Let Them See You Sweat

By | June 6, 2011

I’ve decided to tell you about a difficult situation I’ve been experiencing lately, but I want to tie it into a quick lesson… after all, the main objective of this website is to provide you with Internet marketing tips.

Let’s start with a flashback to the 1980’s…

From what I gather, the phrase “never let them see you sweat” originated from a deodorant commercial in 1984. While I may have been exposed to it as a 5-year old during commercial breaks between Saturday morning cartoons, I certainly have no recollection of it.

I do, however, remember hearing this phrase spoken from the stage at an Internet marketing seminar several years ago. Apparently after serving its duty as a deodorant slogan, “never let them see you sweat” became a business principle of sorts.

The idea is that you should never let your ________(fill in the blank) see you “sweat”, because it is basically a sign of weakness. This includes customers, prospects, fans, followers, competitors, subordinates, and bosses… just to name a few.

In other words, you don’t want to let any of those people see your weak side, because it will affect their opinion of you.

The speaker at the Internet marketing seminar was teaching that you should never appear to be frazzled or portray a lack of confidence in the projection of your image to your online prospects and subscribers. Instead, you should always appear to “have it all together”.

There are times when this makes sense. Anyone in a leadership role (whether it be a parent, T-ball coach, or President of the United States) must instill confidence in the minds of those he or she is leading. To this end, there are times that it is appropriate to hide your emotions and appear to have it all together.

I would even go so far as to say there are situations in which you should never let them see you sweat. For example, if you’re in a war, you shouldn’t let your enemy see you sweat. Revealing a weakness could mean instant death.

If you ever have to hire a lawyer, you probably don’t want one who sweats profusely and exudes a lack of confidence in the courtroom.

I’m also aware that marketing can be likened to war, but I propose that the concept of “hiding your sweat” is overrated as it pertains to business.

Things to consider when hiding your sweat…

First, there’s an inherent problem with never showing weakness. The problem is that we’re human. We have weaknesses.

To confess weakness is to accept that you are human. This can have a positive effect, because humans can relate to other humans. As a marketer, this can be advantageous in gaining trust and portraying authenticity.

I will admit that revealing weaknesses can also have a negative effect upon a business. I remember a few times in recent years that the stock of the Apple company plunged as a result of negative news about Steve Jobs’ health. Last month Apple lost $10 billion of market capitalization in 5 minutes, possibly due to a health rumor.

Those are serious consequences, but publicly traded companies have an obligation to their shareholders to reveal certain “weaknesses”. To avoid doing so could be unethical at best, criminal at worst. Therefore, revealing a weakness can actually be a sign of integrity.

Second, it’s a myth that showing emotion (ie. letting them see you sweat) is always a sign of weakness. While much of our society does believe this myth (and unfortunately this may result in negative consequences for leaders who show emotions publicly), there are plenty of examples of leaders who have dispelled it.

I watch very little TV, but last week I turned it on and caught the second half of an episode of Undercover Boss. This episode featured Sheldon Yellen, the CEO of Belfor– a huge international company. Throughout his undercover experience, some of his own weaknesses were revealed (inability to use power tools, disconnection from his own employees), and his emotions ran wild… this guy cried like a baby on national TV!

While this may have been interpreted by some as a sign of weakness, I’d be willing to bet that his display of authenticity did more to instill confidence in his employees than any motivational speech he could have possibly delivered. It appeared that his employees loved him more for it, and were more committed to the company as a result.

This goes along with what I wrote earlier this year about authenticity. It’s no longer enough to say you’re real. You have to BE real.

So next time you’re faced with concealing a weakness versus showing your humanity, keep these ideas in mind and remember that it may or may not be best to hide your sweat.

OK, that’s the end of today’s lesson…

In case you hadn’t perceived it already; I wrote the above article as a way of processing my own thoughts, and justifying my decision to share my own weakness with you.

The reason I haven’t written much lately, and haven’t created any new lessons in the past few months is because I haven’t had the energy to do it.

I’ve been experiencing what is probably best described as Adrenal Fatigue. In case you’re curious about it, there is a very good article explaining it here: http://www.lammd.com/articles/adrenal_fatigue.asp

I’ve had several symptoms, including a severe lack of energy. Those of you who know me, know that I’ve enjoyed an active lifestyle which included frequent exercise, fishing, windsurfing, playing with my kids, etc. Lately, I’ve only had a few hours of workable energy per day, and it’s barely been enough to take care of myself and keep up with email, let alone do the stuff I enjoy.

In my case, I believe this condition is most likely the result of many years of poor sleep habits, constant blood sugar spikes, and internalizing my stress and anxiety.

Various medical tests showed that my adrenals simply aren’t doing what they’re supposed to do… resulting in various chemical imbalances in my body. For example, I’m not producing much cortisol, which has several physical ramifications. To aggravate the situation, my adrenals are compensating by producing too much epinephrine (adrenaline), which results in a lot of anxiety and psychosomatic symptoms.

I’m following what I believe is a good treatment plan, and I expect to make a full recovery!

Of course it’s been tough in the mean time. My wife is expecting our 5th child any day now, and I’ve had to grapple with the question of how am I going to help and support her like I did at the birth of our other four kids?

So you can see why I’ve put business stuff on the backburner. By the way, other than neglecting this website, my business is just fine, and I think it would run for many years with minimal input on my part. That’s one of the benefits of building the type of business that I teach in my lessons! 🙂

(Note: I do not anticipate my coaching club being negatively impacted during my recovery. Paul and Jeff already handle most of the time-consuming elements of it, and in any case that I’m unable to be on a coaching call, they’ll be there.)

OK, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way…

I want to convey that I know life is hard for EVERYONE. Your pain is probably worse than mine, and it’s a part of our human experience.

I’ve had friends and relatives die in the time that I’ve been writing tips on this website.

I’ve also had subscribers die, and I’d be willing to bet that not a day goes by without some of my subscribers experiencing a tragedy of some sort. With over 60,000 subscribers around the world, it’s pretty much a given.

I also know fellow Internet marketers who have been through, or are currently experiencing MUCH more difficult circumstances than I am. Some of them are battling cancer, chronic diseases, and some have already died.

So this is NOT about me complaining. It’s also not about seeking sympathy. Prayers maybe, but not sympathy. I’m thankful for all that I’ve been given, and I KNOW that I am indeed blessed.

This post is about me being a little more real with you. I say a “little more”, because there are certainly other things that I haven’t shared with you about my life.

In the past couple years, I’ve been compelled to be “more real” when it comes to my public life. Perhaps this is a step in that direction.

Showing my sweat to keep myself humble?

I’ve probably participated in our culture’s collective move toward Internet-enabled narcissism more than I would like to admit.

The phenomenon of online narcissism is well documented, and you’ll see it everywhere if you look for it. People use their blogs, Facebook accounts, twitter accounts, and other public-facing avenues of communication to control their image. They provide only the information (status updates, pictures, etc) that they believe will best conform their image to the way that they want it to be seen.

Went on a cool vacation? Post it. Had a great dinner? Post it. Hung out with a celebrity? Post it. Got angry with your child or spouse, lost your temper, and broke something? No one needs to know.

I despise it, and yet I’ve been a purveyor of it. In one respect I’ve even taught it.

So yes, this is me keeping myself humble. Believe me, I’d much rather be known as the energetic windsurfing family man, than the tired Internet marketer who burned out his adrenal glands.

I also had one more ulterior motive for sharing this with you. I knew it would give me an excuse to share my faith with you too.

OK, this is where I’m gonna hijack this conversation and get “religious” on you…

No, I’m not turning this into a religious website. Based on the demographics, I’m aware that I have thousands of subscribers who are Muslim, Hindu, and no-doubt countless other faiths represented. I’m not here to force my convictions upon you, and I never will.

But I didn’t want to share my pain with you, unless I also shared my hope with you. In fact, it wouldn’t be right, because it would be a totally incomplete picture.

I believe that there is a spiritual realm that supersedes the physical world as we know it.

In spite of how I feel, I’m actually healthy and strong. In spite of what our society says, perception is not reality. In spite of what my doctor’s reports say, there is a greater truth to be found.

Of course many religions share this sentiment, as do believers in the Law of Attraction, which has become so popular in the Internet marketing world. But here’s where I part ways with those folks…

You might think I’m crazy, but I believe that approximately 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ (the actual son of God) came to earth, died on a cross, and came back to life again. That’s reality. And if that’s true, then the Bible is totally validated, and it’s true too.

The ramifications are huge. The Bible says that the same power that raised Jesus from death is available to me, and in fact is already inside of me (Romans 8:11)! While it is controversial even among Christianity, I believe the most accurate interpretation of the Bible proves that Christ’s atonement included healing for sickness.

I’ve seen first-hand that God still heals people today. In our church we see people healed every week. Some are healed from small things, and some are healed from big things like cancer and heart disease. We’ve seen numerous verifiable x-rays and doctor’s reports which have confirmed miraculous healings.

I share this to let you know that not only has my healing been paid for by Christ; yours has too.

The following is a song called “Name of Jesus”, which is on a music album by my sister-in-law that I executive produced a few years ago. To make the video I used scenes from The Passion of The Christ. So if you’re offended by the blood of Jesus, don’t watch…

This song has been inspirational to me lately, and I hope it is for you too.

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments below.

Have a great day!

370 thoughts on “Let Them See You Sweat

  1. LP

    Coffee is one of your biggest enemies.

    Thanks Eric for all the fine work in helping so many.

  2. John

    Hi Eric,

    You have been so generous with your subscribers by giving us excellent free training, and I thank you.

    I am so sorry you and your family are going through this trying time, and I hope it passes soon.

    Thanks also, for sharing your beautiful testimony. That is the greatest gift of all.

    May God bless you and your family,


  3. HOPE

    “Ehara taku toa he toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini” “Kia Kaha”

    “My courage is not that of the single warrior, but of the collective fighting force” “Stand Strong”

  4. Nick

    Great post Eric. “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” John 14:6. Praying for you bro.


  5. Eric Post author

    Nice blog. And as a side note since you brought up that politician… When I was searching for “never let them see you sweat”, the most recent use of it was actually in an article about him!

  6. Eric Post author

    If I do not get better with my current treatment, the next step will be to check for Lyme and parasites.

  7. Ann-Marie

    Hello Eric
    Great article! I think sometimes we are side tracked by society and failed to display our true personalities. Thanks for the reminder.

  8. Kris Paris

    Hello Eric,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and with your family during this difficult process of getting back your strength. It may take some time, but I believe you will get there. As far as anyone being offended with what you had to say and with your honesty and openness, I believe that if they are offended by that, it is their loss in not knowing that there is a higher power which will help guide us through whatever comes our way. God does not give us what we can handle; He helps us handle what we are given. Blessings to you and your family –


  9. Colin Noden

    Hi Eric. After half an hour of scrolling and reading, I’m a bit at a loss for words. Your exhortation toward authenticity is a powerful message; both as an individual and even more so in the new emerging IM/SEO paradigm.

    I’d also like to say “Welcome to the Club” with a fervent wish that your membership be cancelled ASAP! I too have posted my Journey Through Illness on my website, so no need to go into it here http://www.colinnoden.com/My_Journey_Through_Illness.html I did it for several reasons, but still cringe when I see it up there.

    Eric, your blog has been a constant in my life for some time now. And in some strange way, the right turn of phrase has come from you in my darkest days. It is this element of your Christianity for which I am most thankful. May God give you similar lights on Your Journey TO Health.

  10. Ron

    Hi Eric,

    Kind of like you – I am out of steam – no energy. Worse still – I am work injured and can’t seem to get past it. My only thought is to die. It is the only thought that stays with me daily. I’m dead broke. WCB pays me a paltry $600 a month – less than a 10th of what I was making. I’m completely out of ideas on how to get out of this mess.

    That’s so much different than how I used to be. Strong and confident.

    When this first happened to me – I got an answer from God when I asked Him what do I do now, “My grace is sufficient for thee” is how He answered me and continues to answer me.

    I want to believe that. Continue to believe that but, it is tough to do. At this point I’m not even sure what it means!

    Like you – I don’t want or need pity. But, if you don’t mind – I’ll grab a few prayers here since it looks like you’ve got a few extra ones to go around.

  11. Willard


    Much has been said and most of it positive.
    To that I add Amen.
    It wasn’t the nails which held HIM to the cross.
    Let’s wrap our mind around that. You demonstrate the peace. By your own word you are blessed. Healing, from whatever source, comes from the Lord.
    I join the multitude in lifting you and your family up in prayer my christian brother.


  12. W Hardy

    From me…God is really in control. Jesus did die, He arose from the dead, He ascended to Heaven, and He is coming back again to get His Church. Eric, Just know this…that in ACTS 2:38 The scripture says..Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Remember, that everything here on earth is ONLY temporary. Note this to be truth. “Only that which we do for eternity, is what really matters”. Jesus is our ONLY HOPE! For you and for me. I pray that God will continue to Bless your family and you Brother.


  13. Paul Counts

    Eric I am honored and blessed to have you as a friend and business partner. You know you have my prayers during this. Interestingly enough when you felt you were showing weakness to your following I know your post is helping to strengthen those reading it. Further it takes a strong person like yourself to bring this out publicly. Keep up the awesome job you are an inspiration to many people including myself!

    We both serve an awesome God that can help anyone through any difficult situations that may come up in life.

  14. Pam Eppinette


    You have unbelievable timing for this letter. actually God’s timing.

    I am writing lyrics to songs such as this and am looking for someone to sing them.

    If you or the singer are interested please contact me.

    I have been praying that God opens THE door he wants opened.

    I can hear “her” singing my songs.

    You are an inspiration to me. God has big plans for your life!

    Pam Eppinette

    P.S. I will be watching this video over and over. You did a fabulous job! I pray for souls to be saved as a result of watching it!

  15. John Messmer

    And His people said… Hallelujah!

    For if His people to not sound out His praise, the very rocks shall cry out to glorify His name.

    Father please bless Eric and his family, and bless this site to include all those that read these pages. In Jesus name I pray… Amen, Amen, and Amen!

  16. John

    Eric.. thanks for posting this. I’d been thinking about you and wondering what was happening.

    I too had issues with adrenal burnout for a while. My remedy was prayer initially and I was led to a product called Michaels Adrenal Factor in the health food store. It worked incredibly well for me and my adrenals are back on track now.

    I also thank you for your forthrightness in talking about your belief. I’ve had a direct experience of God several times in my life, beginning at the age of 15 when praying to Jesus for forgiveness for stealing a candy bar, and suddenly I experienced a feeling of an energy being lifted out of me and then Holy Spirit descending upon me. I was in sheer bliss for two weeks after that before it went away due to the negative nature of my household.

    Then after the death of my wife in 1995 I set out on a quest for enlightenment and I turned my home into the equivalent of a monastery, and became an unaffiliated monk. That led to one incredible night in 2001 when, while I was meditating and experienced the Light. In that, I knew that the Light was God, and that I was the Light as well, and that I was part of God. I also didn’t have any sense of being John at that point.. only of being Light.

    I fell asleep in that state and the next day when I woke up I was in a state of Oneness and extreme joy and bliss.. and a voice, which I realized was the Voice of God, spoke from within and around me simultaneously (in Oneness there is no separation or local beingness) and said “You are in the body of God in Creation”.

    Much more than that happened, but it brought me to understand that we are ALL part, (or aspects) of God experiencing life in what I have come to know as The Body Of God. I’ve written about my experiences in my new (free) ebook ‘Living In The Body Of God’ which will be available on http://www.spontaneousawakening.com and http://www.johnmichaelchristian.com
    later today if you’re interested.

    I think it’s good to note also that these kinds of experiences are happening to people around the world right now and have been for some years.. I believe in response to the very serious need that exists in our world right now. I know several people who have had variations of what I’ve experienced.. including one internet marketer. God is waking us up to Who, and What, we really are.

    Many blessings to you and yours. Please know you are in my prayers Eric.
    Dr. John Michael Christian

  17. Sergio


    Thanks for opening yourself to us. I agree with you regarding that showing our weakness makes us more humans. It’s nice to realize that the guy who writes this is an actual person, who has illness and troubles like the rest of the mortals. Some successful marketers show themselves driving fancy cars, living in palaces and looking like Hollywood celebrities and that makesme wonder: Is this guy real or a scammer?. That’s not you case. Over the years I have read your tips and posts and I always find valuable information.

    Take care of yourself, and thanks for sharing.

  18. Stephen

    Well my brother these are the days where the battle will get even more intense -a thousand may fall around you but because you have made the revealed name and person of the Most High your delight and abiding tower of refuge you will be saved (sozo- save, deliver, protect, heal, preserve, be safe, do well, be made whole)…psalm 91:14… Look forward to the good report

  19. Michaela

    Hi! Eric,
    I really appreciate your desire to share, to be franc, to be yourself. Even though I waited “the next lesson”, I also realized that you are putting a huge effort to do many things in the same time, and it has been hard, maybe this life style made you tired.
    But you being a logical person, a great analytical personality, very discipline guy, I have no doubt that you will be just fine, you have the great stimulus possible – beautiful family: wife and kids.
    Your confession will never ever have a negative impact on me about you.
    So, I sincerely wish you a great recovery, keep my fingers cross for the 5th kid, and pray for you and yours.
    Regards Michaela

  20. Cris

    Hi Eric, I am glad to hear from you and that you are ok. I was pleased to hear you share your faith and belief and let everyone know what is truly in your heart.

    It also gives me the focus I need to pray and ask the father God to give you total and complete healing, from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet.

    Know this Eric your brothers and sisters will stand with you in faith and believe God for you.

    Be encouraged, be focused, and be ye healed in Jesus name.

    May God richly bless you and your family!

  21. Shaun OBrien

    Thanks Jon too…wow this thread has been a great blessing. A great explanation on why we should stop beating ourselves up NOW…
    Praise be Jesus/ Thank You Abba…I love You Abba

    Blessings to All

  22. Victor Smith

    I believe in Jesus Christ too and have been healed from illness myself.

    He is a great healer and what you are going through surely has a reason.

    You are now on my prayer list posted on my computer screen.

  23. Pat

    Thank you Eric

    Your courage is Faith.Your words Humble.
    God bless you and your family.Can you make more videos of Kaitlyn’s music,it is truly magnificient.
    Get well soon.

  24. Ray

    Hi Eric,

    Thanks for being honest and open.

    I know where you’re at. I had adrenal fatigue last year. I’d been caring for my wife for about 6 years. I thought I was coping quite well but after I preached a message in church on Easter Sunday I crashed at home in the afternoon. It took almost the year to come right but I also had the grief of my wife’s death to cope with too in August.

    I’m fine now and you will be too. If it helps the 2 most important things I learned in the experience were:
    1. Wait on the Lord a lot more.
    2. Walk in the Spirit a lot more.

    I am a better person for the experience and I’m sure you will be too. Don’t let it frustrate you too much and be kind to yourself.

    Hope you don’t think I’ve been too preachy but I want to encourage you with my experience.

    You’re in my prayers

  25. Brenda

    Hey, Eric,

    Awesome post!

    Longtime Aurora, CO subscriber

  26. Ryan K

    True, true broham!

    I have been experiencing such physical symptoms for years and finally learned from a naturalist that I might need to get my adrenals checked. I haven’t yet, since I don’t have insurance, but I am almost certain that this is due to my crappy sleeping habits (up all night computing), my hard on the weekend play and the middle years lack of true physical activity.

    What’s crazy though, with this information at hand I still will go around wondering why I feel so horrible all the time…?

    Go figure!

    Do we just do the same thing over and over again in the IM field and woder why we aren’t seeing results?

    Why are we so blind to the truth?

    There are mechanics that are proven to work and we just keep doing the same mistakes over and over again wordering why it just hasn’t taken off yet…

    Thanks for highlighting the faults and bringing to our attention that these things just can’t be surpressed!

    Your Bro!
    Ryan K

  27. Shaun OBrien

    I’d appreciate if you could let me know how to get hold of sister in laws album….think i will be listening to this more often….also Jon Teng’s link really helped too.
    Blessings to You and Yours

  28. Joyce Cook

    Thanks Eric,
    You have been an inspiring force in my life. Your sincerety and honesty is the reason I have pursued internet marketing. Best to you and your family.

  29. Kathleen


    The dark and unknown are scary unless one person remembers to turn on the light in the darkest of times. I think you have turned on the light by being open and sharing your hard times with so many.

    I truly believe that With God, all things are POSSIBLE.

    May my prayers and all the others you are receiving return you to better health!

    And I love this quote:
    If you’re going through hell, keep going!
    ~ Winston Churchill

    PS – Best wishes for the birth of your new child! May this Gift from God bring sunshine and happiness to your trying times.


  30. Alex

    God Bless you Eric! When you have your priorities straight (unwavering faith in Christ)…the rest will fall in place.

  31. Cliff


    Words escape me and I am moved to tears but felt compelled to write to you. Thank you for sharing this magnificent article and video. I pray your health returns quickly.


  32. Tim

    I am praying for you. I sensed your faith faith in Christ long ago, and you have confirmed it for me. Jesus is my Lord and Savior also and always will be. God Bless You.

  33. John Fink

    Thank you Eric for your inspiring story and testimony. I’ve been a subscriber for some time now and always enjoy your inspiring business tips and your faith.

    I am a stage 4 cancer survivor who was not expected to live. I am now cancer free. You are a testimony for your Savior and an examole for us all.

  34. Julio


    Just to say that I will be praying for you and for your family, and I just need to say that I am one of those quite followers of your 60k list. Never said anything but here I am. 2 years after and starting my own internet full time income since December last year. Just wanted to give you a huge THANKS for everything. You have been a important inspiration to continue, actually you are for me, just one of a kind. Probably my wife changed her mind about IM when I told her you and your family were Jesus followers as we are. I am always showing her your family pics and last year she gave me all the support to start my IM career full time. I read “The Maker’s Diet” probably you already read it. Just my 2 here for you and your readers having this kind od issues. It’s a great book and have many healthy foods that will help a lot.

    Thanks again for every one of your tips here and make your site more real than ever.

    Congrats for your new baby. Everything will be just fine you will see.


  35. Vince

    Eric, I am not sure you even get a chance of reading this comment, but just want you to know how you’ve been an inspiration to many of us as your reader.

    In deed, God is good and God heals. I myself have been in tremendous struggle to the church I am pastoring and like you, I’ve been through a lot of pressures. But the difference is that, I got emotional heartaches that keeps on pounding us.

    But yes, Jesus heals…. There is victory in Him. Greater is He that he that is in the world.

    Brother, showing your weakness to the world humbly and with recognition that apart from God we can do nothing is not much of a weakness. It is a spiritual strength that can keep us going.

    So I would say, continue to do good. Life maybe unfair at times, but God is God. All we can do sometimes is to be still and know that He is God.

    God bless you and your family. May the Lord be with your wife too as she delivers your 5th child. 🙂

    Ptr. Vince

  36. Joseph Medina

    Hi Eric! This’s an excelent video and song. I really like it and almost make cry. I hate to admit it, but I’m a “Backslider”. I appreciate all of your work. Press on Eric!
    Receive lots of blessings from California!!!

  37. Rachel

    Awesome song, as i am a believer as well i will be praying for you and your family. Get well soon and thanks so much for sharing and caring. Blessings My Brother Eric in Christ 🙂

  38. Noble

    Hey Eric, my friend….loved the video it is totally great! You know God could not call us overcomers if we did not have stuff to overcome. I am a believer too and know that just as we were saved by believing in the heart and confessing or saying with the mouth we are saved. Well it a legal thing bro not a religious thing or christian thing. It is a book of law. The Word or Laws of God. Jesus is The Word. The way, the truth and the life. The Word of God became flesh….in fact I believe the word Holy in english would be the word intrigity that is why we love ya man and follow your lead we see that in you. Mark 11:23 Say it and just believe! Later, Noble
    PS. Jesus is my attorney (best friend), satan is my accuser of the brotheren (to charge with an offense judicially or by a public process) sounds sorta like law stuff huh? but our judge is our daddy, I mean how cool is that! Think about it…. the word Father I think actually means source doesn’t it? I mean you’re the provider for your children or there source. Right Dad?

  39. katieshaw

    Eric, you have gone out of your way to share your knowledge with others, like me, that are unable to work. Your approach in relaying your health issues will be appreciated by all of those dependent on you and your insight. I am certain that you are the type of individual who takes his responsibilities seriously in regard to everyone assoicated with your blog. The comments Mal left are not reflective of anyone on this blog. Thank heaven that God is looking after Mal. Even the most ignorant
    are blessed. Thank you for letting all of us know what you are dealing with. It is important to us. Meditation is wonderful for any health issues and believe me you will eventually learn to meditate without falling asleep for hours! Take care of yourself and your family.

  40. Glen

    Well Eric I do agree. In the past I have ask for God’s help in things in my 78 years on this earth and he has helped me through a lot of difficult times. I VERY sincerly do believe in God but I do not go to church. It’s a building built by man that I do not wish to attend. Because I have in the past had dealings with so called religious people and it has turned me off as far a organized religion is concened. My church is just out side of my front or back door. I go to church every day in his church. I thank him several times aday for the help he gives me through thought or word each and every day. Some times I have problem and can not figure out how or what to do. So I just go do something else and either on the way or while I am doing that something else he says here is the solution you were looking for and when I finish that something else, I go do what I was doing at first and try what poped into my head which I firmily bealive was Gods doings some times the solution works and some time with a little tweking it does work. I can not quote the bible in any way I just know when what I do or say was the right thing to say or due, and I thank him many times a day. The thing that amazes me is how God finds time to take care of so many people in so many so called religions. There is only one God But he has many names.
    Have a great day Eric and God Bless Glen

  41. joanne

    Thanks for sharing your situation Eric. My prayers are with you and your family. You have done a fantastic job setting up a solid business and you are one of the folks I always pay attention to when you speak. Thank you for all you have done.

    Now is the time to put yourself first so you can get healthy for your family. God Bless.

  42. Mike Gosling

    Hi Eric,

    What an amazing authentic story! Having shared it with us will in itself reduce your adrenalin somewhat, as you are no longer “hiding” what is consuming a large part of your life. Plus you have introduced me to Dr. Lam’s website on Adrenal Fatigue which has given me an excellent resource to pass on to others. Thank you.

    I joined your site while searching for a way to promote mine and my wife, Karen’s, work in emotional wealth. I have learned heaps and have been impressed with your genuineness to help us succeed and generosity in making so much material available for free. Thank you.

    Whilst our work takes a biological approach to health, we too share a strong belief in the historical Jesus.

    Your issues with adrenalin are what we help people deal with on a daily basis, using a brain healthy way to stop stress and help our body heal. Our site, http://www.EmotionalWealthAcademy.com has many videos, fact sheets, articles, etc, explaining the cause of stress and not just the symptoms.

    Karen and I have developed the resources in our site over 30 plus years. We have used the strategies to help improve our own lives and have helping thousands of people from 83 nationalities in face-to-face counseling and coaching sessions in Singapore and Australia.

    Like you and your other respondents, we all have our trials to bear. Among mine, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes just last Sunday at age 62. Of course I was shocked and am still digesting this news. I am now devoting much of my time, as you are, to understanding my condition and learning how to manage it.

    When reading about your situation and many others, I decided to give our resources away and invite you and your readers to access them at no cost and learn to identify your stressors and manage the adrenalin floods that arise from our thoughts, values, beliefs, memories, and unmet expectations. This is so important so that we do not allow our adrenalin floods to be prolonged and possibly lead to adrenal fatigue.

    It’s the very least Karen and I can do in gratitude for all you have taught us and to offer the members of your community real help to live a life of ease! To join go to the link below. And remember, you and your members will never be charged any fee to access Karen’s and my resources.

    I have heard it said that if you are blessed, than be a blessing to others. May God give you his peace, because you have been a huge blessing to many people, including me.

    Up Your Health!
    Dr. Mike Gosling

    Click here to join our new website for free:

  43. Charlotte

    Eric, The Spirit has been working in a lot of us it seems, Boldness…Preach the Good News…amen
    Were you just in another country..SAmerica or CAmerica, just a few months ago..in all your testing I hope they check for bacteria unknown to the states..worth checking into. lets face it, if the enemy can distract us, he will..Be Healed in the Name OF Jesus..

  44. Jerry

    Hello Eric,
    I am deeply moved! The song and the scenes (I never saw the movie)I will save it and watch it over and over. I too have been miraculously healed but I don’t always appreciate the miracle. You have brought me back to reality and I hope I never forget the experience again. Praise God and all those who accept a greater power.

  45. Bill Hildebrand

    Eric, wishing you the best and praying for your recovery. You have been a shining light in the internet marketing world for me and I really appreciate all you have contributed. Get well soon.

  46. Sylvia

    Hi Eric
    I have never felt moved to comment before but having watched the video and read the many comments I feel I need to say something. Firstly, thank you for all the wonderful information you have sent to my inbox over the years.
    I can’t believe how sad I felt watching the video and listening to that amazing song, I feel sad for all those people who have no belief, no direction. As an ex teacher, long ago retired I look at the younger generations say up to 45 – 50 years old and so many have no love of themselves or anyone else, no respect, no empathy for others, all the things we learn from following God’s word. I really despair that my grandchildren and great grandchildren are exposed to so much of this negativity in both real life and on the well named ‘idiot’ box. I also have come to the belief that the one God we love is the God of many religions, he belongs to us all but there are many, in positions of power or seeking to obtain power who try to fragment society and turn people against one another in the name of Faith. Where has there been a war that religion wasn’t at the heart with wealth and power following close behind? Why do we see young children being taught to hate others of a different Creed and believe that only they are the chosen people? If we could all strive to practice just one golden rule, ‘do unto others and you would have them do unto you’ we would at least be off to a good start.
    I could go on forever as there is much happening in the world that gives me cause to ponder on the eventual outcome for mankind but I’ll give it a rest. I hope you are feeling a little better each day and every thing goes well with the new addition to your family. Love to all and God Bless Sylvia.

  47. Silvia

    Dear Eric, You and your family our in our prayers. Your words, video and transparency are full of truth and love, boldness and courage. We so appreciate you, please rest, take care, and may His Almighty hand Bless you and yours.


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