LESSON #1: Introduction to Eric’s Tips

By | June 10, 2008

Welcome to Eric’s Tips!

If you want to start an online business, or if you want to make your current online business more profitable, you’ve come to the right place.

Please watch the following video:

Main points:

  • We’re going to start at the very beginning. It’s OK if you don’t know anything about online business.
  • I’m going to show you how to build an online business from ‘A’ to ‘Z’. If you’re an experienced internet marketer, please bear with me through the basics, because I’ll be sharing all of my advanced techniques too.
  • I have a lot of personal experience and success in online business, which qualifies me to teach you what I know.
  • I’m a “normal” guy, and I’m going to try to avoid the hype as much as possible.
  • Action steps:

    1) White list this email address: tips@ericstips.com (put me on your “safe list” to make sure you receive the lessons). For detailed instructions, please see:
    Whitelist instructions

    2) Make a folder to save all the emails you receive from me.

    3) Commit to following each lesson.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

    1,672 thoughts on “LESSON #1: Introduction to Eric’s Tips

    1. Bushra Yoosuf

      How do I open up a folder exclusively for your lessons.
      Thank you.

    2. james obinna

      What a great article. Am just new into internet business. And I love to have some of your ebooks. Am a Nigeria and also a computer scientist. Pls, I have just a little problem, I wanted to buy one of your ebook and I was asked to pay through Palpay account which I don’t have and what do I do. I have a Visa credit card. Thanks

      1. Micah

        Hello James,

        Thank you for your question.

        The best solution we have at present, would be to find someone who could make purchases on your behalf, and then send the products to you.

        We’ve heard success stories from nearly every country, but I don’t know any marketers from your country personally.

        We recommend that you view the following inspiring article and user comments:

        Ladan Lashkari: If this girl can succeed – so can you!

        This can help you when there are business restrictions that must be overcome in your country.

      2. Dan

        Hi James,

        I’m In Nigeria and I’ve got a Paypal account; I could help you buy the eBook with my Paypal while you reimburse me

    3. Elliot

      Eric, I hope you and the rest of your team will help me build and maintain my own online business,
      that you will show me step by step on how to become a successful Internet Marketer just like you.
      Can’t wait for the next lesson tutorial.

    4. Mavic

      Hello Eric, How can I be able to watch your videos in my ipad. It says that I need to have adobe flash player…but safari won’t allows it to be downloaded.

    5. Arlan

      Thanks for the awesome intro. Looking forward to your tip’s. Just what I been looking for and needing.

    6. Lawrence Mak

      It is not quite easy for you to earn money when you just step into the internet marketing. You will have to keep on learning while you spending your time and effort to promote your online business. Take advice from the expert, you may get less wrong steps.

    7. Leslie Denning

      Hi Eric. It’s really nice of you to share. I grew up in Denver and have been to Ft. Collins many times. Have a very dear friend that lives there. I am going to use the comments to keep myself accountable as I go through your course.

      All the best,

    8. George Kerr

      Thank you Eric, you are certainly not one of the internet braggers. Your message have a certain genuineness in it tone I hope with time we will prove it true.

    9. Suesanne

      I’m not able to download the video on my tablet. How else can I view?

    10. Bill

      I would like to know where I would need to go to set up a folder In Yahoo. Bill from Texas

    11. Mary

      I am eager to do this Eric, but I have no idea about internet marketing. I have heard of the term severally but never bothered to find out what it entails. I am looking forward to lesson 2. Thanks for the great initiative.

    12. Ans van Leuken

      Hi Eric ,

      I’m not sure what the purpose is of this video there I see at first was The No Cost Income Stream Course, and then Eric’s tips.
      ‘m Not totally new to the internet business in November 2013 , I started and have been seven websites I’ve made ??according to instructions but unfortunately these do not do so well .
      I come from the Netherlands is it all for me to follow despite the language ? ‘m Not really strong in English?

      1. Micah

        Hello Ans,

        We recommend that you hang in there with Eric’s free video lessons at http://www.ericstips.com/. Eric’s lessons have helped many people to go from beginners, to successful online business owners!

        The lessons are presented in a sequence that starts at the very beginning, where the very first things you need to learn about online marketing are shown in the first few lessons!

        If you’re interested to go even more in-depth with marketing, you might also want to take part in Eric’s coaching club:

        Eric, Paul, and Jeff are expert marketers. They will be a great resource for you!

        What is included in the Coaching Club:
        – 2 Live Coaching Webinars Per Month with Jeff Wellman, Paul Counts, and Eric Holmlund
        – Access to the Archive of All Coaching Calls
        – Monthly High Quality PLR Product
        – Massive Video Training Library
        – Community Forum (JV’s, Support, and More)
        – Articles, Bonuses, and More

    13. uzair

      Hi Eric
      Im a subscriber to your lessons since 2007.
      Unfortunately not been able to practice much.
      With online internet marketing evolving so quickly would it still be possible to work through your lessons from scratch and get positive results?

    14. Charles Springer

      I don’t have a website yet however with your help Eric I hope it won’t be long. Your reply to Uzair is something
      I wanted to know about also. I started Eric’s course way back in 2005 but because of illness and other personal
      matters Have not been able to complete many courses. What an awesome site, I’m glad you are a really, really
      nice person for keeping it going for newbies like me.
      Thanks ever so much Eric, what a Wonderful person you are to keep this site going all these years. I have to get
      going now so I can complete many weekly issues. I will compete with Uzair if that is OK with You Uzair ??
      Thanks again Gentlemen,
      I appreciate you,
      Charles Springer
      Las Vegas, Nevada

    15. Presentacion dela Cruz

      Hi Eric,

      I signed up for No Cost Income Stream 2.0 Course last 29 April 2014 because as a newbie I wanted to start my online business without spending. I want to know how I can access the Course.

      Thank you very much, God bless.


      1. Micah

        Hello Muralikrishnan,

        We recommend that you hang in there with Eric’s free video lessons at http://www.ericstips.com/. Eric’s lessons have helped many people to go from beginners, to successful online business owners!

        The lessons are presented in a sequence that starts at the very beginning, where the very first things you need to learn about online marketing are shown in the first few lessons!

        If you’re interested to go even more in-depth with marketing, you might also want to take part in Eric’s coaching club:

        Eric, Paul, and Jeff are expert marketers. They will be a great resource for you!

        What is included in the Coaching Club:
        – 2 Live Coaching Webinars Per Month with Jeff Wellman, Paul Counts, and Eric Holmlund
        – Access to the Archive of All Coaching Calls
        – Monthly High Quality PLR Product
        – Massive Video Training Library
        – Community Forum (JV’s, Support, and More)
        – Articles, Bonuses, and More

    16. NeilB

      Eric, Where have you been hiding !
      What a great style and approach to training people with online concepts.
      All the best you you and your family and thanks for helping so many people.


    17. Robert Smith

      Thanks for the tip Eric

      Your intro and validation is awesome… not only one
      to be admired but also more importantly, aspired to..

      Robert Smith

    18. Jasminder

      Hi Eric,
      Thanks! I have just signed up . I am not new to the internet and have been surfing the net and always wanted to have my own online business from the past six months. you are absolutely right in your introduction , where you mentioned ‘Paralysis by Analysis’. I have been the victim of the information overloaded to me by visiting so many different sites, that i have lost the track from where I started & what’s my goal.
      to cut short, I have registered my domain name ( as mentioned above) recently and I hope this time I have chosen the right path and that you will help me build and maintain my own online business.

    19. Benjamin Donkor

      You are not selfish at all, Eric. Sharing is good. Your tips are great for new ones.

    20. ngataji

      hi mr.eric .
      I’m from Indonesia
      and I want to ask?
      how to start an internet marketing business,and Can i do it from the internet cafe because I do not have a laptop? please immediately reply to my message because I need a solution

    21. Richard Saunders

      This is just what I need to truly clear the air. If I do not get a lesson who do I contact??

    22. Dirk

      You have a great tips and ideas, Eric. I know you’ll get more sales if you offer even just a little piece freely. Readers will signed if they like what they read, from then, they will surely signed up for the full book. A pdf copy maybe??

    23. Mr. Pius

      Hey Eric,

      I love your:
      – lessons
      – tone
      – website
      – giving
      – genuineness

      Thanks Eric for being GREAT 🙂

      May JAH bless you even MORE…



    24. marc bijnens

      I purchased the No Cost Income Stream 2.0 Ultimate Upgrade Package and I want to know if it is worth the time if I go with the monthly coaching because my level in internet business is very low.
      please an fair answer,

      1. Eric Post author

        Thank you for your support. My top recommendation for someone with little experience is to join the coaching club, and follow our advice. We can really save you a lot of learning curve time, and help keep you on the right track. One key is you have to ask us questions on a regular basis so we can keep in touch about your business and keep you moving in the right direction.

    25. Dave E.

      I’ve just purchased the “No Cost Income Stream 2.0 Course” But, I was wondering if I really don’t need this course. I can just stay subscribed to Eric’s Tips and the Coaching Program???

      The Five different Internet Marketing Systems that are in the Course aren’t really what I think I’m needing. I’m a Newbie and I just need to learn from the ground up….

      Affiliate Marketing is very interesting to me or writing an Ebook sometime later…

      So, My Question is this….Do I really need this Course that I just bought OR can I just learn what I need from the Eric’s TIps emails and the Coaching Program that I also Joined???

      Thank you, Dave

      1. Eric Post author

        Thanks for your business 🙂
        It really depends on what business model you wish to start with. Eric’s Tips is not a “no cost” business method, as there are a handful of requirements to follow my recommended business model, such as paid web hosting and email host. So if you want a truly no cost method, NCIS is the best. Also, Eric’s Tips is about creating your own information product, whereas NCIS focuses on some other possible business models such as affiliate marketing. If you DON’T need a “no cost” method, then you’d be fine with Eric’s Tips and the Coaching club. Truly the coaching club is my #1 recommendation for anyone who is willing to be dedicated to it and ask questions every week to keep themselves on the right track as they build their business. We also have a lot of additional training in the coaching members area.

    26. subramanian

      Even though I am affiliated to BABO during the past 2 years now only I have the chance to go through your training.
      I’m very glad to know that You have helped more than thousand people. What you have told about Information Overload is correct.All are suffering with this over load. We are totally confused where from we get information Whom we should contact -all these thing are big head ache for newbies.Awaiting for the lesson how to come out of this burden.
      Thanks for your help.
      subramanian ve

    27. Patrick


      I saw your launch for IPE and jumped on it. This is the most exciting thing I have ever come across and know that it is going to be better than any product I have ever purchased. I really, really appreciate the fact that integrity is important to you. You demonstrate to me that Internet marketing does not have to be incompatible with Christian principles.

      You have my complete attention! I am laser focused on your information and I am blocking out any other “guru” or product. I’m going through Eric’s Tips and the Traffic Generation and Tutorials for IPE 2.0.

      I hadn’t even set up the control center and I have already made a sale in ClickBank! This has boosted my confidence immeasurably.

      Thanks for all your help. You are the real deal. Thank you for offering some real hope and for sincerely caring and helping people.

      Best wishes,


    28. cendes

      I still can’t make a folder to save the email for the lesson . Please help. Tks

    29. Bern

      Hi Eric,
      I have subscribed to your :Eric’s Tips” some years back and enjoyed many of your Tips, However, I just couldn’t seem to pull my time attention and finances together at one time to take the appropriate actions necessary to take that leap into the fascinating world of online marketing. This time is different, I was able to purchase your recent offer of : “No Cost Income”, “Low Cost Income” & The Real Coaching Program besides your Free “Eric’s Tips” newsletter.
      The confidence I had built in you and your knowledge and your obvious desire to share solid, true, and applicable info and motivation has enabled me to make a commitment to your guidance that I feel good and confident in.
      Thanks for such an amazing program offer! I think it holds everything I will need to finally become a successful online and offline marketer. I might not break speed records but I plan on making a thorough, consistent, and focused journey through this experience. I cannot imagine it not changing my life on many levels. Thanks, Bern


      Eric Holmlund:
      My name is Molimau Tupai, a polnewsia retiree, live in Utah. I have been trying to get some extra money to help paid the bills. I like your presentation its my hope that I would find something to help my bills and other necessary thing in life. I wanted to let you know two things about me. I am 70 years and loves shinning things. I go from things to to things and never get to any where. I have being doing this for the last 7 years and again not getting anywhere. Secondly I have a very short interest and short commitment…

      Molimau (Moe) Tupai

    31. Rino

      Hi Eric
      Have I understood this correctly, if I follow these free lessons I will be shown how to create my own info product ? Or is it a brief very watered down version outline with no real step by step guide on how to do it.

      1. Micah

        Hello Rino,

        This is a 100 lesson series. You should find this course to be very thorough!

    32. Shankar

      Overload is correct. And, paralysis by analysis. Fortunately, recently, very recently I overcame these demons.
      Thanks for the video!

    33. Gavino Berardesco

      I think this training is going to be very good Starting right from the very very beginning. I have come across your name before but this time I’m paying attention>

    34. Jessie L. Dudley

      Thank you for the refreshing opening. I have been fiddling with doing this
      but it is a must because I am in ministry and need a steady income. Also
      once I get started there appears to be a passive income that does not
      effect ethical standards with the Word of God.

    35. Adelina M Linnemoller

      Hi Eric, I just paid for a no monthly fee ” No Cost Income Stream 2.0 ” program with the three of you as authors in it.
      Are these lessons part of that that package? Am a bit confused here. I am a newbie, so that explains my confusion !

      1. Eric Post author

        Hello Adelina,

        No, this free tip series is completely different from your purchase.

        Your purchase hones in on no-cost business building methods, while EricsTips.com covers all aspects of online business.

    36. Veril Gillette

      If you can show me how to make my first dollar, I believe I would make it than, Thanks enjoy listing to tou

    37. Ravi

      Hey Eric, I am Ravi from India and want to start my online business related to welding in Oklahoma where my uncle lives. So can you give me some tips about What should i need to do in SEO, which type of keyword need to use and should i need to use local keyword as welding services in Oklahoma.

      Today it was my first video that i watch. I am going to start to see all these videos without any break and i’ll try to put all these your tips in my online business. I have already a online business of animation videos and doing good by my own having variety of links. I guaranteed that no update(Penguin, panda, Hummingbird) can hit my website. But i need to gain more information and want to get all that you have(Information) and i got all the knowledge about SEO and it’s related things by reading articles, blogs and have more knowledge but i feel that it is not enough for me. I am just 17.
      Pls give me suggestion.?

    38. Nguyen Thanh Ha

      Wait for using your instruction to have the ebook and Money from Your guide

    39. Gertrude Onwukwe, Nigeria

      Am a newbie who has just purchased the No Cost Income Stream Blueprint – PLR (Best Value) and received acknowledgement email with my access password.
      I really want to understand the A-Z of this package without missing any part.
      Please let me know the link I need the password to access?

    40. Raymond

      Thank you Eric. I think I like what I see here. Just as you mentioned, Info Overload is a cancker warm that has and is still eating up every beginner, me inclusive. I have been here now for long with practically nothing to show for it. Just for this simple reason. You see I’ve been out of job for 8years now and life is terrible. I thought I could get myself together doing the online thing but since I started about 5years ago, I have not made a penny. My major issue is that I don’t know where and how to put and fix the NUTS. I’ve known quite a few things but putting them together has been my greatest problem. No one seems to want to go indept and teach you those little, insignificant things but that are vital and paramount to the business. Does your Step By Step teaching also include these TRIVIAL but very very IMPORTANT things? If YES, then you are my man – You have me. Do reply to this short question. Thank you again.

      1. Micah

        Hello Raymond,

        We recommend that you hang in there with Eric’s free video lessons at http://www.ericstips.com/. Eric’s lessons have helped many people to go from beginners, to successful online business owners!

        The lessons are presented in a sequence that starts at the very beginning, where the very first things you need to learn about online marketing are shown in the first few lessons!

    41. Denham

      Hi Eric, Thanks for the first lesson, great stuff. I am looking forward to doing the next one. How do I create a folder in gmail? Also thanks for being such a down to earth person.

    42. Andrew Granville

      You are a very good teacher and honest person, thank you Eric. I am going through all these excellent tutorials and I have know how good your advice is for some time now. I got distracted buying all kinds of things and I have found nothing as good as your teaching.

    43. Merle

      Thanks very much for your giving spirit. May continue to be a success and blessing to us.


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