LESSON #13: Getting a Vision for Your Business

By | July 16, 2008

Up until this point, we’ve essentially been covering the requirements and prerequisite knowledge necessary to increase your chances of building a successful online business.

Today marks a turning point.

It’s time to begin focusing on your personal situation, and to turn our attention to your future business…

(Watch this video…)

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Main points:

  • Without vision, your business probably won’t succeed.

  • I describe vision as being able to “see” a clear picture of your fulfilled goals in your mind.

  • It’s like the box cover of a difficult puzzle…

  • You must begin with the end in mind.

  • Almost every success in my life has come AFTER having a vision for it. (For example, when I won the state championship, and every time I launch a product)

  • The successful business owners that I’ve known ALL have vision.

  • It’s kind of like looking at the world from 30,000 feet. You see the big picture, and not the problems.

  • If you lose sight of your vision, you lose hope. And if you lose hope, it’s game over.

  • As we progress in the lessons, we’ll keep moving forward step by step, but if you don’t start by getting a vision, further efforts could be somewhat futile.

  • If you set your target too low, you may hit it, but there is almost no chance that you will exceed it. On the other hand, if you set your target too high, you may fail, but you will be further along than the “low” target. Therefore it’s better to set your vision higher.

  • One of the biggest things I see holding people back is a “victim mentality”.

  • “Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop this picture. Never think of yourself as failing; never doubt the reality of the mental image. That is most dangerous, for the mind always tries to complete what it pictures. So always picture ‘success’ no matter how badly things seem to be going at the moment.” – Norman Vincent Peale

  • Many of us have taken on a “just get by” mentality.

  • The size of your vision will dictate the size of the result.

  • YOU are valuable. Don’t sell yourself short.

  • Here’s my “disclaimer” that I forgot to include in the video…. “The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” (Prov. 16:9)

    Action steps:

    I want you to take a moment to tell me your vision for your business. The vision can involve other areas of your life too, but since we’re working on building your business, it should be focused on your business.

    It’s important to write your vision down, so go ahead and post it in the comments below. This is YOUR vision, and there is NO wrong answer.

    Focus on the big picture. Don’t worry about the details of how you will get there. We’ll worry about that stuff when we learn about goal setting and business plans, and I’ll be talking about those things in the next lesson.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

  • 1,837 thoughts on “LESSON #13: Getting a Vision for Your Business

    1. Mike

      Hi Eric,
      As I’m finishing up one 40 year career I’m looking forward to setting up a new one. I have been a marketer all my life and run in the top three per cent globally. I have a vision of establishing a online business in the information field and / or intangibles. I want to especially focus in the lead source generation opportunities. Making 30,000 part time the first year then continue to increase it a additional 30,000 every year would be a good start.

    2. Pete

      Thanks for an awesome training program. It is the most realistic and usable information I’ve been able to find on line, and I’m really excited about completeing all of the lessons and putting my new found talents to work.
      My vision is to quit my day job by spring of 2010 and earn a comfortable living with both an offline and online business. I will expand my current ebay business with a more concentrated effort to increase sales of my current products as well as introducing new products. I will create and sell information products online relating to both the RV business as well as vintage motorcycles. I will create membership websites to serve both of these markets. I also intend to do affiliate marketing. I will also team up with my brother to write ebooks on his specialty which is teaching others how to live a healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise and natural supplements. I will be earning $10,000 per month within 18 months, building this to over $500,000 annualy within 3-4 years. This will allow me to be debt free, help others less fortunate than we are, and purchase our dream house and larger boat!
      Again, thanks to Eric and all who have posted here. You are truly and inspiration to us all.

    3. Sitiveni

      Hi Eric

      My vision is to be a successful online marketer; to be debt free by 07 July 2010; to develop a unique retiree village with state of the art facilities and be able to help out needy children in my community

    4. Richard

      My vision comes to me Eric from all you help. God bless you and your family for all help. I thank God for his endless blessings.
      I will be able to start a new internet business. I want to achieve an online business that brings me to a monthly income of $10,000.00 dollars in first six months. Then make the needed adjustments to grow it up to $30,000.00 a month in the first nine months. I want to pay off all my debt. Keep putting my profits back into my business and build at least 7 income streams as soon as possible with in first nine months. I want to give 10% to God and charities and help more people like you do. I want to own a nice home and land and buy a car in cash. I want to grow my business to be a millionaire in two years and learn and grow my business to $5,000,000.00 in three tears and take all vacations I have missed in the last few years. I want to help my children and family in any way I can. I have done it once and I want to do it again but a much larger scale with passive income which I did not know about in the past. I want to get my self in the best state of health I have ever been in. I want to be able to reduce my stress and know I have no limits in this world. I want to visit cities all around the world and find the right women to enjoy my vision with and smile every day.

    5. Mark Trull

      Hi Eric
      My vision is to be a successful online marketer; to be debt free and to be free from the everday thing and help people


      HI Eric
      My vision is to be a highly successful online entrepreneur; make $15,000.00 in a month in a first six months and in a year to make a million dollars. My first priority to pay off all the credit debts and then pay my boys university fees.I have vision to buy a house as for my wife’s wish and take my family for world tour. After making profit I’ll give donations to charities and to church.Also buy cars for my boys and for myself.Wethin five years I want to make more than a million dollars in a year

    7. Rick

      MY vision is to ace this on line marketting. TO be successful,to not worry about money,to finaly quit this brick,mortar masonry job.And live life to the fullest.

    8. Anonymous

      TO ace this on line marketting, and make all the money i will need to do what i want when i want. And to finaly quit this brick&MORTAR MASONRY JOB.

    9. Phil


      I vision selling our vacation home in Huatulco, Mexico. My next vision is to develop another income stream. My vision at the moment is to be a successful affiliate marketer. We have selected 36 products to market and I vision to continue placed more items for sale until I pay off the mortgatge. I vision %5,000 per week and then $10,000 amd then traveling more than ever.

      Eric I like your presentations (lessons)…. I will be successful and surpass the initial visions beyond my expections!

    10. Julye

      Hi Eric,

      Vision! To be debt free (this is a biggie) and be able to travel the world and share it all with my family.

      Being debt free would make every part of life sooo much nicer. And be able to help my family would mean the most to me.


    11. vicky

      My vision is to own my own gift basket business with floral crafts. Multiple streams of online income being made while I’m asleep. Never to be broke another day in my life. To be a money magnet. I need to get my teenager through high school without any distractions, which is lack of money. I want freedom. I want to be of Millionaire Status.

    12. Larry

      Here is my vision of the future. I plan to have multiple resourcess to generate unlimited residuale income per month. I can acually see myself opening the door to a beautifull million dollar home and my two daughters running down an elegant stairway yelling daddy, daddy. Then asking them if they would like take off and go to florida to see sharks and whales at the aqarium. Pardon my spelling please bare with me. My vision also has things that I will never see again and thats puting drywall screws in my boots just to hold them togther ever again. These lessons are really giving me new views to look at I can not begien to thank you enoff.

    13. Pam

      Hi Eric:
      My vision for myself and my prayer partner is to be job free,finacially independant and in fulltime ministry to underprivelged children in our home towns within a year. When the time comes and I stand before God and He asks me, “Did you enjoy your life.” I am going to say, “Yes! And, thank-you for creating it for me.”

    14. Fred

      Hey Eric
      My vision is to be able to have a continuous income all the way up to my retirement age. I also have read every book you spoke of and also came across another book that I use all the time called The Magic of Thinking Big By David Schwartz PHD and has inspired me through out my life since 1975. I have done many network marketing businesses that have failed one by one and I thought that I could learn affiliate marketing and you have seemed to make it more realistic for me now. I so appreciate people like you that you really do want to help people succeed. Thank you for all of the videos thus far. I skipped ahead on a few. HTML video a little fast for me.

    15. Fred

      God bless you Eric for you have what looks like to me helped alot of people and hopefully I will also be successful this time. I have a regular job 40 hrs per week and then I come home to watch your videos and try to implement the ideas and tips you give as soon as I can. How did you get involved with Mackenzie Lee and Dan David? Talk to you again I am sure. It is great having you as a teacher LOL. Fred Becker,Florida

    16. Eric Post author

      I am not involved with them, can you send me a link to what you are referring to?

    17. Bruce

      My vision is to be earning $25,000.00 per month. This will allow us to pay off our home within 5 years. We can set up a $ 1,000,000.00 trust fund for the special organization that has taken care of our special needs son for many years now. We will be able to spend time in our home town area two months a year along with taking a couple of other trips to special places each year. it will allow us to live in a very comfortable life style while still being able to help others. I visualize promoting other peoples’ products and services initially and develop our own products as we we go. Ultimately our products will comprise the majority of our business and revenue. I personnaly am a young 69 and enjoy working, people and life.
      Best wishes for success to you Eric and to all your follower friends.

    18. Louise Cox

      Lesson #13 was another winner!! Let’s hope it’s Lucky 13.

      My vision:

      I see myself running a very successful internet marketing business. In my vison, I am an online supplier for interior designers, architects and interior decorators. In this business, I also have an offline component — as an FF&E contractor having the responsibility of ordering and placing all the furniture, fixtures and equipment for design projects in my area. The results I have achievedd in my vision are:

      1. Nearly $500K mortgage paid in full
      2. Nearly $50K in school loans paid in full
      3. Give tithes to my church in thousands and additional offerings as the spirit moves me.
      4. Purchased million-dollar home for my son and his partner
      5. Purchased large motor home and begin tour of American tourist attractions
      6. Tour Italy
      7. Combined with 1-6 above, enjoy life with my husband without financial or health woes.

      Part of my vision is still a bit cloudy as I do not have any grandchildren yet. When I do become a grandmother, I want to have to means to give my grandchildren all the opportunities I was not able to provide for my own son. I do not believe in spoiling kids to the point where they have no respect for others or where things come from.


    19. TheSkinners

      Dear Eric,

      Thank you so much for taking the time and making the enormous effort to put this information up for us all! My wife and I are working through the lessons together and just wanted to mention our appreciation.

      After much procrastination and thought, our vision for our business is:
      – to enable us to work from home, and make our own schedules
      – to not be location bound allowing us to travel where and when we would like
      – in the short term (next 12 months) to generate at least $10 000 per month (We will expand the financial portion of the vision as we progress and $10 000 starts seeming like a small number)
      – to remain debt free
      – to give us the time and finances to build our dream home in the next few years
      – to give us time to spend together doing the things we love
      – to be a business we are passionate about, can stand behind the product/products and can manage with integrity.
      – to ultimately function autonomously and for us to be able to choose how much of our time and in what areas we want to be involved in
      – to allow us to give freely of our finances and time to those who are in need
      – to give us some experience in sales and marketing
      – to in everything we do (even in the mundane), do it with joy remembering that we are working for the Lord (Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him (Col 3:17))

    20. Dan

      I can see a bus. that makes a great deal of money on auto pilot. For some time I have seen a room full of monitors as I stand watching my multitude of businesses grow.
      For some time I have had a idea about growing all businesses with the end result of giving back to the community. Instead of all the profits going to the top it is spread out sharing with those who need the help the most and go from there. I know a lot of people say this sounds like a form of socialism but aren’t we practicing a lot of socialism now.
      If every bus. was giving back to your community wouldn’t u be more likely to do bus with them? I think u would.
      My big goal would be to change this muderous health care system and start using know cures for all diseases that are covered up by big phama and this corrupt gov. Also to change the processed food system. It is a real killer with its own aggenda, profits at any cost. If only to get a start I know it would spread like wild fire.
      I think to how many people refer to the movie “pay it forward”. I hear it more and more now but I’ve had these ideas along the same lines for a much longer time than the movie.
      I just hopt to build a bus and get enough to get a start and I know it will grow. It can work on any bus and if the people want a better world they will join because after all they r just helping themselves.

    21. Don Russell

      My vision is to have a very successful online business, earning me $120,000.00 per year or more $10.000.00 per month, $333.00 per day.
      I want to help my family by being able to also show them how to earn this kind of money and I want to give back to my community. Part of my vision is to explore the world
      And witness Gods handiwork with people places things. Part of this vision is to have
      A home where my kids and grandkids could visit me on holidays and other.

    22. Bea

      My vision is to be earning $10.000.00 per month.This will enable me to buy a little place for myself, and to be able to travel. I look after my mom fulltime, and having an online business will give me the opportunity to be with her more hours in the day. At present I have an ebay store, and an online store. My vision is to turn those sites into them making 10 thousand a month.
      Eric, I just want to say thank you for giving us all the opportunity to learn without even spending a dime.. Thank you

    23. James

      My vision is really quit simple as I see it. I want to create an online business that has multiple streams of income. One that after it is set and running well that I can share with others to help them get where they want to go. I would like it to become as Automated as possible. So that it will allow me more time to focus on family, and my passion of continuing to coach High School Sports on a Volunteer basis. With that to also be able to do more fund raising for that and For my biggest dream a Non-Profit organization For middle class family of children with Disablities.

    24. Elliott

      My vision is to have all my credit cards by Christmas and have a million dollars in my bank !!!!!

    25. Lisa

      I want to say thanks for your great lessons first of all, I am very thankful I became aware of them.
      My vision of how I am going to attain my goals is still a little hazy because internet marketing is still quite new to me.
      The end that I have in mind, is my husband and I living comfortably in a nice home, debt free, able to pay off children’s college debt.
      We love to travel, so I can see getting an RV and traveling through out the U.S. Also traveling world-wide some. I would like to be able to help people get out of debt. I also would like to have the time to study portrait painting, which is something I really want to do.
      Thank-you again, Eric and God Bless you and your family,

    26. Terry W. Clark

      My VISION
      Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel where I am my own boss. To make enough money to get out of debt as an internet marketer. Be independent to work when I want to and enjoy my family, friends, and people I have contact with daily. Give back to those in need who are strugguling to get ahead in life. Teach those who want to be independent for their family and friends. Be able to volunteer at senior centers to get others involoved in their community activities. Also, I want the money to give to give to the people I love, family, friends, and those that are deserving. Pay It Fordward!!!
      Thanks Eric for all the advice up to now…Terry W. Clark

    27. Jamey

      My vision is to live life to the fullest with no regrets. To achieve financial freedom not only for my self but for my children, grandchildren, and many generations to follow.

    28. Terry

      My vision is to live between two sustainable homes – one in my native UK and one in southern Europe. To have a passive income from online marketing that allows me to give my time and money to assisting others in achieving sustainable success and financial freedom. To help guide my family and children in achieving the same. To share the second half of my life with my wonderful wife by travelling, meeting and helping (as required) people around the world.

      Thank you for your time.

    29. Ludlow

      My vision for this business is to learn how to develop a successful on line business. I want to grow this business and work hard to make it a success. I want to make $5K-$10K per month (1st year) and $25,000 per month and use the money to pay off all my bills and to save. I want to use the saved money to purchase a house in the Caribbean and move my wife and daughter there(from Canada), so that I can enjoy a lifestyle of living in the sunshine on beautiful beaches. I want to spend more time living and no time worrying about money. I also want to use the money to help others. I think people were not made by God to spend 40 hours plus per week working. They should be enjoying their short lives. My vision is to use money to give me more options to enjoy life more, without the obstacle of lack of money. My vision is so clear that I can visualize myself already living it in the future.

    30. Jim

      My vision for my business (initially) is to; start a successful business with a livable income, then to expand into other streams of income. Then I want to teach my children how to do it. Of course I will help them to get started then let em go! Of course for myself, I want a new home, a new Harley, and a new car. I’ll know I’ve “arrived” when the Harley is ready to ride!

    31. Mark

      My vision is to create a successful online business that includes online gaming, identity theft, fitness and health, investing. These websites will help to make an income of more than $2,000,000.00 dollars are year, through affiliate marketing and info/digital downloads and commissions. I will work no more than 30 hours per week being able to spend a lot of time with my wife and children. we will be able to take vacations 2-4 times a year, while my online business runs completely on autopilot the whole time.

    32. Scott Thompson

      Hi Eric,

      My vision is to build my business to hit a 5 figure income in the next 90-120 days that will eventually grow (within 2 years) to generate 1 million dollars per year.

    33. Selwyn

      My vision is to provide a service second to none, without the hype and innuendo that acompany so many of these advertisements on the internet.

    34. Francis Brown

      My vision is to work hard at becomming finnacially independant, having several bad accidents in my life limits me physically to do jobs lately also help my family to do the same thing.

    35. Jim

      Hi Eric,
      First, I would like to thank you for all the free lessons to help me get started in an online business. My vision is that I would like to be an affiliate marketer, selling informational e-products to begin with, related to building an Internet business and getting as much traffic as I can to visit my site. I would eventually like to grow my business by selling hard products related to same (I don’t know exactly what that is yet but I’m thinking books related to Internet home businesses and selling products).
      At the age of 57, I have worked hard all my life with one setback after another and right now I am just getting by. My goal is to reach an annual income of $1,000,000 and more plus pay off my home mortgage and credit card debt and get my business automated so I can start taking trips to visit every state in the United States and help as many people as I can along the way. With God’s blessings I would also like to meet a woman whom I can marry and take care of and share our life together.
      Thank you again Eric!

    36. Audrey

      Hi Eric,
      I would like to promote the work of musicians, artists and poets to help them obtain recognition worldwide. A life where I wake up every morning excited by the day ahead would be wonderful! Hope all our visions come true!

    37. Brooke Martinez

      Hi Eric,

      My vision is to own several successful websites and blogs in the most popular niches that are monetized with articles, videos, and adsnese and to also invest in real estate. My business will make 1,000,000 or more per year. The vision that I have once this is accomplished is to have a non profit organization to minister and help other women, especially single struggling women with needed finances and to mentor them and help to find a better way. I also plan to travel the world and see all the beautiful countries in the world with my husband.

    38. Aaron Clark

      Eric, My vision has always been to be able to travel around the country in a big nice motor home and to be financially secure, so that I will able to help the homeless and the down and out as I run upon them.Nothing would please me more than to be able to help them. I had lost sight of that vision a few months ago when I was forced to retire from my job at a early age. After hearing this lession I realize that I still have the chance to fulfill my vision by focusing on the inter net marketing as a means to support it.I now see myself as pulling the home off to the side of the road each day and checking on my laptop to see how much was deposited into my account that day.The more that is placed in the account means that I can help that many more. Thank you so much for taking the time to teach the course as it should be.

    39. Anne

      My vision is to make a big change in my life, to get off the sickness benifit and work for myself, to make this possible. I would like to own my own lifestyle property and not have to rent anymore. I do not want to owe money to antone, no future mortgage, no debt, no worry. I have worked hard all my life but really have got no where. I will work hard to make this change happen and would like to thank you for your help and wisdom. Everything you say is quite true. Many thanks.

    40. Dot

      Firstly I would like to get out of debt. Been laid off and have been unable to get a job so am really looking for something that works online. Then I would like to travel, visit family and help them and my friends who have been so generous to me, financially. Would love to start achieving tomorrow!! Great stuff Eric, thanks, Dot

    41. Ken

      Thank you Eric for being what you are. My vision is to live in a beautiful, spacious, well-kept home that is paid for, that will allow us to accommodate friends, colleagues and family members in cozy comfort whenever they come and visit.
      My vision is to be able to travel at will, be it for visits, events, or exploration, to be able to create and finance opportunities for the advancement of great theatre and film projects, and for myself and many of my fellow actors, writers and directors to pursue our creative dreams.
      My vision is to achieve this through a business that utilizes my writing, teaching, presentational and performance skills to empower others to solve their problems. achieve their goals, and lift themselves out of the mire of mediocrity… a business that allows me to wake up each day and look forward to doing things I naturally love to do, as well as things I have learned to love! Therefore, although I would definitely embrace outsourcing and autopilot where necessary, my goal would never be ‘not to work’ – I want to be forever facing new challenges and rejoicing in fresh accomplishments. This business must have multiple income streams to generate a combined total in the neighbourhood of £600,000 to £1,000,000 yearly, which will allow for investment as well as spending.

    42. Alice


      The quote from Proverbs at the end of this lesson said it all for me. I feel like some Higher Power has led me to your site at this moment.

      My immediate vision is to find a quick source of income to save me from foreclosure. The long term vision is financial freedom achieved by an online business that will eventually take care of itself once I get it established.

      Thank you so much for being willing to do this for those of us who are lost in the woods.

    43. Brian


      Thanks for the great lessons.

      My vision is to be wildly successful in leveraging the tools of Internet Marketing for the work of the Lord. To equip and empower those who wish to share their products and ideas with the world thus adding value for both sellers and buyers (i.e. no hype).

      To train my children in the understanding of diligence, work, provision, patience, faith, hope, and charity so they can continue to train their children and their children’s children.

      Thanks again, Eric, for what you are giving.


    44. Tammy Porter

      My vision is to have multiple streams of passive income that allow me to live my desired lifestyle and to work because I choose to work, not because I have to work. I will teach others how to be prosperous, not just monetarily, but emotionally as well. My husband and children are positive, giving, and want to give back to help others.

    45. Garrick


      The postive pyschology that unerlies what you are doing is very good, so here goes. The vision.

      My passion, call it a vision if you like, is to make a difference. I’m in the education sector, but I’ve done a few other things as well, particularly in reference to payments systems. To cut a long story short, the system that was created was vetoed out by *******card.., but the vision still holds true: “to make a difference”

      So, the vision: “Create products & services that are of value, empower parents, teahcers and students to take control by informing them (especially math, that what I do) in a simple and easy manner.”

      In, the UK, the education system is in dire straights. What I want, is to change it! Will I do it. Of course I will, but it make take time.

      So from my part, thank you. Some of the material I’ve listen too so far, is exactly what I needed to hear. I really don’t know how I found this site, but I did.

      And you are absolutely correct on one aspect. The money is not as important as the vision!

      Kind regards,


    46. Frank Wandrey

      The presentations have been spot on with my early reactions to another program I started over a year ago, but which made presumptions about background and ease of taking on this challenge. Coming from the abstract world of IT, the onslaught was overwelming to get the hang of how to do something that is fundamentally quite the opposite, emotional in its execution. Your requirements of some technical willingness and learning to think like a marketer were exactly my conclusions back then. Hopefully, this presentation will be an asset in breaking it down to baby level details. Nonetheless, I have read a half dozen copywriting books in the meantime. For one not in a business, the vision is to continue to feel around, build essential skills to highly functional level starting with affiliate marketing. I am vulnerable to new interests faster that I can do them justice so it is likely more substantial things will evolve. For now it is command of as much of the skill set and ways of this world as possible, practicing the niddygiddy details applicable in many situations.

    47. Arturo

      My vision is to have a successful online business centered around my two passions which are Personal Development as well as Religious Studies and related information products.
      My target markets are both in the Spanish and English speaking countries.

      I will work from my ocean view place in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico where I will be taking care of my mom. At the same time I will have enough free time and financial affordability to take several holidays a year.

      I will work around 20 hours a week, and my business will bring around 1 million dollars a year with the ultimate goal of retiring at
      the age of 60 with a net worth of 5 million dollars.

      I will give out to the community by supporting several children in under developed countries through “World Vision” as well as building a medical centre and an animal shelter in a poor neighborhood in Mexico.

    48. Suzy

      My vision is to bring good customers together with good businesses, affiliate with specific micro-credit non-profits around the world, to raise awareness of more effective parenting techniques and to vacation with my loved ones several times a year while remodeling our house and yards. To better my community and the world: and reflect the ideal of Malcolm X, who taught me that there can be no peace without prosperity. Thanks, Eric

    49. Doug


      First off, thanks for the lessons.. Not only learning a lot about online marketing, but a lot about myself and my dreams as well !! My vision is this:
      To have a successful online business that not only is profitable for myself, but also to serve as an example for others to follow, and to help them with their dreams, as you are doing with us. To be able to say to my wife, “Honey, you no longer have to work”, and to provide my grandchildren with the best life that I can provide for them…

    50. T Worthy

      My vision is to open a home for unwed mothers and care for and help as many as I can. I would also like to relocate with my family to a less urban area on 10 acres or so and do it all debt free.


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