Contrary to what some of the so-called guru’s may say, having an online business is not for everyone. But in order to judge whether it’s a good fit for you, we first must define what an online business is and what it isn’t.
Please watch the following video:
Main points:
a) get over your fear
b) decide to be happy with your job, and forget about starting a business
Action steps:
1) Answer the following question honestly:
Do I want to run my own business?
As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.
Have a great day!
Dear Eric,
I have looked at other Stock packages and most of them come with a computer program so you can test drive and then track your stocks, usually with color coding. I didnt see that with yours or did I just miss it.
Cont. please email me if you can and give me further details.
I understand your problem with trying to have high speed internet service in the rural areas. Relief is in sight and at low cost. A company will soon be going public that with its new High Technology can provide T-1 wireless mobile internet service to everyone, everywhere for just $19.95 per month. I am very excited about this new service. You can read more about it at
Thanks Eric your 2nd lesson encouraged me to have my own busines.
I’m presently involved in an MLM, I find the continued sorting of those that are interested
a daunting task. But the main quality of a MLM is the residual income through duplication.
It seems that an internet business can also provide this residual income in the same way without me chasing friends,family and strangers, is this true?
good beginner’s lessons and a nice courtesy, thanx
good beginner’s tips, nice courtesy Eric, thanx
Good lessons l want more lessons to start up my BUSSINES,and love to have my website good,good lessons you have.
thanks ,good beginner,s tips .see olso 12+ Streams of Passive Residual Income! All virtually hands free and without EVER having to talk to a single person about it! And now I am going to let you STEAL a copy of this Ground-Breaking New System for FREE! at
yes, I want to own a business.
Thanks for the teaching. Can’t wait for the next one.
ERIC good question, there are so many out there pedaling, you know what I mean, and it seems that no body wants to stop it.
There are a lot of good comments here and this is what should be posted to show people what is really all about, not a lot of money, but a lot of time to get started, just like any business.
My self I do it because I am disabled and 65 with nothing any better to do, I am on the computer every day so why not see if I can make some extra money if I can, one thing I don’t want is to be a couch patatoe, so don’t be surprised if there are mistakes, that is why I am disabled, a triple by pass then a stroke three month later which left me seeing double, you take it from there, try typing that way, so why not, it keeps the mind active.
Thank you for the great information. These are worth learning from. Thank you for the basics and more.
Hi Eric;
I’ve had the oppertunity to check out both lesson#1-2 and your blog. I like what i’ve seen so far. I’m a retired 75yr old construction worker with a verry small pension. Even tho I’m spending around &500.00 dallars a month on what I’m starting to realise is nothing else but a money grab on the part of a unscupalace sellar with no concience. That’s why I can’t take advantage of your $1.00 special offer. What I’m realy hopping for is that I’ll still be able to get in next week after I’ve replenished my CC with new funds (and cancelled out most of my other money drainers)Providing that it”s still availlable and the price is not out of reach like some programs I’ve tryed and lost money on.I really want this, It sonds good. Keep it up.
Thank you
Sure I want my own business. My problem is how to establish it without liabilities on a tight budget. What if I burned and loose more than I can affoard and end up canned? I for sure think you know what I’m talking about.
How can I start with at profit so that I can reinvest and grow? Those have always been my 2 doubts.
Thank you Gary,for your side note. as if you read my mind, what you said is very true. But I am determine to succeed.
Hi Eric,
Getting into business is just like going to war. It’s either you win or you lose the war. Know your enemies and use your weapons wisely is a step to victory and success.
How do i forward my Gmail to the Thunderbird email program. Thanks Mertin
The five minutes a day to clear your head is good advice but to take it a step forward try this:
1. Think about what it is you really want to achieve today.
2. Now think of something completely different like the weather (this is called breaking focus)
3. Now imagine how you will feel when you have completed your task (really feel the emotions)
4. Now give thanks to the universe (or God if you choose) for providing it.
5. Break focus again (step 2) and forget about it.
6. Take action… what small task can you focus on right now that will help you achieve your task… do it now!
That\’s all there is to it and you could probably do it in about 3min every day… try it it works!
Eric, I do have online businesses, including one that helps the same people as you do in these videos, but it is still great to learn your views. Lesson 2, which focussed on WHAT and online business is, and WHO should start them put down essential markers. Looking forward to the rest of the course.
Hello Eric,
I am looking foward to learning with your user friendly tips. How does one go about setting up a PayPal Account? Have a great weekend.
Yes, I definitely want to run my own business. It’s a goal of mine to retire my husband. Even though he owns the company, the company owns him to a large extent. I want to change that.
It’s pretty easy, just go to
I recommend doing a business account.
Eric: I don’t even Know whether I am setup or not, can you chek it out for me and let me know what else I should do? I asked you the other day if I need to have windows for this , I haven’t received an answer yet. Please let me know. Also I cannot download or get your lessons on my IMAC.
You can certainly be an internet marketer on a mac. But many IM-related programs (including our Push Button Marketer) only run on Windows. I know it’s a bummer, but might be worth getting a Windows PC too. I have both.
Hi Eric,
Just a few lines to give you an idea were i’m coming from,till 2 weeks befor the new year the only things i new about computers,on/off,browse the net,open and send emails thats it, and 1day last year i bought a book online which was nothing to do with computers.It was a further 8 months later when one of his sales pitches caught my eye again and something just clicked in my mind,yes ok i’m still working the usual 8hrs a day running my other 2 businesses but this is so incredible to be learning an online trade i just can’t believe i’m doing it.Looking forward to vid 3.
I totally agree with you concerning family members being negative about the possibility of you starting an online business, or any business for that matter! Their negativity is based on two major factors.
1. Past failures (on your part)to get an idea or a project off the ground. Even if you have the will to continue to try to succeed their perception of your past performance(s) will always cast doubt in their minds.
2. Jealousy (on their part) because they know that you have the desire and drive that they lack that will eventually produce positive and lucrative results given the right opportunity!
Hi Eric,
Just as you mentioned in your very first lesson, I am overloaded with info,not knowing where or how to start an online business.Thanks for the simple yet informative lessons. Looking forward to more interesting lessons from you,
I want to do online selling but am so confuse,how should i start it on ebay on line selling
ebay is just one of many ways to make money online. I will be covering various methods in lesson #4, so just take it one lesson at a time 😉
Hi Eric,
Once again you provided good information with realistic warnings — while somehow maintaining an overall encouraging tone. I’ll be back for the next lesson.
Hi Eric,
I have my own business for 16 years in constructions, but now it’s time to have a business that making me more time for my children, friends and myself. I have working like a dog from 6:00am to 22:00 pm, sometimes later. And what I have won, a divorcing and loose everything(house, car, financial problems, on the momenent not abble to have a new visa card before all my financial problems are solved “when???”. My courage for working so late and with my bear hands is a little bit down, so i see a new opportunity in these business. I’am not a computerfreek, now nothing about these all,but i want learn it fast. Also the first point for me it’s all in english (it’s difficult with a dictionary,BUT… :-)), so i say YES. Please send me more lessons and thank you for your kind support. Tony from Belgium
I WANT my own business. The issue is now that I have the desire and the time and no excuses, I also have no job or cash flow. The last 2 weeks I have struggled and spent and have not succeeded in much. $5.00 is a poor payday. I will to prevail even though the odds are that I will suffer loss. Nothing good comes w/o sacrifice. Oh yea everyone watch out for Mackenzie Lee’s home cash course.
I am overloaded with info,not knowing where or how to start an online i say YES. Please send me more lessons
I just downloaded today the free Authority Black Book 2.0 for 2009. I think it’s a great resource to learn how to build links to get traffic and build your list using Web 2.0. You can download it directly from
Hope this helps, Tony
I agree with you, Eric.
I order to really find out if starting an online business is for you, you need to ask people who have been doing it for some time.
I went about it all the wrong ways you could count.
I never consulted with my wife, and because of that, I went a little overboard on my purchases.
That said, if anyone REALLY has the bug to want to start on online business- seek out he people who have been there and are doing it.
Just watch out for the hype/
The answer is yes. I have had one business or another for 35 years. I want an online business now.
I’ve always known I wanted to.
There is a program called Sorensen Squeeze that will greatly reduce the size of a video file while still keeping the video quality intact. If you’re not using it on your videos, you should give it a try. It does take a long time to process the video, but it is a one-time process, and the resulting file may be as much as 80% smaller yet still look the same. That means it not only takes less bandwidth but also loads faster.
Also, I have found in rural areas that oftentimes the local Mom and Pop telephone company or cable company can provide DSL or a cable modem that will work much better than a satellite connection.
You sound very informative and am paying special attention cos this year is my year to suceed.pls continue with your good work
Hi Eric,tanq for your tips,its quite inspiring becos it has reality in it,i request yu send me more than 3lessons a day,i hav gud time to spend so pls–tc
if dats the question to run my own business,well its yes for me,before i hav faced lotta problms becos of not knowin a rite person,
it was hard for me to knw the right ways of it,ther r many options,ive spent money on but nothin in return,i lost all of them,so i need tomake sure if am really benefitiin in doin this busines,i dont mind spendin lil money on it but after i find it fruitful only—-tc
I am very interested in startting my own business. The concern that I have is what I have heard and seen regarding the Internet SCAM’s. You hear so much about this, that it causes you to pause. This does not mean that I am not interested or wanting to start the business.
I agree with K, you have to be careful of the hype, because there is ALOT of it out there. There are also the ones that want you to give them an absorbadent amount of money, just to train you on doing the business. This money should be used to start up the business, in my opinion.
why work away fro home when you can be working out back at your pool
You own Push Button Marketer? i just bought that I went through all the videos but I still do not have a clue on how to us it. Any suggestions!
take it one step at a time. Follow along with the videos, or try one of the prebuilt macros. If you have any specific questions/concerns, just submit a helpdesk ticket and Micah will answer it.