Sqribble Review, Demo, and Bonus

By | November 7, 2018

When I saw the claims being made by a new web application called Sqribble, I knew I needed to check it out for myself.

More specifically, I was really interested in the claim of being able to create an ebook in under 5 minutes, without having to write any content.

I’ve been teaching internet marketing for about the past 14 years, with an emphasis on information marketing and infoproducts.

During that entire time, and still today, ebooks are a staple of the infoproduct business. While video has become a prominent form of information distribution, ebooks are still very popular because they are relatively easy to create, and universally easy to access and read.

Yet one of the main obstacles that I see people encounter in their attempt to build an online business is creating a product, even a product as simple as an ebook. So a tool that promises to create ebooks in under 5 minutes definitely got my attention.

So I put it to the test, first of all just to see if it WORKS, and secondly to see what else can be done with it.

Here in this video you can watch my review and demonstration of 5 effective methods of using Sqribble (feel free to make it full screen for better viewing experience):

As you can see in the video above, I was able to quickly create ebooks, yes in under 5 minutes! I know the video is a little long, but that’s because I was covering some interesting methods that aren’t even mentioned on the Sqribble sales page. I encourage you to watch the video, even if you already purchased Sqribble, because it may open your eyes to some additional possibilities.

Specifically I covered how to use Sqribble to create:

1) FAST lead magnets
2) Instant public domain ebooks
3) Quick targeted traffic magnets
4) Easy affiliate commission magnets
5) Bring new life to old PLR

(Note regarding the video: In some examples, I grabbed an image URL from Pixabay to use on the cover. In some of my later tests, a “hotlinking” placeholder from Pixabay showed up when I generated the PDF. In order to avoid this, it’s just one extra step. Download the image from Pixabay (for free), and then you can upload it to your Sqribble account and it will be hosted there!)

Here is a sample ebook that I generated with Sqribble:

Sample ebook PDF

The content for this sample ebook came from a PLR report formatted in this plain text file, and as you can see, the resulting ebook looks great! That’s a great example of how you can use Sqribble for my method #5: breathing new life into old PLR. Or in this case, turning some new cheap PLR into something that looks professional.

Overall I was definitely impressed with Sqribble, and again–watch the video if you want to see exactly why.

Therefore I’m recommending this tool, and I’ve put together a bonus package that you will receive if you acquire Sqribble through my link.

My Bonus Package:

  • 5872 Unrestricted PLR Articles
  • Landing Page Success Guide With PLR included
  • Niche Market Discovery Guide With MRR included
  • Guide to Successful Online Freelancing With PLR included
  • Get Paid to Write a Book With PLR included
  • 30 Day Content Marketing Plan With MRR included
  • Ebook Marketing Exposed With PLR included
  • 10 additional Sqribble templates! (This one will be delivered in your Sqribble account)
    Total Value of Bonuses: $659.00

    You can instantly access those bonuses from your JVZoo customer portal after purchasing Sqribble through my link below:

    Click here to go to Sqribble

    NOTE: The price will be going up big time after the launch week is over, so if you want this tool I recommend grabbing it now while you can save 97 percent during the launch!

    Thanks for checking it out, and have a great day!

  • 41 thoughts on “Sqribble Review, Demo, and Bonus

    1. Jonty Johnson

      That was a great informative video for Sqribble Eric. Because of your video and mini training session which wasnt so mini as went into more and better detail than some actual training ive seen I will buy sqrrible through your link. The bonuses you have offered are brilliant also, totally in line with the main product.

      More marketers should take a leaf out of your book, thank you.

        1. Barry

          Eric, I just realised how old this Affiliate Link is…
          I just bought through it, but the billing went through Clickbank, not JVZoo where your Bonuses were said to be available.
          Am I in a lock out now? Or can I get the bonuses somehow?
          Barry Belasco

      1. Frank Olivares

        Hell Eric, just purchased the product. How do I access you special offers?

    2. Dennis Tchen

      I am still going through your review video. so far so good. I have already bought the FE from a mine because I didn’t see your review until last night. I have bought from you from the past the year-end bundle and still have not touched it yet.
      My question to you is that you always have great bonuses, if I decide to buy the 3d cover and flipbook which is $77 buck, then I can bypass to buy the FE which I have already bought from a facebook friend. Is that possible? Please let know if it
      can be done, because your bonuses correlate on what I want to in affiliate marketing.

    3. Ritchie

      Hey eric thanks very well inform..
      I would like to get some coachin from you
      How do i sign up?
      I will get sqribble from your link.
      You are definitely one of my favorite s marketers

      You give back so much thanks eric

      1. Eric Post author

        Thanks Ritchie, I plan to launch a new coaching program in the near future, stay tuned 🙂

    4. John

      Hi Eric,
      Brilliant presentation. However, question comes up about Amazon’s terms against PLR. How do you reconcile that? I once used PLR on a fitness ebook for Kindle and Amazon blocked it. Additionally, what happens when others start using the same articles and they become common on the internet? It’s against Amazon’s terms to use that content.
      All the best,

      1. Eric Post author

        Right, I never said anything about using it for Kindle. I would not recommend using PLR or scraped web content for Kindle ebooks. Some other affiliates have really been pushing the Kindle angle, but in my opinion that’s not the value of Sqribble.

    5. Ronald Cady

      Eric, I got your thoughts on using PLR on Amazon, but would Sqribble be useful for putting together a book to publish on Kindle that I have already written, but have not made it into a book. I just want to be clear, and thanks for all your efforts through the years.

      1. Eric Post author

        See the reply I just wrote to Rob. At this time Sqribble would be good for formatting that written book into a PDF that you can sell on your own website, or via Clickbank, JVZoo, etc. However at this time Sqribble does not create Kindle files. I expect that it might in the future.

    6. Rob Lear

      Hi Eric,
      Great instructional video. I was wondering about using Sqribble to actually format ebooks for kindle. I know about the duplicate content issue with kindle. I mean using original content for a book but using Sqribble as a tool to format the finished book with original content for kindle publication. Does it meet kindles parameters for publication?

      As you may know formatting for kindle is a problem many kindle authors have. If you could use Sqribble for formatting and uploading to kindle it would answer the prayers of many authors. If you can’t then they should build it into the app because that would pull in thousands of frustrated kindle authors to purchase the product.
      Thanks. Rob

      1. Eric Post author

        A lot of other affiliates are pushing Sqribble as being able to create Kindle ebooks, but from what I can see that is not correct. Ebooks can be uploaded to Kindle as a Word DOC file, or as a KPF file which can be created with Amazon’s free Kindle Create software. (See https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/G200645680) That having been said, I agree it would be a very useful feature for thousands of Kindle authors and would-be authors. With that in mind, I personally think it is highly likely that they will add Kindle format or at least something that can be easily converted or uploaded to Kindle. It says right on their sales page “Currently Sqribble exports files in PDF format. More file types are looking to be added shortly. Feel free to request what formats you would like to see.” Based on that, I think Kindle would be the most in-demand format.

        1. Rob Lear

          Thanks Eric. that’s why i asked you, as all the other affiliates just want to make the sale and will outright lie about the features of the product they are promoting. I already purchased Sqribble, but next time you promote a product i want i will use your affiliate link.

    7. Doria Musaga

      Hi Eric, I have so many of your PLRs. My goal is to catalog them so I know what I have. Is it possible to switch PLRs if I already have them?

      1. Eric Post author

        You mean for the bonuses? Yeah I can give you something different if you already have them.

          1. Eric Post author

            Great just get in touch with me at my helpdesk, reference this blog comment. Let me know which bonuses you already have and what PLR topics you’re looking for.


      Am gonna play the devil’s advocate here – too often those of us with limited knowledge of internet marketing will see this as an lucrative opportunity to strike it big without the need to be in the trenches working endless hours and using that one piece of essential tool we all should be using …our brain. Instead we seek out easy, easier and easiest thus allowing
      intelligent salesmen to easily capitalize on this mentality.

      For years I was lulled into the same “where’s the easy” mindset and the result of that was spending close to $40,000 buying every single marketing pitched product after product and from a quick estimate earning less than one-tenth of that amount due to the “easy expectation without the hard work” approach.

      There are no easy-to-do, click this button and wazzam!! method out there was it comes to internet marketing especially in the area of product creation (i.e creating ebooks, developing plugins and software) that will suddenly transform in huge gains (and popularity for that matter) for the average internet marketer.

      Yes, we have all received the hundreds of emails in our inboxes promising overnight success if you simply “click this button” but it doesn’t work like that.

      Whatever Sqribble your fancy go ahead and make right it’s your choice to seek the easy way out but the truth is there is no easy way to make it in internet marketing not with all the noise and confusion coming from every single huckster out there in the marketplace making it difficult to find the right tools you need to make your job easy.

      Who knows maybe, just maybe this Sqribble product is the prophetic messiah of the internet marketing world and will give everlasting salvation to make the lives of millions in the marketplace much easier that what is it right now because GOD knows it’s time for a rapture.


      1. Eric Post author

        I have no problem with being critical and even skeptical of ANY online offer. In fact, I teach that. The fact that you spent $40k buying every product that was pitched to you would certainly jade you a bit, and I’m sure you gained a lot of wisdom from that. In this situation I think it’s important to keep in mind that I never pitched this offer as being a shortcut to building your business. I never said it would make it easy to build a business. I’ve always maintained that it takes wok to build a real business. So you are right that Sqribble is not going to MAKE anyone’s business. What I pitched this as, and what I truly believe it is, is a helpful TOOL to use within your business. There are certain technologies and tools in every industry that make life easier, and those kind of developments are constantly being made. Not every tool is going to be a good fit for every individual, but certain tools (products) are going to help a lot of people. If I think of the software and SAAS products I use most in my business, I think of Word, Excel, Photoshop, Cpanel, Firefox, Camtasia, AWeber, and others. Those products make my life a lot easier, and the companies that make those products are constantly innovating them to make them even more helpful. My subscribers know that I do NOT promote 99.9% of the new tools and products that hit the market. I promote the few that I think are really going to be helpful. I don’t have a 100% success rate on that. Especially with new technology, it’s hard to know what’s going to work well in the future, and which ones will keep being developed. Over the past 15 years I’ve promoted some things that don’t work anymore. But as long as I continue to seek improvements for my own business, I will recommend things that I believe will improve others’ businesses.

        I might also mention I think it’s a bit ironic that you would be ranting against “easy button” pitches, when your landing page is about “how to make money fast online”. The first sentence… “How To Promote CPA Offers With Google Ads, Bing Ads and hired workforce networks. This is a proven & tested strategy that one can setup just once and make money perpetually without having to spend a dollar more.” That’s a misleading statement because CPA marketing with paid traffic is not a “set it and forget it” business, and it does require continual ad spending, even if it’s coming from past profits.

    9. Paul

      I have tried to buy, but the page keeps saying that I do not have enough Pay Pal credit. This is not true. I am not going to enter my credit card number on that page. Any other ways to buy?

    10. Patrisha

      Thanks Eric, I really enjoyed and learned a lot from your review video of Sqribble. That video convinced me to buy, (you are such a good, detailed easy to follow teacher) however I do have questions like once I choose a domain name, do they generate my url, and if so, will their name be on it?

      And, is everything mobile-friendly, or, not?

      Can everything, including the eBook be viewed on Kindle, or, not?

      I’m assuming, based on how you seem to think it’s so good Eric that it will work well in all aspects. I have just never hosted anything on someone else’s platform, so I don’t really know how that works.

      Anyway, thanks for being YOU!

      1. Eric Post author

        Thank you very much. Yes you can put your domain URL into the ebooks. Sqribble does not brand the ebooks with their name, it’s completely white label so no one would know the ebook was made there. The ebooks are mobile friendly. As far as the Sqribble web-based app, yeah it is too but I would recommend using it on a computer because you can see everything better when creating an ebook. I have some other lessons that I think can address your questions in more detail!

    11. Sheena

      Thank you very much for your video explanation, it gave me the final push to buying it! I’ve received many emails recommending the product from other marketers but you are the only one who fully explained how to use it and helped us to see its potential. Thank you! (And yes, I brought it through your link!)

    12. Paul Mitchell

      I want to purchase, but for some reason the site keeps telling me that my Pay Pal won’t work. Please help, Eric!

      1. Eric Post author

        Is it still giving you the error? If so, have you tried the credit card thru Paypal option or do you have another Paypal account (perhaps in the family) that you can try?

    13. Tammy

      Hey Eric… WOW…. great demo. I have received 3 affiliate e-mail links to buy this product over the past 2 months, but chose not to because I really couldn’t understand how this product worked. Your demo is EXACTLY what was needed, and if I buy this thing, which I think I will, I will buy from you. I am so grateful that you took the time to create this. I also appreciate that you got right to the point (no long story about yourself or about how “amazing” the product is without a demo of it), and that you proved exactly how long it takes to create a real book… a lot more than 5 minutes in my humble opinion, which is fine — just want to know what all is entailed — I don’t need it to be in 5 minutes. There are a lot of folks like me out here who will want to take the time to read and edit the final product, and you have shown all the possible tools and ways that can be achieved. I don’t think the original marketing by Sqribble is effective. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

    14. JACQ KING



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