Welcome to Eric’s Tips!
If you want to start an online business, or if you want to make your current online business more profitable, you’ve come to the right place.
Please watch the following video:
Video Player
Main points:
Action steps:
1) White list this email address: tips@ericstips.com (put me on your “safe list” to make sure you receive the lessons). For detailed instructions, please see:
Whitelist instructions
2) Make a folder to save all the emails you receive from me.
3) Commit to following each lesson.
As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.
Have a great day!
Thank you for the information. I will waiting for the further lessons as they are emailed to me.
I’m really looking forward to going through all these lessons! Thank You!!!
It’s great to get some real no nonsense advice – almost everytime I read something new about online marketing I am overwhelmed with the feeling of is it true, or what the last thing I read wrong? It is really all about trusting your feeling and following your gut instincts.
Thanks Eric, You had really represented these things very neatly and It will be helpful for those people who wanted to initiate online buisness .Its really profitable for those guys.
Great work !
keep updating the next lesson of this.
Hi Eric
I am suffering from information overload as I have about 12 different projects going on, but yet to earn any money after six months.
So I have decided to cut my loses and follow your lessons, I have learnt a lot in six months but need to get on track to make it work, so I commit to following your lessons to hopefully earn some money, my immediate goal is to pay off my £40k mortgage in the next 3 years.
Regards Ken….
This is beautiful, I am waiting for other lessons…thanks
Thank you for your update and Lesson #1. I look forward to the continued mailings..
Walt Lambert
Thank’s Eric,
I am a missionary to Mexico and raise my own support. I am new to this so I hope this will give me direction on how to get a internet business up and running. Like you said for me and my family its not about all the trips and nice cars but is about reaching more people for Christ in Mexico.
Thanks and God Bless,
Can you direct and control web spiders to promote web sites?
I heard that a web page with one link to another is a good way to optimize a site! Just one link that the spider can go down then go down multiple. This got me to thinking as the Google bot gets to your site you can be notified. If you directed the Google bot down multiple one site links, as it was traveling from one site to another, understanding the speed at the spider would travel, could you close the original link and join the final link to the start taking the link away would then cause the spider to travel in circles. If then you could automate the sites to change content or have a system to keep putting information on each site the spider would keep gathering information, maybe on one subject or many. How would this work? could this enable the Google bot to promote your sites?
I don’t know how things work but sounds good in theory if it can be done!!!!
Thanks for the lessons.
Hello Christian,
“Gaming” the search engines isn’t the best way to build your business, because eventually they will find out.
If you continue to add quality content over the course of time, the search engines will rank your site much better.
Hello Erc, i am pleased to meet u. My name is Humberto and am from the Netherlands. Am looking forward to work with you and to make this Online Marketing Business a huge success! I believe in it!!! Btw, i watched video lesson1, but i see i am able to watch video lesson 2,3,4 etc. Do i need to wait for u for next video lesson2 or can i continue and watch them all at once? One more question, i recieved all this files and downloads…Module1, 2, etc, Do i need to wait for your next instructions, before continuing or can i carry on with making progress? I wish u a nice day!
Best Regards
Hello Humberto,
Eric will still be completing 100 lessons. The next lesson will be sent to you soon. You can also visit the following link to see the latest lesson updates and revisit earlier lessons:
Here is the direct link to lesson 2:
You may also simply change the number at the end of the link, to go to a different lesson number (example: /lesson1, /lesson2, /lesson3, etc…).
If your email happens to block some of the lessons, we recommend that you view this tip on whitelisting an email address:
Good to know that we can move ahead a bit if we are familiar with the topic or go back if we need review.
However I came upon this opportunity to have these lessons, I am totally grateful for being here. I too am into overwhelm and just can’t seem to get out of the loop.
I commit to following these lessons and more importantly, taking ACTION.
Thank you Eric.
Howdy Eric,
Nice intro, I’m glad to have come across your tip’s. Was doing some blogging research not long ago and seen my name in front of me on the page and just had to click on it. So here I am, I’ve watched the first lesson and the only
question I have is were can I get a copy of your web hosting book?
Eric Langenderfer
Hello Eric,
You should be able to login at:
using the email address you signed up with.
Please make sure cookies are enabled. If you can’t login, you can try using the password recovery. If that doesn’t work, you could sign up again with a different email address.
You can get additional information about login and password issues at:
If you are a paid customer, please let us know your receipt number and/or payment email address, and we’ll get the download info to you as soon as possible.
I have gotten to the end of your lessons that you have e-mailed to me.But I would like to know if you are going to send me lessons 92-100,or is there another websight that I need to go to and finish the lessons.Please let me know as soon as possible. Bill from Texas
Hello Bill,
Eric is already working on the next lesson. This website is where it will appear!
Will you be giving any advice or training for your Firesale product? Good first lesson.
Yes, there will be a webinar specifically for this product. The replay of the webinar will appear on the download page.
try go get the lesson from you.
hope will simple as possible.
I bought and downloaded the firesale product, And now I sit here in complete wonderment as what to do next! I don’t know where to start or how to put it all together.I really don’t need any more digital dust. Please help! Completely Overwhelmed
Hello Robert,
Please contact us at our helpdesk for some free videos and tutorials that will help you with the next steps:
Hey Eric I was a bit confused when I joined with all the lessons I know i’m on the right track now with these lessons
I have a case of info overload and have no idea of putting it all together..I have tried a few affiliate programs only to fail
But I refuse to give up
Hi Eric:
Bought your Fire sale Fitness package couple of days ago; then the upgrade for the PLR came up. I am thinking of purchasing the Upgrade tonight and focus mainly in marketing this package because it comes with video and squeeze pages. I have bought so many “shiny” programs and software that have great promises but still many under delivered. Still looking for my first dollar online.
I hope you have great instructions for this newbie to follow in your Fitness package.
In Christ,
Hello Dennis,
Please contact us at our helpdesk for some free videos and tutorials that will help you with the next steps:
How do I save lessons on gmail.com
I only have a Samsung phone I work off of
Hello Collins,
You will need to create labels for the lessons.
Here is a link for you:
I am living in Canada. Are these lessons working for me as well? Do I have to run internet businees within Canada? Thanks.
Hello Harry,
Many successful internet marketers live in Canada. Your place of residence shouldn’t be a hindrance.
Am I correct is thinking (and hoping) that these 100 lessons are free? That would be such a bonus!
Yes, all of the lessons are free!
Eric, I am so pleased to get a chance to learn from you and hopefully get my site productive. I am an Evangelist about ready to retire from my job as an Electrical foreman and enter missionary work along with my wife and we are hoping to use our marketing to provide for our ministry outreach and full time service to God. I was very happy when you shared the information about your work for the Lord as well and am pleased to know I will be receiving Godly council. God Bless you and your family, and thanks again for the help to grow productive. In Christ, Charles and Pamela Woodward
Hi Eric I purchased the product from you about fitness and health with e-books and a lot more and I hope you will be giving instruction on how to open it and get me started it sure seems very complicated thanks Paul.
Hello Paul,
Please contact us at our helpdesk for some free videos and tutorials that will help you with the next steps:
I don’t really have anything to sell! I was considering being an affiliate on amazon.com, don’t understand that. Have never really looked at ebay.com yet. But, I had an ideam just not sure how to work it. I’m a muscian, playing Piano! I have recorded a CD of the Older Music that I grew up with. Most of my music is Gospel because I’ve played for many churches throughout my lifetime, I’m 60yrs. any suggestion of how I could create a web site with my music.
Hello Rodney,
Here is the link to Eric’s lesson called, 5 Ways to Build a Website:
This is my first experience with a Internet work at home program, I hope it is for real. Looking forward to the next lesson.
Hi Eric, thanks a lot for sharing this great information with us. Honestly i am a victim of information overload. I have been online since 2010 with my own PC but i have not been able to achieve anything because i do not concentrate with one idea for long or i can’t manage to put the pieces together. I am looking forward to learn from you and to put everything into practise to realize some results.
Dear Eric,
many thanks for your invitation to join your group for coaching. Lesson 1 is great to get aquainted with your family and you an to get motivations for ACTION.
I am Lyudmila Chudinovskikh from Russia, Chernogolovka, Moscow district. I’m retired. But I used to work all over my life: I worked in science in the field of experimental mineralogy, PhD, have publications both in Russian and in English, worked for about 10 years in one of the best Labs in Germany with the famous scientist, Dr.R.Boehler (now he works and lives with his family in US, Washington).
Recenly I came to conclusion to try myself in internet business. Why? 1. I cannot sit simply without actions and without trainig my brain. 2. I’d like to have a little bit money for my husband and me in addition to our pension money. For the moment I have some knowledge in info-business in Russia. I can create sites using Word Press, I can make dudle-videos etc. But I’d like to do my business step by step with you, your Lessons. Hope to be a good student.
My best e-mail address: chudlyud48@gmail.com
With the best wishes,
truly yours,
Lyudmila Chudinovskikh
Hello Eric..
Thanks with your video. I am one of the kind of guy you mentioned in the video ” information overload”person.
I bought many products but no result. I will start again from the beginning and following your good lesson.
Thanks Eric….I follow your steps.
Nur Wijaya Asmara
Eric and the three real dudes!
Hi Guys. I have been putting all of the email that I have received from you in a separate folder so that when I finally decided I had enough and determined who it was that I was going to follow, that I could come back and start at day one when I first began receiving your mail. This was the first one I received in Aug 2013; so this is where I am starting from. And I have determined that I will be following the three of you who apparently knew each other and decided that you were going to get together as a team and teach people such as myself. I have just finished your Lesson One, Eric. I am very anxious to get started so I wanted to let you know that out of about ten guys I picked up one through all of the hype and white lies out there, I picked you as honest and humble guys and cannot wait to get started. Thanks very much for being real, and being honest, but that comes with walking with God too. Thanks again. Rene
Finally i feel ive found some one and some where to show the way i cant wait to get it up and running
I followed all the steps i like your site Pray Way to very nice if any newbies are doing this stick with this its the best ive come across in a while cheers to all
Hi Eric,
I am glad to come across your website and with your honesty I joined. I am ready to do what ever it takes
to become successful. I enjoyed your 1st lesson and will be active and take action. Thank you and God Bless
I appreciate the style. I am not into showy cars or mansions either. I go to a church that is also very mission oriented, having sent short term teams to Bolivia to help build a church with 10% of our new buildng fund going for them We have had small medical groups go to Africa and some group to India. It takes money which l have little of at the moment, but l am sure internet marketing works and with recent lay offs in the music field, l am interested.Thanks so much for affordable knowledge.
I also like the l lesson at a time approach.
Hi Eric!
I’m very grateful that Richard Legg introduced me to you.
I’ve recently purchased (and upgraded) the No Cost Income Stream program. I really want to commit and stay consistent with learning and growing in the field of internet marketing. May I have your recommendation, please? Should I start with “Eric’s Tips” lessons or with the course, or both at the same time?
Thank you for everything! I’m looking forward to learning.
Take care,
Sam Prindle
Hello Sam,
If you have the time, and the ability, you could always study both at the same time.
But, if you want to focus on free methods of business building, you might want to start with your purchase first.
Within the 100 lessons are there any specific informational techniques regarding email marketing ?
God bless.
Hello Kevin,
Here is the link to Eric’s lesson called, Getting Subscribers to Read Your Email and Take Action:
Refreshing Eric…..thank you. Wonderful to find the
free step-by-step lessons that you are offering. I need to
go back and see if we did a JV together years ago, with
some graphic ‘headers’. I believe that it may have been
you. Thank you again for the great presentation and
I have been out of work since the end of November 2013 and been looking for work and have had my share of the scams on line,so refreshing to have found this one,like knowing your history,makes it like you know someone,so hope that I can finally do something on line,after all the years working (over 40) I feel like a failure,no confidence and as each month goes by gets worse,so glad that I found you guys,thank you and God Bless you three.
Brother Erick,
I have spend and try every possible opportunity in the internet and you’re right paralyses!!! I almost gave up for lack of finances and a honest man. I had subscribed October of last year to your course and overwhelmed from the past failures I had stop to follow your lessons. Tonight I am starting again and I hope you still guide me through.
I own a very interesting domain called slendermonkey that I really would like to use to help others.
Hi Eric,
I am excited to be here! I have 2 websites that I have built in the last 2 months, and now I’m stuck. My websites are on the niche of real ways to make money online, and the direction it I want to take people is to know that with training, step by step instructions, and dedication this can be a real dream come true. I need someone to check out my website that is getting the most traffic, which is not much. bestworkfromhomegig.com, can you give me some critiquing to make this site better. I am a new writer, and am trying to improve by writing at least one article a day, everyday. And it always is the positive side of the problem we are discussing in the article. Positive thinking, and doing this Honestly, and for the good of others, is a very important thing to me. I am looking forward to going through this whole course and getting to the end result of making money online for me and hopefully all my readers too.
Thank you,
Patty Brown
Hello Patty,
You might want to consider using a different WordPress theme. The current theme appears to be problematic when I attempt to load your page.
Here is the link to Eric’s lesson called, WordPress Themes and Plugins:
Thank you for the information. I’m really looking forward going through all lessons
Hi Eric,
I don’t know anything about starting a business. I’m very excited to start with these lesson plans that you have come up with. I have a lot of ideas and just don’t have the resources or the means to start one. With your expertise’s in this subject, I know I can become a great success.
Thanks for the intro, Eric.
Looking forward to the next 99 lessons
Hi Eric
I am so glad to have found you again. We used to get your tips many years (well over 10) ago when you were just getting going with it and when one had to wait for the next one to be written and we did enjoy and look forward to them. (You didn’t have so many – if any – children then!)
Unfortunately, we lost one of our most precious sons and one mini disaster after another followed us – including walking away from our home, no computers, marriage break up etc etc.
However, life now finally seems to be back on track and I really look forward to getting re-acquainted with all your knowledge and wisdom and starting again back at the beginning. Have just purchased your course ‘No Cost Income Streams’ – so getting stuck into that at the same time. It is really great to see you getting on so well Eric (your wife and children look gorgeous) and I am really going to try very hard to get where I want to be.
With your help, I hope
God Bless You and the ‘other guys’
Hi Eric,
I am from India and what you said in your 1st video about overload of information is so very true. I am going to follow your each video step by step and hope it really shows me the way even if it takes a bit of time because with overload of information it is very difficult to decide what to do and what not to do and to lineup priorities.
Thanks & see you soon
Add me to the list of those who have information overload from purchasing many ‘shiny objects’ and not know where to start.
I am committed to succeed or my wife will have me ‘committed’
Thank you for your time.
Carl Stifter
Thank you for Lesson #1. I look forward to the continued mailings..
hi eric
I`m really looking foirward to this being one of those people who has become overloaded by information
regards david read
I look forward to learning step-by-step.
Hey just a heads up, I received lesson 2 straight away no lesson one in my email. I checked spam,deleted and everything. check your auto responder settings.
Hello Taz,
We’re not sure when this happened, but there were a brief few days when Aweber was down recently.
Everything is working fine for us with new signups at the moment.
It was somewhat different and challenging to filter and open folders in Windows 8, but I think I have figured it out. It is not lining exactly up with Eric’s instructions.
Excited to get started!