Push Button Marketer

By | January 23, 2009

Update: When we launched this product, we had no idea that an entire industry would latch onto our concept, and create dozens (hundreds?) of scammy push-button type of software programs in the years to follow. Our product is nothing like the “one click” scam products that followed it. Ours is actually based on a worldwide best-selling macro software (Macro Express) which has proven itself in many industries over the past decade, and we paid over $25,000 to license the technology. So please don’t confuse Push Button Marketer with all the junk that came after it.


Today I’m launching a new product called Push Button Marketer.

The product is actually the brainchild of my friend and brother-in-law, Micah Stover.

For the past few years, Micah has been helping me with various things behind the scenes, like email, customer support, and site management.

He is a fanatic when it comes to productivity, and so he’s used a special customizable software program to automate a ton of the work that we do.

If you’re familiar with “macros”, that’s what I’m talking about. If you don’t know what a macro is, it’s basically a script that automatically does something for you on your computer.

In other words, a macro is a shortcut; and you can create unlimited shortcuts with our program.

We’ve long known that this is something that could greatly help other Internet marketers, so we’ve spent the past few months turning Micah’s system into a package that will enable anyone to implement our “productivity hacks”.

We’ve also added several new features to it, including tools that help you automate the process of tedious tasks like email, writing content, building websites, and much more.

How much time can it save? It really depends on how you much you apply it, but it is certainly worth taking the time to learn how to use it. We have literally used the program to do what would normally be an 8-hour job, with one click.

It can really free up a lot of your time that you normally spend doing tedious, repetitive tasks.

I recommend checking it out today at:

Push Button Marketer

And as always, you are welcome to leave your comments below.

Have a great day!

70 thoughts on “Push Button Marketer

  1. Gary Pettit (Instant-Paysites.com)

    Hi Eric,
    I just read your Push Button Marketer sales page and it looks like a wonderful product…your going do very well with this one! I just have one quick question before I get my hands on a copy.
    Is the software in the system compatible both with Windows Vista 32Bit and Windows Vista 64Bit? A lot of software programs say compatible with Vista but only work with 32Bit. Just wondering because I’d like to use it on my much faster 64Bit laptop. Otherwise I’ll just download onto my slower 32Bit desktop.
    Thanks Eric…looking forward to it!

    Best Regards,
    Gary Pettit

  2. Kwame

    Eric, I think you are too generous.
    How can you and your brother-in-law be selling this awesome product for only $67?
    I know if some of these gurus had released this product, we will be pay an arm and leg for it.
    At least $197.
    Consider some of the products that were just released and you will be looking at over $200 to $2000.
    Believe me, some of these products you will never use.
    Here is a product that you will use on daily bases.
    Did you see the product review video?
    How cool is that.
    Do you do the following everyday?
    Handling email
    Writing content
    Building websites
    Checking stats
    Running backups
    Then it will be smart to get this affordable software.
    A word to the wise, it’s enough. Don’t hesitate, take action, get it now.

    God Bless.

  3. mohd ariff

    Hi Eric,
    Reserve this for us as we has the backend problems on the payments side. We need to check & get back to you soon.
    We belief of whats that you have done & many great thanks will be pouring on many people like you.
    May everyone given good life, be healthy always & wealth is everyone need for life.

    Mohd Singapore

  4. Diamond

    certainly looks interesting ill have to see if my office would even allow something like this(or just do it without them knowing lol) thanks

  5. Luca

    Wow Eric,
    After watching the PBM video last week I coud’nt wait for today. I was’nt sure what to expect as it all looked to good to be true.

    I’ve followed you on this site for some time now and know that you have integrity so I was sure that your product would also reflect that.

    I am impressed. I usually only glance at sales pages and go straight to the price – and I did that with PBM as well (the price is very affordable) but then I read the complete sales page. The product looks fantastic and of course I bought it and can’t wait to start using it.

    I also read the whole one time offer page – something I rarley do – and bought that as well.

    The value is fantastic as the product has so many features that I was already looking for. It will take me some time to get through it but I already have some things I want to start with right away.

    Eric you have a winner here. As I said I can’t wait to start using it
    Thank you

  6. Patrick Schuppe

    Wau Eric!!! You must be kidding!!! A software like that could never ever exist! I am 100% blind so I cant see the videos on the sales page but from what I hear and read it must be insane!! I realy didnt plan on buying anything this month because I need the money for something else but I realy think that I just cant let this pass by.:-) Do you have an affiliate program for this? thanks a lot:-) This will be a busy day for you!:-)

  7. Eric Post author

    Gary, yes it is compatible. I personally have vista 64 on my new PC and it works great 🙂

  8. Eric Post author

    It works well for “office” type of work… Your entire company should get it to boost productivity.

  9. Eric Post author

    Patrick, I have no idea whether it will work well for blind people or not. I think it could, but I’m sure your learning curve would be longer. So if you decide to give it a try, just let us know if it doesn’t work for you and we can give a refund.

  10. Gary Pettit (Instant-Paysites.com)

    Hi Eric…

    Just downloaded the 8 push button marketer videos but Video #1, Video #5 and Video #6 do not have the MPEG-4 movie format conversion like the other videos. Are these video formats going to be added as I can’t view those three

  11. O.

    Hi Eric,

    As someone who needs to have things explained very well, I want to ask how much time do you feel it will realistically take for “an avg.” person to learn what this program can do? Many people underestimate how long it takes *most* people to learn any of this IM or business stuff; but I know you to be a very honest and upright marketer, so I trust what you say completely. I’m just now putting a good, solid effort into learning affiliate marketing, and based on the sales pg. this product should help me out a lot. SO what kind of time (hours) are we talking here? Thanks so much for what you do!

  12. Michaela

    Eric, I got your package, I will play with it, and I’ll give a testimonial, but I need to learn more about it working with it. This weekend will be dedicated to play with the Package. In top of my head I can tell that the functionality is more then I expected.
    Talk to you soon.
    by the way I create a squidoo lens for PBM with my affiliate link on it.
    I think it is the first lens on this package.

  13. Wilfred


    Are you going to end this offer soon? Because it was stated in your sales copy that the offer would be ending 24th Jan. I am very interested to buy but I can only do it earliest end of this month. Would you mind to offer the same price even after 24th? Thanks

  14. cristian

    Hey Eric, where could I go to make you some questions not related to this particular topic at any time? (today you are talking about the push button, but my questions are about other themes for example). I’m taking your affiliate marketing course with some delay from the moment I receive each lesson, so I think you’re not reading the questions relative to that lesson any more when I post them, and I don’t want to bother the other people here making questions about a past theme or something you explained a few classes ago.

  15. Anonymous

    Hello Eric,

    This is my first blog comment, although I’ve been studying your business building videos on a regular basis for a couple of months now. I am so excited to find a mentor like yourself who holds nothing back and has a wide network of friends and followers. I believe you are God sent to me, Eric, and I pray your efforts will continue to be anointed with the grace of good success for many more years to come.

    There is so much HYPE out here that it makes one dizzy and doubled-minded. But TGBTG, I know truth when I see it. Freedom is born out of truth. Because of your desire to do what is pleasing in the sight of God, I along with so many others are being blessed beyond compare.

    I just purchased your Push Button automation Modules and sent the update op-in, which in return led me to a confirmation page. I went to my email account, but didn’t find a response. I also could not get back to the download page, and now I need your assistance in navigating my way back to the page. additionally,isn;t there a home page with a back office, and if not, how am I connected to you as a purchaser?

    Thank you from a very soon to be “newbie who is increased in wisdom, knowledge, understanding and prosperity” so that I can help others like you are being such a great help to me.

    Thanks Again
    Ms.A.C Williams

  16. Dez Futak

    Hi Eric – I use alot of windows applications using ‘WINE’ (a windows emulator) linux in my business. If I buy PBM & I can’t get it to work, would I be able to return the product for a refund? I’d really like to use it, but obviously it’d have to work with my operating system. Looks like a terrific product!


  17. mike

    hi eric, i have downloaded the marketing software but am a little confused!! where can i get some support

  18. cristian

    Oh great!! My messages just appeared again a few minutes ago. Incredible. Hope they remain here this time.

  19. Eric Post author

    That’s strange as those other ones are SWF, which is the same as the lessons on this blog. But yes we’ll add another format. Probably WMV, as everyone with Windows can see those.

  20. Eric Post author

    That’s a tough question to answer, because no one is really quite average. It took me a few years to figure out how to run my business. I think that by following the tips of someone like me who has done it, an “avg” person can cut the learning curve down and figure it out in under a year. There are certain action steps (contained within these lessons) you can take and have your business up and running in a matter of hours or days, but you also need to be committed over the long term to turn that business into a true success.

  21. Eric Post author

    I am planning on raising the price by small increments each day for the first week or so. So see if you can get in during the next few days…

  22. Eric Post author

    Unfortunately, I’m not able to answer all questions all the time. Occassionaly I may go back and answer questions on old lessons. But my best advice would be to try to tie your question into a current lesson as much as possible, even if it pertains to something I’ve previously covered. Chances are good that a fellow Eric’s Tips reader may also know the answer and help you out.

  23. Adele

    Hi Eric
    I am a new newbie, only at lesson 14 now. I bought the push button software, but since I will obviously not be able to use it for quite a while, I was wondering if it will be okay to “store” it, and when I do reach that level, if I can come back for support when and if needed?

    Thank you so much.

  24. Cheryl Gonzalez

    Eric…this looks like a wonderful time saver. I’m in the process of changing computers so won’t get a chance to set it up. Hopefully all the files will move over to the new one without a problem.

    I’m really looking forward to trying this out.

  25. Steve Schmidt

    Hi Eric!

    The product sounds great, as I would expect from anything you are involved with.

    I actually registered PushButtonMarketer.net and PushButtonMarketerReview.com as soon as I heard about it.

    Then you launched it right away, plus I had no affiliate link to begin with… LOL.

    If you have any use for these 2 domains I’d be happy to push them to you free of charge from my dynadot account.

    Just consider it my way of showing how much I respect you as a marketer, and even more so as a human being with all the good work you do to help people.

    Take care, and let me know.


  26. Kathy

    I’ve been not having any luck with using the product, it must be something I haven’t uploaded perhaps. I’m sending off emails but not getting help. So not sure about the product, but it looks fantastic, just isn’t working for me. I just would like to use the magic cut and paste! Help?

  27. Kathy

    Just to report back, I’m now having luck. You have to get in and name the macros, even the ones that don’t require customisation. So good reports from me for pushbutton.

  28. Richard Cheah

    Hi Eric


    Have purchased the software. By looking at the demo, the software is great!

    The only problem now is how do I automate the tasks of writing product review, articles, blogging etc. as listed in your sales page?

    I am not a technical savy guy. Looks lost trying to navigate around the software.

    Are you able to create videos on all the tasks you have mentioned in the sales page (if possible)?

    Yours sincerely

    Richard Cheah

  29. Don


    Push Button sounds great. However I purchased it on 01-23-09, and have not been able to open it all week.

    It keeps opening to a Macro File I did not create. It will not allow me to go any further

    Hope to hear from you with a fix.


  30. mike

    hey you guys, this is great stuff, bit of a learning curve but thats what we all like!! just been playing around with it and did my first macro. nothing to big just a navigation to my emails then from that to another email account, all from a few key phrases. This software WILL! save me tons of time. Thanks guys. Eric your tips are the best, i have past on your site to all my friends,looking forward to many more of your lessons.

  31. Eric Post author

    That sounds strange. Maybe it is one of the pre-built macros, but it shouldn’t be causing any problems. You might just need to disable a macro or something. Please open a helpdesk ticket with as much detail as possible and we’ll get it taken care of.

  32. Eric Post author

    We did include some of those macros prebuilt in the package. There are instructions in the Automation Blueprint. Watch the 2nd video.. it gives you a very good walkthrough of the software. And then if you’re still lost, just open a helpdesk ticket with something specific that you need help with, and we’ll help you 🙂

  33. Eric Post author

    Hey Steve, I’d suggest become an affiliate and direct them to your aff link. 1 sale a year would pay for both domains + profit 🙂

  34. Dalene Marburg

    Eric: Do I need a computer with windows for your programs? I have an Imac (older). I have already signed up and am waiting for your reply, so if I need to I can go purchase a different computer. Please let me know as soon as you can, Sincerely Darlene. I can’t wait to get going!

  35. Geek Mother

    I have enjoyed playing with PGM and I quite like it BUT I have one major reservation – the lack of anywhere for users to discuss and share macro snippets – you guys really ought to set up a user forum for us users!

    I will give you just one example – I want to download a zip direct from a URL, no problem until I want to set its save location or create a directory for it. Yes, I can do it by mouse clicks but 3 days later my PCs defaults are changed around and the macro will not work. Now that is basically a ‘Standard’ macro snippet in my eyes and could eventually be a ‘How To …’. The modularity of PBM is just ripe for this sort of approach where users can build a fairly neat Macro based on lots of mini macros.

    If there is to be no forum, how are we expected to get the best out of PBM given that many will struggle with basically the same issues?

    Or de we all need to submit hundreds of ‘support’ questions only to be told to read the manual? I hope this is not yet another take the money and run job – I am not normally so negative but I need to know the limits of what ‘support’ actually means in this instance.

    Looking forward to a positive response!

  36. Eric Post author

    You can certainly be an internet marketer on a mac. But many IM-related programs (including ours) only run on Windows. I know it’s a bummer, but might be worth getting a Windows PC too. I have both.

  37. Eric Post author

    Thanks for your business, and for the input!

    I think a forum is a good idea, but we don’t want to start a new one at this time. I do run a forum outside the IM industry, so I know how much work they are. Even if you have moderators, there are inevitibly issues that arise and require the admin’s attention. I personally don’t have the time, and Micah prefers to keep handling support via email and helpdesk.

    The good news is that there IS already a forum for macro users:


    That forum is for Macro Express users, and all Macro Marketer macros are fully compatible with Macro Express. (We partnered with the makers of Macro Express… it’s foundationally the same program).

    As far as “another take the money and run job”… I hope you wouldn’t think that for a moment. I think we provided much more value than the price. But beyond that we put our names and faces on it, and oh… we’re not running 🙂

    Support means someone will do their best to answer your questions and help troubleshoot problems. Obviously we can’t be building custom macros for our customers, or we would have had to charge thousands of dollars to cover our time. But we’ll do our best… and hopefully some users will find the Macro Express forum to be helpful.

    thanks again!

  38. Colin Noden

    Hi Eric, I’m having fun with PBM. I started with the macros ( love the product review macro) and have moved on to building custom macors, modeled after the ones you gave us. eg. I’m building task specific macros. That way I can hit a button and have all my article writing resources pop up; or all my website email accounts, etc. The included macros are a good inspiration.

    I set up a website where I show what I’m playing with at http://www.pushbuttonmarketerdemo.com

    Save time and energy? You bet! A couple days ago, I started out writing an article, then my email notice flashed up. 8 hours of romping through the internet later…and yup, no article written. Day done and wasted.

  39. Grace


    Dear Eric, I just purchased your Push Button, and the Slide up Programs. but I am having problems downloading the Macros Software I think is about 3 files any sugestions?

    Any way I am so happy to have found you I thank God that I did. because, you have expressed my thoughts and the way I feel about “How in the world do I start, where, I have purchase thousands of programs and I am so overwhelm with all the information Overload, that I don’t start anything.

    And also beside where to start, how do you manage all the information. is it going to be on your lessons?

    To your Success,

    Grace Stroup
    P.S. Do you think that I can manage to start my on line business? I am 64 yrs. old, & not too much Computer experience. I just wnat to make a little bit of money to make ends meat. Thank you.


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