Registered for Yanik Silver’s Underground Online Marketing Seminar II

By | October 27, 2005

Edition #3 – 10/27/2005

I’m not really big on seminars and conferences (aka pitch-fests). In fact I won’t even get on a conference call unless it’s someone with NEW information and REAL results of mind-blowing potential. It’s just not worth my time to sit there and allow myself to be inundated by professional manipulators whose main objective is to make money off of ME!

That’s why I was intrigued when I heard about Yanik Silver’s Underground Online Marketing Seminar. According to Yanik’s site, it’s basically “guaranteed” not to be a pitch-fest, and to prove it, the presenters are all people who make their living online by OTHER means than selling How to Make money (HTMM) products. Last year I missed the seminar, and admittedly I didn’t even buy the DVD’s because the biggest reason I would attend a seminar like this is to network with other marketers–the learning aspect is secondary.

I decided to jump on board this year with Yanik’s early bird special (how could I resist an extra chance at winning the Mini Cooper?). Once again the lineup of guest speakers looks good, but what I’m really looking forward to is making a few business connections. Since the event is fairly pricey (I guess its all relative), I would expect the vast majority of attendees have had at least some internet success or at least the capacity to make something happen. The early bird special price is $1795 (will go up to $2295), the hotel special rate is $239/night plus tax (discounted from $450/night and the hotel is booked solid unless you’re with the seminar), plus the cost of getting to Washington DC, food and miscellaneous expenses. So basically we’re looking at about a $3,000.00 trip which is a fair chunk of change when I consider I could be taking my wife on a 10-day cruise instead of going to a 3-day marketing seminar by myself.

However, to keep it in perspective you need to view it as a business expense which is really what it is (heck–I spend $3000 every week just on clicks to my sites). Just one small deal made at the seminar will pay for the cost of it. For example, I recently had a guy that sent out one email promoting one of my products which resulted in $12,000 in sales over three days. That was several thousand dollars of pure profit for me! All it would take would be a few people from the seminar to do similar co-promotions with me to make my investment pay off exponentially.

One thought on “Registered for Yanik Silver’s Underground Online Marketing Seminar II

  1. Coach Debbie

    I agree. Our time is valuable and we need to discern who and what to listen to. I really appreciate your marketing know how with our the hype! Good work, Eric.
    ~Coach Debbie


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