Contrary to what some of the so-called guru’s may say, having an online business is not for everyone. But in order to judge whether it’s a good fit for you, we first must define what an online business is and what it isn’t.
Please watch the following video:
Main points:
a) get over your fear
b) decide to be happy with your job, and forget about starting a business
Action steps:
1) Answer the following question honestly:
Do I want to run my own business?
As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.
Have a great day!
yes you can use the samples from lesson #43, but they are as-is, and at your own risk ๐
Yes I am ready to run my own online business. It is all new to me. Thanks for the video lessons, and I appreciated the personal introduction to you & your family. Looking forward to the other lessons.
yes, I wish to start a business online now,how long will it take to start a business and earn money ? Yeah, I will commit myself to the lesson that you have posted . Thanks Eric
Chris, another thing you can try is to do what I did and make a folder in your favorites(on internet explorer) called Eric’s tips. Then you just have to open the e-mail, click on the lesson, copy the url, and paste it in a new internet window, then save the page to your folder in favorites. Hope this helps alot of ppl. And Eric I love your tips!
Have you tried clicking on the Compatibility view when on IE8. Sometimes this helps with sites that are not compatible. (It’s right next to the refresh button) Good Luck!
I am very determine to have my own business! With God’s help, my efforts and your guidance, I believe I will be successful!
Can I host the sites on my own server or do I have access to the server being used?
Hi Eric, I do wish to have a successful online business I have spent the last 9 months building skills in html editing, ftp , hosting, domain name, clickbank and now cpa marketing. I have purchased video screen capture and virtual assistant software as well as social networking and twitter profiles. So I have come to far to quit now. Gracias.
thanks for the info. I have an offline business that I wanting to get online. I tired of one store in one town.
Hi Eric,
I am enjoying your video series. The information is very helpful. On thing I am having problems with is adding an optin page to a template. I use Aweber and know how to insert the code, but the hosting company I am using provides templates and I am having a hard time figuring out how to add the script code. Do you have a video addressing this?
Hello Leanne,
While we don’t have a video tip on this, the Aweber staff has encountered these difficulties before.
We recommend that you visit their knowledge base here:
Or, you can get some direct assistance at this link:
Hey Eric,
Once again I enjoyed the video! Is there a way that I can access your lessons to where I can view more than 1 at a time. I am very interested in what you have to say and in your teaching style! Thanks as always,
Hi Eric,
I do want a on line business, and the 2 tips so far makes me think I can do this. I don’t know much about this stuff, but I am starting to pick up some knowledge by studying every day. I have owned and operated my own retail and rental stores for 22 years, this year I lost all including my house,but I know I need to have a business to recover. Will my past experiance help me in this new start up?
Thanks, you can find them here:
Just make sure you don’t skip any steps.
Yes I think your past experience will help in several ways. You know the kind of work ethic required to build a successful business. Within 22 years you’ve no doubt experienced successes and hardships that you can draw wisdom from. If you’ve hired people and managed employees, this experience will help too.
In fact, for someone like yourself… it would probably be best to hire people as early as possible in the business building process, so you can build it faster and take the workload off of yourself.
Hi Eric! I’m a new subscriber and I have to admit that you’re far more honest to your statements compared to the thousands of ” gurus ” swarming online. I’m not sure if this has already been answered, but I wonder if I can somehow directly download your vids to my computer for a more thorough study. Thanks for your help and I really can’t wait for the next lesson…
Hi Eric! I’m a new subscriber and I have to admit that you are far more honest to your statements than most of the “gurus” swarming online.Keep up the good work! Now, I’m not sure if this has already been answered in previous comments, but I wonder if there’s some way to directly download your vids to my computer for a more thorough study…
Yep… I’ve failed in business before for exactly this reason! And yes… I do and have an online business and am doing it because I have a passion for it!
Anyone looking for a simple FREE business plan that makes money while building a list can get it by clicking on my name and subscribing to my FREE Newsletter.
I also in the past have had a couple of small franchises, first was bread and second was snack foods. There are a lot of variables to deal with, product, delivery times, vehicles, taxes, ect. I had to get out due to a divorce but I still think it is worth all the time and effort, getting the first dollar is the kicker.
When I am done with the 100 lessons, I will be making them available for download for a reasonable fee. In the meantime it is online streaming only ๐
Hi Eric,
The answer is yes. I do want to run my own business.
Hi friend I have just open this web I don’t yet understand anything in this web.How it is business?
Hi Eric,
thank you for your lessons.It’s so useful for me always.I have one question.Pl answer it.
how can I copy the book from
I’ve been in business most of my adult life. Being in business does have its ups and downs. I personally like the freedom of having control over when I work, alhough you must take the inititive to actually put in the effort or you won’t be successful.
It’s my dream to have income through the internet. But I don’t know how to do it! To have business on-line is very much welcome! YES! I want to have my own business on-line! Looking forward to the next lesson!
Hello Tick,
We recommend that you keep following Eric’s Tips. There are currently dozens of entries that cover many ways to make money online, and run your online business. Each entry has a video that you may watch to better understand Eric’s tips and insights.
Hello Buren,
Is there a particular book you wish to receive a copy of?
Eric,Im a new subscriber and have just watched your 2nd video. I am new to this type of biz and i am trying to establish if my basic knowledge of IT will suffice. Anyway, your refreshing approach was most welcome!!! All the very best. Sandra
My wife and I are very keen to start our online business. We have a business now but want to be free of the industrial age type. We have the stickability ,the drive, the willpower,the money and the Lord Jesus Christ. What we lack is the info so I will be very greatful if you will put the dots close together so that they can be connected. We can do all things through Christ. When one door closes,another opens. John
Of course I want to run my own business.
Thanks Eric. your first lesson was very interesting. I like your interest in teaching newbies like me but i must say that the second lesson wasn’t clear. i do hope to catct up with the subsequent ones.
Eric, i really want to start an online business to be financially independent. To have time for other things.
Hi Eric,Ilike the way you set up your lessons.It’s very organize and understand easily.I can’t wait for all your 12o lessons you offer free.Could I share to my friends.God Bless!!!
Having an online business is the BEST thing that has ever happened for the income earning in this World.
Thank you for adding the highlights – I’m a “reader” rather than a “watcher”!
You make a good point. A website is not a business unless there is the intent to monetize, and there are systems and processes around it.
Sorry I did not understand what steps should I do in making the web and blogs
What is included katagory online business
Keep following the lessons and I will show you how to make a website and blog.
Hi Eric,
I really like your approach to teaching in this lesson- that of wisdom and remaining calm while looking at the bigger picture. It’s reassuring and motivating!
God bless!
Even though you are not offering one on one mentoring. your video lessons are quite clear but i wish i can have them more regularly so i can devour them on time. Thank you
Hi Eric,
I decided to have an online business because i want to work anywhere in the world with my family. I said it because I need to work full time far away from my family as of now to provide their need.
I believe you could help me a lot.
By the way incidentally, when I click lesson # 3 suddenly it’s gone from my email list. Could you send it to me again. I will appreciate it, I want to have a complete copy of your lesson.
Thanks again.
here it is:
Hi Eric
I sent you a message yesterday asking for how to register a clickBank Account in Nigeria and how to start online business as a beginner. please am still waiting for your response.
Yes of course I do want to run my own business. That’s why I follow your lessons. God bless you Eric!
Hi Eric,
Your advice is right on! My company sells turnkey web sites. We include the products, install the website, setup the affiliate ads. All our customers have to do is promote their website.
Would you believe that many of our customers who purchase these fantastic business opportunities are not at all committed to owning a successful business?
Although we repeatedly stress the fact that you must promote your site to make it successful, some customers simply purchase the site then sit back and wait for the money to start pouring into their account.
Needless to say, since they’ve put forth no effort at all in bringing traffic to their site, they get nothing in return. So bam! They shut down the site and go off in search of some way to get rich overnight. Sadly, they either can’t or won’t accept the fact that whether you work at home or work for someone else, the key word to success is “work!”
Thanks for the lessons!
First of all I would like to thank you for what you are doing here.Thank You.
I just listened to lesson 2.
Looking forward to hearing more.
Hello,Eric. All is great, what you tell about. Probably, I made mistake subscribing to your’s, because I’m artist, and I would like to sell my art works at the auction of ebay, but I do not have some money for paying. I think about affiliate program. How to participate in the one?
Well it doesn’t take much money to post an ebay auction. You might enjoy this post:
Hallo Eric,
In this case we actually have to run our own bussines but sometimes in a special case we can ask someone to run for us and or we can join together in a certain bussiness. The reasons is for economics and practicals measurements.
Yes Eric, I am very sure if I have a bussiness especially online bussiness certainly I will take the lead to run it by myself. The reason is so we can control everything activity to the target ahead.