I wasn’t planning on doing this today, but I got sucked into a VERY compelling sales video… and the rest is history 😉
I don’t blame anyone for creating a persuasive video. I make them for my products, and I teach others to do the same. The problem is when they’re misleading (or if they’re so ambiguous that you can’t figure out what the product’s really about).
The product I am reviewing today is called One Minute Commissions, by Mike Auton. The name on the product is Rebecca Roberts, but from what I understand from the JV invitations I’ve seen, that’s basically a pen name for the actress/spokeswoman.
The product pitch made some very bold income claims, but what appealed to me the most was its apparent ease of use. It sounded exactly like the type of product that would be useful to many of my subscribers. So I went ahead and bought it for $46.00 so I could review it.
The payment processor is ClickSure, and it was my first time encountering them. It appears that they are attempting to compete with ClickBank, so I went ahead and signed up for an affiliate account too; perhaps I can report more about them later. It seems they are UK-based, and just entering the business. My credit card company called me within one minute of placing my order, to ask if it was fraudulent.
After ordering, I was taken into the upsell flow (aka One Time Offer), which is to be expected. Again, I have no problem with upsells. I do them myself, and I teach it as an effective marketing strategy. One of my recent launches contained the most aggressive upsell flow I’ve ever attempted, with multiple upsells, and it worked very well.
One Minute Commissions had a total of 5 upsell/downsell pages. My only problem with them was that the “No Thanks” link was hidden for a period of time to force you to watch part of the video on 3 of the pages. Other than that, the upsells seemed pretty typical and they did seem to be fitting with the main product (upsale for “Pro” version, etc.). I did not purchase any of the upsells.
The members area is well laid out, and easy to navigate. No problems there.
The training videos were very basic, but adequate. I had some problems playing the MP4 videos in my browser, so if you do purchase the product, I’d recommend doing a right-click and downloading the videos rather than streaming them in your browser.
The software itself (web based) is simple to use. It takes only a few minutes to employ the method, and I did not encounter any real problems while using it.
Here is a demo of me actually using this product (allow a moment for the video to load):
The software generates videos to promote ClickBank products (or Amazon products using their bonus software).
Those videos are then to be uploaded to YouTube, and traffic is to be obtained from organic Google results.
In theory, it’s a good idea. YouTube videos CAN be a great way to obtain Google rankings.
Unfortunately, the videos generated by this software are very spammy. They’re about 20 seconds long, and consist of one static image, with a random bit of background music.
This provides absolutely ZERO value to the end user, which means users of this software are basically spamming YouTube with these videos, and thus spamming Google with useless search results.
I’d be willing to bet that YouTube/Google will crack down on this practice, thus ensuring that it’s not a good long term strategy.
Therefore I do not recommend this product.
Here’s the good news…
With just a LITTLE more effort, you can use this strategy in an ethical and effective manner. Instead of using this auto-generator software, just get yourself some screen capture software (I recommend Camtasia, but there are free options like Camstudio).
Then for each product you want to promote, create a short review or commentary while you peruse the product and/or sales letter for that product. This way you’re actually providing something of value to the people who are searching for those products.
As always, you are welcome to leave your comments below.
Have a great day!
Thanks Erick for this great and helpful review! You know, there are a very few marketers helping others people as you do, preventing to buy products for very strong reasons. That’s why I following your tips. God bless
Dear Eric,
Thanks for the thorough review and information provided… You are truly a professional Marketer and a TRUE GOOD GUY!
Greets from Germany!
Hi Eric,
It’s refreshing to have someone who is prepared to offer a completely honest, unbiased opinion on products. I will definitely not be investing in this one, despite the ease of use. Keep up the good work!
Still enjoying the emails BTW.
Hi Eric, Thankyou for words of wisdom, I think you have put a good review together and I have made my mind up to wait for more testimonials on this. I have had quite a few affiliates promoting this product.
Again thanks for heads up on this..
Eric thanks so much for your honesty and integrity. Several of my subscribers asked about this. I could not find a reliable review to give them..until yours. As always you are the “go to guy” if you want the truth. I appreciate you, and everything you stand for. It’s too bad there were not a few more “Erics” in the internet marketing industry. May your day be wonderful.
Great Review! I wish other people could be so honest in their reviews and quit making reviews that just try to sell a program. Very well done and I agree with your comments. What is the use to go to all the trouble if there is no value in it for the reader (or viewer, in this case).
Thank you for a very honest and HELPFUL review I agree with the others that I wish others would you as you do. You have just scored very high points with me and all the others that have promoted this crap to my inbox well bye…bye 🙂 unsubscribing from their mailing list. A good and caring marketer would buy the product and use it as you have before blasting it to their list and now I know the ones that just promote any crap. Thanks again…
Hi Eric
Have you got a lesson that shows how to do this.
Hi Eric,
I confess that the hype on this had (almost) convinced me to buy, but now I think I will give it a miss. Thanks for the heads-up. Very useful !
Keep it up.
ken B
Aaah… there! Eric, you hit the nail on the head 🙂
I too had a look at the product with keen interest after a lot of trusted IM people sent through several mail shots about the same.
My only issue was just like yours. Those videos produced are not interesting at all but then i thought that’s what they wanted. un-interesting so someone can click the link. Like the ugly adsense sites concept.
I for one cant put my name behind one image videos so was planning on creating my own using ProShow Producer and or Camtasia Studio which I already have. It’d take me more than the few minutes theirs takes but my resulting video will have some informative content and i hope that will help in sales as well as stickiness – Images, Bullet Points, Music & call to action.
thanks for your review 🙂
Hi Eric, thanks for great review, you have just saved me $47
Would any of the upsells have helped improve your experiance.
Can you get me a copy of that music? LOL!
Thanks a lot they do have a compelling set of sales copy so we learn as you say just reading.
Glad you don’t recommend since it is spamming video marketing.
Thanks again for the timely review.
Hi Eric:
I get a couple of these high pressure types of pitches a week. Generally I toss them within the first 10 seconds. If you have a good product, you don’t have to twist arms or use delaying tactics to keep a prospect on line.
I also carefully check the double optin-in line at the bottom, and 1 – if I am on a list, I opt out, and 2 – If not, I report them as spammers.
Legitimate sellers who get desperate enough to waste my time by promote this junk, beware. It could be hazardous to your list. My time is too valuable to waste.
Yeah, the problem is that people use these articles and don’t give any credit. I have not seen a video that would feature the author’s website at the end.
This seems similar in concept to that Quick Click Commissions product a short time ago. Same kind of female actor, same ridiculously long sales video that never gave any useful hint as to what the product might be about. I checked that product out and it worked with FaceBook instead of Youtube but the result was the same I think, but that system had software that only ran on Windows. Same nonsense so don’t bother.
If these type of marketers/product providers would just put all of the product together instead of splitting it up into up sell modules etc, then they may just get a great name for themselves if their system actually worked and you could buy all together instead of guessing how many up sells you need to get the darn thing to work. Mental!
Thanks Eric well done!
Thanks Eric, I was so tempted to buy this. I’m glad I read your review.
Hi Eric
I was just about to have a look at this software when I read your email. Thanks for the info, you’ve saved me some money and time. I thought it looked good because of the speed in getting your videos uploaded but I think I will just stick to the old fashioned way of making my own videos.
Many thanks again for your very useful information.
Just brilliant…
Thanks Brother,I’ve kept a couple of the offers/emails for this product in my inbox thinking to revew,and you did it for me.THAT’s apreciated,and your idea is what I was thinking of.So,I’ll delete the offers and do my own setup.And I agree with you on the promo and script of product.
Hi Eric, thanks for this review I was about to do the same thing only difference is I haven’t actually purchased the product. But your points about spammy videos is exactly what I thought about the product. Sure you may get one that has a good strike rate but with the number of people now jumping on this band wagon it effectiveness will be depleted in no time. It important to remember that the quality of information provided to the reader/viewer is still important.
Thank you. You are a Saint for taking time to show people this. You remained VERY professional throughout your evaluation.
Thanks Eric for your insight into this product. I had just watched the video promoting this product and then went to Google to find some reviews but they were non-existent. Then, lo and behold an email from you about the very product!!
Do you have any videos about using YouTube and how to go about promoting products. I have never done any videos but would like to have a go??
Thanks for the heads up Eric and an excellent review. Sounds like another “Commission Streamer” type junk push button software that doesnt deliver. Even worse are the fruadelent income claims with the hype video & sex sells poresentation (another actor)
I’ll pass on this one, as I too went to the clicksure payment page and discovered my $10 discount offer was over ridden in the check box :
Description Quantity Unit price Total Us Dollar
1-Minute-C $10 Discount Only $36 (was $92) 1 92.00 92.00
Total Us Dollar 92.00 mmmmmmmmmmmmm
I’d rather keep my money and do your recommended video strategy , rather than have my c/cd billed $92 and chase these people for my true discount!!!
Havagreat day
PS: Recommending your Information Product Engine too 🙂
Thanks! It was very helpful to understand what One Minute Commissions was all about. Thanks for your help.
Hi Eric,
You never cease to amaze with your forthright information and honesty in business and marketing.
Interestingly enough, I received the e-mail about this product and watched their video just moments before seeing your e-mail and this review.
I knew it wasn’t worth the money as I watched their all-too-familiar pitch. I was going to do a review myself – not of the product, but of the sales method (which stinks IMO) – to expose how some marketers do things in what I think is the wrong way.
You beat me to it, and for that I want to thank you. I will be referring people to this page instead.
Keep up the good work, Eric!
Thanks Eric… as always you are man of integrity and you tell it like it is… truly you are one of the “Good Guys” God bless you man.
Hi Simon, I talk about this in lesson #80.
Eric I’ve followed you for a long time now and if there’s one thing i’ve come to expect from you it is honest info. You haven’t let me down so far. I receive about 300 emails a day with offers and One Minute Commissions has been one of the topics lately.After watching their videos some how I stiffled the urge to hit the buy button thinking that something necessary was missing from their product. Glad I read your review. Thanks for the honesty.Every so often I weed out and unsubscribe from a lot of email lists but you manage to prevail, keep up the good work.
The upsell videos were more ambiguous than the initial sales video, so I’m not entirely sure what those upgrades entailed. However, I don’t think there was any mention of the video generation software being improved. If there were some big upgrade to the video quality I think they would have mentioned it. Instead, the pitch was basically that with this upgrade you could “triple your commissions”, get “insider intel”, and “day job killing training”. I read a review from someone who purchased the upgrade that said it was some link building system. If that’s true, it wouldn’t have improved my experience. I’d be happy to review the upgrades if Mike reads this and wants to upgrade my account.
The closest thing I know of would be animoto, or other “slideshow” generators. They can still be spammy, but at least it’s a more attractive video. There are also other video marketing tools… submitters such as Traffic Geyser can save a lot of time.
Yes you would need a microphone if you want to do a screen capture video with you talking on it. I paid about $100 for mine, but you can get a decent USB microphone for about $15.
lesson #80
Thank you Eric for the honest review as someone still learning how to do stuff and not want to purchase and promote something that could potentially get stopped or even banned by Google I’m glad you took the time to purchase and try this software so as to report back to your followers with the truth. Every other marketer out there is promoting this to the max which just goes to prove your integrity. Thank you very much.
Kind regards Jonty Johnson
Thanks for the email. I’m new to this and appreciate your emails!
Thanks Eric, I purchased it yesterday, however haven’t been able to access it after my order was proccessed. At least now I can move ahead with the refund. Appreciate your effort on this one. Cheers!
Clementine, I 100% agree with you! I watched the video … and thought it was rubbish. Not only does she really, really seem staged — she didn’t make any sense! I couldn’t work out what the product was or how it works. She just goes on and on and on repeating figures and money… I know these should be benefits-led, but really!
Eric, your review is the only sensible one I’ve seen. All the others are affiliate launch sites and praise it to the stars. It’s a REAL joy to find someone ethical and professional. Thank you!
PS: Why do my apostrophes appear with forward slashes?? Odd, isn’t it?
Thanks for the heads-up on this rubbish product!
I will say though that, when properly implemented, the technique does work. And work well.
We have created a number of videos (really more cleverly animated slideshows) containing product details, with soundtracks/voiceover, for high-value physical products that both we and our clients sell through ecommerce websites. The video titles target specific keywords, and the website analytics show that they do result in additional traffic.
However, simple though our videos are, they are done to a quality standard and they do contain useful product information. I can’t imagine that spam videos would work so well.
Keep up the good work.
Hi Eric!
I caught the sales video for this product myself this morning and I have to admit that I was tempted to purchase it myself and post a review on my blog.
Glad I had to go out to get my hair done this morning!
Thanks for doing the leg work for me. As always you provide great info!
Thanks Eric, I will check it out!!
Hi Eric, thanks for your honest review, the points you highlighted made perfect sense.
Keep up the great work.
Thanks for biting the bullet and reviewing this work of art for us. It’ll save a lot of people the time and trouble of getting a refund. 🙂
Thanks Eric. You just saved me a couple hundred bucks!! 🙂 Great review!! Much appreciated.
yeah…thanks Eric. You are one of the few good marketers…It’s getting pretty bleak out there! I have several products from you & all with good value. Been following ‘Eric’s tips’ for a couple of years now & have benefited greatly from your great content. Keep on being a ‘Real Guy’! 😉
Hi Eric,
Thanks for a through review on one min commissions. You suggest that to do the video by ourselves. But how can I add my click bank affiliate link to the home made video in order to get commissions? Any tips here?
One thing always strikes me odd each time, someone tries to make me believe in the success of their product. If it works that well, why sell it? They try to sell it like their lives depend on it. Either keep your mouth shut or give it away for free, if you so desperately want to help people in need.
Thnak you for your honest review.
Hi Eric, I can say only: thank you very much.
I’ve been following your Erics Tips for a good while now and I appreciate your review of this product. Because I almost decided to purchase it but I naturally had some doubts so I backed off.
I even went to “imreportcard dot com” and they did not yet! have any reviews done on this product at the time of my query.
So I now know this is not a good value for my money. Money that an unemployed worker dose not have to waste.
You are a very blessed and special person. Keep up the good reviews.
P.S. How do you get your viedos to paly so well on the internet? Your videos even play without drop out on my old…………..old computer that only has 768mb of mem.