LESSON #64: Adding Audio & Video to Your Squeeze Page

By | April 15, 2010

In the previous lesson we looked at how to build a squeeze page.

Today we’re going to make our squeeze page potentially better by adding audio or video to it…

(Watch this video…)

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Main points:

  • Audio can add impact to squeeze page and sometimes increases conversions.

  • For maximum attention-getting impact, it must be set to auto-play.

  • See lesson #42 for more on adding audio to a page.

  • Video squeeze pages have become the standard. (But still needs to be split-tested)

  • The video replaces the “benefits” listed on a text-based squeeze page.

  • See video above for demonstration of embedding video, see also lesson #41

  • (See video to see how to set Youtube video to autoplay)


    Video Squeeze Pages
    Hot Video Squeeze Page Templates from Dan Nickerson

    Here is an actual comment left by an Eric’s Tips subscriber in the member area of Dan’s site shortly after I posted this lesson:

    “Dan please slap me, I’m still in shock! I’m looking over my shoulder to see if anyone saw me purchase this package… I feel like I STOLE IT! Not only did you come highly recommended (Eric Holmlund) but your products and videos are top quality. I am truly grateful. I honestly read every word twice before pulling the trigger on this though, I was trying to find the “catch”! A thousand thanks to you Dan, you truly are ‘The Man!'”

    Action steps:

    1) Decide if you’re going to add audio or video to your squeeze page (even if just to test it).

    2) If yes… make it happen!

    We’re not quite done with the topic of squeeze pages, because we do have a few advanced techniques to cover in the next lesson.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below, and be sure to show us your audio/video squeeze page!

    Have a great day!

  • 50 thoughts on “LESSON #64: Adding Audio & Video to Your Squeeze Page

    1. Gary Pettit

      I need to revisit your product page soon, I think you have a few new products I just may need to pick up…maybe I’ll have a chance sometime over the weekend. I’ve been extremely busy lately putting all your teachings in place. Haven’t left comments for a few lessons but I’ve diffently been following and never forget to stay up to date with your training!Wow…these videos are coming at lightning speed now!


      Slaughter Your Competition with Unstoppable Targeted FREE Traffic!

    2. Michael J. Ming

      Thanks again Eric. You’ve only now just made me aware of “auto” start video steps. The embed code was slightly different from your Youtube exanple but it worked perfectly as shown in the above-mentioned website.
      Thanks ever so much

    3. proson

      Hey Eric, you are using open office for your presentation ei? This is good and they are all free. Now for video squeeze, I don’t normally do and may be I don’t have time to produce…
      but thanks for your effort though.

    4. Eric Post author

      Yes I’m using Open Office for the slides. It’s not as slick as Powerpoint 2007, but I started using Open Office at the beginning of the lesson series and it worked well so I decided to stick with it.

    5. chonise

      Hi Eric, Your featured program sounds great, but I can’t log on to your friend Nick’s website to get his bonus upgrade version of BM. It says I am not a customer. Should I register first?

    6. chonise

      I signed up with my first name and email and still taking me to an error link.

    7. Rudy

      Eric… I am getting the same error as the person above going to this particular link: Notice:
      Sorry, the account you tried to access was not found in our customer records. To notify the website owner of this message, push the “back” button on your web browser or check some of the selections below for more information.

    8. Stephana

      Eric, I tried several times to register at the site mentioned in your answer and it is not taking my contact information. Could you perhaps advise Nick that it is not working?

    9. Hamant Keval

      Hey Eric – Many thanks for the great ongoing series
      Just popping by to let you know that email you sent re _ Nick and his marketing software – form has an error in it – thought you should know to let him know


    10. Eric Post author

      You are right. I signed up earlier today and it was working, but he must have tweaked something. I’ll get in touch with him, and I’ll update here once it’s fixed. Thanks!

    11. Nick

      Completely my fault … the list that it was set to go to somehow got marked as deactivated in aweber (jvlistpro).

      Stop by the forum after you sign up and let me know you are a friend of Eric’s … I’ll find an extra bonus to give you to help make up for the snafu.



    12. chonise

      Yeah, it’s working now. I don’t know if it’s my computer/browser, but there was nothing on the member page but congratulating me. I hit Back on my browser and found his member site, where I created my password. Also, you have to create your own folder for MWG 1.1 download, otherwise you’d see a bunch of folder files after extracting the zip file. I wonder what MWG stands for.. I noticed it downloaded faster than the original BM script, too.

    13. chonise

      I see, I overlooked it but it’s Marketing Website Generator. Yay! first BM plugin.

    14. Amanda Downing

      Hey Eric,

      Got you most recent e-mail about the FREE butterfly code. Yeah, it’s not FREE the site that you published REQUIRES that you buy SOMETHING and thus it’s NOT FREE.

      I am not 100% sure that you knew this, I am guessing that you did… πŸ™‚


    15. Petre Tudor

      Hi Eric,

      I just understood how to make my squeeze page stand out by adding audio or video files.I still haven’t decided to add these on my squeeze page because I’m not able to buy your recommended Dan Nickerson’s Video SqueezePage Templates for the time being, but I will asap.
      Until then I use your normal squeeze page templates,but when I fill out for aweber web form,I’m still confused with next questions:
      – What website Have I add into description field? My domain name or something else?
      – Within “Thank you page” and “Confirmation Success page” fields,what is better to fill out Basic page or custom page?
      As to adding audio & video files on my squeeze page, long time ago I bought another Video squeeze page templates and I just created my first videosqueeze page and I added a ready-made youtube video for my hosting site GDI.
      If you are so kind and have time for me see my link below:
      You can see how I added an youtube video.My really problem is: How can I create an add my own video application?

      Petre Tudor

    16. Eric Post author

      I’m not sure which description field you are referring to? If you’re talking about the AWeber List settings, it’s just a short phrase to describe what the list is.

      For the Confirmation Success page, it’s best to create a page where you deliver your freebie. And then also monetize that page with affiliate links or your own product.

      For the Thank-you page, it’s best to make your own page showing your visitor how to go check their email and confirm the opt-in. But it’s OK to use AWeber’s basic page in the mean time.

      In regard to hosting your own video, I talk a little about this in lesson #41:

      LESSON #41: How to Put a Video on Your Website

      You must convert the video to flash format (ie. flv, swf, mp4), and upload it to your site, and embed a flash player on your page.

    17. Video Squeeze Pages

      Hi Peter,

      It is better to write something about your website in the description field. When its come to the “Thank you page” and “Confirmation Success Page” fields, custom page is better.

      cheers, πŸ™‚

    18. Eric Post author

      Good question. The main reason I use it is because (as a marketer) I prefer to see the Internet the way the majority of people see it. I also use Firefox.

    19. Petre Tudor

      Hi Eric,
      I understand how to fill out the blank fields from Aweber.
      Now I have a simply and dumb question:
      Is it neccessar to create squeeze page to build an opt-n list by using Free products (freebies) only?
      Can I create a squeeze page to promote and sell a paid product?

    20. Eric Post author

      The point of a squeeze page is to build your list, but you can certainly direct that traffic to an offer for your product after they opt-in. So yes, you can use it in conjunction with your promotion of your paid product. However, you still need a compelling freebie to incentivize them to opt in.

      Also- As I talk about in lesson #69, you will want to have a seperate customer list and prospect list. So you can continue to follow up with the prospects who haven’t yet bought your product.

    21. Free Life Insurance Quotes

      Hey Eric,

      Actually, I ended up removing auto play from my videos and it has made a positive difference in my conversion rates. What prompted it was research on video squeeze page conversion rates which indicated that people do not like having video auto play shoved down their throat. It appears that in my case, I can not speak for other marketers, that this is true.

      I suppose that it depends on the product or service promoted.

      As for your video squeeze pages product recommendation, it is an excellent recommend. I own the product myself and am very pleased with it. I am sure your students will be too. πŸ™‚

      Warmest Regards,

      FJ Torres, Founder/Director
      Free Online Insurance Quotes and Information

    22. Gogvo

      The YouTube portion of the video was interesting… My hosting company lets me set auto play on my video along the lines of youtube but with more features,and track visitor viewing patterns which is handy!

    23. Dave

      Hi Eric… figured this is the best place to ask. Any suggestions for a good DVD Ripper application.


    24. Dave

      Hi Eric,

      I hear ya.. way too many of these things are loaded with malware and who knows what else. That said, I’ve been poking around and there are two that caught my eye.

      1. Open DVD Ripper- another offering from the DVD-Cloner people whose cloner product I use. 2. And Applian technologies. I found these guys via a non-sponsored ad in Download.com. I like Download since they screen all the software prior to recommendations.

      Obviously no guarantees but figured it be worth the tip. Note- both of these are non affiliated plugs. That said maybe I should sign up as one now that I’m thinking of it πŸ™‚


    25. Rob

      ahh thanks, I’ve just been thinking about doing some squeeze pages for some CB stuff I have. First software I’ve come upon, during my first search..

    26. Nedra

      As always, great info. And, and an amazing amount of information dedicated to squeeze page development.

    27. aida c. suarez

      Wao Eric! Love to see you put in You-tube video on the squeeze page! Sounds easy to do.
      I plan to use all your recomendations. The future will see. I am an slow learner. But I know some people are already impress about my progress. Thank to you… a lot! Teacher. (I’M HAVING IDEAS ALREADY!) You’re the best! God bless!

    28. Dominic

      Thanks Eric I don’t know where else I could find all this good info for FREE. Thanks to you I built my first website and am on my way to making money online!

    29. Mark Butts

      Actually, no. I had someone on Fiverr create the intro and I used Windows Movie Maker for putting it together. Can’t afford Camtasia just yet!

    30. George Belva

      Is it always best to direct traffic to your own web page if you are only selling someone elses product (affiliate) who already has a terrific web site. You may only want a squeeze page to get their e-mail but the main sight is also going to collect that info. It can be confusing to the possible customer having to enter information twice, different inf etc. Is there a way to collect that info from the site you are an affiliate for so that you can send the prospect directly to product site? I always hate having to do things twice to get to a product I am interested in.

      1. Micah

        Hello George,

        There certainly are scripts that allow you to capture leads on pages you direct your customer to. We were using something called, “Magic List Bot” to do so some years ago.


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