I’ve decided to tell you about a difficult situation I’ve been experiencing lately, but I want to tie it into a quick lesson… after all, the main objective of this website is to provide you with Internet marketing tips.
Let’s start with a flashback to the 1980’s…
From what I gather, the phrase “never let them see you sweat” originated from a deodorant commercial in 1984. While I may have been exposed to it as a 5-year old during commercial breaks between Saturday morning cartoons, I certainly have no recollection of it.
I do, however, remember hearing this phrase spoken from the stage at an Internet marketing seminar several years ago. Apparently after serving its duty as a deodorant slogan, “never let them see you sweat” became a business principle of sorts.
The idea is that you should never let your ________(fill in the blank) see you “sweat”, because it is basically a sign of weakness. This includes customers, prospects, fans, followers, competitors, subordinates, and bosses… just to name a few.
In other words, you don’t want to let any of those people see your weak side, because it will affect their opinion of you.
The speaker at the Internet marketing seminar was teaching that you should never appear to be frazzled or portray a lack of confidence in the projection of your image to your online prospects and subscribers. Instead, you should always appear to “have it all together”.
There are times when this makes sense. Anyone in a leadership role (whether it be a parent, T-ball coach, or President of the United States) must instill confidence in the minds of those he or she is leading. To this end, there are times that it is appropriate to hide your emotions and appear to have it all together.
I would even go so far as to say there are situations in which you should never let them see you sweat. For example, if you’re in a war, you shouldn’t let your enemy see you sweat. Revealing a weakness could mean instant death.
If you ever have to hire a lawyer, you probably don’t want one who sweats profusely and exudes a lack of confidence in the courtroom.
I’m also aware that marketing can be likened to war, but I propose that the concept of “hiding your sweat” is overrated as it pertains to business.
Things to consider when hiding your sweat…
First, there’s an inherent problem with never showing weakness. The problem is that we’re human. We have weaknesses.
To confess weakness is to accept that you are human. This can have a positive effect, because humans can relate to other humans. As a marketer, this can be advantageous in gaining trust and portraying authenticity.
I will admit that revealing weaknesses can also have a negative effect upon a business. I remember a few times in recent years that the stock of the Apple company plunged as a result of negative news about Steve Jobs’ health. Last month Apple lost $10 billion of market capitalization in 5 minutes, possibly due to a health rumor.
Those are serious consequences, but publicly traded companies have an obligation to their shareholders to reveal certain “weaknesses”. To avoid doing so could be unethical at best, criminal at worst. Therefore, revealing a weakness can actually be a sign of integrity.
Second, it’s a myth that showing emotion (ie. letting them see you sweat) is always a sign of weakness. While much of our society does believe this myth (and unfortunately this may result in negative consequences for leaders who show emotions publicly), there are plenty of examples of leaders who have dispelled it.
I watch very little TV, but last week I turned it on and caught the second half of an episode of Undercover Boss. This episode featured Sheldon Yellen, the CEO of Belfor– a huge international company. Throughout his undercover experience, some of his own weaknesses were revealed (inability to use power tools, disconnection from his own employees), and his emotions ran wild… this guy cried like a baby on national TV!
While this may have been interpreted by some as a sign of weakness, I’d be willing to bet that his display of authenticity did more to instill confidence in his employees than any motivational speech he could have possibly delivered. It appeared that his employees loved him more for it, and were more committed to the company as a result.
This goes along with what I wrote earlier this year about authenticity. It’s no longer enough to say you’re real. You have to BE real.
So next time you’re faced with concealing a weakness versus showing your humanity, keep these ideas in mind and remember that it may or may not be best to hide your sweat.
OK, that’s the end of today’s lesson…
In case you hadn’t perceived it already; I wrote the above article as a way of processing my own thoughts, and justifying my decision to share my own weakness with you.
The reason I haven’t written much lately, and haven’t created any new lessons in the past few months is because I haven’t had the energy to do it.
I’ve been experiencing what is probably best described as Adrenal Fatigue. In case you’re curious about it, there is a very good article explaining it here: http://www.lammd.com/articles/adrenal_fatigue.asp
I’ve had several symptoms, including a severe lack of energy. Those of you who know me, know that I’ve enjoyed an active lifestyle which included frequent exercise, fishing, windsurfing, playing with my kids, etc. Lately, I’ve only had a few hours of workable energy per day, and it’s barely been enough to take care of myself and keep up with email, let alone do the stuff I enjoy.
In my case, I believe this condition is most likely the result of many years of poor sleep habits, constant blood sugar spikes, and internalizing my stress and anxiety.
Various medical tests showed that my adrenals simply aren’t doing what they’re supposed to do… resulting in various chemical imbalances in my body. For example, I’m not producing much cortisol, which has several physical ramifications. To aggravate the situation, my adrenals are compensating by producing too much epinephrine (adrenaline), which results in a lot of anxiety and psychosomatic symptoms.
I’m following what I believe is a good treatment plan, and I expect to make a full recovery!
Of course it’s been tough in the mean time. My wife is expecting our 5th child any day now, and I’ve had to grapple with the question of how am I going to help and support her like I did at the birth of our other four kids?
So you can see why I’ve put business stuff on the backburner. By the way, other than neglecting this website, my business is just fine, and I think it would run for many years with minimal input on my part. That’s one of the benefits of building the type of business that I teach in my lessons! π
(Note: I do not anticipate my coaching club being negatively impacted during my recovery. Paul and Jeff already handle most of the time-consuming elements of it, and in any case that I’m unable to be on a coaching call, they’ll be there.)
OK, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way…
I want to convey that I know life is hard for EVERYONE. Your pain is probably worse than mine, and it’s a part of our human experience.
I’ve had friends and relatives die in the time that I’ve been writing tips on this website.
I’ve also had subscribers die, and I’d be willing to bet that not a day goes by without some of my subscribers experiencing a tragedy of some sort. With over 60,000 subscribers around the world, it’s pretty much a given.
I also know fellow Internet marketers who have been through, or are currently experiencing MUCH more difficult circumstances than I am. Some of them are battling cancer, chronic diseases, and some have already died.
So this is NOT about me complaining. It’s also not about seeking sympathy. Prayers maybe, but not sympathy. I’m thankful for all that I’ve been given, and I KNOW that I am indeed blessed.
This post is about me being a little more real with you. I say a “little more”, because there are certainly other things that I haven’t shared with you about my life.
In the past couple years, I’ve been compelled to be “more real” when it comes to my public life. Perhaps this is a step in that direction.
Showing my sweat to keep myself humble?
I’ve probably participated in our culture’s collective move toward Internet-enabled narcissism more than I would like to admit.
The phenomenon of online narcissism is well documented, and you’ll see it everywhere if you look for it. People use their blogs, Facebook accounts, twitter accounts, and other public-facing avenues of communication to control their image. They provide only the information (status updates, pictures, etc) that they believe will best conform their image to the way that they want it to be seen.
Went on a cool vacation? Post it. Had a great dinner? Post it. Hung out with a celebrity? Post it. Got angry with your child or spouse, lost your temper, and broke something? No one needs to know.
I despise it, and yet I’ve been a purveyor of it. In one respect I’ve even taught it.
So yes, this is me keeping myself humble. Believe me, I’d much rather be known as the energetic windsurfing family man, than the tired Internet marketer who burned out his adrenal glands.
I also had one more ulterior motive for sharing this with you. I knew it would give me an excuse to share my faith with you too.
OK, this is where I’m gonna hijack this conversation and get “religious” on you…
No, I’m not turning this into a religious website. Based on the demographics, I’m aware that I have thousands of subscribers who are Muslim, Hindu, and no-doubt countless other faiths represented. I’m not here to force my convictions upon you, and I never will.
But I didn’t want to share my pain with you, unless I also shared my hope with you. In fact, it wouldn’t be right, because it would be a totally incomplete picture.
I believe that there is a spiritual realm that supersedes the physical world as we know it.
In spite of how I feel, I’m actually healthy and strong. In spite of what our society says, perception is not reality. In spite of what my doctor’s reports say, there is a greater truth to be found.
Of course many religions share this sentiment, as do believers in the Law of Attraction, which has become so popular in the Internet marketing world. But here’s where I part ways with those folks…
You might think I’m crazy, but I believe that approximately 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ (the actual son of God) came to earth, died on a cross, and came back to life again. That’s reality. And if that’s true, then the Bible is totally validated, and it’s true too.
The ramifications are huge. The Bible says that the same power that raised Jesus from death is available to me, and in fact is already inside of me (Romans 8:11)! While it is controversial even among Christianity, I believe the most accurate interpretation of the Bible proves that Christ’s atonement included healing for sickness.
I’ve seen first-hand that God still heals people today. In our church we see people healed every week. Some are healed from small things, and some are healed from big things like cancer and heart disease. We’ve seen numerous verifiable x-rays and doctor’s reports which have confirmed miraculous healings.
I share this to let you know that not only has my healing been paid for by Christ; yours has too.
The following is a song called “Name of Jesus”, which is on a music album by my sister-in-law that I executive produced a few years ago. To make the video I used scenes from The Passion of The Christ. So if you’re offended by the blood of Jesus, don’t watch…
This song has been inspirational to me lately, and I hope it is for you too.
As always, you are welcome to leave your comments below.
Have a great day!
Thanks bro
What a load of guilt crap! Stop feelin sory for yourself to get votes either get busy living or get busy dying but DONT get people feeling sorry for you have you never heard of the Emporors new clothes or perhaps you have i can see your naked and sucking people in!!!! VERY SAD TACHNIQUE YOU SHOULD BE EMBARRASSED!!!!
Eric there are a large number of very successful Christian Internet marketers helping others on the business Internet and in the wheat fields of the world and your hearts desire shows others you care also.
With a beautiful family and a sincere relationship with Christ you will emerge stronger and wiser. As a minister of the gospel myself life has dealt some severe blows,(Vietnam, Drugs, death) but through it all and now at 60 I have more joy than ever.
Your family and friends only want the best for you my friend.Just lift your eyes from that computer screen at the one who hung there in innocence. God Bless!
Hey!Eric get well soon,although you’re not bed ridden which is a good thing.It’s good that you humble yourself now.God already sent the healing process into you,rest assure you’re going to be fine.Stay close to your kids.
Hi Eric,
Thanks for the video I loved it, it brought back so many good memories of the power of the name of Jesus. I wish you a speedy recovery. Just the mention of His name is enough. It works for me everytime and I know just as you know, It would work for you. Also do not exert any energy on how you would physically help your family, He will take care or all that too. You know it, because you are experiencing it right now. Just the mention of His name is enough.
Hyacinth Eric’s Tips & TRG member
Wow…powerful video in tears here…
Love it when u guys get real…thanks
Eric. All tbings happen for a reason.
Hope u are better soon.
Cheers Shaun
I’m also certain the principals in the Bible reflect the reality of the universe, meaning that the Bible and its promises and assertions are true. Most people don’t believe that around the world. But one of the principles is that God gives people the choice to believe or not. He provided enough evidence of the truth of his existence and plan, and its up to each individual to accept, doubt or reject it. May they chose wisely.
Prayed for you today my brother.
The best person to answer your question is http://www.jvim.com/
The subject line on your email says “This may offend some people …” But the honesty and humility in your post, I’d wager, will bless many more than you might offend. You know that Jesus will see you through this. Meanwhile, we can be praying for the Holmlund family. Thanks for sharing your faith!
Hang in there Eric!
“Adversity is the diamond dust Heaven polishes its jewels with.” Thomas Carlyle
Hi Eric,
Blessings and healing to you in the name of Jesus!
Standing in faith with you and yours,
I’ve never posted before. I also believe that about 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ (the son of God) came to earth, died on a cross for our sins, and rose from the dead. I think that is the most important thing you said.
I did pray for you. We all go through tough times but it is the tough times that reveals our true nature. I am glad you took the time to reveal yours. I wish the best to your and your family.
Romans 16v24
Thanks Eric for letting us see who your are.
I am a Christian songwriter trying to get into internet marketing so that I will have more freedom to more of my music ministry to others.
I will be praying for you Eric. I do believe that Jesus Christ is the Anointed son of God and that there is power in his name. I would like to suggest a book and a ministry to you.
The book “A More Excellent Way” by Rev. Henry Wright. His ministry has regular weekly seminars on health and being healed. I have had personal friends who have had members of their family healed of diseases their doctor couldn’t make a diagnosis on. Be In Health a ministry out of Thomasville,Georgia http://www.beinhealt.com
I look forward to staying in touch and I am enjoying your tips. I wish I would have had them earlier I would have spent so much time running around in circles.
David Robichaux Sr.
Already praying for your speedy healing.
I feel honored to have such a wonderful “Internet Marketer” teaching us how to be real.
You’re truly living your faith in all aspects of your life and it is very much appreciated and very refreshing.
Thank-you for putting yourself out there for us to know that you can be successful while still being real.
You’re a blessing.
Hi Eric! I can appreciate your openness and being transparent with your feelings. However, I am concerned with some of the things you said. I am a minister of the gospel of Christ for the church of Christ and would love to speak to you in private if I can.
I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Life seems to always offer us challenges. I appreciate your honesty. You are one of the few internet marketers that speaks the truth without promising unrealistic things. You are reminding me to stay in balance as I work on reaching my financial goals and to remember that family and health are just as important to work for. I too have an illness that can limit my energy to work at times. I wish you a speedy recovery. Many people are counting on hearing from you. God bless you and your family expecially your new baby.
Thanks, Eric, for all the lessons through the years and for not being ashamed to share your faith. I pray for your speedy recovery and for your inspiring family. I’ll share your message with my small list and know they will be blessed by your efforts.
Thanks Eric for being “real”. How refreshing!
Thank you for providing great tips and great business value through your products; Even without you revealing aspects of your “personal” life and posts about your mission work, I knew you had a moral and spiritual compass you followed. It is just the way you present your business and how you phrase and verbalize things. Outside of your products, that is the other reason I have been following you. I’ll keep you in my prayers for a complete recovery.
Hi Eric
Sorry to hear you are going through so much. I know it is a fine line as to what to share with your customers. You are not looking for sympathy and you don’t want people to think that you are less capable. I know it was a hard call with my business as I am the business. I was away from home in children’s hospital with my daughter. I did not want others to think I was incapable of keeping my commitments. I took the chance and told my clients what was going on. They stuck through it with me. It has been almost a year and I am finally finishing off all the kitchens I had orders for. I was truly blessed with all these great people who did not give up on me.
Now I am ready to do the online portion of my business and it will have an inspirational and human side to it. This will enable me to spend more time with my special daughter.
Thanks so much for all the great tips.
I know all your subscribers are behind you as I am. I am sending you and your family great thoughts and prayers. Take care, Sheryl
Thank you for sharing with us.
I know you’re used to being active, so you must be pretty frustrated. I also know you’ll use this experience to grow and, knowing you, turn it into a way to change someone’s life.
You’ve been a great help to a lot of people, and we all appreciate you. If there’s anything we can do to help you out or give you support, please speak up! (Those aren’t just words, I really mean it).
You and your family are in my prayers.
Take care,
Hi Eric, I’ve been receiving your Tips for over a year now. I really appreciate your christian values and your honesty. I’ll be praying for you. Take care. God Bless.Melanie
What a testimonial to your faith. The Lord is not through with you yet, He just wants you to rest a little. You’ll come back stronger than ever.
God Bless, Philippians 1:3
Zane Horton
A big reason, why I am your subscriber and customer is the values I found when I did my due diligence on you.
I found your prayer site and your posts regarding your mission trips and heart for the poor. These and the quality and value of your products/services were instrumental in my decision to partner with you.
I have been in Christian ministry for 30 years and know that often The”Wounded Healer”(Henri Nouen)impacts lives out of authenticity and humility over audacity and hubris.
It is out of that spirit that I appreciate and accept your post and your situation as a gift and a call to prayer, of which I will gladly oblige.
My present passion is for pastors/missionaries with a full time call to serve others but without the financial means to support themselves adequately. I want to develop programs,products and services to fill that need. This is the vision of the online business I am building. Perhaps you know of others that might want to mastermind on this.
I’m off this week on a mission to build a church with native Americans; I will carry your prayer request with me.
In the mean, enjoy your family, prepare for the new arrival, take a breath and of course….
Be God’s
Thank you, Eric, for giving us pause.
We’ve got to realize that we are are likely living in the Days of Noah (Part II). You’ve given me inspiration that I need to finish strong in doing His will. Thank you.
God Bless You,
Hi Eric,
I very much relate to what you have said. I’ve also missed your emails and all your helpful training. Take care. Believe. God be with you.
Eric: I am a professional writer (also drained!) What can I do to help you? I do not want or need anything in exchange; just want to help. Your letters have been so helpful to me over the years and you have been an inspiration. Please let me know what I can do in return.
I told you it would be controversial! It’s OK, I think I know what you don’t agree with…
Hi Eric
I echo all the above comments.
Great Presentation. Get Well Soon.
I really appreciate your offer. The best thing you can do to help me is help yourself, and help others who need help more than I do.
The atonement does in fact provide everything mankind needs for the spirit, soul, and body.
Healing is part of the complete package.
It comes with salvation through Jesus Christ.
When we enter into a relationship with God through Jesus, we are entering a covenant relationship.
Everything God has, and is, belongs to us and we to Him.
He becomes our Heavenly Father.
What good father wouldn’t want his child healed?
Healing belongs to you because Jesus purchased it for you.
Wow man what a Fantastic Testimony,
I have followed you for several years now and watched your life. You are in my prayers brother and I will add you to our men’s prayer list here in Germany. Rest and get well. God is on his throne. Hang in there brother .. Lord Bless you and your family.
Amen, glad to hear you’re a part of the minority who believe this π
“Your health is your wealth” …..there is no greater saying in the English language. I’ve seen my wealth ‘stolen’ by Banks in the past few years,I’m on the floor, I live in hope and I have my health. No fun doing without food and I continue to try and keep the faith. Funny thing is I really believe I have the knowledge and ability to create the biggest charity in the world given only $250K to achieve it. Someday, somewhere, someone will not look at me and think I’m mad…..my other favorite saying “Great minds think unlike”
Sounds like some pulled pork and ice cream cake is due. I’ll see what I can do.
prayers from Germany… thanks!
Thank you for being honest and transparent. God is using despite the fatigue. This post is evidence of that. God is good and in control-something He is reminding me of in my own life :). I’ve having to learn to let God take the reins.
Thanks for being open and honest. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers, and thank you for all the great content you’ve put out so far.
Very Good article Eric:
FIRST, I would like commend you for showing your faith and at the same time your willing to show your weaknesses. It is when we are weak (not trying to do everything in our own strength) that Christ’s strength is able to rest on/in us (2 Corinthians 12:10). Hope this link is okay with you for http://www.BibleGateWay.com – great website –
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2 cor 12:10&version=KJV;NIV;NLT;AMP;CEV
SECOND, Godly healing is a fact, recorded many times in the Bible and seen even to this day. Since God is the creator of all things, even the healing that medical or nature sciences can bring, ultimately comes from God’s creation and/or medical knowledge that God has allowed us to learn.
THIRD, last year I put together a draft paper that list dozens and dozens of scriptures on healings in the Bible (Old Testament AND New Testament). If anyone would like a copy of – they are welcome to get it from me by just sending me an e-mail which I just set up solely to give away this draft-paper. (no strings attached, no list to join, nothing – just get some of the Word of God on healing)
FOURTH, I happen to be working on two books on healing, one in my series of Bible Word Search puzzle books and the other will be a God’s Promises kind of book that will essentially be a formatted version (with some additions) of what I am giving away in #3 above.
FIFTH, we all need to pray for Eric – because if you are on his list then there is a good possibility that he has imparted some internet marketing knowledge to you that has (or will) help you in your business. I know that his information and point of view have been very helpful to me for a number of years.
SIXTH, sometimes God will allow us to be slowed down for His purposes. I pray that if this is true for you (Eric) that God reveals it to you in due course. Since we know that you (Eric) are a man of God, we can be sure that you are listening and will hear what the Lord has to say.
SEVENTH, thank you again Eric for your blog and all the work you do to “even the playing field” by showing us how to do honest work on the internet and still make money. God has his hand on you, your family, your ministry and your business. We can all see how God is blessing you – and leading you.
The best is yet to come!
Thank you,
Akili Kumasi
G.I.L. Publications
Hi Eric,
Love reading your posts – and it’s probably the fact that you actually talk to your customers and readers – it comes across in your posts very clearly.
The spiritual aspects keep us all sane – I am sure that has to be part and parcel of everything we do in our lives on a daily basis, weather we are going high on a plateua or diving through the dumps sometimes life takes us through.
Very long post but so much pleasure
Have a great day and hope you feel so much better with the treatments. I used to suffer from something similar quite some time ago.
Take care
If we do the possible, God will do the “impossible”, hang in, you are an inspiration for us all
Hey Eric,
I’ve always enjoyed receiving your emails for precisely what you mention in your post – your faith. And also your integrity and “real-ness.”
While I’m pretty sure it’s not fun what you’re going through, I know you’re holding on to the Rock of Ages and that’s the best position you could ever be in.
“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.” – Isaiah 53:5
Take heart bro, we serve a mighty God and you are in our prayers. I will stand with you for complete healing and seven-fold restoration of all that the destroyer has eaten.
Down south… WAY south – as in South Africa south… π
Christ is within you. That’s your POWER!
You’re a good man and good health will be here again for you.
Thank you for everything.
Meilleurs Voeux de Bonne SantΓ©
All that you have confessed to us Eric I add
To God Be The Glory -Great Things He Has Done.
Confess your faults one to another. And Pray one for another, that you may be healed. “WHY”
The effectual fervent prayer of a rightious man availeth much.( JAMES Ch5v16)
I am just up from my knees on your behalf
Pastor Laurence
Hi, Eric
God bless you and your family. You will be fine. Thank you for your message.
Muchas gracias por tu ayuda Eric. Dios te bendice y ayuda. Estaras bien. A friend from California.
Hey Eric, your recovery is imminent, lets celebrate and focus on your health and happiness. I was always wondering how is was possible to stay human with one’s list and just now you have given me the answer. I get emails from many “gurus” in the internet marketing, however very few manage to stay real and human like you. Thank you Eric. Best regards Nick Struan, Perth, Western Australia
Jesus is the one and only way. I will pray for both you and your wife.
You’re in my prayers. He will help you and support you as much as you let him. I am reminded of the “Footprints in the sand” poem and how true it has been for me…
Your video was very well done! Passion was a powerful movie, I watch it every year at Easter…
Best of luck with your newest. Hard to believe my #5 is 7 AND A HALF -his emphasis π
Great video, I watch the Passion of the Crist often at my home to remind me what he had to go through so that I may be saved. Just remember that pray changes things so I will be keeping you and your family in my prays
Thank you for your honesty and strength in sharing your situation. I am glad you have your faith to help carry you through this journey. May you find the treatment and get well soon.
Warm Regards,
Hi there Eric,
Great post and very emotional. So sorry to hear of your predicament.
Whilst I dont follow your religious views to the letter I do believe that we ALL have the power to be able to heal ourselves from within. The subconscious mind is an amazing and fairly untapped thing.
I know that you will be OK and your faith which i completely respect WILL drive you through to forthcoming health and happiness.
I am sure that your wife and kids, who are all gorgeous by the way, will help you through this time and maybe its lifes way of enabling them to give you support after all the obvious support and love you have bestowed upon them.
I will be sending you healing thoughts and I wish you a swift recovery. Life in the IM world is not the same without your regular views on the world.
Take care
Jonathan Lake, UK