LESSON #61: Setting Up A Customer List

By | April 8, 2010

In the previous lesson we looked at how to set up an opt-in list.

Today we’re going to put it to use, by capturing a list of our paid customers…

(Watch this video…)

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Main points:

  • Your customer list is your most valuable list.

  • Three ways to get customers onto a list…

    1) During the payment.

    Integrate it into your checkout process. This works well if you have an integrated shopping cart/autoresponder such as 1Shoppingcart or Infusionsoft.

    Many payment processes can be integrated with AWeber using their prewritten Email Parsers.

    2) Before the payment.

    You can put the opt-in form ON your sales page, or create an interstitial opt-in page before the customer reaches the 3rd-party payment page. (See video for demonstration of both of those options).

    3) After the payment.

    You can put the opt-in form ON your download page (not recommended), or use an interstitial opt-in page after payment is made, before the customer reaches the download page. (See video for demonstration)

    If you want to force all customers to complete a double opt-in, you could deliver the download link via email instead of taking them to a download page. However, this can result in some support issues.

  • If you haven’t yet signed up for a list hosting service, I recommend AWeber Communications

  • For additional education on list building, please see my List Building Pack

    Action step:

    1) Integrate an opt-in form into your sales process to build a customer list.

    Now that we’ve got your customer list set up, it’s time to start building your prospect list. We’ll be talking about squeeze pages in the next lesson.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

  • 59 thoughts on “LESSON #61: Setting Up A Customer List

    1. luther wood

      Is is ok to save ebaby customers email addresses to my list and follow-up and market to them?

    2. Eric Post author

      I think you mean ebay, right? From what I understand, yes you can legally add them to a customer list because they are customers that you have done business with. I buy stuff on ebay, and I regularly get added to vendor’s email lists. There needs to be an opt-out option as usual. Keep in mind, they have not given you permission to send them unrelated offers, so I would make sure your communication is related to what you were selling on ebay. Or else offer some other sort of opt-in system. A good idea would be to email them with a special bonus offer which takes them to a squeeze page for a freebie, where they can double-optin.

    3. Bookerads

      Eric, I really appreciate all you and others have taught me, It has been a breath of fresh air every time I open your emails bro, Thanks!

    4. Mark T

      Does using 1Shoppingcart or Infusionsoft mean I can’t use Paypal to accept payments?

    5. Joseph

      Hey Eric,

      Quick question. Can I set up an intersticial page like you showed in the video if I’m selling on JV Zoo and using their secure download area where I’ve uploaded the product? I’m most likely going to collect the customer information after the sale and before the download area. Please let me know. Thanks.

      1. Micah

        Hello Joseph,

        You’d have to check the JVZoo’s latest terms, but this isn’t a problem with most payment processors, provided the customer does end up reaching their downloads.

    6. Andrei

      Hi Eric,
      You advise to remove the customer from the prospects’ list.
      I use paypal to collect payment and I encountered a problem that in the payment notification I see different email address of the customer – quite often not the one they used to subscribe. So I just can’t find a subscriber who purchased.
      Any tips here?
      Thanks much.

      1. Eric Post author

        You could send them through an opt-in form after they purchase (I prefer single opt-in in this case), I often do that and they may be more likely to use the email address they “typically” use for opt-ins. That having been said, Paypal buyer email addresses are high quality and more likely to be opened, so if you’re capturing those that’s a good way to do it. If they’re still on the prospect list and don’t want to keep getting pitched, they can unsubscribe.


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