Script Dojo Puts New Spin on Affiliate Marketing

By | September 7, 2007

UPDATE: This review is now outdated, and the product is not even available any longer. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only. For the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #136 9/7/2007

Today Joel Comm launched a cool new site called Script Dojo. I also have to give props to Dan Nickerson, Joel’s JV partner who came up with what I think is an innovative concept.

You’ve seen some of the affiliate product “malls” in the past, which are basically aggregations of products built into a self-replicating site, wherein the members can “brand” their page with their own affiliate links. Some examples would be Jeff Mulligan’s CBmall or Jon Leger’s $7 Offers Site.

Joel’s new Script Dojo takes the concept to an entire new level.

First, it combines products from THREE affiliate programs: ClickBank, $7 Secrets, and PayDotCom.

Second, not only does it allow members to promote a “mall-style” product aggregation, but it also promotes new products via email to everyone signed up under you.

In other words, if someone signs up under you, that person will receive emails from Script Dojo announcing new products. And those emails will be branded with YOUR affiliate link. What’s cool is that you just have to sign up the person one time, and then the system will keep marketing to them on your behalf for life. Do you like residual income?

So there’s two areas of the site that you may wish to check out:

1) The main site with all the products

2) The signup page for new members

As always you can post your comments here on the blog.

Have a great day!

14 thoughts on “Script Dojo Puts New Spin on Affiliate Marketing

  1. Eric Post author

    Wendy- I would not recommend basing your business around a site like this, you should prioritize having your own website first. But for established marketers, it’s a great tool to send traffic to because they continue to market multiple products to those prospects. Compare to regular affiliate marketing where you send visitors to an affiliate link and you typically only get one chance of selling one product. Not to say that this should replace traditional affiliate marketing by any means, but it’s a great tool to throw into the mix!

  2. Paul Ingersole

    You and Joel have done it again Eric I really think the entire concept is awesome.
    I am launching a new training site http://
    and I will be installing the script on it as soon as we go live,

    Paul Ritchie Ingersole

    C.E.O Paul Ritchie Advertising
    Sydney Australia

  3. Kenneth Washington

    Hi Eric,

    This definitely looks like a winner. Can’t wait to see how joel releases the script that runs this site. Will it come with a database pre-loaded with product descriptions you can simply link your affiliate ID to? Hopefully, you can bring that to Joel’s attention. Heck, you could offer the pre-loaded SQL database as an OTO. Would generate a lot of extra revenue.

  4. james

    Hi Eric thanks for the tip I had gotten a couple of e-mails about dojo and erase them. You broke it down to the point I’m about ready to rush out and try it. For one penny I can’t go wrong. Keep it up! thanks jimir

  5. Dan Nickerson


    Great Little Script is a versatile database tool that is being used to run ScriptDojo’s membership, it’s not a script to create your own ScriptDojo, but to allow you to
    create your own unique programs. There are 100’s of potential applications, but no plans at the moment to preload databases…. however, the beauty of GLS is that it will evolve… Almost every day we come up with a new use for it.. So who knows.. there may be a market for all kinds of GLS preload SQL’s in the futue.

  6. Clayton

    Hi Eric,

    This is a great idea. Since I own some of the products promoted myself, I feel good about the quality being offered. I love Keyword Elite!

    Since you are promoting Script Dojo which appears to be primarily for internet marketers and requires a monthly fee, you may also be interested a similar concept and support structure that is for everyone purchasing just about anything online and is totally free. Take a look at: It can save your readers money on every day purchases, and doesn’t cost them anything to join – ever.

  7. Faith

    i am happy and greatful to you for been such a great and wonderful guy, unfortunatetely i don’t have a website neither am i a referral marketer, but i am delightful at what you are doing, i wish u the best in all that you do, God bless you and your family

  8. G.Wadel

    Hey this seems like a great idea, and the start up fee is great, this is a wonderful way to find out if it works, which i’m sure it will, thanks.

  9. kevin

    Ha Eric,
    Thanks for another wonderful marketing tip i use your products regularly always looking for a heads up on the latest idea for IM here’s something i thought you and your readers might be interested in a discounted one stop shop for all your IM needs check it out at:
    Thanks again Eric,
    All the best,

  10. Will

    I like the fact that people can take a test spin for a penny.

    It’s great way to introduce newbies on my list to a biz in a box
    concept. I really like the follow ups for new product releases too!

  11. Randy

    Hi Eric,
    I have been contemplating on hypervre then the other day I saw info on site rubix which looks good as well I would like to know if you have tested site rubix yet, and how you would compare it too hypervre if you have which one do you think is better?


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