LESSON #2: What is an online business?

By | June 12, 2008

Contrary to what some of the so-called guru’s may say, having an online business is not for everyone. But in order to judge whether it’s a good fit for you, we first must define what an online business is and what it isn’t.

Please watch the following video:

Main points:

  • My personal definition is that it’s a business which is conducted primarily on the internet.

  • A website is NOT an online business.

  • It’s not a job.

  • There may be risk involved, but it’s all about how you perceive it.

  • If you’re afraid to start a business, then you need to either…

    a) get over your fear


    b) decide to be happy with your job, and forget about starting a business

    Action steps:

    1) Answer the following question honestly:

    Do I want to run my own business?

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

  • 835 thoughts on “LESSON #2: What is an online business?

    1. Andy

      Thank you,Erik!
      Can you tell me what is the software you’ve used?

      Best Regards,

    2. Andrea

      The last part of this lesson really hits home. Family and friends usually have a difficult time understanding and accepting the concept of working from home and running an online business.

    3. andrew pardoe

      I have a desire to succeed in the online affiliate genre but don’t really know where to start. I have a website, content (my own), great faith and vision but lack a plan or/and a strategy, I don’t know what to invest in – in regards to marketing ebcause I don’t know what works – any suggestions?

    4. Alex

      Yes, I certainly do want to have my own business!
      After 30 plus years of being at the mercy of the corporate bean counters, it is time for a new direction, and some financial and personal independence.

    5. Carol Smith

      You are off to a great start. I am sincerely hoping I can stay with it.

      I have a somewhat unique problem that is possibly true for thousands of others. While you in the city are used to unlimited access to high speed internet, that is not the case for us in rural areas.

      If you have to use satellite to connect, you have limited access (rather like your server can have limited band width). Even with the top package plus a separate satellite just for downloading, I have to be careful. If you violate access, you are in a mess because the punishment is not fun.

      One of the things I have to watch is the use of videos because the amount of time required for streaming. Some are ok and some are incredibly hungry.

      Do you have any ideas about solutions for this group of people — especially now that videos are all the thing.

      Carol Smith

    6. Iftekhar Hussain

      Hi! Eric,

      You are doing a great job. Pepople like who dont know any thing about online business are most benefited and feel couraged to start on line business. They have a satisfaction that thye have some one from whom they can take advise any time they want.

      Keep going dear. My best wished are with you.

      Regards/ Iftekhar Hussain

    7. Charles Attal

      Hi Eric. I am a newbie to computers and always hired people to do the work for me. I am now a widower and working from home trying to figure out how to build a business on the internet and ways to drive traffic to websites which I am preparing to create. I don’t believe much of the baloney I see on my emails and all they want is to low ball you with a shipping cost and then add more and more and the material is just junk. I don’t do that any more. What I need is someone who knows how to create business on the net and how to get traffic to the site and how to be positioned up froht on the search engines. If you can mentor me and it really works I will pay for the service if it is not too much. Let me know what you can do. Thanks,

      Charles Attal

    8. Eric Post author

      Andrew- as you will see in lesson #3, I actually recommend holding off and do not buy things until you have a better understanding of what you need.

    9. Eric Post author

      Hi Carol, I do not have any specific solutions regarding this issue, but I think that the technology will continue to get better and that the bandwidth will eventually become more accessible. Also I will try to keep the file sizes of the videos as small as possible, which will help reduce bandwidth use.

    10. Eric Post author

      Charles- right now I am not offering any personal mentoring, but I am providing all of these video lessons for free, so follow along with them and you’ll see how to set up an online business step by step.

    11. Erik

      Hi Eric,

      I see lesson #2 is up and running but I didn’t received an email about it??


      Erik, The Netherlands

    12. Nico Pisani

      Hello Everybody! My name is Nico Pisani… some of you may know me from Eric’s show last year….Next Internet Millionaire.

      I am one of Eric’s most ardent supporters, and after spending two weeks last summer with him, I know this step by step course is going to be one of the most valuable learning experiences you and I will ever have the opportunity to be a part of.

      This being said… I have created a forum that I hope helps provide a solution for ongoing communication, support, and implementation of the 120 Lessons that Eric will be teaching.

      Those of you who are reading this are already taking action in making a commitment to following Eric’s 120 Step by Step Lesson Plan!

      This is NOT a replacement to posting comments on Eric’s blog! Please Note: I strongly encourage you to leave comments on Eric’s Tips below each lesson before going to the forum and getting involved.

      However, I DO hope to create an interactive community there that will serve the following purposes:

      An organized forum to review each of Eric’s 120 Lessons. Helping you to better find, ask, or answer questions and provide input for other users.

      A MasterMind Platform to Share Ideas and Strategies from what you learn. Encouraging ACTION, SUPPORT, and IMPLEMENTATION of what you will be learning from Eric.

      Relationship Building of like minded marketeers. Encouraging JV’s (Joint Venture’s) and Strategic Alliances. Mentoring.

      So if you are reading this than Eric has approved this post… and maybe he will also take on a moderation/administrative role in the community:)

      The forum can be found at:

    13. Eric Post author

      The emails are all being placed onto my autoresponder system, which may send them out at various times. You should receive the email within 24 hours. If not, check your spam folder, and if you still didn’t get it, let me know.

    14. Eric Post author

      Hey Nico- nice idea πŸ™‚ I will probably not have time to be involved much in the forum, because it is taking all my working hours to make these lessons and reply to comments on the blog. But I think your reviews are cool, and I don’t mind if people discuss the lessons on the forum. And peer-to-peer support is great. The only thing I would say is perhaps make a different header graphic so it is not confused as being my site itself. Pura vida!

    15. Nico Pisani

      Cool:) I will rebrand the logo and I hope the forum helps deliver your vision!
      say Hi to the gang for me!

      Peace y Pura Vida! Nico

    16. Akili Kumasi

      Hi Eric,

      Good job. Your delivery and approach will make it easy for people to listen and learn. Can I post links to your video lessons on one of my websites? This should be a excellent set of lessons for people who have been skeptical of “hard-core” marketing but yet want to get the information and understanding.

      Akili Kumasi

    17. Brenda

      Thank you so much, i am one who did the buy everything than knew nothing. i so want my own business and with your help and God on my side how could i possible fail? Bless you and if you want something to pray about than on July 3 i go in for brain surgery – 1 of 2 tumors to be removed. have a blessed day. see you on lesson 3

    18. Sean

      Hey Eric,
      Thanks for Lesson #2! I appreciate what you’re doing. Maybe a heads-up on the autoresponder which delivered the same Lesson #1 email both yesterday and today–at least to my box. I found Lesson #2 though and I’m sure others will as well. You might want to check the autoresponder, though. Cheers!

    19. Eric Post author

      Sure you can post links. I always appreciate free publicity πŸ™‚

    20. Eric Post author

      Thanks for the heads up. You are right… aparently Aweber inadvertantly repeated their response to my support request and set all my subscribers back to the first message again.

    21. RonnieMarz

      Again Eric,

      Sincere and to the point. I think that most people do not realize how much work is involved in creating and maintaining an online Internet business.


    22. Michael

      Hi Eric,
      Want to say thank you for these lessons up front.Im just starting out and you are right about overload.Now Im slowing down on all the info thats out there and going to do things right.There will be mistakes but I will learn and make it.I know with your help with these lessons I will come a long way.
      I have not seen anything out there like this offered for free.So Thank you again an god bless.

    23. Joe

      Thanks for the perspectives and the previous personal insights. We have much in common even though I’m much older. I retired from an education system where I worked as a consultant to startups and did entrepreneural classes. My refusal to make the classes easy always got me in trouble! There is a cost to starting ANY business and people have to understsnd that they still have to do the parts they don’t like! I struggle with that still, and I have even taught it. I can’t tell you how important it is that people learn to protect themselves from the negative input around them, but still be willing to ask themselves the tough questions. I always told my classes that prayer was essential to my sucess as a business person and gave examples. The system didn’t like that either. I REALLY am looking forward to these lessons. I have wasted alot of time and money on programs I just did not have time to develop. I work full time for my son in his business and frequently can only find 20-30 minutes a day to work on this. I have almost been overwhelmed with questions and information both.

    24. Bryan Hee

      Hi Eric,

      Great tips. Thanks! I’m ageed with you that we can’t treat online business as a “JOB”.

      If we did, we just escape from the low-paying “job prison” to the “potentially higher-paying “self-employment prison”

      We need to have “Right Mindset” and treat it as a serious business. We need to have strong “burning desire to success”.

      Right Mindset + Right Attitude + A Solid Plan + Proven Techniques + Taking Actions = $$$ Into Your Pocket

      Other than that, we need to ask ourself why are we starting an online business?To do whatever you want? when and where you want?Without having to worry about money?

      Your internet business ia a “Freedom Machine”

      To your success
      Bryan Hee

    25. Mark

      Hi Eric,
      Are you familiar with AdSense, and if you are, could you address that subject?

    26. rlee

      cool stuff erik ! I want to grow with this and give to others too! its a great way to make a living and give back to the world at large or small peace out

    27. AMELIA

      Hi Eric,

      Thanks again. I looked forward to the next lesson. I do want my own business & I am committed to making it happened

    28. mohd ariff

      True guidances to success, whyn’t, this is what everybody are waiting for. Not every GURUS are committed as you.
      Dear Eric, today as we following up your lessons, understanding & committed as all in you.

      With you we success
      Ths, Regards
      Mohd Singapore

    29. Get Out Of Debt

      Hi Eric

      You’ve ask if I do want to run my own business, well my answer is not far fetch which is “yes” a thousand times



    30. Oscar

      I love this course. I rules, I can’t wait to get them and when I see it in my inbox I scream and get so excited. It rules!!!

      Thanks Eric

    31. Sussan

      Hi Eric
      Listened tp both lessons 1 and 2, refreshing content so far I have been on the net for about 6 months now and slowly moving forward.
      Yes there is a lot of BS out there and it takes a discerning mind to sort it out
      Which I am starting to do now, like most people I looked at everything and tried most things and got confused.
      I retired and decided to start an internet business,to keep the ‘old’ brain cells active. Concerning health wealth and happiness, plus animal care articles. This is exciting for me to be involved with the net.

    32. Bounama

      Wow Eric!
      This is a totally new perspective of what is an online business. I think some so-called gurus have to hear from you.
      Happy you took-off right from scratch. I see that many people have problem from the concepts and definitions.
      Thanks millions

    33. Pingback: Eric Holmlund and How to start an Online Business

    34. Nats

      With the economy in decline and jobs at risk you need to look at alternatives to earn a living before your job is axed. But like anything you do in life, success is a result of effort. What Eric is providing is a means of olearning the skills to start looking at an online business without the sweat. self employment does have significant benefits

    35. Hal

      Hi Eric:

      Just a quick note. I have been attempting to start an online business for quite some time and made a lot of mistakes. Information overload is a gross understatement.

      The point of this post is to thank you for your efforts and also note that your vids and teaching style are much appreciated.

      I look forward to the remainder of the series.



    36. Scott

      This is great. I have often felt I have all the tools and info to build a successful business. My hard drive is filled with it.

      I just haven’t known the steps, or even how to put it all together so it makes sense and actually makes a business.

      This looks like my answer. Thanks a lot!


    37. Heidi Ross

      Yes, I agree with family members having a difficult time understanding about online businesses. My husband has even went as far to tell me that there is no money to be made on the internet and if there was he would be doing so himself. And no my husband has no clue of what is involved.

      Eric, even though you are starting at the beginning it is still sometimes good to still go over the basic (even for someone who is past the basics) because sometimes it can generate new ideas that you never would have gotten otherwise. But keep up the great work


    38. Bill

      I did get lesson 1 on the 12th; then I got ‘both’
      1 “AND” 2 on the 13th and now it’s sent #2 again
      on the 14th, so maybe it’s back in sync now.


    39. Daniel Gonzalez

      I agree partially: Owning a business is not for everyone. And a website, by itself is not an online business on its own. However, if you really want to have personal wealth and security, then you need to own a business, period. A business builds equity and equity is the only source of true wealth.

    40. Nicky

      Hi Eric,
      I would add a point to your point a) in your two points above relating if one is afraid to start a business. And that is “Get over your fear by learning what running an online business involves.” That includes learning about the risks as wall as the rewards – and the hard work it entails. Plus, I hope you will talk about the desire to provide a useful service should be a key driver running/having a business. There are a lot of “have an internet business become an instant millionaire…” promos out there (and of course, buying their products will ensure that will happen for you), and it seems many now believe that having an internet business is the door to instant overnight money riches. I believe one has to provide something that someone wants and values AND know how to market in order to have success. OK, now I gonna watch the vid. πŸ˜‰


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