LESSON #14: Setting Goals for Your Business

By | July 18, 2008

In the previous lesson, we talked about getting a vision for your business.

A vision is the big picture of where you want to go. You need to have a vision, otherwise you won’t be motivated, and you won’t have a clear direction for your business.

However, a vision needs goals and plans to go along with it…

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Main points:

  • Vision vs. Goals. A vision is the big picture of where you want to go; a goal is a specific milestone that helps you get closer to your vision.

  • Important requirements for goals:

    1) they should be specific (measurable)
    2) they should be serious, but attainable
    3) they should have a deadline

  • For example: a goal may be to earn $10,000 of net profit before December 31st.

  • VERY IMPORTANT: Write your goals down, and keep them in sight.

  • (Story about the Harvard MBA graduates…) Those with written goals made 10X the income of everyone else combined.

  • I use a whiteboard… but a piece of paper is fine too.

  • You can have short term goals, long term goals, and everything in between.

  • Re-evaluate your goals periodically.

  • When you reach a goal, be sure to celebrate for a few minutes before setting the next goal.

    Action steps:

    1) Write down one goal, and put it somewhere near your computer.

    (Also please post it in the comments below)

    It should be specific, attainable, and it should have a deadline.

    Keep in mind that you will need to keep setting new goals for yourself as you build your business. As you continue with these lessons, it will become more apparent what your goals should be, so write them down frequently as you go through the process.

    Now you will need to develop a plan for reaching your goals, and I’ll be talking about that in the next lesson.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

  • 878 thoughts on “LESSON #14: Setting Goals for Your Business

    1. richard

      my 1st goal is to have my business picked out,up and running within the next 30 days from today >8/30/2017
      My 2nd goal is to make $500.00 profit within the next 60 days from today’s date: >8/30/2017

    2. Wendy

      September 18, 2017
      1. Finish all 100 Eric’s tips by Sept. 25th
      2. Begin making $1000 per month by Dec. 15th
      3. Have my financial planning book ready for publication by Jan. 1,2018
      4. Launch my book by Jan. 31st

    3. George

      My first goal is to finish this course without being distracted by the endless offers that appear online.
      I would like to achieve this goal by December 2017.

    4. Trudy

      My goal is to learn as much as I can
      to get a online business going !!
      Due my lesson’s every day..

    5. Jared Sorensen

      My first goal is to select five ClickBank products related to my business, and set up a sales funnel for each of them by October 15, 2017.

    6. John Lach

      My Goal is to have my website, jfenterchanges.com up and running before December 31st. 2017… For every day I finish this goal early, I will treat myself to a movie from my 5k plus movie collection… As I set my next goal on improving and testing my online business.

    7. J Wayne Scherffius

      A few goals to complete – 1) transcribe hard-copy recipes to MS Word by February 28, 2018. 2) Categorize recipes by type by March 31, 2018. 3) Return to my corporate cookbook publishing website that go hacked in 2016 and have it hosted again by March 31, 2018. 4) Achieve $500/month sales by June, 2018.

    8. Mike Gaudreau

      1 – Create a product within two months
      2 – Launch the product in month 3
      3 – Earn $1000 a month net within 8 months
      4 – Leverage my list building skills and my list
      5 – Reach my potential clients via useful and engaging content
      6 – build relationships with clients and earn repeat business

    9. Bob Gatto

      1. Develop a user friendly web site and put it online to help complete my vision by or before January 2019.

    10. Alan Suter

      It all makes perfect sense, if we are expecting to be successful. many thanks….

    11. Abigail ibrahim

      My goal is to follow my lessons without being distracted and to make sure I carry out all action steps.
      To create my own product in the next 4 months
      To earn at least 150,000 before the year runs out


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