LESSON #1: Introduction to Eric’s Tips

By | June 10, 2008

Welcome to Eric’s Tips!

If you want to start an online business, or if you want to make your current online business more profitable, youโ€™ve come to the right place.

Please watch the following video:

Main points:

  • We’re going to start at the very beginning. It’s OK if you don’t know anything about online business.
  • I’m going to show you how to build an online business from ‘A’ to ‘Z’. If you’re an experienced internet marketer, please bear with me through the basics, because I’ll be sharing all of my advanced techniques too.
  • I have a lot of personal experience and success in online business, which qualifies me to teach you what I know.
  • I’m a “normal” guy, and I’m going to try to avoid the hype as much as possible.
  • Action steps:

    1) White list this email address: tips@ericstips.com (put me on your “safe list” to make sure you receive the lessons). For detailed instructions, please see:
    Whitelist instructions

    2) Make a folder to save all the emails you receive from me.

    3) Commit to following each lesson.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

    1,672 thoughts on “LESSON #1: Introduction to Eric’s Tips

    1. Timmy Bunkley

      Hey Eric Would Like To Thank You For All The Great Info And Know There Is Going To Be More
      Thanks So Much TimmyB

      1. James Ruffin

        Hi Eric,

        You really hit the nail on the head about information overload, although 100 lessons appears somewhat daunting to me. It will take me over 3 months being diligent every day to make some money online. Am I misunderstanding?

        1. Micah

          Hello James,

          A realistic minimum investment for an online business would be about a couple hundred dollars, for web hosting, a domain name, an autoresponder service, and a product to start selling.

          However, there are many different ways to earn money online. Here is Eric’s lesson highlighting 18 different ways to earn online revenue:

          LESSON #4: 18 Ways to Make Money Online

          We can’t guarantee that your idea or business will be successful, but the people who don’t quit, but try again and again with new ideas, often find great success!

          We have seen people earn money on their first day in some cases though. If you work hard, it’s possible for you to build a successful business too!

          If you don’t have any money to invest right now (or even if you do), we recommend that you hang in there with Eric’s free video lessons at http://www.ericstips.com/. Eric’s lessons have helped many people to go from beginners, to successful online business owners!

          The lessons are presented in a sequence that starts at the very beginning, where the very first things you need to learn about online marketing are shown in the first few lessons!

          Later, if you’re interested to go even more in-depth with marketing, you might also want to take part in Eric’s coaching club:

          Eric, Paul, and Jeff are expert marketers. They will be a great resource for you!

        2. Curtis Wilson

          Hey Eric, just starting out love the training I am going to receive excited

        3. Moses Ezekiel

          So glade to come across this really grateful. Thanks

      2. Simone

        Hi Eric

        Love the information offered here and look forward to a lifestyle that gives back and help others especially family. It begins now, thank you.

    2. Aniee Qasim

      Eric how to make a website for Affiliate marketing and be successful at that ?? and how to bring traffic to it without article marketing

    3. susan

      Hi Eric,
      I got this as part of the No Cost Income Stream system that I purchased. I have bought so much crap, and have been paralyzed by information overload. You are right, you get a whole bunch of info, but it’s disjointed. I have a full-time job, but I am looking forward, in the near future, to quitting it, and only working part-time, and eventually totally from home. I am really looking forward to going through these lessons and taking action. I have a question.
      I have gone through some of the No Cost Income System, and am wondering, is the info in these videos going to conflict with that if I study them both together??? I basically need to get an online business started, but don’t have a lot of money to invest. Thanks so much!!!

      1. Micah

        Hello Susan,

        It’s fine if you study both courses together. Eric’s Tips will walk you through all the steps of having your own online business.

        NCIS 2.0 focuses on 5 No Cost Business Models: No Cost Product Launches, No Cost Freelancing, No Cost Video Marketing, No Cost List Building, and No Cost Affiliate Marketing. If any of those methods interest you, the course will cover it in greater depth.

    4. Cyril

      Thank you very much of the lesson
      and will be tune every day to watch the 3rd video

    5. Godson Meribe

      Hi Eric, Godson from the Philippines. What should I do to enable me start generating income from my websites? I am a newbie in the internet business but I need to start earning income online because my ClickBank affiliate account has been without any income for too long and my websites are not getting sales too..

    6. Michel

      Hi Eric,

      I just joined and pay the fees for th1 10 free books. But I received only one which is :Quick and Easy Residual Income Streams. Would you please send me the other books. Thanks

        1. Mr. Pierre

          You have some valid points there. Some of us struggled to get it right the first time, but by being consistent will achieve a lot more..

    7. Michele Williams

      Interesting…stumbled across this but I see old posts from April…

      Is this academy still current? Hello? Are we really going to get 100 lessons????? ๐Ÿ™‚

      Yup…You’re in my Inbox
      Yes…I always make Folders… tee hee ๐Ÿ™‚
      Will follow lessons in order as best I can without investment right now, but open for learning…

    8. Michele Williams

      Ok…just answered my own question…
      Just read the post, What you’ve been up to lately… ๐Ÿ™‚ I understand…You deserve to now reap the rewards of all of your hard work!

      God Bless ๐Ÿ™‚

    9. Eyad

      Thanks for lesson 1 I like it,
      but I am still confused about my affiliate link and my login info that I order it. and my problem that I don’t like to use face book or twitter, that’s why I stuck for the page 3 of 4 :o(.
      This is my order number
      CLICK BANK Receipt for Order #AFJRKQ4G
      and this is my CLICK BANK User name # 23774 that wrote it down for the first page .
      can you please send for me the full information and tell me how to start my work with it, or your team will do the work for me and you said in the video ?

      1. Micah

        Hello Eyad,

        We’re not sure if you purchased through an affiliate, who offered assistance as a bonus, in their video.

        Please contact our helpdesk, and we’ll provide you with any missing download links, and related tutorials:

    10. Kunta Bush

      Great info looking forward to more thank
      You so much! Thank you

    11. Richard

      “Instant Amazon Monetization” I follow the line and purchased to product, can’t get access the the product, just a hell of lot of sales. What is this, you support a ink like this that like like a complete scam. Must make you happy to get a commision for a scam.

    12. joe


      Not that lesson 1 isn’t interesting but i expected to get my 10 free e-books with resell rights after signing up and paying the 9.95$ for it? Please provide the e-books.

    13. wisesa

      ohh ,Nice I Newbe here but I think it’s not to late I’m just gonna start from begin and grow up like others…thank you very much,

    14. Steve

      Hello, I’m Steve.
      I’m interested very much in this training. I also want to work in this niche. I did want to mention that I dont seem to have received the host reseller ebook. I was wondering if you could send it

    15. zakhir asni zabidi

      Hello Eric ,Permission to share your lesson to my children and wife.

    16. Donna M Amina

      Hi Eric!

      Boy, can I identify with your story about “information overload” and spending thousands on courses and not knowing what to do.

      However, I did not know it was “disconnected information” until you mentioned it. Thanks. I thought something was wrong with me!

      Looking forward to all of your Lessons.

      Expecting Success,

    17. Marc M. Demers

      Hi Eric,

      I’m really impressed with your background and the path you follow to achieve your goal.

      I’m very excited to get through all the lessons.

      Thanks thousand times for all you do for IM community.


      Marc M. Demers

    18. Heidi

      Information overload is my illness so to speak a simply to follow system is all I needed step by step thank you

    19. Ralph Huntington

      Hi Eric,

      Great start! I’m committed to following through on all the lessons and becoming successful as an Internet marketer. I can really relate to information overload. It’s just bewildering. I’ve spent several years and tens of thousands of dollars on innumerable shiny object info products from an army of gurus and still have nothing to show for it but a lot of theory in my head. Just knowing where to start, how to select a business format and a niche, and how to go step by step seems such a puzzle. Sure, they tell you what you need to do but often leave things out and rarely tell you how to do it, a critical component. Anyway, I’m determined to succeed and looking forward to your complete course.

      Kindest regards,

    20. Teiko

      Glad to be here. Looking forward to learning and growing.

    21. Tammy Poor

      Hello Eric and Eric’s community. I’m so happy to get to join you all. I’m Tammy Poor and I’m the owner of InterMountain Publishing and I’m getting ready to launch the Western Sky Multimedia School. I’m also a songwriter and a mental health and personal growth expert.

      I’m going to be teaching my media students everything about magazine publishing (online and print), video production (which I’ll let Paul Counts teach through his video course since he’s the master), web page design, internet marketing, traditional marketing and all kinds of great stuff. My students are going to learn on the products that InterMountain Publishing produces and sells.

      It’s all a great big economic development strategy that I’ve been working on for 15 years at the entrance to Yellowstone National Park. A family crisis forced me to move to Albuquerque, New Mexico where I lived as a young woman. I made appointments to meet with all the department heads at the State of New Mexico government and presented my economic development strategy and now they are all helping me launch it as we speak. I’m getting ready to crowdfund the Artists of New Mexico Magazine and the New Mexico Mental Health & Happiness Magaizine to kick it all off.

      I’ve been creating a video to explain the whole thing, but was disappointed in my lack of good footage as there were only three video footage clips in it and the rest was like a slide presentation. Miraculously I found you, Eric, when I received an offer for your Amazing Stock Video package and I was in heaven. Then I discovered your training and I’m absolutely ecstatic, because my students and I will learn from you. I know a lot about internet marketing, but I can see that you are one of the masters.

    22. David Oker

      As far as I can tell, I need to have the safelist websites open when I have the Traffic Bot working.. The amount of emails that runs doesn’t seem to be all day though. It didn’t run for more than five minutes before there just didn’t seem to be anymore commercials in my traffic bot every twenty seconds.

      1. Eric Post author

        Hi David, if you’re referring to the Fast Traffic Bot software, just get in touch with our support email address for that product and we’ll be happy to help you with it.

    23. David Oker

      I’m suppose to make posts somewhere on all these safelists? I don’t see where I’m suppose to do that.

    24. David Oker


      I saw the traffic bot getting credits while logged out of the websites; but, once again, the emails/commercials only ran for alike five minutes or less, and it stopped running. Isn’t it suppose to run all day?(and night).

      1. Eric Post author

        It depends how much email is in your inbox for it to process. Get in touch with our support department if you need help with it.

    25. Rana

      Thanks a lot Eric, i am looking for new business startup and now i feel very confident about this after watching your video. Thanks a lot again for this. Keep up the good work.

    26. Newman

      FYI, “orphanages” are not permitted in Belize. I know that for a fact because my parents were the first to try and start an orphanage in Belize back when it was still British Honduras. However, instead, they opened a “training home for children” where children without family support systems were cared for and provided an education until they reached 18 years, then transitioned into independent living. The mission started in 1958 and started a school in 1961 that is still operating today. The home for children opened 1971 and closed in 2009.

      1. Eric Post author

        Yeah having been on their board for the past 8 years, I’m aware of some of the govt restrictions. You are right it’s a “children’s home”.

    27. Paul Deepan

      Eric, you are absolutely correct when you describe all the info out there as disconnected. Thanks for structuring everything into a cohesive series of lessons and action steps! Plan to follow along closely, and will let you know how I do!

    28. Keith

      Hi, Been NOT having an online business for over 10 years, because of dis-jointed info. Looking forward to the 100 lessons. I am probably at 60 already, but just don’t know how to put it all together.


    29. Ben

      Which affiliate marketer did you use to send clicks to other people product?

    30. Terri Watley

      Hello Eric,

      Information overload really had me at a standstill. I have so many fragments of information, but nothing that connects them all. Everybody hollering, it’s in the list but yet they give you done for you websites in which they kept the opt ins for themselves, while also not telling you how to specifically grow your list. That seems like the very first thing that should be taught before promotion. I promoted some things for the last year, with the company website, and barely made a dime. I’m in the process of putting my autoresponders and lead magnets together so I can try it again. Thank you for this chance to learn in a way that connects the dot. I’m excited for this chance.

      1. Eric Post author

        Good question, and sorry about that! You should have received 92… may plans changed slightly as the lessons evolved. You can view them all here: https://www.ericstips.com/tips/category/lessons/ Also I have a new and updated version of Eric’s Tips in my coaching club, the Inner Profit Circle. It will be 50 lessons/weeks.

    31. jan

      i am happy to be involved and looking forward to progress

    32. Gashi

      my questions:
      Can you also help students that come from Switzerland
      Also make a website for Swiss customers
      How to learn advertising copy, here you have a software!
      Is this software of yours Voiceover that you recently launched?


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