LESSON #29: Uploading a Website Using FTP

By | December 14, 2008

In the previous lesson, I showed you how to build a web page using HTML. But that page isn’t going to do you a whole lot of good if it’s not on the web, is it?

So let’s learn how to upload it to the web…

(Watch this video…)

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Main points:

  • Control panel “File managers” are not the best way to upload files.

  • FTP = File Transfer Protocol

  • FTP Client = a software program that uses FTP to transfer your files

    You can download a free FTP client at: http://filezilla-project.org

    (see demo on video)

    You can “drag and drop” files directly from your computer onto your website.

  • Advanced tip: You can use FTP to backup important files from your PC. Just create a “storage” folder within the root directory (above public_html) of your website.

    Action step:

    1) Upload at least one page to your site using FTP.

    Note: the file should be named index.html if you want it to appear as the home page of your website. (Or index.htm, index.php, etc)

    In the next lesson I’ll begin showing you some tools you can use to make your website look nice.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below 🙂

    Have a great day!

  • 266 thoughts on “LESSON #29: Uploading a Website Using FTP

    1. Micah

      Hello Marvin,

      Is your document still a .txt file? When saving, just be sure to choose “Save as type,” and select “Hypertext Markup Language file (*.html;*.htm;*.shtml;*.shtm;*.xhtml)”

    2. tanvi sharma

      i have a local server.i have a website in joomla.and i wanna upload this local website in my server.so what to do…?

    3. bo

      upload your website by using FTP or web based File Manager.
      how do i do this?

    4. Micah

      Hello Bo,

      Are you able to view the video that accompanies this lesson?

      Eric shows how to do this in the video.

      A web based file manager works in the same way, but can be a bit more arduous, as you typically can’t just drag and drop the files you need on your site.

    5. Murray

      When you have to store files which your customers will eventually download, is there a right place to store them? I assume they would go under public.html/website.com/ but after that any other advice about where they should go?

    6. Jesse

      HI. I made the connection and all the transfer to my server to folder named httpdocs, the folder already contains a index page that came with it. and when type to browse my page as http://www.pbungo.org nothing comes up. the server does not contain www folder or any of the ones you showed in the video. the server service provider told me to past it at that folder, so please help me what do I do?

    7. Micah

      Hello Jesse,

      What web host are you using? We might be able to locate some FTP instructions specific to your host.

    8. Mark Lewis

      Hi, Eric, in the previous lesson i mentioned that i was not able to see the on the webpage. I need some suggestions.



    9. Micah

      Hello Mark,

      Are you saving the file whenever you make an edit, before refreshing the page in Firefox?

    10. Anonymous

      SO brave to instruct through tips site. How are you so patient? I use 7Zip, it seems to work.
      AND you made install and cpanel so smooth! And clear. Great teacher, dude.

    11. Andy

      Hi! I’m a big fan of your work! Thanks for all those helpful videos you share with us! I just wanted to say that i have downloaded a complete squeeze page with the graphics, headlines, content, all of them except my opt-in form which is empty but ready to be edited later after i’ve uploaded the squeeze page to my site. I uploaded my index.html in a folder under public_html, but now my squeeze page only shows phrases of the content, no images, no background. I tried uploading it several times via Filezilla or by my cPanel. What should I do?

    12. Micah

      Hello Andy,

      You’ll want to make sure that the images and other files are also stored where they need to be.

      Your squeeze page is trying to reference those files, but if they aren’t in the right location, it won’t be able to include them in the final webpage.

    13. jajujabu

      hallo, i have uploaded my html file to my website. But after passing one day, still it is not seen on my webpage. In the uploading history, the uploading sign has been shown on the file. what I do next?

    14. Micah

      Hello Jajujabu,

      Thank you for your question.

      Here is the link to Eric’s lesson called, Changing Name Servers & Getting to Know Cpanel:

      LESSON#25: Changing Name Servers & Getting to Know Cpanel

      After you change the DNS in your domain account, it can take anywhere from a few minutes up to a couple days for it to propagate throughout the web. After that, your site should be visible.

    15. ada

      Thank you Eric, I have been struggling for a long time on how to upload my squeeze page to my domain name but always failed at it. You video just did the trick for me. Thanks, keep up the good work

    16. Karen

      Hi Eric,
      I did not receive lesson 28 where you teach about creating a website using html. I received 27 and 29.

    17. Karen

      Hi again,
      Disregard that last comment – I just clicked on the link at the top of this lesson and got the previous one… thanks Eric.

    18. Calin Farcas

      Hi Eric,
      You are doing a very good needed job with your lessons.
      I’m having a problem with my host(its name is
      1and1.com) I uploaded using FileZilla my local images and html files, I created in Komposer.
      The problem I’m having, I can’t access my server directory, my tree from Website Builder environment.
      Could you access you server directory on host Gator from whatever Website builder
      you have on host Gator? Your input will be greatly appreciated.
      Thanks Eric

    19. Micah

      Hello Calin,

      Eric sticks to working in Notepad++, rather than using WYSIWYG editors.

      You might want to contact your webhost for help with accessing your server directory.

    20. Michael

      Hi Eric — Here are a couple of questions. I have created a website with XSitePRO but was not able to publish it and XSP suggested I use ‘FileZilla’ to publish it locally to the internet. (I am not good with computers. I watched your tutorial #29 and that was useful.) My question is, once I drag all my web pages to the right side of Filezilla, how do I publish it onto the internet? 2) If it did not publish correctly how do I remove it quickly from the internet? Thanks — Michael

    21. Eric Post author

      1) If you uploaded the files to the right place (dragged the files into the correct folder), then they are already published. The place to put them is the public_html directory.

      2) You can delete the files with FileZilla. Navigate to the place where you uploaded the files (on the right side of FileZilla). You can then select the files and delete them, or right-click on them and delete them.

    22. Mallory

      Hi! Do you know if they make any plugins to safeguard against hackers?
      I’m kinda paranoid about losing everything I’ve
      worked hard on. Any tips?

    23. Micah

      Hello Mallory,

      Yes, there are products and services for that, but they are typically quite expensive.

      It’s not that hard to simply monitor your sites from time to time, and do regular backups.

    24. Rosalee Waight

      My last Eric’s Tips #29 came 4 days ago. Is that the last?

    25. Eric Post author

      No, you should still be getting them. You might check your spam folder, and whitelist my email address.

    26. pooria

      hi i watched the video and applied it to a test squeeze page i created using the html file you had for building a squeeze page but the thing is when i upload it using filezilla it doesnt put it in the homepage.when i enter my domain name it still showss the index of page but the diference is iit has the option of choosing the file i just uploaded in a new page and the name of the page is the name i saved the file as.so i wanted to know how i could fix tyhis problem so that it shows the page in my homepage instead of the index of thing

    27. Eric Post author

      You need to rename your squeeze page file to index.html, and upload that file into your public_html directory. If you have another index file in that directory (such as index.php or index.htm), you will need to also delete that other index file.

    28. Nancy

      First of all, thank you, thank you for all the valuable information you give. After a little frustration, I finally figured how to do this with Frontpage, FireZilla and Network Solutions. I am admittedly website challenged. I’m a little stumped as to why my roll-over on my online sermon button won’t work though since the file did successfully transfer. Any thoughts?

    29. Micah

      Hello Nancy,

      It might be a browser or browser plugin issue. Have you tried viewing your website with another browser, such as FireFox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.?

    30. Charlie

      Hi Eric,I have bin following your lessons and iam still not understanding how to make money with the site i just built. you have the address of the site could you take a look and then explaine how i start to make money. Iam just Lost!!

    31. Eric Post author

      It looks like you’ve got a basic website set up, which is great. You need to choose a method of monetization, such as selling an information product. You can put some content for free on your site, like you’ve done, to help attract search engine traffic. Create a freebie report and a squeeze page to build an opt-in list (see lessons 59-70). Then create an information product (such as an ebook and/or video course) with the FULL solution, which you will sell. your situation would be well suited for my coaching club. We can review your site and give you step by step advice on an ongoing basis until it’s up and making money, and then we can show you how to scale it up. http://www.ericstips.com/coaching

    32. Gaia

      It’d be great if you can help. I’ve been trying to update my website via filezila but it isn’t updating despite the uploading being successful. As it is an old website the file structure has changed a lot since Iast used it. Could this be something to do with it? Any advice would be good!


    33. Valerie

      Hi Eric, can i also upload zip or RAR files via ftp? I have a landing page template that i want to upload to a page. how do i do it via ftp? if i drag and drop it on ftp, how do i get it on to a page. do i also need to change the name of the file to include .html? please help. thanks

      1. Micah

        Hello Valerie,

        Yes, those file types will upload via FTP just fine.

        With FileZilla, I simply drag the files from my desktop, right into the software, to whatever destination folder I desire.

        You do not need to change the extensions of your zip files to .html. When you link to the .zip files as they are, your customers will be able to download them.

    34. Ray

      this is a great lesson. Learning how to upload files using FTP is getting a bit technical but manageable, thanks to your lessons!

    35. Patrick Sims

      I forgot that you gave us a coupon code for GetGator.com and I purchased three domains. Is it too late to use the coupon code?

      1. Eric Post author

        I don’t think you can apply coupon code after the fact, but if you purchased this weekend, then you got a cheaper price than any coupon code would allow anyway.

    36. karhleen

      Hi Eric,
      I have been plodding along with your lessons and want to thank you for all that you give to so many of us. After a year+ of riding the “learning curve”, I am ready to take action. My question is this: is there a shortcut to getting my website up and going. As a 71 year old Newbie, I am afraid I’ll never make it to the finish line, ie. making money online, if I don’t skip a few steps. How do I determine what I “really, really” need to learn from all of the valuable but possibly, brain fogging stuff, to get to the nitty gritty before I run out of steam? For you young folk, this is a walk in the park. But for us “more seasoned soldiers” , and I’m sure I speak for many of them, I could use a quicker fix. Thanks again Eric. Your’re great!

    37. Darren


      I think I’ve got my head around loading a page via FTP but my question is more to do with setting up the sales funnel. I recently purchased a package that has squeeze pages, sales pages and thank you pages. My question is how do I load all these pages up and have them linked together so they operate correctly. I also have an autoresponder service to capture email addresses.

      I hope this question is in the right place.

    38. Scott Freeman

      Eric and Micah,
      I’m nervous about installing Filezilla because of all the angry review comments on their page. They all seen to be saying that the program is great but that the installer loads a bunch of Adware traps, Spyware, Sart.MySearchDial.com and other viruses. They’re saying “Do Not trust Source Forge installer!” and seem quite agitated about it. I’m a non-techie without the know-how to clean up my own computer, so I’m waiting til I hear from you as to whether this installer can really be trusted. They’re suggesting looking for an older version, which I don’t know how to do.

      1. Micah

        Hello Scott,

        Due to more recent problems with malware, we recommend ONLY downloading Filezilla from the download links on https://filezilla-project.org/

        They do appear to have added some annoying junk. If you choose “Advanced Installation,” you will be able to uncheck the boxes, to avoid installing unwanted items.

        Then, be sure to read the next screen carefully. Choosing “decline” was the appropriate option, to avoid installing one final extra item.

        Java updates have become just like this as well. It’s a good reminder to pay close attention, whenever installing any software on your computer, no matter how trustworthy the source!

    39. Catherine

      Thank you for the lesson it was well worth the time. I have been working with html for a bit and don’t have it all figured out but this has given me the confidence to keep moving forward.
      Thanks again,

    40. Otseakemhe Pascal

      Please Erick i can’t watch any of your videos, i’m a nigerian and i don’t have the cash to get myself a pc i’m only using my phone, please if you can make the video available in downloadable files. it’s just like i’m missing out, please i need your help.

    41. Kevin

      I’ve done everything you said in this lesson, but I get a Host Gator page when I try to open my web page. There are 2 files that show up in the FileZilla directory under “public_html”: default.html and favicon.ico
      Do I need to delete those files? If I don’t, even with my index.html in the public_html folder, the Host Gator page continues to load under my website address.
      Please help!
      Thank you

      1. Micah

        Hello Kevin,

        Yes, you would want to delete/replace those two files. The favicon.ico is the small icon that shows up near the search bar, representing your site.

    42. Kevin

      Please help! I left the last comment a few days ago, and I cannot go any further. I even tried to publish the my page according to your lesson#30 using Komposer, but it won’t work either. There must be something I need to do to get Hostgator off of my home page under teamgolftravel.com.

      1. Micah

        Hello Kevin,

        Yes, you would want to delete/replace those two files. The favicon.ico is the small icon that shows up near the search bar, representing your site.

    43. Chalotte

      I’m trying to download the filezilla app – however, Norton has removed it from my computer, indicating that it is malicious software (not even giving me an option to choose). Have you got a good alternative please?

    44. Thomas

      Hi! I submitted a question (comment), but do not see it being displayed. so I try again: Can you have two HTML pages on one domain and then access only one page at a time? If so how do you name the pages and how do you access one page at a time, like, say, an ‘opt-in page’ and a ‘thank you page’? – that will save you having to have two domains for the two pages? and you can access each page separately from the same domain? Regards, Thomas

      1. Eric Post author

        Yes you can put unlimited HTML pages on one domain. You can name them anything. For example, index.html will be your home page. Then you might have page1.html, page2.html, download.html, freebie.html, thank-you.html. you would access the page by going to yourdomain.com/pagename.html

    45. ramzi

      thank you Eric for the great effort to deliver the lessons to us.I wanna ask how can i download these lessons to my PC so i can watch them when the internet connection is not good to stream them online.

      1. Micah

        Hello Ramzi,

        Currently, the lessons are only available here for streaming at Ericstips.com

        Perhaps a download option will be available in the future, but that feature does not currently exist.

    46. Robyn

      Very good lesson, Eric. I am learning plenty of new information. I am also doing things that I never thought I would be performing. How do I take down a page that I put up in lesson 29. I was simply following the lesson and playing around, but the page I put up needs to come down.

      1. Micah

        Hello Robyn,

        While you are still in your FTP software, simply click the desired page, and press “delete.” That should remove the page.


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