Taking Time to Relax

By | April 22, 2011

Sorry I haven’t posted anything in awhile. As many of you know, I was really busy earlier this year with 3 trips to the east coast, and product launches scattered amidst them.

Beyond that, I’ve been working behind the scenes on a new coaching program along with my friends Paul Counts and Jeff Wellman. People have been asking me for a coaching program for years, and it’s finally going to happen (look for it within the next couple weeks).

Lately I’ve been taking some time to just be creative. It’s important for your business–and for your LIFE–to regularly take time to do something OTHER than business. Something that will allow you to completely forget about your business. My favorite activities for this include fishing, windsurfing, and creating art.

Here are a few of the “creative” things I’ve done in recent weeks…

A painting (36″x48″ acrylic on canvas) of the scenery here where I live…


Easter is this Sunday, and I made an Easter-themed sculpture made from things found around my yard. Old wood to symbolize the cross, barbed wire to symbolize the crown of thorns, a stone representing the grave. The barbed wire and stone also symbolize sin entangling a hardened heart, which can only be made new through Christ…

Easter art

And I made a mash-up music video for a song that my younger brother recently wrote and recorded. My very long-time subscribers may remember his story, about how he was paralyzed in a car accident on his way home from college in 2004. I hope you find it to be an INSPIRING song and video, which features paralytics doing cool things…

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If you liked the No More Wheelchairs video, please consider sharing it using the buttons above (They will post a link which leads directly to the YouTube video).

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments below. Have a great day!

107 thoughts on “Taking Time to Relax

  1. Joe

    Hi Eric

    Really inspirational the people in that video,puts life into perspective,made me realise how lucky i am.

    Happy Easter

    best regards


  2. John

    Awesome inspiring video – shared on fb- thanks Eric!
    God bless you & yours this Easter.

  3. elizabeth

    Happy Easter Eric & all members of youe family. You have opened up my eyes to the amazing fact that with persistence i can become as wealthy as i want to be. God bless you and family this Easter and pray for me & my family. Thanks Elizabeth

  4. Bassey

    Thanks for the video, this shows that if a man is determined that nothing can hold him down.

    This is a big change in life for everyone, YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR STORY TO GLORY.


  5. Lom

    Hi Eric

    This is all very new to me mate but your out of curriculum activities have inspired me to comment. Love your painting, your sculpture and the video, it was very uplifting. Please pass on my fondest wishes to your brother for just being. I was involved in a motorcycle accident late last year (through no fault of my own), and broke my back. I had a burst fracture of the L3 in my lumbar spinal region and my angles were with me that day as I was 2 bones away from being permanently paralyzed. Now that I’ve learned of this, your brother is a very big inspiration also. I purchased the Real Guys Real Money program and I thank God everyday for having the opportunity to participate in what you have to offer as I have wasted so much money on all the rubbish that is out there. Your Eric’s Tips course is awesome and am following it with good discipline. From me and my family, we’d like to say, God bless you and your family this easter.

    From Adelaide in Australia


  6. Bill

    Hi Eric,
    Happy Easter to you and your family
    Wow!! That was great. The song and the video fit so well together. It really reminds me of thinking positive and if you fall (or fail) to just get back and keep trying.
    It is good to get away from everyday business and relax and have some fun and do something like this.

    Thanks for all your help

  7. Glen

    Thanks Eric, How wonderful that a person will at least try and achieve such activities. I sure hope he didn’t get any more hurts in the learning process. You are quite an artist, keep up the great work. I am a retired watch and clock repairman and that is my contribution to the world. I wish you and your brother a great Easter.~~~~klokdok

  8. Audrey Wittnebel

    The art work and the video are both beautiful and inspirational. Thanks for sharing…and have a Blessed Easter with your family.

  9. Alan


    Though I haven’t written anything, oyou have been an inspiration to me. Your sharing freely, the openness of your faith, and the products I bought that we’re getting ready to put up are all value added, in addition to your “tips”. Keep up the good work.

  10. Lester

    Hey Eric

    Very nice paintings! You are certainly talented in many other ways as well!

    Also, I like the inspirational video!


  11. Eric Post author

    Thanks for your business Lom, and I’m glad you weren’t permanently paralyzed!

  12. Willard

    Awesome, thanks for the video. I’m sure it will be an inspiration to many.
    We serve an awesome God. Trust you and yours have a beautiful and fulfilling EASTER weekend, after all its the empty tomb that defines Christianity.

    God bless you.


  13. Kevalin

    Hey, Eric,

    Thanks so much for the beautiful share, and particularly for the video (and kudos to Daryl for the song that inspired it). It’s a wonderful reminder to all of us that, if we’re still here at all, we can find the power in our hearts and Selves to create things that bring joy, beauty and inspiration.

    We never have to let our particular disabilities stop us from living and sharing our dreams (because believe me, not all the “crippled” live in wheelchairs, or even suffer from disabilities that one can see with the eye).

    Heaven knows, if more of us focused on finding and expanding what we CAN create, instead of wailing over why we can’t -and whose fault it is- this world would be a much better place.

    Have a sweet Easter, Eric, and blessings to you and yours.

  14. Gary

    Hi Eric:

    Thank You for sharing and for your words of wisdom. Doing research and creating content for a new site is intense. And my learning curve is still vertical. So it’s difficult to remember to “cool it” and change scenes. But because you are so correct in your observation, I’ve promised myself a trip to the ocean next week. Thanks.

    And your art is beautiful! The picture has such vivid colors with great balance and depth. I love your use of symbols in your sculpture. Let us not forget on Sunday ALL that it represents. Resurrection, eternal life, and as you wrote “HE Makes All Things New.”

    The music video is awesome! I’m happy to share it. In fact, it fit well with a post I just created so I got the code from Youtube and posted it on my site. It’s toward the bottom of this post – – http://www.losingfatfacts.com/mindmovies-commentary-and-review/

    I hope it’s o.k. with you. It you’re displeased with its use here, let me know and I can pull it in 2 minutes.

    I also tried to post a link to your site but the HTML goblins woulk not make it “hot”.

    So I close. But once again Eric, Thank You. For everything. And I wish for you and your family to have a Blssed Easter.


  15. Linda Basta

    Thanks Eric. I have RA.
    In wheelchair and in pain. Wonderful song and video. God bless you and your brother this Easter

  16. Denise

    Your brother has a truly amazing spirit!
    Thank you for sharing, Denise

  17. Claude

    Hello Eric!

    Great advice about taking time to relax. Often after a little break things that seemed difficult become easier and solving problems with a clear mind usually leads to a better result.
    I noticed you mentioned fishing as one of your favorite activities. If you want to experience a great northern adventure I invite you to come visit me in northern Ontario, Canada. I will show you some of the finest fishing for trophy walleye as well as bass, pike and lake trout. Also we might even run into an albino moose. The moose is unique and protected and lives near where my camp is.

    Check out Moose land near Foleyet, Ontario or type in albino moose, Foleyet and you will see a picture of what I’m talking about. Lots of pristine country to see with many lakes to chose from.
    Come visit. I will be happy to have you.

    Warmest Regards,


  18. Walt Gemmell

    Hi Eric,

    Thank you for this inspiring video. Your brother, in some respects, symbolizes the Resurrection. I commend you for your mission work and pray God’s blessings on you, your family and your brother.

    Have a Blessed Easter


  19. Eric Post author

    It sounds awesome. Thanks for the offer, maybe I will take you up on it some day.

  20. Anonymous

    Amazing, inspirational video Eric.
    You are what you think you are.
    Human’s potential is increadible.
    Your brother proves it a fantastic way.
    Blessing to you & your family.
    Happy Eastern.

  21. Maurice Sparrow (Askmo)

    Eric I was moved by the video. I work with disabled kids and this is something I can point families to. It is truly inspiring. Some of those things look DANGEROUS. I also like the Easter sculpture; in a world where easter is marginalised and christianity treated like or worse than a minority religion it is refreshing to see something like this. Thanks, Maurice

  22. Andrew Hall

    Thanks Eric and say Hello to your brother. I too have a disability and have great feelings when i see people enjoying what they have to use. Making the most of what you have can be a big help but the most important is making them feel normal and not an outcast. So once again thank you for the video and your pictures are nice too.

  23. victor wilson

    Hi Eric,
    Hadn’t heard about Your younger brother’s
    accident, so sorry but his spirit and
    courage is so very inspirational and just
    reflects the hope and true value of life
    that Easter Time brings back to our minds.
    God Bless, victor

  24. Theodore Hall

    Strength of character certainly runs in your family. You and your brother are truly inspiring young men. Best of everything to you both.

  25. Monica van Heerden

    Hello Eric
    Thank you for your unselfish sharing of practical ideas. Enjoy the break. You deserve it.
    God bless you and your family.


  26. Annie

    Well, I am not a pagan or a religious person at all for that matter, but this “sinner’s” heart grew 4 sizes today. 😉 Filled me with happiness to watch those paralytics filled with life instead of despair. Funny. They call them “disabled” I didn’t see anything disabled about them.

    I better get off my butt.

  27. brian

    thank’s alot eric hope everything is well have a great day god bless.

  28. Joe

    Eric, I’ve only been working with the internet for a few months, but your tips have led me to getting two websites set up, and I am very grateful for that. The video was great, and I know how you feel, because I also have a brother who was paralyzed from a brain tumor. Keep up the good work, Thanks, Joe

  29. Pastor Laurence

    Very good Eric.
    It’s good to know there is a much better future ahead for those who have trusted in Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
    No More Wheel Chairs. or Cancers, Heart attacke, Strokes, Alzimers.
    All will be made well and new

  30. Steve Gibson

    Hi Eric,
    This is awesome, God Bless,enjoy the EASTER HOLIDAYS

  31. Anonymous


    What a wondefully inspiring video. It makes you realize how grateful we are for all of our gifts. Hope Easter was great with your family and your wife is doing well with the new one on the way. 🙂

  32. Helen Fotovich

    Eric, this is an utterly wonderful video. It is inspiring to see valiant people who do not let a disability to become a handicap. I now have a great story to share with my disabled customers. I hope they will be inspired. I would forward this video to them, however, I do not know if they have computers.

    Thanks for sharing this.

  33. Michaela

    By the way Eric I like the painting ( the first picture), I think it is a shift in your style, but this is good. You always choose great colors but the contour add dramatic elements to the painting.

  34. Keith

    Thanks for the video! I think I told you before I am not good at this kind of thing but, I am trying to follow your tips. In October of 1962 my second son was born with Spinal Bifida and he is very severe. He is paralized from the waist down. His older brother who is 2 years and 6 days older is his idol. We used to do a lot of water sports and always included the younger boy whose name is Tracy. Had a zip sled he rode and an intertube and a few other things. In 1969 they picked him for the poster child for the March of Dimes.
    In December of 1965 I, His father, was in an oil well fire and was burned 82% of my body, third degree. Was in the hospital for a year and even though they said I would not live, here I am. I have one thumb and one index finger on both hands. Kind of slow with typing. We have had a lot of ups and downs but, God still loves us and blesses us each and every day. God bless your brother and you and your family. Thank you so much.

  35. ashwini

    hey eric ! it is a great video and great music. It really touched my heart and my eye got wet watching them. Strong Desire to strive in life can overcome any physical and mental shortcomings.
    Keepup the great work

  36. ashwini

    Dear Eric, Its after a long time I am sending a mail to you. I am a mother of two and a housewife from Bangalore. This is a place where you had visited when you had come to Karnataka, India, in November 2010. I am following your lessons since June 2010 and I am a big fan and a humble student of yours. Following the guidelines of the lessons which you were sending I have developed a website since October 2010. It is with a domain name http://www.completebabyguide.com. This is the site about providing guidelines to take care of the newborn babies upto toddlers, where we have tried to cover all possible aspects for proper upbringing. Please visit the site as a father of four and expecting the fifth !!. We all are looking forward for that good news from you. I have developed this site with the help of my husband for css and html coding and I also have learnt a bit. I would like your valuable suggestions about this website in – 1. Making it more informative, popular and useful. 2. Include information for promoting social organizations like orphanages, center for challenged ones etc. all over the world. 3. Ideas and methods for improving SEO. 4. Getting cross links from other websites. 5. Monetizing the website and related products for affiliate marketing and PLR materials. Looking forward eagerly for the early replay Thanking you, Ashwini

  37. Micah

    Hello Ashwini,

    I really like your site. Those baby pictures are precious!

    Here are tips and some lessons where Eric shares how to be successful in all of those areas.

    1. You could search for similar websites, to see if there are any areas where you are lacking. There may be valuable content elsewhere, that you may wish to write about as well.

    2. You might want to search for different kinds of organizations and causes that your readers would be interested in. Then, contact some of the more reputable ones that you find, and start networking with them! It’s great when your readers have ways to get involved!

    3. Here is a lesson where Eric discusses SEO:

    LESSON #76: Introduction to SEO

    4. Here is a lesson where Eric discusses backlinks:

    LESSON #78: Off Page SEO (Link Building)

    5. Here is a lesson where Eric discusses ways to monetize your site:

    LESSON #37: How to Make Money with Your Blog


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