Taking Time to Relax

By | April 22, 2011

Sorry I haven’t posted anything in awhile. As many of you know, I was really busy earlier this year with 3 trips to the east coast, and product launches scattered amidst them.

Beyond that, I’ve been working behind the scenes on a new coaching program along with my friends Paul Counts and Jeff Wellman. People have been asking me for a coaching program for years, and it’s finally going to happen (look for it within the next couple weeks).

Lately I’ve been taking some time to just be creative. It’s important for your business–and for your LIFE–to regularly take time to do something OTHER than business. Something that will allow you to completely forget about your business. My favorite activities for this include fishing, windsurfing, and creating art.

Here are a few of the “creative” things I’ve done in recent weeks…

A painting (36″x48″ acrylic on canvas) of the scenery here where I live…


Easter is this Sunday, and I made an Easter-themed sculpture made from things found around my yard. Old wood to symbolize the cross, barbed wire to symbolize the crown of thorns, a stone representing the grave. The barbed wire and stone also symbolize sin entangling a hardened heart, which can only be made new through Christ…

Easter art

And I made a mash-up music video for a song that my younger brother recently wrote and recorded. My very long-time subscribers may remember his story, about how he was paralyzed in a car accident on his way home from college in 2004. I hope you find it to be an INSPIRING song and video, which features paralytics doing cool things…

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If you liked the No More Wheelchairs video, please consider sharing it using the buttons above (They will post a link which leads directly to the YouTube video).

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments below. Have a great day!

107 thoughts on “Taking Time to Relax

  1. Ann Moore

    Thanks so much for sharing. I have purchased some of your recent products that you, Paul and Jeff did and find them extremely helpful and just what we needed!

    My children and I are actually using your products for a home business study course! Your Eric’s Tips along with the products we purchased has leveraged our learning and saved us loads of time!

    We look forward to what your coaching program has in store.

    Have a great Easter Sunday to you and your family.

  2. Estrelita

    Wow! You are so talented. And the video of your brother is so inspiring. I am working to have my first website. My goal is to inform and inspire. Could I use your video when I put together my first issue?

  3. Georgiann

    Thank You. it is good to enjoy the life one has created….and thank you for the 10 eBooks…but I felt a bit overwhelmed getting so much stuff at once…most of all I need to change ISP..it’s too slow (Att)…

  4. Frank Welzig

    Being a Colorado boy I think I know the area you live in by your painting. It’s really a great painting. The video… unbelievable. I loved it. I think you have found a fantastic way to market yourself while you’re having fun and being creative.

  5. Carroll Alexander

    When it comes to making videos, Daryl’s brother is no slouch either.
    Thanks, Daryl and Eric.

  6. Nenad

    This is more than inspiring! There are no words to express my feelings!

  7. Paul Reichenberg

    Eric, absolutly amazing & inspiring. Beautifully done & the song is great. Never stop going, learning, dreaming & being thankfull for what we have. I was not aware of your brothers situation. He is amazing

  8. Eric Post author

    Thanks Ann, I appreciate your business. And I’m glad to hear your kids are getting in on the action!

  9. Eric Post author

    Hang in there, and you’re right it can be very overwhelming. That’s why I recommend taking it one lesson at a time.

  10. Eric Post author

    Thanks Frank, yes it’s typical of the front range. I’m west of Loveland.

  11. Donna White

    Great video and music. Thanks for sharing that.

    Donna 🙂

  12. Terry

    Wow!! I love no limits thinking.
    Will send it on so others can enjoy.
    Thanks Eric its got my feet back on the ground again.
    Hope to hear more of your brother’s songs.

  13. Rigger

    I’m a’ready in witya on your tip’line,Brother.I watched the video and listened to the song.I really liked the song and for the video I have but 3 words,A….MA…ZING

  14. David

    So very well done, Eric. Very inspiring. Thank you for sharing your creations with the world!


  15. Christine

    Wonderful… thanks! And give your brother a hug for me. 🙂

  16. Printed Balloons

    Hi Eric,

    I really like the picture, it looks like where you live is a beautiful place. It must be wonderfull to sit and watch those skies.


  17. Michaela

    Happy Easter to you and your family!
    My interpretation of the video is “the power of will and determination”, so it is a great message for all of us.
    Thanks it really is an inspiring post!

  18. Neil Buesch

    Thanks Eric, we all need to take a break sometime, the video and the song was very
    inspirational. Looking forward for the next lessions. Thank you. Happy Easter

  19. David

    Dear Eric, the video is quite inspiring! God bless you for being so supportive of your Brother. You are truly a brother indeed. Indisputably, I can say that you are possessed by the true Spirit of Easter.
    I am looking forward to your coaching program. I finished watching all the videos in the Eric’s Tips series yesterday. They are such great resources that I can’t imagine why they are given out for free… except for God’s sake. May the good Lord reward your missionary spirit in Jesus Name, Amen.
    I have a website I paid someone to build for me, but I’m still struggling to turn things around for good.
    I also hope you will soon devlop a program especially for those living outside US. The main problem for the newbies here is the discriminatory policies of Paypal and Clickbank.

    Happy Easter 2011 to you and your family and to your brother.

    David, Nigeria.

  20. Darminto

    It’s great painting Eric! You are just one level under Vincent van Gogh, ha ha ha (It’s just a joke. It seems smooth like a poetry, I like it!

    The song and video, ouwwwwwwww, it’s amazing!!!! I do like itttt!!!!

  21. Gail Fay

    You are always an inspiration, Eric, no matter what you do. You are multi-talented, for sure. I always appreciate & enjoy your emails. Thanks for being a wonderful human being.

  22. John Botbyl

    Thanks Eric. My son-in-law had a similar accident within their first year of marriage. At thirty something, he is struggling to come to grips with this present reality. This is much needed medicine.

    Thanks again, John

  23. Dean Hall

    Truly inspirational Eric, your brother is amazing, thanks for all you do…Happy Easter!

  24. Leonard Jackson

    The sculpture was beautiful and just the way you explained it brought a tear to my eye. You truly are talented and a good man. Keep it up and I hope to work with you some time in the future.

    Take Care,
    Leonard Jackson

  25. jefvz

    Hi Eric,
    It’s really refresing things all you’ve done .
    Happy Easter for all of your family and team.
    Many thanks.

  26. David L Henderson

    Eric,I have a little 5yo friend with cerebral palsey who lives in a nearby children’s home. One day as I was praying for him and thinking about him, these words came to me: “Even a bruised heel can crush a serpent’s head.” At this season, those words are particularly apt. Hope they mean something to you. Thanx for all you have done for me and others like me. Maybe I’ll have a chance to share some of it with you. God bless you and your brother.

  27. Bertram

    Great Video,Eric. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you and your a great Easter.

  28. Thomas

    Where I come in Glasgow they’d simply say….you’ll do for me. As for your brother, he’s just out of the park ! A great inspirational example to those lucky enough to pass this way.

  29. Johan Hedin

    Very inspirational indeed. I want to wish you and your family a happy easter. Let us all not forget what Christ did for all humanity on the cross. Lay his very own very life for us because of his love. Let us not forget…

  30. Reuben

    Hi Eric,
    I just found you blog about 2 weeks ago. I am now going through the lessons. Excellent material.

    The video was an inspiration to set my goals higher and do more to help others.
    God blessing to you my friend,

  31. Shane

    Thanks for sharing, Eric. I find your all the artwork you shared, your brother in the video & his song, and your life(what little I’ve seen) inspiring!!! Keep it up, please!

    Lord Bless you and your family this time of celebration of ”Life by Cross”!

  32. Abraham

    Hi Eric

    Thanks for sharing. It’s truly wonderful what can be done with God’s Help.

    You are the best of the REAL GUYS. I bought the product as well as the upgrade and with the help of your video lessons I am sure my future with the help of God will be nothing short of SUPER.

    Thanks again and God’s blessings to you and your family.



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