Me-Too Copycat Marketers on ClickBank

By | December 23, 2010


This is a quick bonus lesson that I recorded a few days ago on the spur of the moment…

Main Points:

  • The reason they’re doing it is because it works.

  • It’s not wrong to imitate what works. However…

  • It is wrong to use dishonest and unethical marketing, and some me-too marketers are copying each other’s bad practices.

  • The style that works may vary depending on the niche.

  • The “IM” niche seems to be on the cutting edge of sales letter trends for info-products. Other niches often follow.

  • While copying a proven formula can be smart marketing, it’s even better to be a trend setter. By coming up with the NEXT thing, you’ll probably make more money than the me-too marketers.

    A few things I did not mention in the video:

  • The law of diminishing returns applies here. If you want to be a me-too marketer, you need to copy and implement the winning formula immediately. As more copycats jump in, it will become less and less effective. And those who only catch the tail-end of the trend won’t reap its benefits.

  • This should go without saying, but it’s NOT OK to plagiarize text, rip off graphics, copy source code, or otherwise infringe upon someone else’s intellectual property. That’s not me-too marketing, that’s stealing.

  • While many (probably most) marketing teachers, agencies, and other so-called purveyors of good marketing practices absolutely shun me-too marketing, I DO consider it to be a legitimate strategy. But something else to keep in mind is that there’s a lot more to being a successful me-too marketer than imitating what you see on a sales page. For example, those me-too marketers in the top 10 on ClickBank are also copying each other’s traffic strategies, and getting hundreds of affiliates to drive traffic to their offers.

  • Although I’ve been one to capitalize on certain trends, I would not consider myself to be a me-too marketer. In fact, my methods have been consistently ripped off and copied by other marketers throughout my Internet marketing career πŸ˜‰

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

  • 100 thoughts on “Me-Too Copycat Marketers on ClickBank

    1. Eric Post author

      Did you create a helpdesk account with them, where you can login and view responses? The reason I ask is it is possible that their replies are getting blocked by your email. But if that’s not the case and you can’t get even a response after numerous requests over a month… probably time for a refund.

    2. Eric Post author

      I recommend products from time to time, and I’m appreciative when my readers buy products through my links, because that’s part of how I make money.

      But here’s a key point ot keep in mind…

      The overall objective of my lessons is to show you how to make money SELLING products. I’ll say it again for emphasis: You make money selling products, not buying them.

      So many aspiring marketers just keep buying product after product, because they’re hoping the next one will be the magic formula.

      This goes back to the first few lessons in my lesson series:

      There is no magic bullet. There is no perfect formula. You will never find it.

      The way to sustainable income in this business is to build a business.

      So the key here is to stop looking for formulas, and start building a business. Now… you can certainly follow a formula. For example, my 100 lessons are a formula. But they are not a “perfect” formula. There are always variables, and there will always be trial and error involved in building a business.

      So here’s what I would say about the $37 product that you’re considering…

      If you can afford to burn $37 to satisfy your curiousity of what it’s about, do it. OR.. if $37 is a stretch, but you truly believe this is the formula you want to follow, do it. Also keep in mind that there will probably be some upsells. But you don’t have to buy them.

      Then if you do go for it, and you like the formula, take action and follow it. This is where most people fail.

      But if you’re buying it out of desperation, or because you think it will be your financial savior… you might as well save yourself the $37. In lesson #4 I said to stop buying stuff… UNLESS you know why you’re buying it. If you know why you’re buying it, and it fits into your plan to build a business, buy it. Otherwise, it’s probably something you don’t need.

      Regarding the file extensions, I’ve not seen that as much of a problem. There may be some software that only runs on newer versions of windows, but most info-product formats should be fine on Windows XP (doc, PDF, exe, etc.).

    3. HaRa

      Hello Eric…

      I am glad You address this issue here.
      It is something that I am much concerned of as well.
      May I invite You to check out an article I wrote on this topic a while ago?

      And just the homepage of HARAventures.Net
      explains my approach to Internet Marketing.

      It is time to do some things differently.

      Wishing You all a wonderful time of Christmas and access to the source of peace and hope it was meant to be !


    4. Ed

      Hi Eric

      Interesting video and some really interesting comments by your readers too. I’ve been working with Clickbank for over 7 years now and I have definitely seen a change with that company. A couple of years ago there was no way you could make a claim like some of these offers do and not get shut down by CB. Apparently CB is now more interested in money that protecting their customer base. I’m not saying all these folks are crooked, but their claims are outrageous. Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all.

    5. Michael J. Ming

      Great topic of which I firmly agree. I tire of their sameness & claims but if it works …
      I go differently – quote from an IM Seminar I attended “Be different things differently” and of that I’m a firm believer.
      Have a Wonderful Christmas/New Year

    6. Peter Godau

      Hi Eric,

      This point of view is very sound and it is not hard to notice the trend a while ago. It is deceptive and frustrating. It amazes me from the comments that products are being defended and their creator but then begs the question : Why are highly regarded Internet Marketers using deceptive tactics to sell their products? I think we all know the answer to that one. Well even though it works, this world and money hungry people will always be in the majority.

    7. John

      Hey Eric,
      Once again you make some great points and offer excellent information. I think we’re seeing a trend here (and you posting this is part of it) that will eventually shift us toward more honesty in marketing.

      There is a saying.. “Caveat Emptor”, or “Buyer Beware”.. that you don’t hear much these days, but in the internet marketing world today it is possibly more relevant than ever.

      Ironically it is the fact that we’re being subjected to the things you and other marketers have been pointing out, that is now and will in the future lead to greater buyer awareness. Ultimately I see humanity in the west heading toward a shift in consciousness in this respect, and I see it in a lot of the posts here. People are fed up with hype, BS.. and especially with emotional hot button pushing and scarcity lies, and eventually when that spreads far and wide enough it will stop. It has to because ultimately the ones who are doing it will be driven out of the marketplace because we will simply stop believing their lies or condoning their manipulative methodologies.

      PT Barnum once said “There’s a sucker born every minute”.. and it is precisely that type of thinking that we are rapidly becoming wise to, and as we do, we change our buying habits, and in so doing we change the way marketing is done.

      I do disagree with you on one point however.. “using what works” doesn’t necessarily make it right. In my estimation the entire “hypnotic marketing”.. eg.. scarcity and hot button pushing marketing methods need to go away. The folks you showed in the video who are marketing with trust and showing honest testimonials have it right. I promote The Linden Method partly because it works, and it has those glowing testimonials because it is a good product. And, their marketing is spot on as far as I’m concerned.

      I also tend to disagree with upsells as they are often done. To do an upsell in itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing if the product is niche related to the product you’re already selling, but when you are selling a product that you initially say is the best thing since sliced bread and will take care of all of your needs, and then turn around in the upsell and say Oh.. by the way.. if you want the REAL DEAL you have to buy this, or sign up for my membership program (for what often is a three or more times higher cost) there is something radically wrong there.

      So the long and short of it is that I think the folks who try to rip people off need to look out.. because it won’t be long before they’re going to be hitting the dusty trail. πŸ™‚
      Cheers and happy holidays!
      Dr. John Michael Christian

    8. sergio

      Hi Eric,

      my advice is please DO NOT purchase the following:
      Auto Commission Both, Hyper Facebook Traffic, and Blogging to the Bank.

      They are complete rip offs and I am currently negotiating full refunds for two of these products (I already been refunded for one).

      These so called Gurus are what I call the modern online crooks. I mean people are not completely stupid. You cannot advertise a product that doesn’t deliver anything at all even a login or a password.
      Not to mention that servers crash all the time every time there is a request for help or assistance.
      Do any of these Gurus care about their reputation? I mean if you get ripped off once from someone why would you buy anything else from them ever again?

      Happy Christmas everyone

      Ciao from sunny Australia

    9. Rufus

      Ahhh, The value of powerful copy writing,
      makes me pull out my credit card & make
      that purchase.
      I too (like countless others) have
      been scammed, ripped off, & whatever
      else U may want to call it.

      What I have conclude is that it’s just the cost of education, which is very costly.

      I totally agree, in the end no one made me purchase the product. I therefore except full responsible 4 my actions.

      So I learned to be a bit more careful in the future.
      Now what I do is use the money back option.

      I really do not like to return things,
      but if I try it & it’s not what was said 2 B, then back it goes.

      That the way I now handle all my purchases.
      Like that it’s a win, win, win 4 all.

    10. Elisabeth Kuhn

      Hi Eric,

      thanks for this very interesting and eye-opening post/video, and the excellent discussion that followed.

      About the upsells… My advice is to just learn to say “No thanks!” And if it’s really something without which the whole system won’t work, I agree with the person who suggested getting a refund since that would make the offer a bait-and-switch!

      Happy Holidays!


    11. Mike

      I found it interesting how Eric went down the list of categories at Clickbank to see who was making money in particular niches. Personally, I always like making purchases with clickbank, because clickbank will issue a refund even if the merchant does not notify it to issue a refund. That same feature makes me leary of using Clickbank for any of my online products. For example, suppose I wrote and marketed an e-book on practical strategies to defend yourself in a credit card debt collection lawsuit. Now 99.9% of readers will not be familiar with any of these strategies. However, once they buy the book and see the strategy, they can say “I would have thought of that myself eventually, so I am not going to pay for this book.” Essentially, we have the classic economic problem of the freeloader: someone who uses a product and then tries to return it for a refund so his use has been free of charge. As a vendor, I need protection from unscrupulous purchasers — so the Clickbank easy refund policy would essentially prevent me from getting compensated for the time and research spent developing these strategies (after 6+ years of law practice in this area). The same is true if I wrote an e-book getting the most out of doctor-patient interactions or any other topic. Is Clickbank something we need to avoid as new business owners, due to the fraudulent use of a product than seeking full refund?

    12. Anonymous

      How is Michael Rasmussen’s “Mini Sites” program working for whoever is using it?…Over a year ago I was seeing this software being touted as once you have the Mini Sites going, the “Lazier You Are”, the better that this automated system will work for you, in keeping hands off for the most part after it is setup according to his claims??…Now that time has passed since that ad, I was wondering if it is really performing as Michael says it would for someone who applies it?…I have not seen much feedback from users of it since that ad well over a year ago…Friends, Lloyd.

    13. HaRa

      Hello once more…

      Just wanted to add something.
      I strongly agree with what Dr. John Michael Christian just wrote, and I forgot to mention it in my post above, since I was a bit in a hurry and have this issue in my blog article on

      The reason for those prices being all in the same range and so ridiculous low (compared to the claims being made) is that they are only the bait, the door-opener. The real money is being made on the upsells. I have experienced up to six upsells following each other – which is clearly an insult on my intelligence and own decision power. It is nothing else but rude and revealing the mentality of being reckless in taking advantage of people and certain situations. Nothing against adding one special offer – which then has to be absolutely related to the product and its practical use.

      But I find it already too rude, to force someone for a decision, BEFORE they even had a chance to try out the first product they just bought. Why not built a relationship first with this customer first, have them make a positive experience with the product, and THEN offer them an upsell, as an addition? This can also be triggered from the product when it is used, instead of the access page.

      And still, why always urgency? Why isn’t it possible to put a little bit more effort into relationship building, which is the best way to have people trust me and then buy more from me, even if it is not the obvious super-duper-offer?! I mean with a product that helps one to make money – even with far less than what they claim (most targeted victims are newbies anyway – so they are already happy to just see any significant results!), the price of a add-on product is not as much an issue, once someone has seen proof for themselves that they work.

      Or vice-versa, if for the majority any results not even close to those claims can not become reality – then why sell it after all?! Wouldn’t an ethic retailer (luckily in the offline world we still find them!) who sees that a product is not so ideal for a potential customer, tell them that and make perhaps a different recommendation. Wouldn’t that be rather fair?

      Why is only the focus on maximizing the profits beyond humanity the only goal? Can’t we finally realize and be grateful for the fact, that with online marketing we have such an enormous potential to make real good money, such a fantastic tool to reach out to so many people like never in history of mankind before… ! Why not be satisfied with using this opportunity in an ethical way, and be grateful for the fruits we MAY harvest? Why this greed for more and more, recklessly destroying our chances, potential, our markets? It’s shortsighted and simply stupid!

      We can debate ethics from many perspectives. But for me ethical behavior is simple that, to treat others as I like to be treated from them. And that is my guideline for my prospects.
      My concept is this:


      Nothing to buy or get on this link – just the idea, that I would really like to see being copied from others who think similar.

      Whoever agrees, please implement this in your business and life, and lets together make a difference in this world.

      If anyone likes to stay updated with my project ‘Web-Free-Net’, email me.



    14. Gregory Elfrink

      Eric, love it. I have been reading your blog by the way for longer than 5 years, on your Christmas post you said it’s been around for 5 but I discovered you in 8th grade and now I’ve been out of high school for almost 4 so that is 9 right there man! πŸ˜›

      Anyhow… I like what you had to say on this copycatting formula.

      I’m in the network marketing arena, so a lot of people use what are known as attraction marketing systems, and they’re pretty much replicated websites built by internet marketers. They can be really effective, but at the same time like most of the products you’ve shown, most of them are pretty hypey and don’t live up to the easy promises of “automatic signups” and etc.

      Anyway, great vid man, hope you have a merry christmas!

    15. felipa

      getting back on the sattle……

      your bonus lesson was worth listening to.

      personally i like staying ethical.

      THANK YOU….

      and may God bless you and your family. Merry Christmas. πŸ˜€

    16. Matt

      Thanks for another great video Eric.

      Question! Do you think the over hyped under preforming products are going to piss off too many people and make are already challenging business even more challenging?

      I mean the trust factor is already hard enough with out this type marketing out there. And, don’t you think that if this continues the FTC and other governing bodies may get involved even more?

      Just saying, These guys may be hurting all of us, if not in our wallets now then in our methods later?

    17. Bill

      A consumer of anything, especially IM products, should treat any purchase as money thrown away.. unless they have thoroughly vetted the producer and legitimate product reviews. You should be satisfied with the claims made and make sure you understand the exact procedure to obtain a refund, if any. Always consider purchase decisions YOUR responsibility and assume any product is NOT all that it claims to be.. you won’t be as disappointed.

      Either don’t order products online, or improve the way you make purchase decisions. Being an open minded skeptic is a good thing.. but depending on the amount of money you’re “risking”, you must put in the appropriate time and effort to ferret out the truth vs. hype. You’ll never be 100% sure.. life just doesn’t work that way..

      If every time you order a product you do a “review” to a popular blog dealing with products or services related to the one ordered, the “bad apples” will find it tough sledding in short order. One negative review probably holds more power than 10 positive ones!

    18. Tiffany

      I agree, these $37.00 dollar products are everywhere now a days. I personally will not promote a product before buying and checking it out myself. The ones that do not pass the grade I just ask for a refund. If the product is good, i’ll keep it and promote.

      Refund = No Money Lost =)

    19. Luca Di Nicola

      Agreed Eric, there are many good products that will help newbies to start and build an online business and also many honest marketers. Your lessons and emails are proof of that. Thanks again

    20. Eric Post author

      Yes and no. I do think all the hyped products are making a large segment of the market more skeptical. But there are always more people coming into this market. And yes I do think the FTC might get more involved, but I think there will always be unethical marketers. This is an age-old phenomenon, and you can observe it everywhere from the grocery store, to TV ads, to the Internet, etc.

      But in spite of some unethical marketers prospering… once again, the way to live a happy and prosperous life is to live with integrity.

    21. FreeMaverix

      And again once more…

      I have just been reading through the posts and your replies a bit. And I noticed a few times that You gave the advice to make the decision on buying something dependable on the question whether it is needed for our business plan or not.

      This is absolutely correct. However the problem is, that most of those product pitches do only talk about about making money or getting traffic with them. But they let no light shine on how they are approaching this, what strategy they have. Example all the traffic softwares. You never find out how they are doing it, where they are aiming at. So it is sometimes quite difficult to know whether it is needed and helpful for our goals and for what we particular are doing. Just traffic – well we all need it.

      But again, luckily they basically all use Clickbank, and with that it’s Clickbank that warrants the 60 day money-back- guarantee (simply by sending the receipt to – no need to deal with the vendor at all!).

      So never be scared to try something – just take action: first following through with the instructions. And if You are not happy, take action and request that refund before the guarantee is over. It’s action and determination whether You will be a bit wiser – with or without harm.

      All the best


    22. FreeMaverix

      Eric and now I have a question for You !

      Some time ago I purchased a software with a 7$ trial for seven days and then 69$ monthly.
      I missed to cancel on the seventh day and cancelled right after they charged me the first month. I had both receipts in one email to Clickbank. I then received the refund on the 7$ but the 69$ never came. I have been sending my request at least 5x within the last 3 months – Clickbank never refunded or even answered my emails.
      What can I do?
      Do You know whether CB keeps track of my cancellation rate and applies a quota? At least they refunded me something else after .


    23. Nnamdi

      Thanks Eric, you have always stood on your integrity and doing things the right and sincere way. I think its a great lesson to learn from and not just for the IM buz, but for life in general. Please I want to be in your coaching program, Please send me a private mail via my email so we can get to talk better, as there are a lot of issues I personally need your coaching on. Thanks you

    24. Jennifer

      I too find that there is very little about the actual product in the sales bumpf – usually only about how much money it will make for you, free your time, change your lifestyle, etc.

      What I have started to do is – buy the product only if it is available through Clickbank – NOT buy the upsells, etc. Then I have time to trial the product and reclaim my investment through Clickbank if it proves to something I do not need/want.

      If the upsell looks interesting I often bookmark the page and usually you can go back to it at a later stage if you decide you want it. πŸ™‚

    25. Bob

      Thanks Eric, I take a lot of video and still images and the amount of simple theft on the net is driving the calls for regulation. (I mostly oppose regulation). I am still following your advice about not buying things I don’t need but admit to looking at some of these offerings.

      Finding out that the ‘free’ download is useless without add-ons taints future offerings from that source.

      Seeing claims of thousands of dollars for no work (autopilot) is a big tip off for me that I need to move along to something else.

      Thanks so much for posting these lessons, links to (truly) free materials and select links to WORKING paid materials.

      My best to you and yours for the New Year,

    26. Joan - BlogBizBuzz

      Thanks Eric let us hope 2011 will clear out some of the repetitive approach being pawned off.

      Ryan I have been online for 2 years and still come to the same solution; own your product, control your identity – that way you know you are not leaning toward “stealing” – you are not beholden to price and you hold onto your moral excellence.

      Purchasing PLR you always need to read, review, clean up and alter so why not learn and produce your own content from scratch or think outside of the box and find something totally new and refreshing.

      Needless to say there are products you have to purchase, to further either your education or business. To all visiting this site, it is the right place to be and good luck to one and all in their venture for 2011.

    27. Phil Miranda

      Hi, Phil Miranda here… I must say that I agree totally with this post due to the fact that as an affiliate marketer myself I come across for what it seems like dozens of “Copycat” CB products every month. No more uniqueness nowadays… I just put up a PR about this so called ATM software entitled: “Auto Traffic Monopoly? Yeah Right – Just Another $37 Copycat Clickbank Product – Beware!”

    28. Eric Post author

      I’m not offering any private coaching, but if I ever do, I’ll be sure to let all my subscribers know about it.

    29. Eric Post author

      If you’re requesting the refund from the vendor and they’re not responding, then you can go directly to clickbank. If clickbank isn’t responding, then there’s a communication issue somewhere, because clickbank always responds. If you’re sending your request via email, then perhaps it’s getting lost somewhere. Instead, use Clickbank’s Customer Support Ticket System to request the refund. They automatically process refunds in 1 business day. If it’s been over 60 days, then they won’t issue a refund automatically. They might make an exception if you had been trying to receive a refund. Go here and submit a ticket or call them on the phone, or live chat:

      As far as I know, Clickbank does keep track of multiple refunds by one customer. There is not limit to the # of refunds you can receive, but what they are looking for are “serial refunders”- people who buy stuff and always request a refund (thus abusing the system). My understanding is that serial refunders may be banned from purchasing on clickbank.

    30. Eric Post author

      That’s true, but I do recommend trying to contact the vendor first. As a vendor I certainly appreciate the opportunity to help satisfy unhappy customers by helping them with the product, or offering them an alternative.

    31. Sergio

      Hi Eric,
      I agree with you, they all look the same, and I’m guilty myself of buying such products.
      In my opinion, the sales pages are unethicall, although the methods might work, they are not complete honest. For instance, yes they might be making X amount of dollars per month, but these guys have a bug list or jv’s and most of their income comes from these sources, not only from these so called “push a button” system.

    32. nicksey

      Hi Eric, Just wanted to add my comments. I can’t believe how many so called internet gurus promote these products without even checking them out first. Surely it kills their credibility.

      Over the past week I must have had an email from virtually all the known names promoting a particular $37 product, all saying Wow, this is great, it really works and what a great piece of software it is etc.

      Three days ago I purchased it, more out of curiosity than expectation. Apparently if I watch four traing videos then with just so many mouse clicks and a bit of copying and pasting I will be making huge amounts of money.

      I have so far reached the end of video number 3, this one is two and a half hours long, 1 and 2 are around 3 hours combined. What we have are 2 individuals providing training on how to choose keywords, set up a blog and collect email addresses.

      So far, no further mention of any software but maybe that comes later, but I am five and half hours in by now.

      The two presenters obviously have little knowledge of what they are teaching despite claiming that they are earning $150k per month from their methods.

      Their presentation is clumsy and rambling with constant mistakes. They demonstrate wordpress and don’t know how to change a theme correctly and struggle to find their way around the control panel. They demonstrate ftp but cannot make it work. They recommend a piece of software because apparently at the time of filming theirs isn’t ready. They struggle to remember how anything works. They demonstrate clickbank, where they make their money from, but are unsure how to create an affiliate link, they demonstrate an autoresponder but are not sure how to change settings. They can’t get the screen draw/pointer to work and have their screen recording set to only record the middle of the screen so much of what they are doing is not visible. They have little SEO knowledge and so far are very vague about how their sites get any sort of position in search engines.

      They recommend that you first collect a visitors email with the promise of a free report, but the report is actually just two paragraphs with an affiliate link, which is apparently how they make their money.

      Yet they obviously have no experience, skill or experience in what they are teaching.

      All in a very sad example of this, yet all the big names are strongly recommending it, if I were them I would be embarrased to be seen promoting this but I dont think they are. I think I will be applying for my refund very soon.

    33. charles

      Happy Newyear Eric.

      Nice spur of the moment since this moment is all there is so use it wisely people.
      Eric you were the only marketer who gave me a gift without someone wanting a email address from me you are a honest human being.

    34. Karen

      Wow, what incredible information…Thank you all for your comments, especially Eric for all this honesty..
      I have been at this IM for 4 months and have found myself wondering the same things…I too purchased the above product as Nicsey and have requested a refund for the same reasons..couldn’t get the programs to even work. But with fear because I have canceled two previous products from CB and that they will refuse me any further purchases…Not sure what the line is regarding a “serial refunder”?

      I too have become very frustrated with the lies, hype, misleading copy and how hard it is to find a reputable product to promote. I thought affiliate marketing would be the best way to start on line to generate some income in order to develop my own product…but am discovering that this isn’t as easy as it seems..

      I thank you for the reminder to not buy any more stuff…and I am even more confused of how to promote with honesty and integrity since looking at other super-affiliate sites are not good examples of how to do this….I really love your site and blog Eric and I will keep following you to continue learning how best to actually make money without feeling like I am being a con by promoting products that have all these misleading statements…

      I am especially not impressed with the idea of auto-e-mailing 12 e-mails for 12 days…really don’t want to have people I am trying to help feel like I do when I open my inbox…Yuck!!!!

      Way too much, yet I am aware that a person will not purchase the first few times they go to a site…so it is very frustrating getting going…

      Thanks again for your contribution to a better way of developing an online business. I will not stop trying though because I know this is the way of the future for advertising….Looking at helping local businesses get online instead… Happy New Year and all the Best in 2011

    35. Eric Post author

      Thanks πŸ™‚ To answer your question: If you’ve got a legitimate reason for the refund, then I wouldn’t worry about being labeled a serial refunder.

      Regarding 12 emails in 12 days- it depends on what you’re sending them. I do actually recommend using autoresponders in this way. When people sign up for Eric’s Tips, they get over 100 emails in 100 days. But the key is to provide true value, and not just pitch products.

    36. Tom

      “Copycat” formula is one thing,
      but these income claims are not verified
      and, as you pointed out here…limit of
      287 or 300 copies….This is something that
      I am surprised Clickbank has not “banned” as
      a clear violation of FTC Rules.

      There is nothing “Smart” about
      False Advertising, phony income claims
      or statements of a “Limit” of 300 copies
      (therefore, 299 “competitors”) when they
      are selling 3,000 copies (as example).

      This misleads people as to how many others
      could be using the same system…and they
      would not buy it without the “limited copies”

      Clickbank should not accept these claims,
      and if they do, for their protection, close out
      the account after 300 sales and remove the page (or potentially answer to the FTC as to why they did not).

      Eventually, we’ll either hear about a gigantic
      FTC fine…or, perhaps, a Class-Action Lawsuit.

    37. Tom Lincoln

      So what do you think of Auto Mass Traffic as a product. I was testing it. Mistake?

    38. Tom Lincoln

      Eric, what do you think about AutoBlogs in general? Can they be done ethically? If so, what is important to keep in mind?

    39. linc2010

      Hi Eric,

      I noticed Auto Mass Traffic in your lesson. Guess I’ve been scammed. Was all the information in there bogus? Also, I bought the original version of Nick Carty’s Auto Blog software after I bought Autoblog Samuari and got my money back in a refund as it locked up. Nick Carty has been great with customer service. Are Auto Blogs a bad idea. I always clean up the resulting articles in my 39 blogs and make sure the author links from Indezine get printed. Are autoblogs kind-of like “share it” buttons or are they a problem in Internet marketing?

    40. Eric Post author

      No, I never said any of those products were scams. I was only analyzing the way they’re being marketed. No, auto blogs are not like share it buttons. Some marketers consider them to be a problem, particularly anyone who holds Google’s ideals.

    41. Eric Post author

      I’m not a big fan of them. As far as ethical, it depends on whose definition of ethical you’re using. According to Google, they’re spam, and thus unethical. I think the way most people are autoblogging is not very ethical, because they’re scraping content from other people’s blogs. There are some cases where it could be considered ethical, like if they’re syndicating content that was meant to be syndicated. Also, if they are spinning the content to make it unique, that makes it ethical to some people, because it is technically not violating copyrighted material. But then again, that’s spammy.

    42. powerpaul

      Hi Eric,

      I’ve noticed this copycat $37-$47 product stuff over the last few months getting very intense – too much.
      The claims are unbelievable – how can they ALL achieve those kinds of results?!
      Note: When you click to exit, you usually get that immediate $10 discount.
      It makes me start to wonder…can I get any benefit here, learn anything? After all, like everyone is saying, we have NO idea what the real product IS, just what it ISN’T and “what we don’t need” (i,e, a site, squeeze page, etc).
      …Then there’s the upsells: #1,#2,#3,,,,,!
      I do want to point out that they almost always have a 60 day guarantee and I for one exercise that with Clickbank if I don’t find anything useable. CB is absolutely great w/the refunds.

      Thanks for the video.


    43. Dennis Quilliams

      Eric is there really such a thing as a push button software that goes out and gets traffic on auto pilot. I have checked out a few of these and they are not even a software just a website that you have to do all the things that we do directories, articles etc.

    44. Riese F

      I bought the first link you showed…BAD MOVE! Where is the honor…poor product and poor customer service. Just because they are making a ton of money doesn’t mean their product is worth it I have found…I guess caution is the name of the game!

    45. Wahyu Widodo

      Hi everyone,

      I would suggest that we have the list of the recommended products and probably the list of the trusted IM Marketer.

    46. Micah

      Here is Eric’s earlier reply:

      “I appreciate the comment. This isn’t a review of any of their products, just observations about the sales pages.”

    47. Pingback: Great Bloggers in my Google Reader

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