Contrary to what some of the so-called guru’s may say, having an online business is not for everyone. But in order to judge whether it’s a good fit for you, we first must define what an online business is and what it isn’t.
Please watch the following video:
Main points:
a) get over your fear
b) decide to be happy with your job, and forget about starting a business
Action steps:
1) Answer the following question honestly:
Do I want to run my own business?
As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.
Have a great day!
Hi Eric
Think it is very clever how you only provide one lesson at a time, this I assume will prevent information overload and keep me motivated. I have a feeling I will enjoy these lessons. Just watched lesson 2. Thank You
This stuff is getting exciting. Just to let you know that I have always dreamed of owning a business, taken courses, computers, etc. leading to business ownershi, So YES YES I am….
Hi Eric
thanks for your valuable tips,I do not know if u be able to see this message or not!! I’m wondering while following your tips if you have ready made websites with bulcky content pages)for sale inorder to save time or u may recommend some one u affliate with ….I trust your word.
your comment is highly appriciated..
I forget to tell u that I’ve purchased your and dave product pro trading and I’m going through it seems need alot of time … but it’s interresting ! It’s 2008 version did u make any updates on that???
Thanks for investing in the course Mosa. In our daily tips, we expand upon that course, provide new strategies, etc. to keep you fully up to date:
I generally do not recommend ready-made websites, due to duplicate content issues. However there are some good templates and tools that can help you quickly build a website (all you need to do is then add your content). For example,
Sign up for a gravatar here:
Yes eric! I want to run my own on-line business. I repeat, on-line business, because, I have my off-line business before for almost 25 years, but because of the bad economic situation, I lost big amount of money in my trading & import businesses. As a newbie in my new found business and at the of 56, I should not be doing something that will lead me again to a depress life. I should not be doing a trial and error system or a self study method which can lead me to another disaster in life. This time, I need your support and guidance to direct me to the right way to be successful in my new found endeavor. Thank you.
I understand exactly what it means to get stuck at times while trying to build an online business. I had Aweber for awhile while my names list was not growing to justify the cost. I finally decided to switch over to MailChimp which is free for the first 500 names. Great place to start until your business takes off!
The comments above mine clearly lead to an amazing point. That is, YOU ARE TRUSTED, ERIC! When a seasoned offline entrepreneur like Mr. Tan values your guidance, then you must be real, indeed. Continue to be a blessing to all of us!
I just finished Lesson-2. These free lessons are great. Am loving every minute of it. Also checking out some of the links that have been posted in the comments section. Plus I am doing research in other areas of this arena as well….It will take time, but I will get there eventually.
I just wanted to let you know that I have every intention of making this work to the very best of my ability. Plus my significant other is supporting me every step of the way.
Once again–thank you, Eric.
i have been trying for years. glad to have found you.
In response to lesson #2: Yes Eric, I want to be in control of my own cash flow, rather than having it determined by others, such as an employer. Also, I desire to have the ability to market products and services that fit my areas of interests, as long as there is a demand for those specific products and services…Friends, Lloyd.
Hi , i am very excited about all this,i want my own business but i dont know as much about computers as i should, but am learning fast . Please keep up the good work helping the every day person.
Yes, I am absolutely ready to run an online business. I am tired of losing money trying to figure it out, it seem to me that you are the real deal… I am on board.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Thank you for letting me watch the videos
I look forward to watching them all.
Francis Morin
” VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS ” To you and your’s Eric. This is “GROOOOVVVVY” thank-you. I am not procrastanating, actually I am in the middle of writing a blog, and was going ta drop ya a line after. Must of took your blog today a little personal. LOL I unexplainably appreciate your “Blogs” , & “Downloads”, they are so on time for my situation. For they contain help i could not afford to purchase. I do not want to delay putting my Blog on line, and then review all the videos and info, and fact you have so kindly forwarded to me, and use that knowledge i will learn to touch-up my blog, and my new web page, if and as required. Thanks again, and Top of the NewYear to you. Dennis. P.S. do you believe i’m on welfare? NOT FOR LONG
Hi Eric.
My name is Jacqueline and I do not know English. I would love to participate in their courses. Can you help me by sending video content in written form? I can translate on google.
Thank you.
Hello Robert
I think your answer, about wanting to start a business online, is the right answer. I also think that you are in the right place.
I am here because I know that Eric has one of the honest online businesses. I have followed him for a while, at the suggestion of someone, (who I taught to build a website) who has been following him for years.
I have two suggestions, my opinion only, first one is to type your comments in lower case (until you read it online somewhere or someone tells you, you do not realise, that all upper case, online, is shouting) Someone will come along and see your upper case, not read it, then get upset because you yelled at them or were angry.
My second suggestion is to watch the excellent lessons, from Eric, about building an online business before you spend more money, I do not pay for any traffic, although it is an expense of a legitimate online business model. The only money I spend is for my domain names and my hosting. Frugality is one of my reasons, the other is that I have the time and research ability to find all of the free stuff, including these excellent tips and lessons.
You will build an online business if you follow this course and take the action asked.
Good Luck with it all and wishing you all the best year in 2011
Hi Jacquiline, I plan on making the full transcripts available later this year. Until then, you will find notes below each video.
Thank you for your step by step lessons. Just finished lesson 2 and looking forward to the following lessons.
Thanks, Eric, for this step by step approach. It should take care of the information overload syndrome.
Right now, I can say that I definitely want to run my own online business.
I am confident that you will show the way.
I am a newbie and I am open to new information. I am a senior and have retired twice,but can,t stand to sit still mentally or fiscally.I get a real high from my accomplishments. In other words I love to learn and make money. A website is not an online business.Thanks, Looking towards the next lesson.
Yes I want a business.
It is hard to know where to begin – I am a borderkine senior, I am now not able to work due to a disability but I still want and need to work. Yes I do want to run and have my own business. And I want it to be on the internet. This is a totally new field for me, I was a general Sales Manager for about 25 years, but sales and sales management is not the Internet. This is exciting, challenging and to boot its fun [except with the darn people that are strangers to the truth]. It is great to run into an honest and upright dealer, and from Mr. Google Eric is that and much, much more. Thanks for taking me on and I hope I can live up to the fact you are teaching me.
Thank you for lesson 2. I have a small, part time eBay business now but would like to start something larger (not necessarily on eBay). I think your lessons are a great step in the right direction. Thank you!
I agree with you. Please guide me to a positive result.
Too Right …..
Hi Eric
Its Richard This My second comment, Im making a comment because I am learning to get involved, I am 47 years old and self-employed and have been for 20-25 years. As the world changes I see that I have to change with it.
Video 2 is food for thought. I’m a beginner and I’ve decided to start with Affiliate Marketing; it that becomes succesful, then onward and upward! Please Pray for my success.
Hi Eric,
I am the classic example of the guy who has been buffeted too and fro by the so called Internet marketing guru’s.
I have tried many times to earn even a small monthly income, and generally speaking my overall success rate can be scored at around 1%.
I have listened to these guru’s and I have flowed first in one direction and then when that didn’t work I’ve gone in another direction, until in the end my head was in such a spin that I was more confused than when I first began.
This is my third year of trying and at last I think I have found the guy who will steer me towards success at last. That’s YOU of course.
Although this is only lesson 2 and you haven’t yet touched upon things which I probably already know, even so, I will be listening to every word, because I think I am going to have to be doing quite a bit of UN-learning too.
I am really looking forward to getting into the nuts and bolts.
You’re absolutely correct when you state “starting a business is not for everyone.” Many people love the idea of being their own boss and quickly realize it takes quite a bit of discipline to “get to work” and make things happen.
Great post Eric
In fact consider what happens to many off line businesses…they fail within the first several years. The online scenario takes a shorter time for this to happen.
I wrote an article awhile back about how 97% of most internet marketers don’t make money, quit and why it happens.
You’re totally on target as to why not having your own business may be right for a lot of people.
I got this in an email. Is it legit or is it a scam.
[url edited]
I really want to start trading online but how long will it take for me to go through all of your lessons.
I don’t think it’s a scam, but I don’t think it’s a good opportunity either. Just another hyped up online MLM startup.
If you’re interested in stock trading, I’d recommend these sites of mine: Trading Pro System and Daily Market Advantage
I’ve been trading on-line for 12 years so If you need to know anything, I will be glad to answer any questions you might have If I can
Your video courses are wonderful. I can’t wait to see the third one. I started build my website business last year. Every one definitely has a huge learning curve in order to build a successful online business.
It gets easier if you have the right tools and resource that helps people build there online business. That is the reason I built.
Thank You
Jersey Jim Kelly
Hi Eric,
I have been working the online business for many years and for the most part when I had a service company that got its customers from the site information posted and a form I used much like an auto-responder. The form would send me an instant message with the customers information and what they were looking for. Then I could call or send an email to schedule with the customer for my service. That was then but today it costs to set that up. Needless to say the market change has me in a fuddle because most information and teaching courses do not cover step by step procedures in real plain word. Remember Some of us are from the old school and need to translate into the new jargon. I like what you said about stepping back too. Whenever a project is worth it planning and dedication are the utmost and you should reflect on the tasks involved.
Thanks for some fresh air
Great information – Honest & No Fluff about what an Internet Business is and isn’t..
So far I really appreciate your honesty and the way you don’t sugar coat things.
Let’s be real here…any business takes ALOT of work to build and maintain. You don’t just push a button and sit back and watch the money roll in-AND if you do, you can be sure that that will not be for long term and it will be very short lived.
Businesses online take work and dedication…
Hi Eric
I have no website and also very new to internet business. I wan to srtart doing online business.
can this system be posiible without a website page?
Absolutely the greatest insight and advice to working a business.
Paul DeKane
I made a promise many years ago, after losing a great job because of idiots, that I would never, no matter what it took, to work for anybody else again.
I know we are all interdependant in many ways but running a business for yourself although tough is way more satisfying than being a JOB slave.
Decided to learn more and start my online business, thank you very much
Hello Nzela,
Yes, we recommend that you keep following Eric’s Tips! Eric explains many ways to get your business started, that don’t involve having your own web page!
Hey Eric – whether I want an online business??
YES, of course I want it, reasons:
1. I am currently retired and have lots of time, but low cashflow position. I would like to create a “bigger cashflow”, in order to enjoy a more “freer lifestyle”.
2. I am/was a business-owner and I know the risks and all intricacies in running a business.
3. I know what the required investments are in an offline business – and online businesses have “less” monetary requirements in the initial stages.
4. Travelling every morning to the office from the house took abt 1-1.5hrs, depending on the traffic and jam situation. Now, as an online business-marketer, I can just hop off my bed and immediately go to my “office in the cellar” (20 yards distance). No traffic, no pollution. Quick and relaxing.
So, taking all the above into consideration – I guess starting and having an online business would be fun and challenging. And with your assistance, I have full confidence, that I will be successful.
Many thanks for this guidance Eric.
Take Care, have a great day and God Bless.
Hi Eric, it’s talking about mindset. It sounds complicated matter. What is really the essence of job and business? Did you mean a job is something we are able to like or dislike to do? and a business is something we have to do because of we have a goal (profit) and however (whatever) we must achieve it as good as possible?
Hello Darminto,
Yes, a job is something that you do in order to pay your bills, and buy the things you need.
An online business is something that you might choose to start, and run all by yourself. With your own business, you become your own boss, and can work to grow it as much as you want.
There is great satisfaction when you reap all of the fruits of your labors, especially when you become completely financially independent!
Hi Eric,,
great course, my name is uju,,i have being online 4 quite some time now,i live in Angola,English is my 2nd language,i speak portugues,i have aweber no list yet,sometimes i get stuck in information over-load, i really want to get my own product but i do not know best way to start it,i feel like am jack of all tread master of none…any advice to push me forward to my desire success, in IM.
I really want to have my own internet business and I am ready for whatever it will cost me
Hello Uju,
We recommend that you keeping watching these free lessons, as you are still on lesson #2.
There are many more lessons, that won’t overload you with information, but will carefully guide you, step by step, as you move forward in your online business!
Affiliate marketing isn’t for everyone. It takes a special character and sales wisdom to be successful in internet marketing.