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Do you read Eric’s Tips? Add your testimonial here.
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Eric, I’ve only been on your list for about a week. But I’m loving your content. There’s a lot of Internet Marketing Hype out there, and I’m finding your information to be down to earth and practical.

I sincerely appreciate your informative newsletter and real life tip’s. Your business approach of offering great value and earning your reader’s trust is quite refreshing. Everyone is selling something, however, you definitely put your reader’s interest before your own. Your tips offer valuable information that I have put to use in my business. It’s hard to know who you can believe in the internet marketing arena, but you’ve definitely won my trust. Thanks for your genuine effort.
What I can say? Eric’s Tips is one of the best tips I ever read. Thanks Eric.

I’ve only been reading Eric’s tips for about 2 month’s now and I’m very glad I am. Most everyone can get on the big Guru’s list and get all the hype, Erics tips are very similar to my experiences and general observations about on line markerting. It’s real and you contains a lot of wisdom.
We all want the success the big guys have but you will learn success is nothing more than never quiting and following a in a few trusted footsteps. Eric’s tips is one of those trusted foot prints you should follow.

Eric, I am a relative newbie and your tips have been a goldmine of helpful information to me. I can’t thank you enough, but I’ll keep trying. *Jerry
Good tips,i really enjoy.Thanks for good work and keep it up.
Your tips have been very helpful and I am applying them in the business opportunities I am involved in. Thank you for Sharing!
Eric, I am very impressed with your ability to communicate your thoughts, which will be to the benefit of everyone who reads your newsletter. Good, valuable information to consume!
Thanks for your time!
I’ve got several sites out there and none of them have been what you would call “break-away” hits! After putting into practice many of the tips I’ve gotten from Eric a few of my pages are starting to come alive and now I’m re-working all my sites. I’m glad that I finally found a “guru” that actually knows what he’s talking about!
Hi Eric, It’s always nice to see someone give to others who need it and without asking for anything in return. Unlike others who are always setting you up to make a buck off of you. Thank you for your tips, they’ve been most useful to me. I’ll be looking forward to more of your tips. I’m pretty new at this internet marketing and I appreciate everyone I’ve come across that’s helped me. Maybe one day I’ll be able to give something back.
God Bless You
I’ve been reading your “tips” for a few weeks and think you are very informative. Your newsletter is helpful and first class. I have a couple of sites where I sell outdoor and patio furniture and a couple of blogs one of which talks about my marketing efforts.
Your tips have helped me in a number of different areas. Your experience and understanding is appreciated.
In one word – WOW! Your tips inspired me to get my butt in gear and put up a website that adds value to others! I love how you break things down in Joel Comm’s Adsense Templates, too. You made it 100% easy to learn and implement!
Thank you thank you thank you!
I just recently stumbled across your newsletter and subscribed. I must say that with all of the ‘junk’ out there; your newsletter is truly a find! I have even created a seperate folder for your emails.
As someone who is trying to get their start in internet marketing (just launched my first site), you have given me some truly solid advice.
Please keep the great tips coming.
Eric has some great ideas – things that are do-able and make me wonder “Why didn’t I think of that?”
Thanks, Eric!

Eric You are great. Thanks for all the amazing stuff you always stived to gether for us. You’ve always under-promessed and over-delivered. I think if all the so-called Gurus on the web were doing the same, we wouldn’t have so much failure. Thanks for it all and more. Bounama

first i want to say i have really enjoyed reading all of your tips.making decisions about making money on the internet is scary at least for me always wondering if im doing the right thing or how much money am i going to loose.well when i started reading as much of your tips/thoughts as i could i became very confident in what i was doing and now am doing great thanks for everything
I have to say that you give so much value with your tips. I look forward to receiving them and hope that you WILL continue to send them. Because of your tips, I have been able to learn more about marketing and have gotten the ‘insider’ scoop on great material. Thank YOU!
Blessings, Joy

I really like these tips they have really helped me.
Your tips have been wonderful. Keep them coming.
I always enjoy reading your blog and the information contained within is usually helpful