LESSON #9: Basic Computer Skills You Need to Have

By | June 27, 2008

We’ve talked about some things that you need to have in order to start an online business, so now we’re going to talk about some things you need to know.

Like I said back in lesson 3, you DON’T need to be a computer expert to be an internet marketer, but you do need to have some basic skills…

(Watch this video…)

Join my coaching club

Main points:

What you need to know…

1) Using your computer; turning it on, off, etc.
2) Mouse skills: Left click, right click, double click
3) Using Windows or whatever OS you have
4) Navigating your computer
5) Working with windows: Open, close, minimize, maximize, resize, move
6) Multitasking with multiple programs/windows open
7) Creating folders
8] Changing your folder “view”
9) Naming and renaming files
10) “Dragging and dropping”
11) Copying and moving files/folders
12) Zipping and unzipping files
13) Installing a software program
14) Opening a program
15) Copying and pasting text
16) Editing and saving files/documents
17) Save vs. Save As
18) Using a web browser to navigate the internet
19) “Googling” and other online research
20) Sending and receiving email
21) Opening a PDF file with Adobe reader
22) Using productivity software such as Word and Excel, or OpenOffice

Action steps:

1) Go through this list of skills, and if you don’t know how to do something, learn it.

If you’re truly a self-taught learner, then you can learn it all here on the internet for free, as long as you know how to click on a link and navigate some sites that I’ve provided below:

(UPDATE: Some of the links I mentioned in the video are no longer valid, but these ones should work…)

http://www.ctdlc.org/remediation/ (includes quizzes)

Alright, so now we’ve covered most of the basics… but when it comes to online business, there’s an entire vocabulary that you’ll need to be familiar with. I’ll cover those online business terms in the next lesson.

As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

Have a great day!

232 thoughts on “LESSON #9: Basic Computer Skills You Need to Have

  1. David Young

    Do you know Jesus Christ ? Not In Your Head,But In YourHeart

  2. lydia

    hello, i am grateful for all the information you are sharing with the world. I have one question i have been looking for info on how to unzip a zipped file on a mac book pro version 10.9.2, every where i have researched it seems it cant be done but i figured since you also have a mac you can help with this …….my name is lydia downs-jamal and i am trying to speed up the process so i can get the show on the road with my online business…

  3. Jaime

    I like your teaching approach for us newbies. It is easy to follow and understand. Thank you.

  4. William Scott

    I am very impressed with the straight forwardness of all the nine lessons that I have heard and seen Eric. I’m trying to stay focused and not get over excited about what I am seeking. However I am still confused about your website for a Platinum Member like myself. I have never really been given the correct website. I NEED it to begin to access the back-office and Members area. Would you be able to give me that info? Yes/No ?

    1. Micah

      Hello William,

      Thank you for your question.

      We’re not sure what purchase this is in reference to?

      Please post your receipt at our helpdesk, and we’ll get you all the information you’ll need to get going:

  5. Richard

    you were promoting clikbank u. saw webinar selling clickbank u (all the goodies) for $797. do I need this or will I need it later? also I did not buy clickbank builder when signing up $ 97.

    1. Micah

      Hello Richard,

      If you want to take full advantage as a ClickBank vendor or affiliate, this will be a great resource for you!

  6. nikhil

    I thank you from bottom of my heart for clearly telling the basic skills for newbies. Though I know most of them but I need to sharpen the knowledge of MS Excel. Again many many thanks.
    Have a great day.

  7. wany joseph

    i need connect all peace togethers websites working from home online business i need helps can you connect for me ineed lead and sales going to websites

  8. Joseph Cumberbatch

    Thanks for this excellent video. I was very excited to view the invitation to join the coaching club! However, when clicked on the link, and got to the payment page, the $17.00 offer was not available. I suppose that you reached the limit before I got there. I can’t afford the $97.00 monthly payment at this time. When I can I will try again, if the door has not been closed by then. I lost out on the $27.00 sale last week because of procrastination; this time I didn’t hesitate, but was somehow too late. I guess these two great offers weren’t for me. Nevertheless that cannot detract from the fact that you are the real guys. It s indeed refreshing to see the openness with which you share your faith. May God continue to bless you and your families and the great work you are doing. I’l continue to enjoy the tips you’re sending me.

    1. Micah

      Hello Joseph,

      If you were ever enrolled previously, the trial price would not be available. Or, if you left the purchase process partway through, and returned, the usual offer may have replaced the trial offer.

      We should be able to clear this up, when we locate your purchase email and username.

      Please post your request at our helpdesk, for quick assistance.

  9. ferie

    YOUR LESSONS ARE EXACTLY WHAT I NEED . I will revise theme always again and again until i understend all things.
    Think you so much.

  10. Tariq Madyun

    Hi Family or Team

    Not really sure how to address you’ll at this time…

    Just a few lines to let you’ll know l am ready to commit focus and avoid the distractions…

    The major two that have been holding me back was1) shiny objects 2) l was just recently released from prison…after11 years and 4 months..

    Actually it was my 34 year old son….but trust me it felt like l was incarcerated…he’s out now and trying to adjust to a rapidly changing world…

    I feel my part is to help in this adjustment if at all possible…so l am reaching out for any and all assistance possible…

    I am 65 years old desperately attempting to embark and navigate this system….so first and foremost keep us in prayer

    I should now be on lession 35 but only after the distractions finishing #9 after about 4-5 days..playing catchup…

    One of the first lessons was don’t buy anything…but l see things being recommended along the way leaving me somewhat confused…

    Are they real recommendations or test to see if l would buy….l especially like the franchise and the scriptedge….

    Can l get some advice even if l have to pay for it…what ever it takes…it may not be….but it feels like a matter of life or death…

    Patiently awaiting your response….


  11. Kasonde

    Thank you for covering the basics. Though I am already familiar with all this, I appreciate where you are coming from because it makes it user friendly and inclusive for those who may not have basic computer skills. On to the next lesson

  12. tracy

    u demy has basic computer classes for little to no investment if anyone needs the info.


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