Up until this point, we’ve essentially been covering the requirements and prerequisite knowledge necessary to increase your chances of building a successful online business.
Today marks a turning point.
It’s time to begin focusing on your personal situation, and to turn our attention to your future business…
(Watch this video…)
Main points:
Without vision, your business probably won’t succeed.
I describe vision as being able to “see” a clear picture of your fulfilled goals in your mind.
It’s like the box cover of a difficult puzzle…
You must begin with the end in mind.
Almost every success in my life has come AFTER having a vision for it. (For example, when I won the state championship, and every time I launch a product)
The successful business owners that I’ve known ALL have vision.
It’s kind of like looking at the world from 30,000 feet. You see the big picture, and not the problems.
If you lose sight of your vision, you lose hope. And if you lose hope, it’s game over.
As we progress in the lessons, we’ll keep moving forward step by step, but if you don’t start by getting a vision, further efforts could be somewhat futile.
If you set your target too low, you may hit it, but there is almost no chance that you will exceed it. On the other hand, if you set your target too high, you may fail, but you will be further along than the “low” target. Therefore it’s better to set your vision higher.
One of the biggest things I see holding people back is a “victim mentality”.
“Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop this picture. Never think of yourself as failing; never doubt the reality of the mental image. That is most dangerous, for the mind always tries to complete what it pictures. So always picture ‘success’ no matter how badly things seem to be going at the moment.” – Norman Vincent Peale
Many of us have taken on a “just get by” mentality.
The size of your vision will dictate the size of the result.
YOU are valuable. Don’t sell yourself short.
Here’s my “disclaimer” that I forgot to include in the video…. “The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” (Prov. 16:9)
Action steps:
I want you to take a moment to tell me your vision for your business. The vision can involve other areas of your life too, but since weβre working on building your business, it should be focused on your business.
It’s important to write your vision down, so go ahead and post it in the comments below. This is YOUR vision, and there is NO wrong answer.
Focus on the big picture. Don’t worry about the details of how you will get there. We’ll worry about that stuff when we learn about goal setting and business plans, and I’ll be talking about those things in the next lesson.
As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.
Have a great day!
Hello Paul,
Your posts do not appear until they have been manually approved. That is mainly due to spam and vulgarity.
Yes, you can certainly increase your vision, as you work to achieve it! π
Hello Eric,
I have had this vision for several years now and i will continue to hold onto this vision until it happens. I want to quit my job with the State Of California (yes, I am one of those evil state workers lol)and be a stay at home mom and homeschool my 2 children. I want to pay off my home and all my other debts.
The products I would like to market would be health and fitness. I’m also interested in unique electronic gadgets for fun and amusement. I have had this vision for along time and I have tried some things and spent money on products that did not meet my expectations or my vision. As you can see I have not given up hope and I am so glad the Lord blessed me with your guidance through your video tips. I needed someone to take me by the hand and lead me in the right direction. I really had not a clue as to why I was not having success in this business. Now I have some hope and my vision is starting to get much clearer. Thank you so much!
Kecia Moshenko
My vision is to develop an informational online business that can incorporate providing adminitrative support to non-profit organizations. A business that will initially provide a modest income. Currently I’m unemployed and very involved with volunteer work in my community and church…something I truly enjoy. My husband is retired and a supplemental income to pay off student loans and medical bills would go a long way in creating financial freedom. My volunteer work is very self-rewarding and helpful to others but reality dictates that a supplemental income is needed in order to continue with this volunteer work. As I enjoy manying things, finding the right niche is key and I’m looking forward to being successful at growing a modest income to one that I couldn’t imagine.
Hi Eric
My vision is to establish a succesful online business in whatever area I choose. I want to be free of debt, help my family in many ways, spend quality time with my husband, travel and see places in the world. I want to built a centre for homeless children in Africa and live well.
Hi Eric,
I will be on the business side of the quadrant. I want a life of financial freedom and choices to do as I choose when it concerns my family.
Thanks Eric!
About 4 days I’ve got my modem and computer’s trouble. Yes talking about vision is something “abstract” but really “real”. As some experts say, there are two steps to be successful in everything; first, get a reality of the visual (vision) and second, get reality of the factual.
Dear Eric:
My vision is to have an on-line business with proceeds of a minimum of $100,000, within (3) years . . . doubling this amount every (2) years thereafter.
I eventually want a membership site wherein I can use my life and career coaching skills to help people find their true callings in life. I also have a burden to show people how to let go of stress and worry and enjoy life at its fullest.
My husband and I have always wanted to own properties that we could make available for those in need in order to help them get back on their feet. This business would help realize that dream.
Ministry and giving is paramount and we want to have the ability to give more than we can imagine!
There is much more but in closing I would like to say that I crave the freedom from burdens that a successful on-line business would bring. The financial reward would allow us to work smarter and have more time (our most important asset) to do those things that we value most.
Blessings to you!
Hi Eric,
I am from Ireland -your course is fantastic cant believe it,s free. My vision is to initially pay my mortgage every month from my internet income. my long term vision is to make $1oo,ooo p.a.
Dear Eric,
My vision are to pay my bills and that includes my mortgage. If (WHEN) I get this business going where I don’t have to be concerned about making ends meet then I promised God that I would go to Bible college. I want to go to Claris Bible College in Chicago. This college is ran by Andrew Wommack Miistries, Inc. I live in Rockford about 90 mile from there. I need a good car to get back and forward. I lead worship at New Life Chapel so I have to be home for that. The biggest vision is that I build a church on the worst side of Rockford. We have the highest unemployment in Illinois. I feel that I am to go where other churches won’t go. There are a lot of huge churches here but none really are reaching out to those to whom nothing has been prepared. I want to start a pantry. I would like to take my wife on vacation. We have not had a vacation in many, many, many years. This is my vision.
Hello Eric,
I am really enjoying your tips and was introduced to them by my buisness partner who just loves your deliver and straightwardness.
This is one of the best Actions Plans yet and it’s interacting with U!!!
I only have a few mins to do this b4 my compter logs me off.
My goals involves a overall plan called Da Bliss Project. It consist of developing multiple streams of income. in RE, wealth building n online biz.
This is a great blog ,i really appreciate it !
I appreciate the hard work you have put into this blog and post
Hi Eric my vision is to start on the internet in a small way but growing it week by week as I gain more knowledge of how to proceed in the right way growing a sustainable income which will allow me to work less hours than I currently do in my full time job giving me more time with my family and then ultimately help others around me do the same or the community as a whole
My vision is to build an automated lead generation system for my kitchen renovation/contracting company, TimeLine Renovation Systems, Ltd. This is done through landing/squeeze/opt in, sites offering the knowledge of my 23 years in the renovation business. Through this system I’ll be able to dominate any market, anywhere and franchise the company with my USP of “Receive a written schedule for Your Project”, because the first question you’ll ask when I tear your kitchen out is “When do I get my Kitchen back!”. With the ability to build a list of prospects interested in kitchens, I can also market affiliate products related to kitchen/home and garden (a small market niche). I need your help, Eric, to show me how to build the online marketing portion of the business or put me in touch with a company that can. The company I’m dealing with right now doesn’t even understand what a squeeze page is. The light has gone on in my head. With out the ability to generate a lead and convert to a customer, you don’t have a business. If you understand how to generate and convert, if you are a MARKETOR, you can build any business because the business is just a function of selling a product. If you can’t market effectively, you can’t sell and you don’t have a business.
My vision is to own an online e-bookstore business that is mostly books that I have written, and I want to have about 50 books. I would like to have written about 60 percent of them. Also I would like to sell other info products and packages. I want to make about 100,000 a month selling e-books or other info products that really change peoples way of life and bring a new light in some areas. I really love doing art and music so I can also add that to the business or make an entirely new business.
I want to be able to wake up as late as I want and not feel guilty about it knowing I still have made about $5,000 that day or the day before. With the financial freedom I will have, I want to be able to travel the world and finally be free. I would go to New York, Italy, Germany, China, Canada, Hawaii and Jamaica.
I will donate a percentage of all my profits to different charities. And I would like to help my mother get a new house for herself and pay off her debt so she wouldn’t have to struggle to pay rent, the bills and not own so much money to people. I would give her a 500,000 to get the things she wants and not have to suffer from not having to money to do the things she wants.
I love this lesson cause I can relate with it….where I am n obviously where am heading,all started in the mind..
thanks eric.
well my plan is to have a “gsmkenya”blog along side other online income generating packages!!am a technician n would like to personally share my wealth of experience and info with others interested…”information is power” thats ma policy..
My vision, is to teach online The Tabernacle of Moses, and how it directly relates to our Lord Jesus Christ. I want to teach it in a way that teaches step by step the christian walk. I want to do to bible study, what you have done with this site.Using the Tabernacle as the common bond to teach All christians the oneness of Christainity. Lesson 1 The Tabernacle is Christ. Christ is the Tabernacle.
Hi Eric,
Thanks so much for all of this wonderful and helpful information. You are truly a blessing! My vision is to create / build and online business that will focus on my interest in achieving optimum health through the use of natural methods – diet/nutrition, supplements, and exercise. My site will be the premier, go-to source to find and reference information on natural health topics. My business will make $500,000 annually in revenues. I will be able to work from anywhere and devote 20 hours / week once my business is up and running. This will enbable me to focus on and spend time with my family. This level of income will allow our family to take one mission trip each year to help those in need, as well as take two vacations each year (one fun and one educational). I will tithe / donate at least 10% of my income to charitable causes. Most of all, this business will provide my family with financial freedom, enabling us to not only support ourselves, but invest for the future and help others in need.
God Bless you for sharing your knowledge. I know many are benefitting from it!!
My heart is in Uganda. I want to be able to make a difference, to help people discover their potential, and become self-sufficient, and bring blessing to many.
My vision is to leave the way I am living today in the dust of the past. I know I have what it takes to be a success. I have personal financial goals I will meet in the future like work less than 40 hours a week, and be able to buy a nice car and take many vacations and to honor God with my life and to be a blessing to my family and others.
I really enjoyed this video. You are right on about having a vision for your business. Working toward a meaningful goal and knowing how to get there is half the battle. Thank you for your great work Eric! I really appreciate it.
My Vision is to have a prosperous internet marketing business being able to market just about any product online successfully, having a lot of fun being creative and effective, thus helping good businesses sell their products and services. And making me so satisfied and motivated to continue it as a very fulfilling career.
my vision for my on line bussiness is to be able to make 200k so that i can pay off my morgage and then do charity.
My vision is to create an online business built around the mining of gold, other precious metals and gemstones by developing a series of articles for sale about these subjects. I will operate an online consulting business addressing these products on a specific site basis. Finally I will also operate an online bookstore that also addresses these fields. I expect the combination of operations each of which provides one income stream of many whose total value will provide a net income of $25,000 per month.
ALPHA & OMEGA to IM WISDOM. Exceptional. Priceless.UNIQUE,ORIGINAL and REAL. Refreshing.Thank you for dignity in teaching us newbies. SEER.
Hi, Eric,
Thanks for all the great tips,
my Vision is to be able to retire from my job of thirty one years and be able to travel to places that I’ve not been able to go to before. In one of the lessons you talked about being the marketer I’m beginning see that side of things and how I can make this work. I have a passion for my mustang and I how I’m able to keep it looking great and the products I use to keep it that.I’m also going to make a e-book on diffident topics.
I see myself moving froward so I can get to that place of feeling of not worrying about the bills. these lessons will help me with pushing the sites I have move froward as well.
One goal is to double my income in the next 9 months. Another goal is to get debt FREE!!!
the book Cash-flow Quadrant is giving me a whole new look at how things really work and it all makes sense.
Can an Oldie be a Newbie ? Yes I can. It seems that as a young man I fulfilled the visions I held – a 2 week canoe trip,marriage,build my own house,raise a large family. These all came true. It seems I had no further visions until I discovered long-distance running at 50 years.The vison to run the marathon was the new vision and it was done.
I agree your vision takes you there. Now I want to surprise family and friends with an online work from home business that succeeds.
Apart from modest personal expenses I need funds to help others and this is giving me a real drive to match my effort to my vision.
My vision is to be owner a lot of websites with different niches so they can make me a lot of money , I want to be a guru in this filed in future , like to be like Rech Saffran the guru of the guru some day.
My goal for the next twelve months is to grow my online business from zero to $125,000. I will be giving that money to LIGHTHOUSE 2911 to help youth and their parents. I will do this one step at a time, bringing quality skills to my business by listening to and following Eric’s advise.
My vision is to have an online business that deals with complete estate management, whether it is a single family home, or an entire island estate. A hobby farm/ranch or large farm concerns. We have our own Ecological Farming methods and make over 2million dollars per year, and with the profits, we can help communities by identifying and helping build community businesses that help Widows/Orphans and homeless with a hand up. This is the Vision that we have and are reaching thanks to your help.
my vision is to be free. i would like to start an online business that will allow me to have free time and cashflow. i like heathy foods, ornaments and business ideas, so if i can sell these online, my ultimate goal is to have my own business that teaches others how to make money online. i hope i earn $ 30,000 and above.
My vision is to become a successful internet marketer. My success will be defined as netting $2,000.00 (USD) per week as I have been chasing a multitude of βBright Shiny Objectsβ for the past 3 years. Today is July 22, 2011. Through your wisdom Eric, the means to attaining my vision is becoming clearer. Thank you.
July 24, 2011
My Vision:
I Am a Marketer Minister
I Have a vision to Market products and services to serve mission causes:
my family
my church
worthy mission projects
worthy community projects
wothy people
I will make and clear a minimum of million dollars a year in marking ministry
I will do so outside the confines of everyday pastoral ministry
I will remain connected to to a local church through some form of pastoral ministry
I am a marketer minister
My goals include:
Own a great home
pay for sons college
travel to mission sites overseas
vacation in great historical places
bike across USA
be a major donor to my alma mater
weigh 185
be secret santa to my community with $100 bills
I must admit that my first Vision was to get by,My wife is 51 and has just quit her job after 25yrs with Walmart I have been pastoring two small churches one we have decided to close my kids are working themselves into debt . Now after listening and thinking I want much more, my wife deserves more she has worked hard all our marriage My vision is still being developed by the end of 2011, I will have a business worth over a$1,000,000.00 working from home , and leading my family on the same path and by the time my youngest son comes home from kuwait in April we will as a family take a long anywhere we want vacation .because our business will be running themselves . Then i will set down and set my next vision .
Eric, thanks for this lesson. My goal is to have my own business that can generate at least $25,000 a month that corresponds with my values and can be done from home and most parts of the world. This will enable me to be with my family, provide for my children things they need because I hate to continue to say I cannot afford. Also, my vision is to able to do international travels, give to those in need,leave inheritance for my children when I am gone, and teach others how to achieve their goals.
First I want to thank you Eric for giving me hope. I have been trying to start an internet business for the last four years but have chickened out for lack of confidence that I can do it. Now I know I can with these lessons you are giving so generously and I know you also offer coaching but right now I am so broke I can’t afford anything. I have a steep learning curve before me but I’m prepared to have a go at it. I’m looking forward to having something started soon.
My VISION is to have my first business up and running by the end of 2012. This will be an “autopilot” affiliate business which I think I can have started fairly quickly without the time it will take to produce my own product. While this is hopefully earning some much needed cash,I will be developing my ebooks, the first of which will be ready to launch by the end of 2012 with the different ways you are teaching. My goal is to generate an income of no less that half a million dollars by June 2012 and by the end of 2012, my vision is to have grown the business to about 1 million dollars a year. My vision is to have increased my earnings to 10 million dollars a year by the end of 2014. This will give me the financial freedom I need so that I can have the retirement I desire and also help out my grandchildren and children who are struggling to make ends meet because of job losses.
My vision is that at this point of the business I will have acquired such proficiency that I can rapidly expand the business to increase by one million dollars every year. I will do this by diversification and creating numerous income streams. When I reach that point I will be able to give to the less fortunate in our society, set up a foundation and leave a legacy. That is the vision I will work to achieve before I die.
vision is set for the past 4 years. i know you have to learn to stand before you can take your first step. bumps, hardships, stress, and even pain is a part of everyday life. it is how you acknowledge the ability to overcome these issues that make you a performer. sports, art, music, dance and even modeling has hardships, as i stated above. yes there are times of pain to each of the listed. there is no magical pill, no easy way out, there is the journey that you step everyday, and you only, to solve and find the path you take. if there are others that do not hear you that, this is the path you choose, do not let anyone tell you that you are not able. in the path you take go forward, and learn from those that offer knowledge of the path. those that offer no aide, but hinder you, walk past and go forward. i will start my website 1st, then as i have a second to develop, i will be able to go further into internet marketing. this is my journey, i have shouted for advise and tried to even give the part of my 1st website away so i can keep going over major obstacles. virtually homeless, i will get things done to get over the obstacle so i can run down a path with open eyes.
Thanks for taking me back to Dale Carnegie, Zig, Norman, Wayne Dyer, Dennis Waitly, Napoleon Hill, the Bible and other inspirational authors like Earl Nightingale. It’s good to get back to the positive side of the equation.
My vision is to build an internet business which will generate $40,000 by the end of the year (2011) By the end of 2012 – six figures and ultimately seven figures. To become completely debt free and have passive income in order to realize my ultimate vision: to postively effect the world through the entertaiment industry (making films). To build new schools which will focus on helping kids to discover their purpose and to build affordable housing for those less fortunate.
To spread the gospel in a non-traditional way.
BTW my first film FOR LOVE OF AMY directed by Ted Lange will be released in October 2011. Please look for us on facebook and like us.
Thank you Eric – this site is awesome. And yes, I will definitely join up for coaching as soon as resources permit.
God Bless,
Vincent Lee Alston
Hi Eric,
Great lesson as usual. I would aim at producing an educational website which aims at helping students of all level. It will be particularly directed to those who can’t afford quality education offline. It will be a boon for poor people across the globe who will get quality education most of them will be free. However, it could be a $10,000/month business.
God bless you
Hi Eric,
I already have a vision for my life. It’s my mission statement: That my presence here on earth be a blessing to the world and everyone I encounter. Of course my vision for my business has to honor that mission. I will encounter countless more people online than I ever could otherwise. First and foremost, my online business must be a blessing to others. I can see that you conduct your business much in the same way that I intend to. Sure I’m going to sell things, but I plan to give away much more than I sell. I would like to share the experience and wisdom I’ve gained. It’s my desire to empower people to be able to fulfill their dreams and desires. My business will generate $1,000,000 a year in profits. I love to travel and will be able to travel anywhere I desire for work and pleasure.
Start small.. and earn enough to do those
go to a Professional Football game -$500 budget
Get my teeth fixed $14000
Get a nicer car $40000
get a nice house $1,000,000
I work in retail, the receiving department and it’s really hard work getting the merchandise on the floor in a timely manner. And my pay is tap out (no more pay raises for me).
My Vision I would love to put my energy toward an home business making earning 5,000.00 or more monthly. In the comfort of my home. I would love to travel and enjoy life. and also give back to the community. I’m very new to internet marketing and I have a lot to learn. I listen to your lesson daily. looking forward to more of your video lessons. Thanks so much.
My Vision
I operate a successful, profitable online business based on my values of honor, integrity, and Christian ethics. I work from home, or wherever I have an internet connection. I have the freedom to travel, and build an online resource of guides to our National Parks, as well as state and local parks that are possible vacation destinations. I travel in a motorhome and photograph the parks myself. I write from the experience of having visited. I provide assistance and information to those who seek self improvement.
A very poignant message. It reminds me of a question my mother used to ask me often, why you count your eggs when you don’t even have the chicken? Gotta see the egg (end result) in order to achieve. Great videos Eric.
My vision is to make enough money online to achieve total financial freedom, and to help others to do the same. A red mercedes sports car wouldn’t go amiss, either π
Hi Eric
My vision for my business is that it will successful the point where I am earning enough money to be debt free and not have to be employed, have my spouse quit his job so we can work together, be able to support our parents and help some other family members and have time to do voluntary work. Thanks for opening my eyes with a lesson such as this.
My vision is to create an online marketing business that is remarkably different than the current norm. Integrity and creativity will be my standards. I desire to be debt free by the end of this year and to gross in excess of half a million by the end of next year increasing by at least that amount each year for the next five years. I pledge to sow proceeds extravagantly in to the Kingdom of God for the benefit of my brothers and sisters in Christ and the discipling of the nations.
The vision is to create the best personal growth program thats ever existed and build a internetbusinnes around it. I will continue to teach and make very different motivational seminars it to people that really wants to create their own ultimate lifestyle and live a life with passion, meaning and prosperity. I will work with the best in the world to make this “system” a softwareprogram that will change conditions for everyone that has the willingness to go through it. Focus will be first in western countries to get more people understand that the consumersociety with unsatisfying material stuff for the soul will never create the happiness that mankind is searching for. Its not also about either getting rich, famous or sucessful or… be true to the spiritual way of life /infinite/ destiny/ God / Force / nature… But rather both! If thats what the individual truly wants. However this program will in depth show that we always pay a price and help people chose with more awareness before chasing a sucessful or “rich” lifestyle. Living life sustainable , happy and fullfilled but also understanding some golden guidelines to how to not just “get the big picture” in theories but actually create it together with others likeminded. I will also thorugh the internetbusinnespart of it (since this is just a part ) do Joint ventures and affiliatemarketing for the” right type” of products and services. This part will give me the lifestyle I have since 8 years now envisioned and also opportunities to give a lot more in both knowledge, money and other resources to charity and helping other parts of the world. A great vision is to change the world for the better and at the same time have the most fantastic experiences and meet inspiring people to collaborate with and thatΒ΄s excactly my aim.
Great lessons so far and finally a trustworthy internetmarketer /salesman. π
And even though Im not selling anything right now, if this somehow got in to you and sounds interresting.. go check http://www.creative-elv8ion.com and why not take contact? π