LESSON #14: Setting Goals for Your Business

By | July 18, 2008

In the previous lesson, we talked about getting a vision for your business.

A vision is the big picture of where you want to go. You need to have a vision, otherwise you won’t be motivated, and you won’t have a clear direction for your business.

However, a vision needs goals and plans to go along with it…

(Watch this video…)

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Main points:

  • Vision vs. Goals. A vision is the big picture of where you want to go; a goal is a specific milestone that helps you get closer to your vision.

  • Important requirements for goals:

    1) they should be specific (measurable)
    2) they should be serious, but attainable
    3) they should have a deadline

  • For example: a goal may be to earn $10,000 of net profit before December 31st.

  • VERY IMPORTANT: Write your goals down, and keep them in sight.

  • (Story about the Harvard MBA graduates…) Those with written goals made 10X the income of everyone else combined.

  • I use a whiteboard… but a piece of paper is fine too.

  • You can have short term goals, long term goals, and everything in between.

  • Re-evaluate your goals periodically.

  • When you reach a goal, be sure to celebrate for a few minutes before setting the next goal.

    Action steps:

    1) Write down one goal, and put it somewhere near your computer.

    (Also please post it in the comments below)

    It should be specific, attainable, and it should have a deadline.

    Keep in mind that you will need to keep setting new goals for yourself as you build your business. As you continue with these lessons, it will become more apparent what your goals should be, so write them down frequently as you go through the process.

    Now you will need to develop a plan for reaching your goals, and I’ll be talking about that in the next lesson.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

  • 878 thoughts on “LESSON #14: Setting Goals for Your Business

    1. Gerty Hattingh

      My first goal is to stick to and complete the Eric’s Tips course and by the end there-of, my 1 website MUST be up-and-running and earning an income of at least R5000(ZAR) and growing daily

    2. Robert Dromboski

      My goal is to earn the money needed and to build and host a website, academyartist.org and have it online up and running in 30 days.

    3. Maxwell

      Hi Eric,

      I am enjoying your lessons. one of my goal at the moment is to get my business set up and running as i go through the rest of you lessons. I am taking it step by step and as i go along I am learning so much from you.

    4. Dave Trujillo

      Right now the goal I have set for my is to finish all of Eric’s Lessons. To find out why I am not creating a business that will make money?

    5. Peter

      That is right Dave, We can just have a vision until Eric tell us when to earn the first dollar. Then we can set a date of the first goal, for making a Profit.

    6. Norman Jon Sawyer

      Start with University Alliance on line classes May 1 – June 30 : Have a better understanding of Web Design and how it relates to Internet Marketing and have an active Site to promote.

    7. Ephrain

      My goal is to pay off all credit cards (totalling about $3200), sell at least 300 ebooks and increase my savings by $5,000 by December 15, 2012

    8. Mike

      I want to be at an income run rate of $10,000 by December 31, 2012

    9. Dale

      My short term goal is to have a online business started, running and making $ 2,000.00 per month by July 1, 2012.

    10. Eddee

      Dear Eric,

      Here is my Goal:

      •I will finished the Eric Tip’s online course with in three months period. That is on August 14, 2012.

      •By August 1, 2012 I have my first website published on-line.

      •On Dec. 1, 2012 that website published in August 1, 2012 will start an income of at least US$100 a month.

    11. Sergio

      Here is my goal:
      At 30Nov12 I will have 30.000€ from my internet business selling info, products & services for natural healing and sustainable living, even after the collapse.

    12. Alexis Sharif

      Hello.This article was really motivating, particularly because I was investigating for thoughts on this issue last Wednesday.

    13. Katherine

      My goal is to make $200,000 from my entertainment-related businesses by December.

    14. Francis Brown

      My Goal in the next six months is to have my own internet business up and running and producing an Income that is at least 2 x my annual earnings.
      From $35.000.00 NZD to at least $72,000.00.
      My plan is to break this goal down into 12Mths
      Each month my target is between $5,500.00 to $6,000.00 This is to achieve double my salary at this stage.
      In order for this to happen I will save $500.00 Per month to start me off towards starting my business up. Primarily the funds will be used for things I will need to develope my website. In the next six months i will stay focused on learning as much as i can to make this happen, Including watching tutorials from you Eric and reading alot more to do with marketing and selling.

      Francis Brown

    15. Roger Kaus

      My goal is to have a nitch and a web page up and running by june 12th -12

    16. Kathy

      My short term goal is to learn how to set up a website that will start earning $ in one month.

    17. Mark Lewis

      My goal is monetize my website and earn some money by year’s end.




      my Goal is to complete these lessons before 31 July 2012 as today is 2012/07/15, Then i will make a credit card from a bank of pakistan. After this I will start my online business with the HELP of ALLAH.

    19. Trevor

      Hi Eric,
      My short term goal is to be making $5.000 profit per month by 31st December 2012

    20. rob

      MY goal is to understand the online business proposition and make it profitable for me buy the end of the month of July2012.

    21. carrie

      My goal is to learn how to build and manage a WP website by August 15th.

    22. Jeff T.

      My first goal is set in the very near future. Today is Tuesday, July 17, 2012. By this Friday, I would like to have my affiliate program for Easy-List Classifieds underway. This means that the ClixGalore link will be correctly placed in the callback page of my website (which I am having difficulty with) and ClixGalore will approve it and market my affiliate program to other affiliates. I need to obtain this goal by Friday, July 20, 2012.

    23. Gerard

      When I saw the goal that you mentioned in this video, ie, $10,000 by Dec. 31st, it “stuck”. My heart took hold of it. In my mind it declared “a practical 1st goal” for me. So, I desire to see banked by the end of 2012, $10,000. It is now tacked on my cork board in where I can see it everyday that I sit down to my computer. I thank God, Eric, for you and your vision.

    24. Gail Law

      My vision is to have a successful online business by 7-20-13, I will travel the world with my family ,set up collage funds for my Grandchildren,I will build my Dream home in a year, I will help those that are less fortunate then me and help save the amimals that are being abussed. I will work less then 20hr a week I will become a millionair in less then 5 years, My goal is to be making 5 thousand dollar a month in 6 month from 7-20-12

    25. Gail Law

      Mike Law
      Hi Eric; i am gails husband my vision is to have a good online business to help any one that needs help and buy veary old cars.

    26. Thomas

      My short term goal is to earn $1500 per week by end of September, 2012.

    27. Kim

      My goal is to continue following Eric’s tips to the end of the program and launch a website based on his directions.

    28. BARBARA

      For the web site I am currently working on I have one main goal to get the components and a cover page in place by the end of next weel. Monday I have an appointment at noon with one of the affiliate companies. At 6pm I have another appointment with the web builder and on Tuesday , at noon, I have a date with a company called Future Raking and also wabnt to to do an email promotion with Aweber. This is going to happen this coming week, even though I work an 8 hour day. Its a little hectic, but they are my goals. I have a few other things going on as well which I can do in the evenings. I have committed myself to 4 months of hard work which I guess is a goal to get the internet business up and running. I also have this course to address on a daily bases. My goal is to do the work as it comes and stay on top of the learning curve. Love being productive!
      You are now keeping on my toes Eric, as I have written it all down. I use my Blackberry to log it down every month..definately is helpful. My overall goal with this course is to suceed and reach my vision.
      Thanks Eric for keeping me on track

    29. Steve

      My vision is to pay off my leins to clear my property. Then I would like to make enough money to take my wife on a true vacation that she has not had in our 40 years of marraige. And finally to make enough money to take care of us in our final years and to help outhers less fortunate than we are.

    30. Steve

      My first goal is to make some money by August 31, 2012. Today is July 21, 2012. I have 41 days to make money online, even if it is only 5 dollars.

    31. Wally

      OK, my vision turned out to be goal oriented. I love goals. I am not certain that in my mind I can completely separate vision from goal. With that said here are my first three goals:
      Goal #1:Make final determination on what the business should be by 8-31-12.
      Goal #2: Establish Webb site by 9-21-12.
      Goal #3: Have all affiliate accounts & links established by 9-28-12.

    32. Steve C.

      Hi Eric,
      I’m really looking at building my income up and being self-reliant (no job) by buying existing websites and building them up (seo, monetize ads etc) How would I go about this?….I’m am looking at doing this wish spare cash and getting rid of “stuff” and junk. I only need to make 86.00 daily to match my job. I would prefer to buy undervalued sites or sites from “experts” such as you that I know have a good reputation. Any ideas?


    33. Lewis Hathorn

      Good evening, Eric:
      I had to think a bit to come up with a sensible
      goal. Here it is: ,000 net monthly profits
      by this time next year. Question: Can I do that
      with your program?

    34. Micah

      Hello Lewis,

      Everyone’s online business is going to be different, but hard work and dedication often bring about success.

      Eric’s lessons have certainly helped many people to go from beginners, to successful online business owners!

    35. Doreen Line

      My first goal is by Friday 31st august 2012 at 9am I will be earning $500 per week with my weblogs,
      I will have 1400 customers a week going through my weblogs by Friday 31st august 2012

    36. HEX

      My Goal is to work full time as a Project Leader for a specific website developing company from Norway by 1.st of November this year.which im so lucky to get training from right now. The other Goal i have is to have built my own website, selling my own product and gaining traffic and grasped as much experience as i can get from you, Eric to become a good inet marketer by the same date.

    37. ojedele akinwole

      My goal being able to own my own website to make money by the 19 of august

    38. Cheryl

      My goal is to have a website up and running because I have learned the fundamentals instead of starting in the middle (again) by October 17, 2012.

    39. Hani Salameh

      Hi to all.
      this should be short.
      i already have 2 working websites.
      this is the second website link
      as for the plan i have for the No Cost Income Stream. i made them before purchasing.
      the first goal is to have a working website as Eric is explaining. and to earn at least one commission in the next 7 days.
      today’s date : 30/7/2012

    40. Hani Salameh

      this should be short.
      my goal since before i decided to buy the no cost income stream. i new i want a new running website in Eric’s way.
      and to have an income of 500$ by 8/8/2012
      today’s date is 30/7/2012

    41. Vicki

      Okay, by Dec 31, 2012 I will have paid off all debt and have 100,000.00 in my bank account.

    42. Dan

      Hi Eric Aside from Zig Ziglar another prominent author who emphasized on goal setting is Napoleon Hill.In his book Think And Grow Rich He stressed on the need to write down and formulate goal settings WHETHER YOU ARE READY OR NOT.Most of us put off the idea to a later date.

      My goal is is to learn as much as I can from a good internet mentor the basic internet marketing technics before December 2012.

    43. Judy

      My 1st goal is to make $100.00 with my website by Aug.31, 2012…


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