LESSON #2: What is an online business?

By | June 12, 2008

Contrary to what some of the so-called guru’s may say, having an online business is not for everyone. But in order to judge whether it’s a good fit for you, we first must define what an online business is and what it isn’t.

Please watch the following video:

Main points:

  • My personal definition is that it’s a business which is conducted primarily on the internet.

  • A website is NOT an online business.

  • It’s not a job.

  • There may be risk involved, but it’s all about how you perceive it.

  • If you’re afraid to start a business, then you need to either…

    a) get over your fear


    b) decide to be happy with your job, and forget about starting a business

    Action steps:

    1) Answer the following question honestly:

    Do I want to run my own business?

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

  • 835 thoughts on “LESSON #2: What is an online business?

    1. Jason

      To answer the question…Yes Yes and Yes again. My best friend has been in business for himself for 12 years now. He’s had ups and downs along his path, but he answers to himself, he’s responsible for his mistakes and triumphs. I admire that and I want that level of command in my life.

    2. Lawrence

      Thanks Eric, bread is still important, I need it for me and a lot out there, even though its not an end itself, because we know the end.
      This my first lesson.

    3. Narges

      Hi Dear Eric
      I would like have more information about online business because my phd program is e-commerce. It will be beneficial for my teaching.
      Best Regards
      Dr Narges Delafrooz

    4. sarah baboo

      Hi Eric

      I’ve just started an online business. I am selling ebooks, affiliate products and my own – resell rights on products. I am finding it difficult to get people to buy – I use adwords as one way to drive traffic to my websites, this works but they don’t buy. I have autoresponders as I capture their details, however again not many sales.
      Do you think the customers are not hungry enough for the products? Are the autoresponders not doing enough? Where do you think I should focus to get the sales? I have products that fall into niche markets, the website is visited but the sales are hard to convert?
      Any generic factors I should address in a situation like this? I am testing and tweaking but if you have any tips would appreciate it.


    5. Tom Gregorio

      Hi Eric,
      I enjoyed today’s lesson. It was thought provoking and I know that’s what you intended. Truthfully starting an online business has to rank in the top percent of life’s decisions. I have been trying for months to start mine and believe me…it’s time consuming. After all those months I finally realized I need a mentor. I’d recommend your training videos to anyone contemplating or trying to start an online biz.

      Many blessings,
      Tom Gregorio

    6. Eric Post author

      I will be addressing most of these issues at some point during the lessons. In them ean time you are doing the right thing by testing and tweaking. The most important thing to keep testing is the OFFER. In other words, what are you offering and for what price? If it’s an ebook, and they’re not buying it at $47, then maybe they would at $37 or $27 or $17. OR maybe they would buy it at $47 if you added some videos. OR maybe they would buy it if it was a $7 trial, with $40 paid later. OR maybe they would buy it if you converted it into a membership site. It’s important to test the little things too, like headlines and colors, but it’s best to focus on the BIG factors until you achieve at least a mediocre conversion rate… then you can fine tune the details. A lot of it comes down to copywriting and the positioning of the offer as well. If the prospect doesn’t clearly see the benefits and the value, they won’t buy.

    7. Jean Morse

      I have tried other web marketing lessons, but yours, Eric, is where for the first time I’m beginning to understand this concept of internet marketing. I am already with Clickbank as it seems to be the easiest one to understand and market, so will continue with your lessons and hopefully will be able to supplement my retirement income.

    8. Max

      Hi Eric,

      Thanks for this 2nd lesson, really liked it!
      I have a desire to start my online business and looking forward to the next lesson.

      Many Blessings,


    9. Scott W Kelley

      Thanks Eric…moving onto lesson three, I have been commited for 15 years in my business and am starting a new carrier path change and developing this new business of mine for my future and my loved ones. Thanks a Bunch.

      Scott W Kelley

    10. alfred

      Hi Eric
      Thanks for the second lesson i have been ready to start my own business i just can not find any body to show step by step how is it your they just want sell you stuff and they expect you to know what to do next iam a type of a person where i like evevrything explained to me step by step because that is the only right way to learn and i hope you are the one to teach it to me iam a fast learner and iam looking forward to work with you from now on and i can not wait till the next lesson i did download all the package that i got from you now i need you show me how to do it and how to become succesfull like you

    11. alfred

      Hi Eric
      Iam a new for the online business and iam very excited to start my own online busiess and hopefuly with your step by step training i can become very succesful at it i know nothing comes right away but with right training and the right attidude and hard work i can do it.
      Thanks Eric lokking forward to your next lesson

    12. David Salvidge

      Hi Eric, I’m working through the videos although I’ve been in business using the internet for over 10 years. I am now trying to unlearn all the wrong information I was taught over those years. Your videos are helping me to dispel my old idea and make way for the new methods that will actually work. Great Stuff.

      Expect Success

    13. Walton


      Yes, I want my own business. I am not sure what I want to sell, however, I know that I am ambitious and willing to put forth the effort to work for myself. I appreciate this walk-through and look forward to each step. Thank you so much.

    14. charles

      i do want my buisness the risk am willing to take i want be the bread winner of my family but i dont really know anything about computers let alone runnig a business online i just hope that i am heading in the right direction

    15. Barbara

      Dear Eric Yes I am being ready to start my own business for years but did not bump into you till now.
      You are a great teacher and i am so ready to learn from a great, clear, teacher like you I am so ready to start the trading pakadge I just got, but have no clue how to make it go.
      But I see the light at the end of the tunnel with your clear teaching and so ready to get to 100 lessons and start to make sales.
      thanks Barbara

    16. graham

      dont know how to white list??? im with outlook express. anyone please help???

    17. cristina

      es algo excepcional, quiero lograr mi independencia economica, ya que soy madre soltera y deseo que mi hija siga por las sendas del progreso.

    18. Rodney

      I want to create my own website to market my eBooks, but I don’t have the money it takes or the know how to build it from scratch or an idea of how I will attract traffic to it.

    19. Sid

      You asked me if I want to have an online business.

      Yes, I want to have an online business.

    20. Roy

      I thoroughly respect your honesty. It is very refreshing in an Internet space that is fraught with fraud.
      For you to give me the option to walk away gives you great credibility in my eyes.
      I have started a website that I hope to spin into an Online business.
      Your lessons seem to finally be giving me the path I need to follow. I look forward to following them.
      I learned from this lesson that I need to get over my fear. Thanks.

    21. Pierre William Trudel

      Hi Eric, my wife and I have our blog up and running but do not generate income yet. We have tried things such as affiliate products, adsense etc. We are presently running a 28 day challenge in which we have JV partners in.The 28 days are free and we would like to put together an e-book during March. How do we make money?What are we doing wrong? I will follow all you lessons.I just don’t get it I guess. Thanks for listening.Pierre

    22. Eric Post author

      Keep watching my lessons, and I will show you what has worked for me and many others!

    23. lidy

      hi eric – i’m just in the process of putting my offline business into an online business and i found you in my quest to find samples of the legal docs i need to add to my site vis-a-vis privacy policy, disclaimer and copywrite doc. i wanted to thank you for those templates. i appreciate them and also the lessons which i’m now enjoying learning from.
      regards and congrats on creating a beautiful family. i have 4 kids too. the more the merrier. 🙂

    24. surabhi

      Now i ve started to read your article properly and really it is very helpful for me so
      Thanks a lot

    25. Julia

      I have asked myself the question and…… YES I do want to start my own business!! I may need help and advice but I am going to do it and I am doing it even if people around me want me to stay in my safe 9-5 job!

    26. salma

      indeed it is very much helpful to begin my own business. Now i am keenly observing your videos and realising the truth.

    27. Juergen

      Hi there and everybody else who reads this
      I can recommand to stay away from using the word want, because when you go to that clear spot of your mind and say want than that is all you get a bigger urge to want try afirming what you are looking for like, I am receiving the best online business oportunity for me.Or I am starting the best online business that fits my style and desires.
      or whatever most important is to state what you are looking for and be direct the more direct and precise the better it works. good luck.

    28. Juergen

      Hi Eric
      I am truly thankful and happy to have found you,you have already helped me very much before sending everything to the server. I am working on the disclaimers now and yes after having done two business a while back, should have thought of that, yet it did slip my mind and I thank you for being there, and possibly stopped with that a failure thanks again, and I am thankful that you share these lessons with me and so many others.

    29. 2010shop4veryone

      i ve started my new business on ebay on india website the shop name 2010shop4everyone plz help me to increase my sell thanks

    30. NESTOR

      I need your help,for I am a little baby in this online business.I hardly understan the process.

    31. Mark Kiproff

      Beginning at the Beginning `Home-Based Business for dummies’ page 20 Wiley Publishing copyright 2010. has a quiz that is recommended to take.
      I got the book at my local Public Library.

    32. Richar

      Thanks so much for doing what u are doing. May God bless you richly. It’s nice to see honesty in this business, and yes, you can look forward to my business as I grow and need different tools. Help me get to each stage. Thanks for your integrity.

    33. Victor

      Hi Eric,

      Great video and thank you. I have been trying to learn how to make money online for about a year and you guessed it, I have no results.

      And to answer your question, it is a big YES I do desire to have my own online business. Just that I have yet to find the right way. I do have big dreams that one day, I can teach others what I have learned and share my success.

      I really hope that your lessons can put me in the right direction. Thanks again.

    34. adesina

      hello eric how u doing today well i am hapy to have gotten a message from u. well iam not even true with lesson and now u are on lesson two. so well i have answers to the question .my answer is YES

    35. Tammy Bowshier

      Hi Eric, Yes i have tried now for a year spending every disability check on programs every month. I have only made commission with Internet Business Tutorials. This is quite hard to start from the beginning using only 2 fingers to type. I am much faster now and Have met many people.I think it is great,just need to make an income. Thank you for your Lessons Eric. I hope I can use them productively.Tammy Bowshier.

    36. Kari Saarinen

      Hey Eric, I like your videos. Not too much information so it is easy to follow them. I will look them all, that´s for sure.

    37. Cheryl

      Thanks Eric, A very valid point. Me personally I’ve sorted the JOB v’s Online Business question and online business won hands down. Looking forward to learning.

    38. Alma

      Hi Eric

      Thank you for providing this information and videos for free. UNBELIEVABLE. This might be an answer to my prayer to being a stay at home mom and wife. I look forward to continue wathching your videos. God Bless Alma

    39. Victor

      I have done all that too Andrew. I have bought a course on affiliate marketing, bought a years worth of hosting and unlimited domains and bandwidth, but now I feel myself being stuck, and I don’t have any kind of plan right now, but like you, I have the desire and determination to succeed…I agree with your advice Eric, I am not going to buy anymore stuff. I have had aweber for quite sometime now but I haven’t even started to build a list yet, so I was thinking about canceling it since I don’t use it. I also bought a couple of domain names too, but like I said, I am kind of stuck in a rut at the moment, but I feel that Eric’s tips will be very helpful, I am glad that I signed up for these lessons…I also totally agree with not asking family advice on whether or not to start a business online. They just tend to think that everything is a scam and their is nothing but bad on the internet, which isn’t true at all. Anyway, I fell like I have rambled on enough. Look forward to lesson 3. God Bless.

    40. Eric Post author

      AWeber is an example of one thing that you will need for your business. I teach on it extensively in lessons #59-70.
      Just take it one step at a time.

    41. sam ojo

      Thanks a lot Eric, yes i am ready for the online business.God bless you

    42. Gee

      Hi Eric

      I am ready for an online business. I have learnt a lot about SEO and would like to do that.

      I use Gmail and find it really easy to set up folders. I especially like the spam folder which will auto delete after 30 days. Saves a lot of time

    43. Ruth

      Hi if anyone is interested I have a great book by james Allen “Day by Day” it includes the complete text of As a Man Thinketh.It has helped me to make many positive decisions in life while working online and in my personal life. http://www.Sylvias-Love.org

    44. Anonymous

      YES I WANT AN ONLINE BUSINESS MORE THAN ANYTHING! I know very little about starting my
      own site, also I have very little cash. However
      I am wanting to publish my own book I have just completed “Common But No Democracy” I know it will do well.


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