LESSON #66: Capturing Subscribers from “Non-Squeeze” Pages

By | April 19, 2010

In the previous lesson we looked at some advanced tactics to add some extra juice to your squeeze pages.

Today we’re going to look at how to capture subscribers from other pages of your website… including all your pages that are NOT squeeze pages πŸ™‚

(Watch this video…)

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Main points:

(See video for specifics)

  • Opt-in Forms

    You should put opt-in forms on every page, AS LONG AS it does not significantly detract from the primary objective of the page.

  • Pop-Overs (also known as Pop-Ins)

    -Pop-ups and pop-unders are not recommended.

    Recommended variations:

    -Hover windows (available in AWeber)


    -Light Boxes (available in AWeber)

    – “Tool-bar mimic”

    Magic List Bot (Makes your pop-over appear on site that you’re sending traffic to)

    -Exit Stoppers, such as…

    Exit Splash
    Virtual Smart Agent
    Psychic Popups (It’s a light box pop-over, NOT a pop-up. I’ve used this one a lot.)

    Corner Peel Scripts

  • WordPress Comment Plugins

    Action Comments from Robert Plank

    Action steps:

    1) Identify some page(s) on your website that you would like to utilize to capture subscribers.

    2) Implement a list-building strategy on those pages.

    We’re not done talking about list-building yet, because I’ve got some more powerful strategies to reveal in the next lesson.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below πŸ™‚

    Have a great day!

  • 68 thoughts on “LESSON #66: Capturing Subscribers from “Non-Squeeze” Pages

    1. Traffic Generation Software

      Good tips!

      I should add, you can get a free Exit (light box modal popover) script — an example can be found by clicking my name. In my version, it’s a direct download. You can modify it to add your optin form.

      It’s at http://www.bitrepository.com/exit-modal-box.html – if you guys are familiar with knowing how to copy/paste basic code, you can set it up.

      Or, if you like, buy Eric’s version for only $9 (without needing to know basic HTML):

    2. Gary Pettit

      I use Exit Splash a lot and love it…would diffently recommend it!Theres also another one that looks pretty cool(can’t think of the name though) where a footer slides up at the bottom with a lead capture box and follows you down the page till you click off.


      Slaughter Your Competition with Unstoppable Targeted FREE Traffic!

    3. Luca Di Nicola

      Hey Eric, I bought Exit Splash from one of your links months ago but just recently started using it and it does work very well. I’ve used it on my squeeze pages to redirect to another squeeze page offering a freebie in a sub niche of the first squeeze page offering and it’s added more subscribers that I would have lost otherwise.

      I want to start using it to go to an OTO and I remember in a previous lesson you had an offer for some great looking OTO pages but I did’nt buy at the time. Could you post the link again? I’d appreciate it.

      Take care

    4. Robert Plank

      Hey Eric I really appreciate the shout-out. How come you don’t use Action Comments on your blog since you mentioned it?

      One other list building method a buddy of mine has been having a lot of fun with is the “2 step order form.” This is where you have a sales letter, but when they click to order, there’s a forced optin just before the checkout page.

    5. mike

      Great Lesson Eric as always. Going back a few lessons {62} i asked if it was possible to get a squeeze page ranked and you said it was possible but it would take a lot of backlinks.

      You then said about a split focus or hybrid squeeze page, now i get it!! So would it work if i built a blog site and have the squeeze page as a static home page. But the only links from that squeeze being a disclaimer page and a privacy policy page, nothing to take the visitor away from what i want them to do.

      Add some relevant posts in the background with internal links pointing to the home page{squeeze page}? so if my site was http://www.greatwidgets.com that would be my squeeze page and the visitor would not be aware of anything else going on behind the scene. But the search engines would see on the domain more content and with some backlinks pointing to the inner pages form ezine articles or press releases etc, would this help rank the squeeze page and make it more attractive to the search engines?

    6. Traffic Generation Software


      That script you’re talking about is called Ultimate Footer Ad.

      However, you can get a similar script that does both Footer and Header for FREE!

      (check out demo 1 and 2).

      You just need to copy/paste and edit some code. That’s it.

      Of course, if you want a lot more thing setup for you, get Ultimate Footer Ad. But if you want to do an extra bit of work, you can get it free, saving you money.

    7. Jim

      I have an image of an opt-in form that I want to use with my auto-responder. I don’t like the plain form HTML they give me. How can I use whatever look I want and still have it a useable opt-in form?

    8. Eric Post author

      Absolutely. I totally would use it, but 99% of commenters on my blog are already on my list πŸ˜‰

      It’s funny that you stopped by just now, because earlier this evening I was using some code you had written (how to use 1 CB account for 50 products)… I modified it for a special purpose, and then (and you’ll be proud of me)… I added some code to pass the variable onto the next page and then capture it into a hidden Aweber form field πŸ™‚

    9. Francis

      Hi Eric,
      Love these lessons.
      Maybe you are going to cover this but my question has to do with setting up squeeze pages on your site for certain keywords verses buying a domain with the keyword in the root url. I guess its similar to offering bonuses for a review or launch- I see some marketers use their main blog and others create a new site. In both cases it seems the main blog like EricsTips would be better because of its accumulated seo power vs the new blog. Essentially I have 2 questions that I have been thinking about for awhile but they both seem to touch on the same underlying issue of getting ranked high in the serps; one for a squeeze page to capture traffic, the other for a product launch/review with a bonus. Hope you see what I am getting at?
      Say masscontolxx.com vs ericstips.com/masscontrol
      Keyworddomain.com vs ericstips.com/keyword
      Thanks- these lessons are golden:)

    10. Wordpress On Exit Pop Up

      I made my first sale. after using an on exit pop up plugin on my wordpress sales page. (Eric, thanks for the WordPress sales page themes you gave us last December they’ve helped me a great deal. I can implement a product website in minutes)
      my product is on http://supremecashsystem.net and I can gurantee 80% of sales happen on Exit.

      Eric, great lesson you’ve put accross

    11. Neil Shearing

      Legendary, Eric. It’s not just the content, it’s the clear presentational style too. Love it. Keep up the great work. πŸ™‚


    12. Ming Jong Tey

      Hi Eric,

      Thanks for the great tips. Your video lessons are the best I have ever followed so far!

      Keep the great work up and I look forward to learning from you.

      Ming Jong

    13. Ryan Riley

      These videos are very, very well done.

      I loved the bit about capturing emails with question forms and the slide ups are really cool to.

      Keep up the good work!

    14. Gary Pettit

      Hi Luca,
      Nice to see a familiar face here! Hope your marketing efforts are starting to pay off for you. Seems like Eric is really starting to bring us full circle here…now only if it wasn’t for that darn traffic thing!…and I’m not talking Adwords…just the thought of that scares me to death…lol πŸ˜‰

    15. Eric Post author

      Their forms are 100% customizable, and you can make it fit with any graphical opt-in box. You would use the HTML version (not the java), and you can strip it down to just the essential elements (the form tags, the hidden and visible inputs, and the submit button). You can then customize the visible inputs and button as well to make it fit anything. It can definitely be a little tricky so if you’re not fairly advanced as an HTML coder, it may be something you want to outsource rather than invest a lot of time into making it fit. Another possible shortcut is to look around until you find someone else with a similar opt-in box as the one you want, and then look at their code as an example.

    16. Eric Post author

      Yes that strategy could help rank the site and the squeeze page, mainly due to the inbound links from articles. But that wouldn’t really be a hybrid squeeze page, as that page would still only have one focus.

      The only question is whether it would be better to put more navigation on the home page and make the squeeze page an interior page.

      Another possibility that might help is to make it a wordpress blog, and do the squeeze page on the home page like you mentioned (use a theme that allows you to omit the sidebar/navigation from any given page), and in the footer put a link to a google-friendly XML site map (dynamically updated by wordpress). That would help ensure that the SE’s see the site behind the page.

    17. Eric Post author

      Both of those SEO strategies can work well. In general it would be easier for me to get rankings simply by posting the review on my blog (like ericstips.com/masscontrol) because my blog already has authority and the new page will get ranked almost instantly.

      But google does give a fair amount of weight to the keyword in the domain. And if it’s a new product, it is relatively easy to rank for its name by setting up a new blog on a domain with the product name in it.

      So let’s say I had a few blogs with decent authority (ericstips.com and a few others). What I could do is set up the new domain (masscontrolxxwhatever.com) and then link TO that domain from my authority blogs (along with some articles, etc.), which would pass rank to the new site and almost guarantee a good rank. This shows a similar idea:
      http://www.ericstips.com/linkstrategy/ (In this case the “feeder” sites would be the authority blogs, and the money site would be the new domain. You can set up a centrally located ad management platform which manages the links on those feeder sites, and then instantly change the money site to a new site any time from within the ad platform’s admin panel)

    18. Denise

      Hi Eric

      As always these are great llessons. I need to go back and look at the wordpress squeeze page templates!!



    19. Joe

      Hi Eric,
      Thanks for this video. You are giving very valuable information here and in all your videos. Well done. It is much appreciated and shows you are really trying to help. I look forward to more videos.

    20. john plott

      your site is very use site.
      Email marketing seems easier for some folks.But it is rewarding only when carried out in the
      most proffessional.So I would advise you to find a good email marketing program that can help
      you in your email marketing campaign right from a scratch(with a clean slate).

    21. Roslyn

      Dear Eric

      I have now worked through all your lessons to date and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have taught me. I once paid money to learn what you have taught in these lessons, however, because I didn’t have the money to continue my membership I lost access to the information. I can’t believe you have given virtually the same content for nothing.

      I thank you particularly for the “Vision” lesson. It made me really think about what I wanted. Please do not think you have failed me but I think this made me realise I will never be a “marketing guru”. My vision is for more of a membership site where I can really build a great longtime relationship with the readers of my newsletter and subscribers to my tips. Once I have enough money I will also sell products related to my niche and ebooks but at the moment I don’t have the money to produce them. I particularly want to write children’s books that will be in the form of a series so all of this is going to take time to get online. But I know that developing what is dear to my heart and something I can sell knowing it is a quality product, is a project that will keep me motivated.

      I am just not the personality to really persuade others with squeeze pages etc. although I know it is ethical and I have no problems with others doing it. Having been a victim of long term abuse I have so little confidence that I even asked for a pay reduction when I started my present job because I didn’t feel good enough to ask for what the previous girl had been receiving! I’m gradually getting over the trauma but know my limitations. I will never make a salewoman but I know I can offer others help with my life’s experience and can charge for that. I could never stand behind a product that I don’t know the value of.

      I also know that what I love about the internet is the freedom to be “faceless” and so I will never build up an online presence and I know that will hold me back from making a fortune. But I know there is a means of my making more than a nine to five job and for me to repay my debts will be enough money for me.

      In the meantime I need to get the cash to allow me to continue the hosting and other costs. I have purchased your “push button marketer” package and now will start working through those modules as well as setting up affiliate sites until I can raise enough money to get my own business site up and running.

      The reason I purchased it was because I have grown to trust you through these lessons. I received dozens of email offers from other marketers daily but I decided not to even consider them but to wait until I had finished your lessons and to really work out where I was going. I am a newbie and have purchased two domains which probably don’t really relate to my long term goals. I am pleased now I didn’t go too far before I digested all you have taught thus far. Even though I don’t understand every facet of your lessons I at least now have an overview and can implement the parts that relate to my “real” site. So your methods do work or at least they have on me.

      I wish you well with all your endeavours especially your charity work. Please do not take your lessons off until I have time to go back through them and to do everything you suggest once I have the money. I now need to digest all the wonderful material you send with your push button marketer offer.

      I am very grateful for your help.

      Thank you

    22. Eric Post author

      Roslyn, thank you for the kind words, and for sharing about yourself. I appreciate your confidence in my lessons, and I hope I can continue leading you toward long-term success!

    23. Per Sinclair

      Hi Eric,

      I’m following your course and learning a lot from it. Thanks a heap.

      In the last couple of days you have offered two great programs: Jeff Dedricks and Jeremy Burns.

      But which one should I get?

      Which is the best way to sell on the internet – thru banners or thru videos?

      I need some guidance from you, since you are the coach.

      Please help with advice on which way to go. I know it depends on me and my marketing strategy but before I take one fork in the road over the other I need all the information. This is where you can help.

      I already purchased your Ewen Chia Fast Track Cash bonus offer, so I am reticent to buy more products unless I can be sure they are going to cut it.

      Thank you in advance…

      Per Sinclair

    24. Eric Post author

      It depends on what you need for your business. You might not need either of those products.

      If you have a website already, and you need to get more traffic to it, then I would recommend going with Automated Traffic.

      If you’re struggling with coming up with a product to sell, or if you need some additional products to sell to your existing customer base, then I’d go with Source Code Goldmine.

      Banners vs. videos? There is not one “best” way to sell online. However, banners are not used for selling… they are used for advertising as a way of getting paid traffic to your website. Video on the other hand is used for many things. You can use video sites for getting traffic, but you can also use video on your own site as an effective method of selling.

      Out of the two, I’d probably recommend learning to use video first.

      I am wondering if perhaps you are jumping around a little too much in your business building efforts. Have you gone through all the lessons sequentially and followed all the action steps?

    25. Carolyn

      Thanks for the great tips and the followup after the purchase. It is a pretty rare thing to happen from most of the “Gurus”. I’m very glad that you are so willing to share so much information, and that you really want to see your customers succeed.

      I’m very grateful for all of your help!

    26. Mike Simms

      Just wanted to say that I really like your site and what you are doing for us Internet Entrepreneurs. Hopefully I will have the privilege of meeting you one day.

    27. Chak Spinol

      I have 2 questions please:

      1- What Free Hosting do you recommend, if you had to use a free one to start?

      2- What Free Autoresponder do you recommend, if you had to use one?

      Thank you.

    28. Avis

      Hi Eric,

      Thank you for the updates much appreciated
      Great!!!!!!your Excellent program full of invaluable information I have followed you for so long I’m sure the fruits of your efforts will be well rewarded.

      You never fail to deliver incrdible and useful information.

      Warm wishes


    29. Eric Post author

      1) I would not use free hosting. I talk about this in lesson #24:

      LESSON #24: Choosing a Web Host

      With my coupon you can get your first month for 1 cent. If I absolutely could not do that, I’d probably start with a free blogger.com blog. But again, if I had ANY money I’d get a domain and hosting.

      2) I definitely would not use a free autoresponder. It’s just not worth the risk. See lesson #59:

      LESSON #59: Introduction to List Building

      If I absolutely could not afford it, I would host the list on my own domain for awhile using a free list management script. But of course that would require you to have a hosted domain πŸ˜‰ Again if I absolutely could not have a domain, I guess I would just start building my opt-in list manually and email them from gmail or something (not recommended). You could also try something like google groups for a short period of time.

    30. zane

      Hi Eric I must had missed many lesson due to just getting out of hospital,I had an operation on my elbow.My Question is where can I get cheap or free sqeeze Pages or optin forms from, you can Email me if you have time.thanks Again Eric.

    31. Eric Post author

      Hope you’re recovering well.

      Lessons #62 – #65 cover squeeze pages in depth. They show how to build your own squeeze page, and I also provided a free template in lesson #63. And in lesson #64 I recommended some great video squeeze templates.

    32. Rachel Johnston

      HI Eric,

      Thankyou for your lessons so far. Very enjoyable.

      I have recently purchased the Psychic Popup product. I there anywhere I can obtain directions on how to use this product. Once I have downloaded the product I do not understand how to use it?

      Thankyou Rachel

    33. Eric Post author

      Thanks! I would suggest trying to follow along with the video on the sales page:


      Keep in mind that you must first create an HTML page to be your popup, and upload it to your website. That is the “Popup URL”.

      The “Source File” is your sales page, or wherever you want the popup to pop from. You click “Browse” and select your sales page (likely index.html) from your local hard drive. Then the software will add the popup code to that page. Then you will need to re-upload that page to your site.

      If you play around with it, you’ll get the hang of it quickly.

    34. Pingback: 12 Lessons teaching about opt-in list | Joanstips

    35. Gogvo

      Eric your physic pop over sounds good, will have a look at that one… I hear elsewhere that exit pop ups have got pages delisted by google!

    36. Eric Post author

      My understanding is that they don’t allow pop-ups on landing pages on Google Adwords. But I haven’t heard of it affecting SE rankings. If it’s affecting SEO, feel free to post some info here.

    37. Dean Slayton

      Eric, the value you provide for free on this blog is staggering!

      You should really create more paid products.

      Just my 2 cents.

      Dean Slayton

    38. jeagan

      Hi Eric,

      Thank you so much for your valuable advices.
      I am a newbie that has installed my aweber to my site http://www.englishreader.net
      It is for Korean audience, and I have some difficulties using the Aweber. It basically doesn’t support Koren fonts. But I found a way to use the software in a rather ristricted way. There seems to be no alternative that supports Korean language.
      The Aweber sequence requires you to click their mail to be forwarded to my site. My problem is many of my audience don’t read English, and fail to click the Aweber link my resulting losing a major customer.

      Now I notice your page where you recommend your opt-in client to click the link. I can’t find a way to forward my potential client for my site introducing them what to do in Korean. Your thnks.html page seems doing just that. Can you show me how to?

    39. Eric Post author

      I show how to do this in lesson #63. When you create your opt-in form, on step #2, use the advanced settings to send them to a custom URL on your site.

    40. Jefvz

      Hi Roslyn,
      Nice to read your story here, it’s motivated me as well as a newbie.
      Wish you success on your way persue your dream.


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