Merry Christmas 2010

By | December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

It’s hard to believe I’ve been writing Eric’s Tips for over 5 years. Thank you so much for reading my tips and lessons!

Here are a few small digital gifts as a token of my appreciation…

Some Free Christmas Music:

(right-click “save target as” to save MP3 file to your computer)

OComeEmmanuel.mp3 – By my brother Daryl’s band Sauni’s Big Jump

Emmanuel.mp3 – By my sister-in-law Kaitlyn Scott

Some Free Ebooks:

(right-click “save target as” to save PDF file to your computer)

Google Tools to Help Marketers – Download PDF

The Power of Goals – Download PDF

52 Sunday Dinners (with Master Resale Rights)- Download PDF

And in case you missed it, I posted a free bonus lesson a couple days ago.

Again, I wish you a great Christmas and blessed New Year.

As always, you are welcome to post your comments below.

144 thoughts on “Merry Christmas 2010

  1. lisa

    Thanks so much for the wonderful Christmas/holiday special! Thoughtful! Hope you and yours have a fabulous holiday festivities and even better 2011! Thanks again, Eric!

  2. Gary Pettit

    Merry Christmas Eric! Best wishes for you and your family this holiday season! Thanks for all your help and training over the past couple years…it’s made a big difference in my online endeavors 😉

  3. Xavier

    Hi Eric,

    Wish You and Your Loved Ones a Merrier Christmas, And A Wonderful and Peaceful New Year With Prosperity to help you achieve your Goals.


  4. Carl

    Hi Eric:

    Merry Christmas – thanks for sharing the gifts.
    The band is awesome, I would love to hear
    More of their music.

  5. Steve

    As always, Eric, you prove to be one of the most honest and forthright marketers online. I subscribe to MANY big marketers’ lists, and I compare (especially when marketers are competing for “top dog” in JV contests LOL!).

    I often unsubscribe as fast as I subscribed, but I’ve looked forward to Erick’s Tips since day one – yep, five years now!

    Thank you, and best holiday wishes to you and your beautiful family. May 2011 be the best year ever – for all of us!

  6. Aaron Dwyer

    Thanks Eric for your tips, I’ve only been following your blog for amount 3 months but the quality and quantity if your content is fantastic.
    merry christmas

  7. Diane

    Thanks for the gifts. Your Google Tips, though, is so badly written that I can’t believe you wrote it. If you are hiring help, check the work. This is really bad–grammatical [sort of] but full of simple stylistic errors you never make–overuse of passive, confusing pronouns…Too bad-the info seems good.

  8. Scott


    Merry Christmas to you and your family and wish you a prosperous and healthy New Year

    Kind Regards,

  9. David Galicia

    …may the promise of Christmas bring upon you and your family the blessings of God :

    * HOPE


    * PEACE




  10. Gareth C Thomas

    Thank you Eric. That’s very kind of you… Merry Christmas to you and yours. I’ll pop back soon to download, just wanted to say thanks quickly before I go and sort the family out!

  11. Dani Vlad

    Hi Eric,

    Merry Christmas, brother! May the Lord bless you and keep you and your family. Enjoy the holidays and have a dynamic and prosperous year in 2011.
    Our love and hugs to you, guys!
    Talk soon.


  12. Mike Wong

    Hi Eric,
    Merry Christmas to you & your loved ones.
    Thanks for the lovely music from your sis & bro.
    plus the gifts.

    God Bless all of you.
    Mike Wong

  13. Jason Hillard

    Thanks very much Eric,

    A blessed and happy xmas to you are readers. Stay Safe.

    Here’s to a fabulous and prosperous New Year!


    P.S. Free gift for clicking on My weblink.

  14. Teodor

    Dear Eric,
    Thank you for gifts received from you and wish you a “Merry Christmas” with your family and “A Happy New Year” with health and fulfilling all your desires!
    With friendship Teodor

  15. Futak

    Wow – thanks Eric! Blessings to you & your family. Playing the mp3 file to my family now. 🙂

    Merry Christmas to you all!

  16. Anonymous

    Hi Eric, I would just like to thank you for all the good information and tips you have given me, over the past few months.

    I would like to wish you and your famil, staff a merry xmas and happy new year.

    Best wishes Stephen

  17. Abdullah

    Dear Eric,
    What a blessed person you are and your family. Out of your beautiful children come all the blessings.
    Wishing you good luck and all the best for 2011.

  18. Sanjiv

    Hi Eric,
    This is the first Christmas Gift from you as I have been reading your tips only since the last half of 2010.
    As a matter of fact, I have started using the internet and started blogging since the last half year of 2010.
    I would like to place on record, that your lessons have been a real eye opener and educator for me and consider your lessons to be amongst the best on the net ( or maybe the best), I have found — and I have come across quite a few after having surfed quite a bit.
    You do come across as a guy willing to help.
    My sincere gratitude for all you have educated me on!
    medic on web.

  19. Richard

    Happy Christmas Eric and Family.

    Wish you good health, great wealth and love in your heart that lasts for ever.

    Love the new photo of you and your wife. Adds a certain class when a pretty woman, the life and support for her husband, is involved. :-))

    All our best from the Snowy Isle of Man, UK.


  20. Shane Massingham

    Thanks very much Eric for sharing your knowledge with all of us.
    Wishing you and your family Best Wishes and continuing health for the New Year.

    Shane Massingham

  21. Robert

    Hi Eric ! Thank you for the downloads.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy & Prosperous New Year.

    Universal blessings to you and yours,


  22. Roy Aylmer

    Merry Christmas Eric, to you, your family and
    to your extended family of Erics Tips Readers.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for Erics Tips which are not only educational but entertaining as well.
    Has it really been 5 years?
    Let us all look forward to the next 5 years of marketing success
    Thanks again Eric
    Happy Christmas everyone!

  23. Sujit

    Dear Eric
    Happy Merry Christmas to you, enjoy it and celebrate it, happy new year to you, hope in the new year you again come to India

  24. Doug

    Thanks for being fresh air in world of sleeze bags – God Bless and keep you and yours!!

  25. Gail Fay

    Thanks Eric. Your contribution to honest & ethical marketing has been tremendous and much appreciated by so many. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  26. tadiyos

    it’s been good to know you on the web and nice of you for the gifts.Have a wonderful holiday!

  27. Evand Fer

    Hi Eric,

    Very kind from you to share your brother songs with us, especially OComeEmmanuel which is something too powerfull in terms of not only feelings but also human reflection (just close your eyes and feel the music). It could easily become a movie soundtrack. In addition the female voice is speechless.

    This way you will soon become his Big King manager (lol) using IM strategies!

    Nice gift (as usual)

    Merry Christmas

    (non english speaking)

  28. Brian

    Eric may I say your TIPS are excellent. For many years I had my own publishing business, but now retired I am VERY KEEN to start my online business not only for the extra income but also occupational therapy!
    My weakness is ‘computers’ but I am very confident that following your tips I will overcome my own shortcomings and anxieties.
    I had staff who ‘operated’ the computers and I kept my distance.
    Ten years ago, I bought 16 .it domain names. Among them are:;;;;;;;; and I still have the 16 and wonder which would be most suitable for an online business.
    I thought that would be an excellent ‘portal’ for anyone wishing to renew whatever it is that needs renewing – but I think the expense and my lack of knowledge would prevent my starting this one. The same would apply to

    I wonder if you have any suggestions. I am primarily interested in ‘e book’ or information marketing in a similar vein to you.

    Once again thank you very much for the information, inspiration and incentive provided in shovelfulls in your TIPS. Brilliant stuff =- congratulations and a Merry Christmas to youy and your family and Happy Healthy New Year.

    All the Best

  29. stevee

    Thank you Eric.

    Wishing you and all at home a wonderful Merry Christmas and A Very Good Year ahead.


  30. Ed

    Thank you for the gifts Eric and may you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year!

  31. Dennis Flowers

    thankx for the music and the books i want to wish you and your family a very merry christmas and all the best to you in the new year
    p.s. may your god be with you

  32. Leanne Snell

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, Eric! Thank you for paying it forward, well done good and faithful servant! God’s Continued Blessings!

  33. Carroll Alexander (Mr.)

    Eric, thank you and your team for who you are for what you do.
    God certainly has a way of blessing His children – often in way that the world cannot see.
    Of course observing Christmas is one way to honor the greatest gift of all, our Redeemer!
    Love, peace and God’s richest blessings to you and yours,

  34. Colin

    Merry Christmas Eric. Thanks for all you have done over the past year. I’ll drop bye more often this coming year for sure.


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