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Do you read Eric’s Tips? Add your testimonial here.
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Hi, Eric
For the first time, i would like to say thank you. You has been sent me online newsletter. Your newsletter give me allot of information about tips and tricks on internet marketing.
For you information, i’m serious to learn about internet marketing so i need more information on tips and tricks internet marketing. I get one from your newsletter. Thanks once again for it.
Beside that, your newsletter give me more info about software which needed by internet marketter to huge earn from online marketing.

Hi Eric
I am impressed. As a Newbie I find value in the tips and bonues that you send me. I wish I could have been in touch with you before I extened myself financially on some of the other offers out there. I would have been streets ahead.
It seems I always say thankyou to you in my head everytime I open an email from you. It’s always useful honest content without any hype or B/S. It really makes a refreshing change that you always over deliver on the material you send out and don’t have back handed tricks to make a sale on your emails.Please keep up the good work,it’s really appreciated and a great help.
I’m subscribed to several marketing & online tips ezines, but most wind up being dumped after a quick glance because they don’t have anything worth a clickthrough.
Eric’s Tips, on the other hand, is one I always read end to end because I know I’ll learn something to help me at some level in my online business, or even to help me with my computer skills.
As a “real person” behind my own website, I appreciate other real people online, as hard as they are to find sometimes. They always stand out from the crowd, though, as Eric does 🙂
Thanks for sharing Eric!
eric’s tips are very useful to earn money on line .if any one have money and facility so don,t miss to avail this.i like it.you can earn more online in a short time.i have no facility and money to participate in this.any way this very good job.
Thanks Eric..I wrote down your tips on geeks to go in my journal I keep.Twice now I have had to buy a new computer as locals repaired a lot of
damage but only with loss of a lot of files.I use AVG and have had goodluck with it as no more viruses..I also keep a special computer file called Erics Tips..your help is noticed.I am building a new web page for internet marketing
and am using your tips. My current page is for entertainment and has great photos of the galaxies.rob roy
I really enjoy your “Tips”. They are specific and always give a easy-to-follow slant on internet marketing.
I am starting my own blog and I will try to follow your excellent example in providing great content for my subscribers.
Keep up the great work!
Anthony Whyms
Moving4ward Marketing
I real value you tips, it straightfoward and clear. Please keep it coming. Thank you.
Hi Eric!

My name is Tina and I just want to say thank you for all the great tips. I am relatively new to all this and have been searching for alternatives. Its quite hard as I keep finding out to get any honesty let alone honest programs. You have been a great help and haven’t asked for nothing in return. So again thanks and maybe/hopefully when I make it big I’ll have you to say thanks once again.
Hi I like the easy way Eric teaches, even I as a newbie can understand, thank friend Patricia
The best tips and news letter around. I trust you reviews and always look for Eric’s Tips in my email box. Love it.
Hi Eric.

Thank you very much for your informative and useful tips they will help me a lot to understand the wat the Internet Works.
I am a 76 year old Pensioner trying to improve my quality of life and you are helping me achieve it.
Thank you for all that you do and I must say that your newsletter has been a great help in the time I have been receiving it.
You have helped me to look at boths sides of the picture instead of looking only at the dark side of the Internet. Thanks a lot !
Bob Sims
Hey Eric. I really appreciate all the cool tips you send me by e-mail. These tips are just brilliant when it comes to marketing. Im happy I signed up for them. Thanks again…..
Eric is an Angel of Rescue for those individuals who are tired of promises lacking reality.His coach training,planning, programming and choosing the parameters will put the person on the right way. I testify this fact without any exageration. The facts and figures always show the reality. Eric is scientist, knowledgeable, well experienced, pragmatic. He has obtained his world wide reputation through hard working. The clue of Eric,s success is owing to being moderate,loving the people succeed and being step by step and should by shoulder with his clients. Eric is symbol of ilumination of mastership and nermous vast of innovations in his personal profession. Another Eric.s Tip is his Newsletter which enlighten the darks points of internet trading for the reader, which should be considered as a treasury of wealth and fortune.The respective newsletter keep the reader well awared the internet traders in respect of any event and probable incidents which may effect the market. Well informed individuals are the most successful persons in their professions.
OK…so almost any website can put up testimonials about just how great someone is, but actually, what really differentiates the mere average from the great one is their customer service.
I purchased a package of books from Eric. It was only $7.00 so I didn’t really expect much. When I received the email for the download links, it only had part of the information, not all of it. Well, honestly, $7.00 for what I received is still a great value, however, being the stubborn person I am, I wanted it ALL. 🙂
So I opened a ticket and within a short time, I received a very nice response with the correct link and an apology.
I’m downloading ALL the information as I’m writing this.
So if you’re reading these testimonials, just realize that you’ll not only receive great information from Eric, but the customer service you’ll receive will be quick, polite and fantastic.

Great Help! Eric, thank you for the logistic support. Without those tips, I could have not move on and survived online. Because I know my limitations in a highly competitive world of ebooks, digital business as well as and the online industry out there, but with your Help I feel confident to stay in and move forwards. Keep up the Good Work!

I have been reading Eric’s Tips for a while now and always look forward to his e-mails as I know they will have worthwhile information. I have never been compelled to write a testimonial before but I can definitely say … Thanks Eric!
Great tips for getting an online venture up and running. I look forward to receiving your email tips.
Hello Eric, I have been receiving your emails, and have enjoyed them all, with all the great info and tips, especially the tips! I am a newbie at all this sort of, and am hoping to get better at it. I have seen a lot of scammers out there and I do not consider you one of them, I look forward to your emails.
This is amazing stuff. Eric is offering so much value to the internet.
I enjoy reading your tips. I find them very useful. You newsletters are very informative. I have never felt like you were pushing a product on me.
I saw myself in your article about almost killing your computer. I have gone through the same thing as you have. The funny this is no anti-virus software is foolproof. I have been using Norton for years. In all those years, I have had a few viruses go through. I recently change to ZoneAlarm. I’m not sure that it is better, but it does seem to catch more activity than Norton.
When the same thing happened to me. I remember buying several different types of software to help the problem, only to find that none of them really seem to do much.
I used a service like Geeks to Go. Too bad I didn’t save their name. Their fee at the time was $25. My computer kept crashing and the memory seem to be eating away. I was convinced that I had a Trojan. To make a long story short…the Tech found that I had a double backup of my entire computer. This meant that every program, data, etc. was on there twice. I had always backed up my computer on CDs. Somehow in the process; I was backing it up on my computer. When she was done…I thanked her. She said that I was welcome and started drawing pictures on my desktop. A little frightening knowing how vulnerable your computer can be.
Anyway, thanks for your information, keep it up.
Sandy M
Hi! Eric,
After six plus months in a sterile venture and lot of money wasted, I was about to give up…Then your e-mails started coming..I realized that someone out there cares about helping others achieve success.
Thank you Eric for all the free tips.
God Bless
I’m a full-time writer who works from home and when I decided to venture out into internet marketing, I was totally over whelmed and with all the gurus, e-books, and get rich quick schemes that were thrown at me. I found myself in a fog.
I signed up for countless newsletters and all I seemed to get where countless offers to buy new products. I felt like just another consumer being pimped out to the highest bidder. One day I sat and read all 17 newsletters I signed up for and unsubscribe to all but two. Needless to say Eric’s Tip was one of the survivors.
What made his newsletter stand out was the simplest thing. It read like a newsletter not a sales copy. Thank you Eric for being one of the true marketers that understand if you truly enjoy helping people and your honest in your efforts your rewards will come. It’s the universal law you reap what you sow. so keep sowing those great newsletters, I look forward to them.

Hi Eric,
I have been enjoying your tips a lot. You have put a few ideas into my otherwise non-technical brain. Thanks much.
Hi ERIC you one of the most kindest man i ever meet, i never knew that oneday i will writting a testimonial for any site but for ERIC you deserve it, because since i started reading your tips i now, know there are still few good internet marketer and also those that are willing to help poor guys like me out there and also carry them along, BRAVO SIR Eric and GOD continue to bless you, i hope u apprecia my little way of saying a every big THANK YOU because you derseve more of that and also thank to the free e-mail to you been give me and the sky will be your starting point amen
Hi Eric
Thanks for the awesome training and tips on having a successful business online and improving it in a more prosperous way each year.
Hi Eric- You are a real inspiration and your newsletter is one of the best around. Keep up the good work. Thank you.

Eric has been a great source of information and I’ve enjoyed his realistic attitude to work and wealth building. I’ve found that his ideas have helped my and my customers to grow our businesses. I wholeheartedly endorse Eric as a successful teacher.
Thanks for yor timely tips. They are greatly appreciated and add value to my business.