Let Them See You Sweat

By | June 6, 2011

I’ve decided to tell you about a difficult situation I’ve been experiencing lately, but I want to tie it into a quick lesson… after all, the main objective of this website is to provide you with Internet marketing tips.

Let’s start with a flashback to the 1980’s…

From what I gather, the phrase “never let them see you sweat” originated from a deodorant commercial in 1984. While I may have been exposed to it as a 5-year old during commercial breaks between Saturday morning cartoons, I certainly have no recollection of it.

I do, however, remember hearing this phrase spoken from the stage at an Internet marketing seminar several years ago. Apparently after serving its duty as a deodorant slogan, “never let them see you sweat” became a business principle of sorts.

The idea is that you should never let your ________(fill in the blank) see you “sweat”, because it is basically a sign of weakness. This includes customers, prospects, fans, followers, competitors, subordinates, and bosses… just to name a few.

In other words, you don’t want to let any of those people see your weak side, because it will affect their opinion of you.

The speaker at the Internet marketing seminar was teaching that you should never appear to be frazzled or portray a lack of confidence in the projection of your image to your online prospects and subscribers. Instead, you should always appear to “have it all together”.

There are times when this makes sense. Anyone in a leadership role (whether it be a parent, T-ball coach, or President of the United States) must instill confidence in the minds of those he or she is leading. To this end, there are times that it is appropriate to hide your emotions and appear to have it all together.

I would even go so far as to say there are situations in which you should never let them see you sweat. For example, if you’re in a war, you shouldn’t let your enemy see you sweat. Revealing a weakness could mean instant death.

If you ever have to hire a lawyer, you probably don’t want one who sweats profusely and exudes a lack of confidence in the courtroom.

I’m also aware that marketing can be likened to war, but I propose that the concept of “hiding your sweat” is overrated as it pertains to business.

Things to consider when hiding your sweat…

First, there’s an inherent problem with never showing weakness. The problem is that we’re human. We have weaknesses.

To confess weakness is to accept that you are human. This can have a positive effect, because humans can relate to other humans. As a marketer, this can be advantageous in gaining trust and portraying authenticity.

I will admit that revealing weaknesses can also have a negative effect upon a business. I remember a few times in recent years that the stock of the Apple company plunged as a result of negative news about Steve Jobs’ health. Last month Apple lost $10 billion of market capitalization in 5 minutes, possibly due to a health rumor.

Those are serious consequences, but publicly traded companies have an obligation to their shareholders to reveal certain “weaknesses”. To avoid doing so could be unethical at best, criminal at worst. Therefore, revealing a weakness can actually be a sign of integrity.

Second, it’s a myth that showing emotion (ie. letting them see you sweat) is always a sign of weakness. While much of our society does believe this myth (and unfortunately this may result in negative consequences for leaders who show emotions publicly), there are plenty of examples of leaders who have dispelled it.

I watch very little TV, but last week I turned it on and caught the second half of an episode of Undercover Boss. This episode featured Sheldon Yellen, the CEO of Belfor– a huge international company. Throughout his undercover experience, some of his own weaknesses were revealed (inability to use power tools, disconnection from his own employees), and his emotions ran wild… this guy cried like a baby on national TV!

While this may have been interpreted by some as a sign of weakness, I’d be willing to bet that his display of authenticity did more to instill confidence in his employees than any motivational speech he could have possibly delivered. It appeared that his employees loved him more for it, and were more committed to the company as a result.

This goes along with what I wrote earlier this year about authenticity. It’s no longer enough to say you’re real. You have to BE real.

So next time you’re faced with concealing a weakness versus showing your humanity, keep these ideas in mind and remember that it may or may not be best to hide your sweat.

OK, that’s the end of today’s lesson…

In case you hadn’t perceived it already; I wrote the above article as a way of processing my own thoughts, and justifying my decision to share my own weakness with you.

The reason I haven’t written much lately, and haven’t created any new lessons in the past few months is because I haven’t had the energy to do it.

I’ve been experiencing what is probably best described as Adrenal Fatigue. In case you’re curious about it, there is a very good article explaining it here: http://www.lammd.com/articles/adrenal_fatigue.asp

I’ve had several symptoms, including a severe lack of energy. Those of you who know me, know that I’ve enjoyed an active lifestyle which included frequent exercise, fishing, windsurfing, playing with my kids, etc. Lately, I’ve only had a few hours of workable energy per day, and it’s barely been enough to take care of myself and keep up with email, let alone do the stuff I enjoy.

In my case, I believe this condition is most likely the result of many years of poor sleep habits, constant blood sugar spikes, and internalizing my stress and anxiety.

Various medical tests showed that my adrenals simply aren’t doing what they’re supposed to do… resulting in various chemical imbalances in my body. For example, I’m not producing much cortisol, which has several physical ramifications. To aggravate the situation, my adrenals are compensating by producing too much epinephrine (adrenaline), which results in a lot of anxiety and psychosomatic symptoms.

I’m following what I believe is a good treatment plan, and I expect to make a full recovery!

Of course it’s been tough in the mean time. My wife is expecting our 5th child any day now, and I’ve had to grapple with the question of how am I going to help and support her like I did at the birth of our other four kids?

So you can see why I’ve put business stuff on the backburner. By the way, other than neglecting this website, my business is just fine, and I think it would run for many years with minimal input on my part. That’s one of the benefits of building the type of business that I teach in my lessons! 🙂

(Note: I do not anticipate my coaching club being negatively impacted during my recovery. Paul and Jeff already handle most of the time-consuming elements of it, and in any case that I’m unable to be on a coaching call, they’ll be there.)

OK, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way…

I want to convey that I know life is hard for EVERYONE. Your pain is probably worse than mine, and it’s a part of our human experience.

I’ve had friends and relatives die in the time that I’ve been writing tips on this website.

I’ve also had subscribers die, and I’d be willing to bet that not a day goes by without some of my subscribers experiencing a tragedy of some sort. With over 60,000 subscribers around the world, it’s pretty much a given.

I also know fellow Internet marketers who have been through, or are currently experiencing MUCH more difficult circumstances than I am. Some of them are battling cancer, chronic diseases, and some have already died.

So this is NOT about me complaining. It’s also not about seeking sympathy. Prayers maybe, but not sympathy. I’m thankful for all that I’ve been given, and I KNOW that I am indeed blessed.

This post is about me being a little more real with you. I say a “little more”, because there are certainly other things that I haven’t shared with you about my life.

In the past couple years, I’ve been compelled to be “more real” when it comes to my public life. Perhaps this is a step in that direction.

Showing my sweat to keep myself humble?

I’ve probably participated in our culture’s collective move toward Internet-enabled narcissism more than I would like to admit.

The phenomenon of online narcissism is well documented, and you’ll see it everywhere if you look for it. People use their blogs, Facebook accounts, twitter accounts, and other public-facing avenues of communication to control their image. They provide only the information (status updates, pictures, etc) that they believe will best conform their image to the way that they want it to be seen.

Went on a cool vacation? Post it. Had a great dinner? Post it. Hung out with a celebrity? Post it. Got angry with your child or spouse, lost your temper, and broke something? No one needs to know.

I despise it, and yet I’ve been a purveyor of it. In one respect I’ve even taught it.

So yes, this is me keeping myself humble. Believe me, I’d much rather be known as the energetic windsurfing family man, than the tired Internet marketer who burned out his adrenal glands.

I also had one more ulterior motive for sharing this with you. I knew it would give me an excuse to share my faith with you too.

OK, this is where I’m gonna hijack this conversation and get “religious” on you…

No, I’m not turning this into a religious website. Based on the demographics, I’m aware that I have thousands of subscribers who are Muslim, Hindu, and no-doubt countless other faiths represented. I’m not here to force my convictions upon you, and I never will.

But I didn’t want to share my pain with you, unless I also shared my hope with you. In fact, it wouldn’t be right, because it would be a totally incomplete picture.

I believe that there is a spiritual realm that supersedes the physical world as we know it.

In spite of how I feel, I’m actually healthy and strong. In spite of what our society says, perception is not reality. In spite of what my doctor’s reports say, there is a greater truth to be found.

Of course many religions share this sentiment, as do believers in the Law of Attraction, which has become so popular in the Internet marketing world. But here’s where I part ways with those folks…

You might think I’m crazy, but I believe that approximately 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ (the actual son of God) came to earth, died on a cross, and came back to life again. That’s reality. And if that’s true, then the Bible is totally validated, and it’s true too.

The ramifications are huge. The Bible says that the same power that raised Jesus from death is available to me, and in fact is already inside of me (Romans 8:11)! While it is controversial even among Christianity, I believe the most accurate interpretation of the Bible proves that Christ’s atonement included healing for sickness.

I’ve seen first-hand that God still heals people today. In our church we see people healed every week. Some are healed from small things, and some are healed from big things like cancer and heart disease. We’ve seen numerous verifiable x-rays and doctor’s reports which have confirmed miraculous healings.

I share this to let you know that not only has my healing been paid for by Christ; yours has too.

The following is a song called “Name of Jesus”, which is on a music album by my sister-in-law that I executive produced a few years ago. To make the video I used scenes from The Passion of The Christ. So if you’re offended by the blood of Jesus, don’t watch…

This song has been inspirational to me lately, and I hope it is for you too.

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments below.

Have a great day!

370 thoughts on “Let Them See You Sweat

  1. dani

    I just lost my father,and has been really hard latety,that video was very touching.I know that after all there is hope in the arms of god.thanks.

  2. Jim


    Not necessary to public post…Just want you to get the info.

    I hope that you might consider your mission trips to the tropics are indirectly or… directly responsible for your Adrenal problems.

    In other words the Adrenal problem is a symptom of something you picked up in the jungle that is not detectable by conventional diagnostic procedures.

    Conventional medicine misses much more than they will admit.

    I have heard of a situation very similar to yours…a jungle trip( with all the vaccinations)then unexplained adrenal problems 6mo 9mo 1 yr after returning home.

    Please don’t dismiss alternative/complimentary medicine for diagnosis and treatment in your situation.

    Treasure Island, Florida

  3. Vanessa Reece

    Y’know Eric, we are sent the most amazing / scariest trials in life – and our emotions are always battered. But here is where we learn about love, care, strength within ourselves and the kindness of people we don’t even know in person.
    The lesson in everything is patience with yourself – to know you’re human and therefore not a machine. That defines us and makes us unique.
    I’m grateful for your honesty and ability to share what must have been difficult to.
    That’s your power! Get well soon Eric, and god bless you and yours.

  4. Eric Post author

    Thanks for the tip. If current treatment does not work, we will definitely explore it. I’m working with a holistic Dr who was trained in traditional medicine too, and he’s open to the possibility.

  5. Jason Marshall

    Hey bro! I LOVE it!!! My family and I are praying for you.

    Here is a link to my sermon this past Sunday – http://vimeo.com/24696967

    It goes along with what you are saying about reality. The title is called “Augmented Reality – God’s heavenly perspective for your earthly life”

    Let’s catch up soon!


  6. Eric Post author

    Thanks bro, I’ll try to watch that sermon within the next couple days 🙂

  7. George

    Thanks for so much already, Eric. I always pay attention to your material because we share so many values.
    The video was a brave step I think, and a good one for me personaly, as I found myself intears trying to heal over a recent tragedy of my own, keeping Jesus at the centre of my focus.
    You’re in my prayers man, so get better soon as my old knees are getting sore!!

  8. Rodney

    Hi Eric,

    I understand.

    I don’t share your views on Jesus and I’ve done considerable research on the subject, but I would recommend getting hold of the original translations, directly from Aramaic to English. You will be deeply inspired as a Christian, I assure you. You can get them from any large Theosophical Society bookstore.
    It was established a very long time ago that 75% to 80% of all our ills are psychosomatic. You could ponder on that.
    You know the Royal Family of England, they are very healthy people and live to a very old age. Well, the Royal Physician is a Homeopath. The Royal Family exclusively use Homeopathics.
    When I was 22 I was diagnosed to have a fatal illness, a not an uncommon illness. I had received the extent of treatment of western medicine. I was given any where from that day to 3 months to live. I am now 56. I have not used western medicine since that day. I have used Traditional (English) Herbal Medicine which is absolutely miraculous, but didn’t hit the nail on the head, so I moved onto Homeopathics which was also awesome but didn’t hit the nail on the head. Then I went into Bach Flower Remedies, and even became a Practitioner and made them myself.
    A Bach Flower Remedy called “Rescue Remedy” brought me back to life after a total nervous system collapse, that was after all known Western Medicines had no effect on me.
    I had actually left my body and ascended to Heaven when the Rescue Remedy was applied too my body and I came back to Earth and my body.
    Heaven was, for, me the ultimate experience; perfect!
    I wore a little bottle of that Rescue Remedy around my neck for years until I discovered Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, and that allowed me to throw that bottle away. But, I was not treated for a physiological disorder, nor any disorder, just for energy or, as you put it, spiritual imbalance. I was very lucky to have been treated by a very old, chain smoking, Professor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) who had escaped China during the Cultural Revolution.
    In my very first treatment I spent 12 hours, 3 sessions, crying, then 2 more sessions laughing. Then I had course of weekly treatments over 6 months until I was fully healed, physically. I was at the time an Organic Pig and Vegetable Farmer and I could then lift a big drum of diesel fuel oil effortlessly; miraculous! However I still had the psychological predisposition.
    I was no longer in fear of dying. I studied and practiced many spiritual mind body processes over many years and some of them are very effective indeed, but the most effective of all were two. Firstly, a meditation that is the biggest organisation of its kind on the planet headed by Guru Mahariji, the name of the organisation is Elan Vital. Check it out. I practiced the meditation for 12 years, until I discovered the technology of, now this group is more controversial than most others. But before I give it’s name I’ll say that I went to them bought a special and very famous book, and did a communications course.
    During the course I had a sudden attack of neck pain which I’d had recurring most of my life and spent hundreds of thousands of $s on trying to get it fixed which, for a period of 15 years, had rendered me almost a cripple. So I had the fatal disease and being 80% crippled too. I knew the symptoms and I thought I was back to square one. But I received a special treatment, a very simple process that any one, any child, can learn and do very easily, that lasted for 10 minutes, and that was in 1994. I’ve had no recurrence of any old pains since. But get`this, it was free. After a few weeks I was given a very special interview and in that interview I discovered the reason for all my illnesses I’d ever had, including colds. From then on I have not been affected by them that I could not quickly and easily do some thing about them and none of the big scarey symptoms ever returned. 10 minutes for the neck pain, and 15 minute interview, for FREE and all my past problems vanished, except for one; having to wear glasses.
    I’d spent close to $500,000 over many years on treatments. I lived for 10 years knowing that at any time would be my last breath. In 2002, in another very brief interview I threw my glasses away, too. After two plus decades of pain and chronic suffering I had been cured and for free!
    The group, a highly controversial religion, not only allowed me to be free of all past illnesses they showed me how it’s done, I trained in it extensively and I have helped 100s of people, since, with diagonosed incurable diseases at the top right down to simple every day problems with no need for any medical intervention what so ever and the medical professionals who had been treating, very highly renowned people internationally, found no presence of the symptoms after I applied the treatments that took from several hours to several minutes, and most of it was just talking.
    Now I know as soon as I write the name of the religion the critics will come out, lots of them. But I am living proof of it’s effectiveness to get to the root cause. The religion believes that the spirit, alone, can heal the body and it has processes that one can quickly learn to help others and oneself, much of it very inexpensively despite what the critics say, despite all the controversy, it simply works and is always done in consultation with doctors. All the people of all religions are to be found in that religion. Here it is; The Church of Scientology. It’s up to you to go check them out, but Scientology allowed me my own full physical, emotional and spiritual freedom, finally. Any one is free to criticise me for that religion, I care not of any such criticism, please feel free to be critical, but as I have said, Scientology allowed me my own full physical, emotional and spiritual freedom, finally, and put me in full control. I left the west in 2002, I live in China now, since 2002, and I have been able to, in that time, handle, fully, any thing negative, personally or otherwise, alone in China and Asia. Any real religion is illegal here in China, by the way. But not in Hong Kong where I will go to live and work very soon. But you could check this out, also, I’m not an affiliate, and it’s pretty amazing, too: http://www.drbuttar.com/.

  9. Clyde

    After a post like this I could not figure out if I should list my ministry URL or one of my business URLs so I did not list either.

    Let me say I could not agree with you more in every area you mentioned, even if I had written the post myself.

    Keep up the good work and please know another Christian who believes in and sees evidence of God’s healing power on a regular basis will be praying for you. I will also make our church prayer team aware of your need.

    Many blessings, keep up the good work and by all means keep your faith in God through Jesus.

    Dr. Clyde

  10. Ron

    In these days when everywhere you look, you can see Satan running wild, it is SO refreshing to see some of God’s Word being placed in front of people from a site about making money online. Jesus said that it is “for the love of money”, that is wrong and is a sin, NOT making money. Thank You for being yourself and sharing with all of us!

  11. Carole Lesley Hyatt

    Instinctively I chose to follow your advice and tips on I.M.You are an inspiration Eric. Such a beautiful haunting song ….its good to share such heartfelt feelings…the best thing you can do to help with your recovery I believe….your goodness and faith shine through…may God bless you and your family..

  12. Clyde

    Where’s the party. Pulled pork always sounds good and when you add icream cake or ice cream and cake, well……

  13. Ken Miles Sr

    Thank you for sharing and for not being ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for letting your light shine. I appreciate your candor and testimony. May I share a little bit our my testimony with you (the nutshell version).
    -November of 2008 I was diagnosed with kidney stones and prostate cancer.
    Mid-winter 2009 surgery to deal with the kidney stones.
    -April 2009, wife had a heart attack which left her in a coma – She has come a long way but has not awaken yet (jamialynn.com).
    Late summer of 2009, I began radiation treatments for prostate cancer.
    -December 2009, declared cancer free, same day, kidney concerns.
    -March of 2010, kidney production down to 14%. April, hospitalized for one week.
    June, hospitalized again for a week with acute kidney failure.
    August, hospitalized again with acute kidney failure, doctors told my family they did not know if I would make it. I heard the Dr. tell the staff, Poor guy (God heard him too). On dialysis for 2 days (only). Other medical issues diagnosed as well.
    I have recovered from the kidney issue (Praise God) and am managing through some other medical issues currently.
    I give all the glory to God for His hand upon my wife and myself. It is He who has sustained us. He is our healer, provider, our Lord and Savior and He is sovereign.
    You are reading this email because of the mercy of God upon me. Medically I should have been gone but God is merciful. I know what God can do and I pray in the name of Jesus for your full and complete healing and recovery. I pray wholeness and wellness upon you. I pray the joy of The Lord strengthen you and your family and blessings be upon your new little one. You all are covered by the blood of Jesus. Eric, you were healed over two thousand years ago; Your body just has to catch up to it. Thank you for your ministry (disguised as a job).

    I close (as is my custom) bidding you the grace and peace of God which are abundantly present and the love of God which is everlasting and overflowing.

    Continue exercising your faith in God.
    Ken Miles Sr.
    Waukegan, IL

  14. Glen Osborne

    Well done, Erik.
    I do not feel that good people of other religions will be offended. I have many golf friends around the world of other faiths and political persuasions. We find many things of good and similar understandings.
    I have struggled for 6 years with many symptoms you describe. Frustrating is a mild way to tell it. It has held me back from publicizing my unique way of teaching golf to beginners that works 100%.
    There is nothing weak in being truthful. It is the presentation of your thoughts, decisions, actions, etc. that is the measurement. Ignore all “arm-chair quarterbacks”. A true leader is one who does NOT know it all; but can delegate temporary leadership to one who does know the solution to the problem at hand. A true leader will always have the people things correct.
    You are Erik. Be who you are. Paul told the Corinthians about how important it is for them and God that he spoke the words of God and not of men. He did not want fame or fortune. You show this humility. People of other persuasions know and understand this humility from their base understandings.
    Sorry for the length.
    Glen Osborne

  15. Kevin


    I stand with you for your healing. Continue to speak the Word of God over your body and your will see God’s healing power manifest. Trust in the Lord, and never be deterred by doubters. God is working out all things for you and your family, because you love Him! He is Yahweh Rafah, the Lord our Healer. Keep on Standing Strong and Shine for Jesus! Isaiah 60

    Isaiah 40:28-31
    28 Do you not know?
    Have you not heard?
    The LORD is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
    He will not grow tired or weary,
    and his understanding no one can fathom.
    29 He gives strength to the weary
    and increases the power of the weak.
    30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
    31 but those who hope in the LORD
    will renew their strength.
    They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

    Eric, prepare yourself to soar with the Lord!
    God is taking you some places that you have been asking for years. God is getting ready to give you the desires of your heart, and bringing a promotion your way. The time is coming and you need to get ready for it in this time of testing. This is a test for greater things and promotion coming from God. You shall overcome!

  16. Chas

    Thank you Eric for sharing this message with us. I can echo the sentiments of so many who have added a comment to this blog post. You have been instrumental to my pursuit of creating an income from home. I have prayerfully considered this business am I am convinced that it can be done ethically as you have clearly demonstrated. Your humility is breathtaking, and I feel certain that one day you will hear the words “Well done my good and faithful servant.” God bless you from the Western Slope of Colorado. <

  17. Annie

    Eric! I do believe that’s the first time I’ve seen you post the “untruth”…albeit not knowing it. Blind faith is precisely that: blind. God is good? As the story goes he drowned everyone on the Earth at one time just to erase and start again!? We have to assume there were no innocent babies and children in that mass of genocide, or he would be a monster, no? C’mon. It’s easy for you to say “that’s because ___ . But I am guessing if one hair on the head of ONE of your children was mussed up, you’d be very enraged – and rightfully so! Why don’t you demand the same higher morals from your god? Jesus, the supposed son of god doesn’t “heal” anyone; medical science has. The Black Death wiped out 2/3 of Europe at one time. Where was all that healing power at that time? If Jesus did exist and heal, why doesn’t he heal the paralytics like he did in the Bible? Or grow limbs back? Ever seen the limb of an amputee grown back? Nope. Surrender the fantasy and be free from your anxiety.
    I am sorry to read about it; but I am even sorrier that people hold onto false images and silly stories in the 3rd millenia.

    When you went to that doctor for tests, were you praying to the God who allowed 2/3 of Europe to die sickly and mostly alone? Or were you praying to medical science? Think about it.

  18. Tery

    Hey Eric (aka the “real guy”), thank you for keeping it real ;o) awesome post!

    Many who plan to seek God at the eleventh hour die at 10:30

    Amiable agnostics will talk cheerfully about man’s search for God. For me, they might as well talk about the mouse’s search for a cat. – C.S. Lewis

    Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ. – Jerome

    Either the Bible will keep you away from sin, or sin will keep you away from the Bible. – C. S. Lewis

    Christianity, the difference between involvement and commitment is like and eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was involved – the pig was committed.

    God Bless brother

  19. Jonathan Teng

    Hi Eric,

    Amazing post! 😉

    We, Christians, know that it’s all about Jesus. Whether it is success in our business, career, family life… It’s the unmerited favor of God that sustain us everyday and it has nothing to do with our self efforts.

    Even though circumstances may appear to be difficult at times, we have confidence that things will turn out right because of what Christ did for us on the cross. We are in the Beloved. As he is so are we in this world.

    Christ is not sick where he is, then so are you! 😉

    Health is yours and it’s yours as a free gift. So I’ve no doubt that you’ll be well soon and be back on the IM scene more active than ever! 😉

    Just wanted to share something personal…

    I sometimes get questions asking me: “I can’t crack the IM code. I tried it all. I’m not making money…. How you do it???” Or “what’s the secret??” “Why I can’t do it??”

    Normally I would reply them with a step by step plan to follow or tell them to get a course here and there. I reply them something that will make sense to them, because I’m a “marketer” as well.

    But deep down within me, I know that the ONE and ONLY reason why it’s working for me, it’s because of God’s unmerited favor in my life. I’m blessed and it surely has nothing to do with me being smart or so.

    We’ve an amazing God!

    Be well!


    PS: Funny but I was just watching this video before I read your post, it might be appropriate for you as well: http://www.vimeo.com/14348776

  20. Renard A. Smith

    Hey Eric! It is great to see just how much Christian (and general) support that you have developed thru your realness! My wife has suffered from this condition and is still slowly but surely recovering two years out from the date of the diagnosis. Fortunately, with the assistance of a physician who also practices Alternative Medicine, a highly skilled Chiropractor and some excellent supplements, the situation is being turned around. I found the most confusing part to be that you cannot pin-point the factors that cause these conditions because they are often so convoluted. But as you have already stated: Thank God for Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ: Ephesians3:20 – Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

    Keep fighting the good fight of faith.
    Renard A. Smith

  21. Patricia

    I saw the movie when it came out “The Passion Of The Christ” Bottom line is L-O-V-E. . . When CONFLICT comes, do we call on Christ, It, Higher Power, or what/who you call on? There’s an energy greater and more powerful then humanly KNOWN …. I liked the video.

  22. Shirley

    I wish you the best Eric and will include you and your family in my prayers

  23. chris

    Hello Eric, we have never met, however your a brother in Christ and my daily prayers are for your full recover. Chris

  24. Joe (Ireland)

    Hi Eric,

    Hope Your feeling better.You have the greatest healer on your side “Jesus”.Thats a beutiful song your sister recorded.I would love to have our church choir sing this.Is that possible?

    Best wishes to you & family.

    Joe (Ireland)

  25. Yodas Dad

    Brilliant screenplay, when is it being filmed and is Tom Cruise or John Travolta playing the lead. Seriously, as you said, “real religion is illegal in China”.

  26. charles king

    i have been trying to get a website going but it is tough for me.i had all my id stolen.i am liveing in el salvador wher my id was stolen from.came from tx.i am writing because i have a lot wrong with me to heart was beating 42 times a minute=could not breath half the time have kidney stones.have lung cancer.goal stone.arthritis all through my system.hernnan in my stomaike.and a few more i can not remember right now.i have had lung cancer about 4 yrs now i have been trying to get a website for 2 things one for the woman that took me in and let people know you can beat cancer.i do not have no pain in my body.why because i know that jesus is god in the flesh and he is with us all you have to do is receive him.wish you get better so does jesus.christ in us is god in us no one can ever take that away from you just belive

  27. Linda

    Difficulties and trials are a way of helping us keep our priorities straight! No matter what the outcome, to God be the glory.

    After five years of searching for an answer to my son’s headaches, a kinesiologist diagnosed him with food allergies (which weren’t found by regular allergy testing). For the first time in 5 years he is started to get relief by totally changing his diet and a range of supplements.

    May the Lord show you the answers in His time.

  28. S. Griffin

    Loved the post Eric! It takes a lot of heart to confess your true beliefs to a group of people who may or may not agree with you. I’m with … Jesus Christ is also my Lord and Saviour!

  29. Thomas Applegate


    Keep yourself well! I ended up in your situation last year and I lost my job, car and all else that was material. I ended up getting better and started my company, Applegate Technologies and have the opportunity to sleep when I am tired and don’t have to push myself as hard as I did when I ended up sick.

    Keep resting and follow the regimine brought to you.


  30. Philip C.

    Wow, great post Eric. Hope you come through this fine. And, hoping for a safe delivery for the missus.

  31. Bonnie

    All the best to you Eric and thank you for sharing. I’ve invested time AND money in you for 3 years, ever since you started the training in Eric’s Tips. So, take good care of yourself and get plenty of rest. We want you around for a very long time.

  32. Harry

    Hi Eric!

    You are living your life rather publicly – that itself is something of an extra stress!

    However, it is something you have chosen – so you will live up to it.

    However, most of us go through major changes privately. Your calling seems to be to take us through them with you.

    Follow the quiet voice within yourself – that wouldn’t otherwise get a say, and we look forward to sharing your journey with you, as and when you can.

  33. Karen

    Hey Eric, thanks for all your good help, but most of all, thanks for your transparency. Some of us do KNOW that Jesus is our Healer, however that healing may come. Those of us who are older, often have to find ways to work around our physical difficulties. However, the Word says that ALL things are possible through Him. Believe it and trust it.
    Thanks again.

  34. Celeste

    Hi Eric,

    I’m sorry to hear of your difficulties at a particularly demanding time for you and your family. I’m glad to hear you are recovering.

    These road bumps (or brick walls) are not weakness; they’re life! Who hasn’t been knocked down hard a few times? Sounds like you’re yielding to reality, but with strong faith and integrity. Nothing there sounds weak to me.

    Thank you for sharing about your experience. I’m investigating AF myself after decades of very low energy. Born with allergies and morbidly asthmatic, I was thankful to see Dr. Mark Stengler’s article linking allergies, asthma and AF(http://www.bottomlinesecrets.com/article.html?article_id=100003978&l=8). (No aff link — but the article does include his natural protocol for AF).

    You’ve given so much to this community. Please take the time you need now. I’ll definitely still be here. My best wishes to you for a full recovery and congratulations to you and your family on your (soon to be) little one!

  35. Heather Buen


    This is one of the most inspiring posts that I have read in a long time and actually, I was getting ready to write a blog outlining my own “come to Jesus” speech with myself. I also, ran into a “depleted state of energy” and couldn’t complete a program that I was planning on reviewing for my blog. Day 5, I stopped but I’m starting all over again. Reasons why? I wrote it up in my latest blog post: Falling off the Wagon

    I empathize with you that we are not infallible and sometimes our lives take a different direction because we recognize it or our bodies tell us differently. I am excited about your journey and your willingness to recognize that your path must be aligned with that of Jesus Christ. It may be a way for your body to tell you that maybe it needs to more aligned for a higher purpose.

    Whatever the case, thank you for sharing and admitting the truth rather than being a “weiner” and lying aobut it!

  36. Michael

    Have you vere heard of black mica extract?…I have not tried it yet…just ran across it lately. Also, Speaking of prayer…ever heard of Henry Gruver?…he’s a prayer walker. We just saw him again Friday night. He has met Generals and royal people worldwide on his journey’s. God has had him pray to break curses off waste land in country’s and then the land
    would start to produce beautiful fruits and vegetables.

    He told us why Japan got hit. He had just left there 4 hrs before it happened.
    Japan had decided to side against Israel’s border boundaries. He found that out about a week later from a contact in Washington DC.
    He was affraid he had ‘missed’ God on his mission there, and that was why it happened.

  37. Lisa Bengtson

    Be Inspired and Refreshed!
    You are on the right track with refreshing yourself in Jesus…(I know you know that)
    and BEING in a relationship with Him is different than always DOING for Him.

    Thank you for being Real and open to Share your Heart of Christ !

  38. Jagonga

    Hi Eric,
    the late great Dr. Walter Martin mentioned on one of his many audio cd’s that when he has prayed for Christians, some were healed, some got more sick, and some died. God decides who and when he will heal. He was a Southern Baptist who believed in speaking in tongues, though he did not have that particular gift. Check out his list of messages on his website:
    God Bless you.

  39. Neil Shearing

    Incredible post, Eric. Thanks for sharing. I don’t know much about the condition you have, but I hope it’s curable and you are back to full fitness as soon as possible.


  40. Winston

    God Bless you,
    and your family this is a rare moment for me to comment on your blogg. However I would just like to say there arn’t many like you around in the im world and this is certainly a breath of fresh air to hear someone who makes good money give all the praise to the almighty God, Thanks Eric you have made my day.

  41. PJ

    Eric,, make sure they tested you for Lyme. I had the exact same symtoms even withought the bullseye ring. Good Luck to you Pal, and I hope you start feeling better soon

  42. Richard

    From the get-go, you have always beamed Light to the world and your readers. Though you did not delve deeply in public forums as to the nature of your faith, your action (works) reflected a well-grounded spiritual essence.
    I am not surprised nor disappointed in you for fessing up about your present illness. Most certainly, if necessary, your wife and family will fill the energy void until you can recover your physical strength – and undoubtedly that will be soon.
    You are my mentor of balance and of being a paragon of truth. May Light be with you always.

  43. Randall

    Lifting you up brother.

    Thanks for being real. That’s why I subscribe to your blog and coaching. Your transparency and boldness to proclaim the truth is encouraging. He will see you through.



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