and show me the way out of this situation. I need light. I need confidence and the strength to succeed porblemas all that I have.

      tks for any help

      1. Mike

        Hi Marcel,
        I’m new here, but your story touched me because of the similarities in our situations. My wife left me 3 years ago, and I left with nothing. I also have several court cases pending, but in one large case I called the Attorney and told him I was 70, lived on a pension, had nothing, etc, and he said he didnt know my circumstances were so dire, and closed the file! A lot of prayer went into this as well, so the thanks for this result must be to my Heavenly Father, and I pray that this might be an encouragement to you.
        God is subsequently bringing a couple of small contracts my way so He is faithful.
        Dont give up! God will provide a way out as you keep your eyes on Him

    14. Micah

      Hello Marcel,

      We recommend that you hang in there with Eric’s free video lessons here at http://www.ericstips.com/. Eric’s lessons have helped many people to go from beginners, to successful online business owners!

      The lessons are presented in a sequence that starts at the very beginning, where the very first things you need to learn about online marketing are shown in the first few lessons!

      If you’re interested to go even more in-depth with marketing, you might also want to take part in Eric’s coaching club:

      Eric, Paul, and Jeff are expert marketers. They will be a great resource for you!

    15. Steve

      Looking forward to this process…Thank you, Eric, for keeping these posts available for those of us that fall off the horse and choose to get back on it!

    16. Bev Barraclough

      Hi Eric, I am so thankful to God that I found the link to this teaching. Am both desperate and determined to try ( after many failures) and make some money on the internet as it is the only thing I can do that I have time for. I work as an unpaid Pastor of a tiny church that takes care of International students coming to NZ to study, and that keeps me very
      busy in the daytime. Looking forward to the next session! Thankyou in advance. Bev

    17. Joanne

      Hi Eric, I just finished the first lesson. I am eager to learn some new ideas. I just signed up with a affiliate program and I need to recruit people to my website. This is a excellent company and anyone who joins gets 100% commissions but I need to refer people. This is a home base business. So hopefully your lessons will get me out of my comfort zone which I will be motivated to make some real money. Thanks for the tips I will learned.

      1. Mavis Shepard

        Hi Joanne,
        Sounds like I might be interested in knowing more about your affiliate program. Send me the site so I could check it out, I am also looking for ways to make extra money online and every little bit helps. I am looking to retire and financially not there yet. I am at the end but do not see how yet.

      1. john

        Luke, go to the top area over your email’s where you would delete unwanted mail, next to the ( more) at left ( labels) drop down go to bottom (create new) put in what ever name would help you to identify, ( Eric’s Tips ) exc. then hit create, it will create a folder both on the left side bar and at top where you see what looks like a folder. I hope this helps if you haven’t already figured it out.

    18. Hariata

      Hi Eric. I just want to say thank you; I look forward to Lesson 2.

    19. Bill

      I have listened to the first 20 lessons and really enjoyed them.You were right when you told us whet most teachers omit,but they might do that so you will pay to become a member of their website .Is your website prayway.com?I was able to figure out how to whitelist your email address but do not know how to put your emails into a folder,however I do have a folder of your lessons that I have listened to but I have not gone back through to study them to learn them better.That is what I am doing starting today. One of your students and hope I’m not your worst Bill Parrack from Texas

    20. Paulo

      Hi Eric

      Like many others, I was surfing online and some amazing words on your first lesson come across me – Information Overload.

      Look forward next lessons!



    21. Anthony

      Hi Eric,

      I like to say you are very genuine and honest with your insights of the video you have given us to learn about. I’m a newbie learning blogging in Australia and I like your good presentation. I’m looking forward to listen to your video and i be happy to donate money to learn your idea which will be worth while thanks!


      Anthony South Australia

    22. Horvath Ernone

      Hey Eric!

      Thank You very much for taking your time by your video. Sorry, but I am in a hurry like always,
      so I couldn,t think through too much by that occasion……..

      Have a Greit Day!
      Thanks again.

    23. Mavis

      Hi Eric,
      Like many of the others, I am anxiously awaiting the lessons to learn this system. I am confident this time I am at the beginning and hopefully this will take me where I need to be and be successful. I am not very familiar with a lot of the phrases used and have been scammed from thousands of dollars searching for a better way. I somehow feel that I am headed in the right direction just needing you to be patient with me. It is sad that I was not able to upgrade at this time but I will do my best to make the best of it.

    24. Billy Young

      Hello, Eric

      For some reason, your tutorials started over in the inbox for the new email carrier I had switched everything over to: Hotmail/Outlook Express. Must have happened when I typed my new email address into an offer I ran across that turned out to involve a product of yours that someone else was promoting. But that’s okay, as I had decided that I needed to stop where I was, and to go back and review your lessons again, from the very beginning. And the reason I am doing this is because I realized that I have been doing something wrong with my business blog; I am getting nothing but spam comments on every post that I publish on it.

      Hopefully I will learn what I have done wrong, and to correct the mistakes that I have made with it.

      Also wanted to let you know that I enjoy your tutorials very much. Looking forward to each one. They can be watched over and over again until I finally learn what they are teaching. Hope you keep them up for at least a few years to come.

      Thank You, Sir.

        1. Billy Young

          Hello, Eric

          Thanks for the plugin recommendation on preventing spam. Next payday I will probably signup for it.

          Thank you, sir

    25. melvin williams

      I get intimidated when it comes to the end of the sales funnel where you must offer a five or six week class. Do you help with that or would we handle it alone?

      1. Micah

        Hello Melvin,

        You don’t have to provide classes as an upsell. There are many offers you could make available, that will be much easier, but still allow you to make additional profits.

        Here is the link to Eric’s lesson called, Upsells and One Time Offers:

        LESSON #55: Upsells and One Time Offers

    26. Vesela


      I really like how you present lesson 1. I hope it will continue this way.

      I want to ask how much money should I spend before I will have actual results? The reason I’m asking is that I spend 30$ here, 50$ there, 100$ … etc. And may be for you this is nothing, but when you have no results you feel depressed.


      Best Regards

      1. Micah

        Hello Vesela,

        Thank you for your question. A realistic minimum investment for an online business would be about a couple hundred dollars, for web hosting, a domain name, an autoresponder service, and a product to start selling.

        However, there are many different ways to earn money online. Here is Eric’s lesson highlighting 18 different ways to earn online revenue:

        LESSON #4: 18 Ways to Make Money Online

        We can’t guarantee that your idea or business will be successful, but the people who don’t quit, but try again and again with new ideas, often find great success!

        We have seen people earn money on their first day in some cases though. If you work hard, it’s possible for you to build a successful business too!

        If you don’t have any money to invest right now (or even if you do), we recommend that you hang in there with Eric’s free video lessons at http://www.ericstips.com/. Eric’s lessons have helped many people to go from beginners, to successful online business owners!

        The lessons are presented in a sequence that starts at the very beginning, where the very first things you need to learn about online marketing are shown in the first few lessons!

        Later, if you’re interested to go even more in-depth with marketing, you might also want to take part in Eric’s coaching club:

        Eric, Paul, and Jeff are expert marketers. They will be a great resource for you!

    27. Sandra

      Everyone would say you can make money online but hardly anyone is really willing to show you how. Some feel they will be making life easier for others while they had to go through failure. However we forgot that knowledge will not last forever it was meant to share. However thank you Eric for sharing your knowledge God will truly reward.

    28. Bruce

      I am promoting local entrepreneurs and small businesses. Will this work for any products I already know the video marketing course I bought will. I have already have a way to monotise my website, it will be a membership website. I will offer hosting and a free website. I am great at keywords. on-page SEO and domain finding. I have spent three years learning online marketing. I am now doing college courses on ICT.
      I will be done college in April next year. I need this working by then. I have done a few videos so far my self and have my own you tube site now. I have built over 100 Word-press websites and sold thousands of dollars in product for Amazon and other companies unfortunately they do not pay enough to waste time working on. I have done a few websites promoting homemade or small business products but none that are very successful so far. It is to early to tell on some. I have a few great templates I use and have resell rights to.
      I use Hostgator hosting because of the great support.
      The niche I am trying to corner is the obvious need to get local small businesses to earn online using there own tools. At a price they can afford.

    29. simon

      Thanks Eric,

      2 years online and glad to come across you thanks for Video Offer amazing value and very impressed
      looking forward to following you

      kind regards Simon

    30. Dan Merryday

      Hi Eric,

      I’m sure this is an old video by now but I thought I’d take a look at the very first step in your free video lessons. What’s most interesting to me is that many successful internet marketers I know usually have a background in another form of business – whether selling or marketing or web technology related, to get their business basics.

      I can only think of one person right now who started out directly as an internet marketer and then grew to be a highly successful six figure affiliate. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why many people fail at internet marketing, because they lack the advantage of a basic business education that can greatly improve their performance.


    31. Bill

      Great stuff,but,as I was reading all the interesting comments and opened a couple of the links to video’s 2,4 and 55 I didn’t get video#3. I guess it’s floating around out there in “Syberspace” somewhere.

      1. Micah

        Hello Bill,

        Thank you for your question. Eric will still be completing 100 lessons. The next lesson will be sent to you soon. You can also visit the following link to see the latest lesson updates and revisit earlier lessons:

        Here is the direct link to lesson 3:

        LESSON #3: Is an online business right for me?

        You may also simply change the number at the end of the link, to go to a different lesson number (example: /lesson1, /lesson2, /lesson3, etc…).

        If your email happens to block some of the lessons, we recommend that you view this tip on whitelisting an email address:

        How To Add a Sender to Your Whitelist (Safelist)

    32. Bill

      When I watch a lot of video’s that someone either sends me or I have through a program that I have purchased I usually have the option to enlarge the video to full screen,but, I don’t on these can this be rectified on your part?



    33. Brad

      You definitely have my attention Eric. Look forward to the next one. Been looking forward to a mentor for a while now. Enjoyed the You Tube videos from Jay too from the packages I just bought. Can I ask questions in relation to those videos here on this forum?


    34. Eliza

      Hi Eric,
      So at last, it was really you and your team taking me a ride on the IM merry-go-round and
      at the same time were spinning on my wheels.
      I shouldn’t be mad at you anyway. However, I believe that the greatest gift we can give to our
      fellow human is the TRUTH. And finally from now on, I know what I’m doing.

      Best Regards,

      1. Micah

        Hello Eliza,

        We’re not sure what this is in reference to?

        This is the first of many free lessons from Eric, that can truly help you build a business, if you stick with it.

        Eric provides these lessons at no cost.



    35. gary

      i hope to be able to put everything together that i learn in 8 months on line put not going to quit untill i make it thanks for the teaching i want to give back to my church

    36. Flo Ade

      I could not download the link to the video cash, saying is not available in my country. I lived in the UK. Any help or I could get a refund back. Please, I am patiently waiting for your respond, before I contact Paypal.


    37. david

      Hello, I did white list your e-mail and used the filter to send them straight into a separate folder. i knew i would not be able to get to them but i still wanted to save them. Well, that did not go well, I went to go and start the lessons and they were not there. is there a way i can get them sent back to me from lesson 1 on or do i just log in here each time I do a lesson???

    38. Joseph Luc Des Champs

      Hello Eric <Luc here, I am still trying to figure out my website url. Please bear with me , I was in an automobile accident which left me in a coma for 7 days. I would really be appreciative of your instruction. God Bless !

    39. bob

      I was on a webinar hosted by a well known internet guru a few months ago that stated “Most of the well know internet marketing guru’s are getting completely out of internet marketing niche” because the rewards are no longer high enough to justify the effort. Speaking in terms of ROI he stated the days of easy money while leveraging your time & money are long gone. He did go onto say that “You can make a good living doing internet marking but don’t expect to make the profits that many internet marketers did 5-10 years ago.
      I find these statements to be rather confusing because several of my email addresses are bombarded daily with emails from the “Gurus” pitching their latest shiny object that will change my life forever. Lesson #1 Hit the nail on the head about Info overload & how most are unable to piece together what needs to be done to make money online. I have come to this fork in the road several times & hope this time I’m finally taking the right path.

    40. Norman Ramsey

      Eric: Thanks for the first lesson. I have a ministry where we provide resources, events, and training in the way of grace with the goal being to make the grace and joy of Jesus as unavoidable as possible. I have four books published and three musical recordings with other projects in the works. At what lesson will I see how to monetize these resources and more importantly market these resources in such a way that more people can take advantage of them? At what lesson, could one expect to learn how to generate $10 of daily income or $100 of daily income?

      1. Eric Post author

        Hi Norman,
        The entire lesson series lays out a business model for profiting from information products (such as books) primarily, as well as other other types of products.

        There isn’t one particular lesson that is the sole key to monetizing any product. There are several important elements, one of the most important being list building, which I cover in lessons #59-70.

        There also isn’t a particular timeframe for how much money you make, and how quickly. It’s highly variable depending on many different factors. In our industry one rule of thumb (although it’s also highly variable) is that you should make $1 per month for every subscriber on your list. If you look at it that way, you’d need 300 subscribers to average $10/day and 3000 subscribers to average $100/day.

    41. Doug Jefferson

      Hi Eric,

      Happy (Canadian) thanksgiving to you too. LOL… Just joined your program & busy downloading all the videos. A lot of material to cover !

      Just a bit of advice if you have some time … I’d classify myself as an “intermediate” Internet marketer, Like a lot of others, unfortunately, I’ve grown tired of all the push button, instant cash systems online. Yours seems to be a breath of fresh air, and focuses on building a business. I come from a Financial Planning background, so appreciate that it takes time to build a profitable clientelle.

      Here’s where I need some direction. My current “hosted” website on WordPress has been up & running for about 6 weeks. I’ve written 19 articles and have the Clickbank & Amazon affiliate links set up, along with a series of banners. I’m also promoting your “Real Guys Real Money” site as well. So far, I’m getting little SEO traffic.

      Correct me if I’m wrong, but it can take a lot of time to get ranked using popular keywords. I’ve decided to focus on affiliate marketing, but don’t want to spend all my time writing content. With that in mind, what’s the quickest way to get quality traffic ? Should I focus on paid traffic ? I don’t mind spending some money for quality traffic, but would like to start seeing some better results.

      Any comment ?

      Best regards,

      Doug Jefferson

      1. Eric Post author

        Hi Doug,
        I see some good things with your site, and some things that need to be improved. Right now your site looks a bit spammy. If you’re going the SEO route, I would remove most of the ads and not worry about monetization at all for now. Yes it can take some time to get ranked, but there are also some key on-page and off-page factors you may be missing.

        Paid traffic is one of the best ways to get immediate traffic. However, this is not a site that you would want to send paid traffic to. On some paid traffic networks (other than google), you can send traffic to affiliate offers, which is an option. But IMO your best chance of success with paid traffic is to send it to your own offer that converts. Since you earn 100% of the profits on your own offer (rather than an affiliate commissions %) it’s easier to have a positive ROI with paid traffic.

        You are asking good questions and I think you would benefit from my coaching club. Thanks, Eric

        1. Doug Jefferson

          Part of your reply, Eric was: ” But IMO your best chance of success with paid traffic is to send it to your own offer that converts. Since you earn 100% of the profits on your own offer (rather than an affiliate commissions %) it’s easier to have a positive ROI with paid traffic.”

          I am a bit confused … are you talking about promoting an affiliate offer using a unique landing page ? You advocate Clickbank & I like them too. Can I not use Clickbank for an offer (like yours perhaps) ? I’m not really that interested in promoting my own product via EBay …

          1. Eric Post author

            No I’m talking about actually selling your own product, not promoting one as an affiliate. Yes you can promote products such as mine via Clickbank, and you earn a commission… let’s say 50%. And that can work….

            But if you’re the vendor and you’re selling your own product (whether it be an infoproduct via Clickbank, or physical product via your own merchant account, or whatever), you have a higher profit margin to work with. If you’re promoting a $47 Clickbank product and you make 50% commission (about $21 after fees), you need to refer at least 1 sale for every $21 you spend on traffic just to break even. Let’s say it converts 2%. That means for every 100 clicks you send, you make $42. And let’s say your paid traffic is costing you 35 cents/click. You’d be making $7 profit for every $35 you spend. But if that traffic is costing you 50 cents a click, you’re losing money.

            Now if you were selling your own product for $47, with all the same conversion stats, you could spend 42 cents a click and double your money. You could spend 60 cents a click and still make a nice profit margin. Or you could spend 84 cents a click and intentionally just break even, just to get the customers, and then make all your profit on the backend. Customer acquisition is the hardest part, but once you’ve got them, you can make more money from them. Perhaps your lifetime value of a customer is $1000. When you promote as an affiliate, you don’t reap those benefits. You’re building someone else’s business. But when you sell your own product it’s easier to generate an immediate ROI on paid traffic AND you have the benefit of building a long term business.

            All of this is not to say affiliate marketing is bad in any way. It’s not. But I’ve found that most people have a greater chance of turning a profit by building their own business with their own products.

    42. Doug Jefferson

      Hi again, Eric …

      Don’t mean to bombard you with emails, but I have 1 important decision to make …

      As you know, my hosted website is with WordPress. I bought this a couple of months ago through a company called “AffiliateX” & it comes with some bells & whistles like Banners & keyword suggestions (which I probably don’t need). The monthly cost is $ 52 (Cdn) & obviously seems high.

      So , here’s my question: Am I better off using GoDaddy for my domain, and HostGator for my web hosting ? Or does it matter ? Obviously, I can still use WordPress for article content & blogs.

      I guess “bottom line”, I can afford the $ 52 … but my money may be better spent going the GoDaddy/HostGator route.

      Your thoughts ?

      Thanks again,

      Doug Jefferson

      1. Eric Post author

        You’d be much better off going the Godaddy/Hostgator route. This is my reseller site for Godaddy, and this is my affiliate link for Hostgator.

        If you already own your domain name, theoretically you would not need to register a new one. You could point it to Hostgator after you sign up for the hosting.

        Perhaps a better route would be to go ahead and sign up for a new domain though, because then you can still transfer the old domain to your Hostgator hosting at no additional cost, as an add-on domain.

        If you see this before the end of Monday, you might as well actually just register the domain at Hostgator too, because they’re running such a low-priced promo this weekend. You could be paying under $5/month instead of $52.

        If you plan on building many websites, then I’d recommend signing up for Hostgator’s smallest “reseller” account. It’s probably about $10/month with this weekend promo, and you can host unlimited domains each with their own control panel.

        1. Doug Jefferson

          Hi again, Eric …

          Thank you for you insightful comments & willingness to share your knowledge. This is a continuation of my recent emails, and I hope you won’t mind another one.

          I took your advice & transferred my domain over to HostGator. It’s not set up yet, but hopefully will be soon. I also set up a new WordPress blog site (Make Money From Home) and copied the 19 articles & product reviews that I’d written previously.

          As you know, HostGator offers a separate program (Attracta SEO Tools) that helps with SEO optimization. I had several conversations with one of their Account Managers about their “paid” program & was considering buying it … until I discovered that they don’t offer services that help to monetize affiliate or other products. At a cost of $ 149 (US) monthly, I’ve decided that the cost isn’t worth it.

          So, I have a bit of a dilemma. Having being involved online for over 2 years now (ECommerce/MLM/paid marketing,etc) & having made just a little money, I want to make better decisions if I continue with this.

          You are obviously not responsible for my business, but I do value advice from someone like you who’s been there. I have a sideline newspaper delivery business as well, & one of the other drivers emphasized the value of coaching & passion with any Internet business. I think he’s right !

          While I haven’t been successful at it, I hear over and over that affiliate marketing is a great business to be in. So, here are a few final questions:

          1. If I join your coaching club, will I have access to one-on-one coaching ?
          2. Do you provide affiliate marketing training, or are you just focused on PLR ?
          3. Does your Coaching Club run parallel to your $ 17 program ( 26+ videos), or is it a separate one?
          4. How often does it take most of your students to start making money?

          Thanks again, & sorry to be long-winded.

          Best regards,

          Doug Jefferson

          1. Micah

            Hello Doug,

            While it is more group coaching than one-on-one, you are able to ask personal coaching questions, which are answered during the Coaching Call webinars.

            Here are some of the other features included for members:
            – 2 Live Coaching Webinars Per Month with Jeff Wellman, Paul Counts, and Eric Holmlund
            – Access to the Archive of All Coaching Calls
            – Monthly High Quality PLR Product (So you’d be getting at least 3 more products out of this)
            – Massive Video Training Library
            – Community Forum (JV’s, Support, and More)
            – Articles, Bonuses, and More

            Yes, affiliate marketing training is provided.

            The Coaching Club contains totally separate resources and training than the $17 course.

            We can’t guarantee that your idea or business will be successful, but the people who don’t quit, but try again and again with new ideas, often find great success!

            We have seen people earn money on their first day in some cases though. If you work hard, it’s possible for you to build a successful business too!


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