Unlimited Back Links from Search Engine Trust

By | February 20, 2007

UPDATE: I am no longer recommending Search Engine Trust. Shortly after making the recommendation I started getting complaints about it. Nicholas then stopped returning my emails, and he never paid me the commissions that were owed. Also, it appears that he has shut down the site. Nicholas and his business partner certainly did a good job of sweet talking and earning my trust in our phone conversation, but apparently it was a facade. I’m sorry I ever recommended it, and I have removed the links from this article.

Edition #114 – 02/20/2007

Today I’m going to introduce you to a new service called Search Engine Trust, but before I do that, I want to give you some good solid information about web traffic and linking.

If you own a website, then one of your primary concerns (if not THE primary concern) is getting traffic to your site.

Since the traffic component is such a big piece of the internet marketing puzzle, I’ve reviewed many traffic-related programs over the past couple years.

Some of them have been duds, others have been good. Some of them are based on tried-and-true marketing principles, and others are based on flash-in-the-pan tactics that work today and won’t tomorrow.

One conclusion I’ve made is that there is NO magic bullet. Yes there are plenty of techniques, strategies, and combinations of strategies that DO work, but there is no one single magic bullet that will work for everyone across the board in every situation.

When it comes to getting free traffic from search engines, SEO (search engine optimization) is the name of the game. Most webmasters in our internet marketing niche have become pretty good at on-page optimization. We all know that we need to have our keyword in the “title” tag, keywords on the page, etc.

But unless you’re in a relatively obscure niche, those common on-page SEO factors will not get you on the first page of search results.

In most cases, it takes a LOT more– and the biggest key has been and continues to be back links. Back links are links from other websites to your website.

If you’ve been in this game any amount of time you’ll already know this, but I’ll explain it here briefly for the sake of my newbie friends:

All back links are not created equal.

There are so many factors involved that I’m not going to cover them all, but the most important qualities of a back link include:

– the anchor text
– relevance of the site linking to you
– page rank of the page linking to you

The anchor text is the text of the link itself. For example in this link: marketing newsletter the anchor text is “marketing newsletter”.

In general, you don’t want the anchor text to be the URL itself, because in the search engine’s eyes that increases the likelihood of it being an automatically generated link (and thus less valuable).

It is best for your anchor text to include the keywords you are targeting. At the same time, you don’t want to use the same anchor text for all of your back links, or the search engines may suspect you of spamming the web with automated tools.

While it is most commonly believed that back links from any source (with the exception of what Google calls “bad neighborhoods” like porn and gambling sites) are of benefit, it has been evidenced that links from relevant sites are much more valuable.

There are two main reasons for this. First, inbound links from relevant sites help to establish your site as an authority on that particular topic, which in turn can improve your search engine ranking. Second, you have an increased chance of getting clicks directly from the other site since its visitors are interested in your topic.

While I don’t believe PageRank is an accurate measure of a site’s worth, it does play a factor in Google search result rankings. Sites with higher PR will generally be listed higher than those of lower PR, and the main way to gain a higher PR is to accumulate back links. Back links from pages with a higher PR are more likely to improve your own PR.

Additionally, back links from higher PR sites can also help your site get indexed quicker and spidered more frequently.

In case you hadn’t noticed, relevant back links are really a double edged sword which can help you in several ways…

– Increased authority of your site
– Increased PR
– Traffic directly from the link

Because of these benefits, obtaining back links is on the top of my SEO priorities. In the past, I’ve covered several methods of getting back links…

– using a semi-automated system such as SEO Elite to request links directly from other website owners

– simply paying someone to build links for you

– submitting to directories, posting in forums, blogs, and other tedious and somewhat spammy techniques

Today, I’ve uncovered what seems to be one of the best solutions to date.

I met a guy named Nicolas Messe who is in the business of owning websites. Along with his business partner, they build new websites and acquire active websites, and now they own a ridiculous amount of websites.

I was on the phone with them for two hours last night, and discovered that their online empire is simply enormous.

They literally have so many websites (most of which are indexed and ranked well by Google), that they’ve decided to provide a new service to a limited number of people.

This limited group of members will be allowed to post back links on these websites. They have websites in tons of niches, so you should be able to find plenty of good places to post your links.

I know, it sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? That’s why I spent so much time on the phone with them finding out who they are, what their business is, and how it works.

I’ve also signed up for the service and I can assure you, it’s real. Upon signing up, I received my login info where I could go see a list of sites available for me to post links on.

They started with 50 sites, and as the sales letter says, they’ll be adding more (with increasingly higher PR) on a regular basis. On the starter list, there was no site lower than a PR3.

One area that the sales letter doesn’t explain is exactly *how* the system works for actually posting the links. So I’ll let you in on that secret here, so you know exactly what you’re investing in.

Each of the sites is a WordPress blog. Your system login will allow you to login to ANY of their sites (you don’t have to register separately for each one). ONLY paid members are allowed to post on these blogs, they are not open to the general public. And when I say “post”, I’m talking about posting real blog posts, not comments.

That’s good because then your link will appear on the home page of the blog (which will get spidered regularly), and it will have it’s own page with a “permalink”. And of course, the links do NOT contain the “nofollow” attribute.

You could post an article containing your link, or just a sentence. In my opinion, the obvious downside of this system is that the sites themselves will get degraded over time as they begin to look more like splogs (spam blogs).

However, Nicolas and his team are confident that it will remain under control since the membership is strictly limited, and they have a virtually endless supply of sites that they can continue to add to the arsenal.

As far as my business is concerned, it was a no-brainer.

I could spend hours upon hours contacting webmasters, trying to get my own back links…

I could spend anywhere from $10-100 per month for a SINGLE text link with a link broker…

Or I could pay someone overseas to build links for me on a PER link basis…

But why would I do any of those things, if I can post an UNLIMITED number of links whenever I want? With this new service I can choose from a wide range of sites, and I can use any anchor text I wish to use.

Do you have a website?

If you answered no, then this isn’t for you. You need to back up a couple steps and get set up with your site first.

If you answered yes–you have a website–then the next question is; do you want free search engine traffic?

If you answered no, then again this probably isn’t for you. If you’ve already got all the traffic you need, then there’s no need to bother with trying to get more.

But if you answered YES, then I think this is a good opportunity for you to consider. If you own a website, and you want free search engine traffic, then the value of this service is well worth it in my opinion.

You can check it out here:

(link removed – no longer recommended)

It’s not “super cheap”, but when you consider the alternative of spending countless hours or huge sums of money to acquire links, you’ll understand why this was the most economical choice for my business.

As always you can leave your comments here in the blog.

Have a great day!

66 thoughts on “Unlimited Back Links from Search Engine Trust

  1. Tom

    Dave, little late after the discussion, but you are absolutely right. I have been a member of SET for three months now & what I see here is OVER PROMISE – UNDER DELIVER! Nick states after each month members will receive PR5,6 & 7, to date the highest PR I have seen is a 5 (that was only one site) every thing else was 2-3-4. I had never received a survey on what topics I would like to post to or any thing of such. There sites leave me spending more time trying to be creative for a proper post. I had went through Ed Dales training videos & think social bookmarking/web 2.0 is where its at. Using Ed’s advice I have been seeing results, but the price of admission to SET is questionable. Couple weeks ago, I had post a ticket in their support, expressing my concern on what should be offered/TOS & to this day I have not received a reply. I just discovered pay per post a couple days ago, & feel that is a much wiser concept. Thanks to everyone here for helping me make the right choice.

  2. cheap wow gold

    SER was offered for awhile in Stompernet but has since been removed. I am not sure why but I think it because they are not sure how google views their network of sites. Anyway there were lots of posts for Nick in the SN forum and he has ignored the majority of them. Very unresponsive for the kind of money that he is charging.

  3. Katina M. Woodruff

    Thank you for the incredible article. Most of the companies I have researched over the past year have left me confused at what their service offered. My site has only been opened for a few months, so I’m not sure if changing my website marketing company is beneficial. IT is a bit overwhelming all of this info that I am learning.

    Thank you again,
    Great persuasive argument here. Maybe you should come write for us!

  4. Philip

    For what it’s worth, I went through this whole excitement/sign-up/doubt/total lack of response or service/crap on the sites/cancellation deal about 12 months ago.

    Seems like not much has changed!


  5. Robert

    Hi Eric

    Do you have any recent views regarding SET? I have to say I am not happy with what I have seen recently. There was talk of big things being added to the program however it is very quiet from the owner these days. Also most blogs I see in the listing are lucky if they are PR3.

    Thinking is this of any value nowadays.



  6. Eric Post author

    Robert- I haven’t heard from [redacted] in a long time and he has not returned my email. In fact, he owes me commissions. I was supposed to get recurring commissions for the customers I sent, and I got none. I also have not had time to use it personally in quite awhile, so feel free to post any updates here from your persepective.

  7. Rob

    Eric, it seems that Search Engine Trust is now competely dead. I checked a heap of blogs last night and everyone I checked had no PR at all.

    The sad thing is that people still seem to be posting to the blogs on a regular basis. I guess google got onto this scheme and removed all sites from the index.

    Support is also not replying at all which is another sign that things have gone bellyup with this.



  8. Pingback: 2007 Preseason Day 1: What is Preseason? « 30 Day Challenge - Notes & Summaries

  9. alkazaider

    What would you do if the internet crashed for good? Would you get used to life with less communication and less “being connected” or would you be pretty bummed for the rest of your life?

    This is assuming it was not fixed. Perhaps some largescale EMP attack or something that crippled it for the next 50+ years or so.

  10. puzzles

    Hi Eric,
    I have a question, i have read about triple linking systems like linkvana or linkvault. can you please give some inputs on these kind of triple link building services? Are they the same as back link solutions? It puzzles me when i see lots of these services on the net and i cant figure out as which to join since i am newbie in this SEO game i dont have much money to invest on 2 or 3 of these. But yes i can offord to anyone of these. so it would be great if you can recommend which you think would be better to join. Thanks in advance 🙂

  11. Eric Post author

    I have not tried them, but it sounds similar.

    So my only advice at this point would be to try to devide which one makes more sense for your business, and then let us know how it works. And also keep in mind that such a service is just one component (albeit possibly a big component) of your overall SEO strategy.

  12. SEO Software

    You can really put SEO in few words.
    “Get Links” and that’s pretty much it.
    This is called the offpage factor and is the master piece of google’s algorithm and that’s why it is so popular.

    And as you said you can get any SEO Software to help you with this task

  13. lifecell

    Hi there,
    . Backlinks have become so important to the scope of Search Engine Optimization, that they have become some of the main building blocks to good SEO. You explain what a backlink is, why they are important, and what you can do to help gain them while avoiding getting into trouble with the Search Engines.



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