LESSON #39: Outsourcing Your Website

By | May 1, 2009

Over the past several lessons we’ve talked about how to create a website. But what if you don’t want to build your own website? Maybe it’s not fun for you, or maybe it’s just not worth the investment of your time.

In that case, you should outsource it. Since this is the first time in this lesson series that we’ve talked about outsourcing, we’ll also be covering some of the basics of outsourcing…

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Main points:

  • Outsourcing is subcontracting a job or a task… or a collection of jobs or tasks… to a third party.

  • For example a company might outsource their manufacturing process, or their entire customer service department. I recently outsourced much of my web traffic generation tasks. Learn how to outsource everything

  • Outsourcing vs. Out-tasking: “Out-tasking” is when you hire someone for a particular task or one time project, versus outsourcing on an ongoing basis. However, I use the term outsourcing as a catch-all.

  • Outsourcing vs. Doing everything yourself: If your goal is to build a long-term sustainable business that runs without you, then you’ll need to hire some employees and/or outsource.

    Recommended reading:
    E-myth Revisited, by Michael Gerber
    Top Grading, by Bradford Smart (If you plan on HIRING)
    Cashflow Quadrant, Robert Kiyosaki (see also lesson #6)

  • Outsourcing vs. Hiring Employees: Many online business owners may find outsourcing to be a more economical choice to achieve many of the tasks and processes that I’m teaching.

    1) Cost savings vs. hiring employees
    2) Simplification vs. hiring employees

  • You can outsource almost EVERYTHING.

  • Places to outsource your website:

    1) Use someone locally.

    -Classified ads
    -Craigslist (beware of scammers)
    -son/daughter/relative… local college kid, etc.

    2) Use an outsourced specialty service (ie. Web Design company)

    -have a budget.
    -know exactly what you want.
    -decide if you want to work with someone overseas, or in certain countries.
    -look at their portfolio.
    -look at reviews and get a referral.
    – http://www.outsourcing.org

    3) Use an outsource/freelancer website


    (See video for walk-through of posting a project)

    -Idea: make a screen capture video!

    Action steps:

    1) Decide if you want to outsource your website

    2) If yes, choose a provider and make it happen!

    3) Start thinking about what you can outsource, and develop an outsourcing mindset.

    Special Offer:

    Today I’m offering an ebook which explains how to outsource for your Internet-based business. It is a brand new exclusive ebook created for Eric’s Tips.

    Outsourcing for Internet Marketers“.

    Outsourcing for Internet Marketers

    Click here to get more details and download this ebook

    (Resale Rights also available)

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below. Feel free to let us know your outsourcing successes, or recommended freelancer sites.

    Have a great day!

  • 110 thoughts on “LESSON #39: Outsourcing Your Website

    1. dyuane

      thanks for the info. I thought about outsourcing. I am not a webmaster and updating the website do take alot of my time I need to be focusing on my product.

    2. chales

      Im totally new to internet marketing. I signed up at host gator and got a domain. when i do a search for my site it says index of and then below it has my domain.What have i done wrong and how can i fix it.

    3. Eric Post author

      Have you uploaded an index.html page to the site? If so, then you probably need to add some TITLE tags to the header of your HTML document.

    4. charles

      Eric, thanks for the answer. I havent uploaded the index html yet i was gonna wait till im ready to launch the site. Just to let you know the only thing ive done on a computer is surf, pay bills, and play games. Your course is great! Ive had no problems with the html or the wordpress. Your directions are so clear. I am gonna sub out all the work at first while im still learning. I own a car transport truck and im learning all this in the back of my truck on my off time. I actually go through your town quit a bit. I just really wanted to thank you. I order 3 different course and i was lost till i got yours.

    5. Claudia

      Hi Eric, I’m going to try to do the work by myself at least the first for my first info product- mostly because I don’t have much of a budget. I used my busget to outsource one site and the SEO for that site. I haven’t seen the site yet, so I can’t say if it was a good idea or not. I love this course! One thing that is not happening for me is I am not getting traffic…I hope you’ll give us a lesson on getting traffic to our sites soon? I’ve written one article and posted on 20 directories…I’ve signed up with Trellian to
      post two sites out wherever they post. That costs $25.00 for each site. I haven’t posted in any forums, yet. I may be interested in hiring some Traffic Sages.

    6. Micah

      Hello Ngozi,

      Eric now offers 2CO links for many of his products as well. If you have any problems purchasing any items, simply contact us at the helpdesk, and we’ll send you any available alternate payment details:

    7. Richard

      Thanks for your in depth review as always Eric. Project description using screen capture was something I did not think of. Brilliant suggestion. Muchos Gracias.

    8. Charles

      Hi Eric,
      I tried a web site builder from Canada, but he was too expensive for me
      2 days later a company called me and asked if they could build a website for me; for free! They have followed my blog on wordpress and found it worthy to build a website for me with everything included and support for the rest of my life! What can I say; I am happy!

    9. Best Man Speech

      The hardest part about outsourcing is the decision to ‘let go’ of the task yourself. It’s a bit like employing staff with the responsibilities that entails. Thanks for the lesson on this Eric.

    10. Small Business

      Outsourcing maybe the best option if you run a big website or organize a huge number of website. but only one problem when we do it, for ex. outsourcing for website content, sometime the content is not appropriate with what we want. don’t you agree?

      wahyu from home improvement ideas

    11. Eric Post author

      It’s one of the challenges of outsourcing, but ultimately you should be able to get what you want from it.

    12. samson

      I have not had any success with outsourcing my projects and it really hurt when ones job is terribly done. I don’t even want to talk about the financial loss. Be that as it may, i won’t allow that to deter me from achieving my online goals. Outsourcing is an essential ingredient in achieving real success online. By the way, Eric, i’m wondering if you can recommend to me anyone you know and trust who can build a top-notch professional looking review site. Thanks a great deal for the quality informations.

    13. Eric Post author

      I don’t have any recommendations off-hand, but there are definitely people who can build it for you. Often it’s best if you can build one first and then teach them how to do it the same way. Also be careful with review sites and be sure to provide some unique value, as Google is really cracking down on them

    14. Tailwind Trading System

      Hello Eric,
      I am doing all webpages myself, but now I am at a point, where it is getting too much work. So I am considering to outsource some work. Thanks for these great tips on outsourcing.

      All the best,

    15. aleck

      I’m greatful to be part of you Eric.
      What is the best way to start building a list with a weber, without a product or website.

    16. Eric Post author

      You’re going to need a website, which is covered in lesson #23-33.

      And I cover list building with AWeber in depth in lessons #59-70.

    17. Rod

      Hi Eric, my first post here. I have enjoyed the lessons very much, lots of good info, thank you.
      Regards, Rod.

    18. Barry

      Just finished reading Awakening the Entrepreneur Within by Michael E. Gerber
      I found it to be very motivational:

    19. Sean

      Useful information Eric.. Outsourcing is not a route I’ve gone down yet… But I can see the benefits!

    20. fidel pavot

      Hi, Eric thanks for the information about outsources website informations.

    21. Kanute Fleming

      Hi Eric,
      This is useful information, thanks a lot! So far I only have had written a few articles at Need-an-Article.com. However, there is so overwhelmingly much do do to get my online business up and go, and worst of all, there is no end to it, I’ve bound to work from morning till night “forever” to keep it going. So outsourcing it a MUST (when I can afford it) to be able to keep going for a long time!

    22. Peter Ovo

      Hello Eric, i must confess that i have been very impressed with your work. I never knew we had people like you in real life. I tried subscribing for the services of http://www.TrafficSages.com but the payment buttons are not functioning. I would appreciate if you could send me a link to make payment

    23. Micah

      Hello Peter,

      That link is an affiliate redirect to trafficsage.com.

      Their site was down when we attempted to visit it.

      You might want to try again later, or contact them at: sales[at]trafficsage.com

    24. Nedra

      I really am enjoying the step-by-step process that your lessons are taking me through. You are gradually taking the process in a orderly manner, which helps a great deal to understand the processes and alternative paths I can take if I chose.

    25. Marija

      Hi Eric,
      Thank you for opening my mind and all possibilities. I am thinking about for some improvement of my WP site in the future.
      I miss #36 lesson.Could you please send me a link for a lesson #36. Thank you! Marija

    26. Marija

      Hi Micah,
      Thank you very much for your reply.
      Regarding the outsourcing I prefer to learn as much as possible and later will I probably look somebody for a design. For me is difficult to find a good content because I am not a native speaker. Where it is possible to find someone to write a content for a reasonable price? Thank you for your help. Marija

    27. Rieah

      Hi Eric, thank you so much! i have learned a lot from it and I would have to agree, outsourcing can really lift the burden of having to do everything. I have been using odesk.com and lately, staff.com and I find them great! Thanks heaps!

    28. Doreen

      Hi Eric, I am Really enjoying and learning so much from your leesons A big THANK YOU however I have a problem the wordpress easy options that you offered is not uploading to wordpress it is saying the plugin is incomplete I have tried it a couple of times can you help me,

    29. Micah

      Hello Doreen,

      There is actually a thorough set of instructions included in your purchase.

      After unzipping the downloads, simply navigate to the folder titled, “Tutorial.”
      Inside, you should see a PDF document called, “How To Install Wp Easy Optin.”

      Please also see the file, “Tutorial | how to use | How to use your plugin,” for further instructions.

    30. Charles

      Hi Eric,
      I like your well organized lessons with all of the great info but I’m working more and more on my iPhone and iPad which don’t play Flash video! How can I convert your videos to play on Apple products?

    31. Matt Ensor

      Hey Eric

      If I wanted to outsource most of my website, what would be the best way to protect against contractors stealing from you??

      Warmest Regards

    32. Micah

      Hello Charles,

      I have an android phone, but I know there are similar solutions for Apple products.

      You might want to check for any apps that allow you to view flash videos on your device.

    33. Micah

      Hello Matt,

      You would want to include your stipulations in the terms of your agreement with anyone you hire.

      Also, make sure that you aren’t handing others the keys to your business. Use wisdom. For instance, you wouldn’t let others know your bank account details.

    34. charles Iesan

      Hi Eric,

      Thank you very much for all the lessons that you teach. they are all very usefull for me. I think it’s great that we can outsource,and it’s important that we know how to do it ourselves on the basic level.


    35. Irene Huston

      Hi Eric I did what u said I have my Domain name and the web hosting at Life Domains and you have full charge of it for me. So take a look at it. Irene

    36. Jorge Garcia

      Eric thanks for the info, I have to analyze well and decide what to do specialy if my budget is low Jorge

    37. Wesley Howard

      These are great tips regarding outsourcing the development and maintenance of websites. These are very helpful to those website owners who are considering such. Thanks for sharing.

    38. Tautua

      Thank you again for the lesson…Last Sunday I bought the fitness-firesale product including the coaching club membership. I also bought a domain and hosting at insty.me business. I watch this lesson it is to much a curve to learn for a working person but I really need my business to be up and running online asap. I love your teaching and truly I trust you and your business partners. I already bought two products from you guys on firesales (grapdhics and fitness) but I do not know how to upload or even setup a website. Watching this lesson about outsourcing really makes me nervous if I hire someone but do not set up my businesses as explained at the sales pages, or worse steal them because I am techi-illiterate. I have to ask this: Because I bought these two products from you and you are the only people that I know can setup the business as you explain on the sales page, Do you have (free/paid) help for people like me upload, install and setup my business or I have to outsource it? Once again thank you for the lessons.

    39. Hans Van Ess

      Hi Eric, first I must thank you for putting together the wonderful Fitness Firesale Package which I was luck enough to be able to pick up a couple of days ago. I am very keen to start selling the fantastic courses but unfortunately I am a complete newbie and absolutley hopeless at dealing with using things like Filezilla to upload files myself so I want to outsource this task and would really appreciate your feedback to the following queries I have: 1. do you think there is any risk in handing over PLR files to outsource the uploading process (e.g. I imagine I would have to give the outsourcing party my server login details, etc)? 2. would you recommend oDesk as good place to start? 3. what steps must I stipulate for getting Fitness Firesale courses ready to go? (e.g. adding PayPal buttons, linking the squeeze page with the main product page). Thanks! Hans


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