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Do you read Eric’s Tips? Add your testimonial here.
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There is alots of good people living on earth that you can trust. We are sure everyone that link with you will be satisfy & no regret. Even though knowing on the net his nobody business, but Eric is the people that we can see of his willingness to help people to do what he do.
Healty is the most priceless that we would like to praise to everyone that had shared good to others.
Be healthy as many needed you
Thanks & best regards
Eric I Also enjoy your newsletters. You have provided me with several very good tips.And you keep it real Keep up the good work looking forward to the next one. Thank you again
Hi Eric! You site was very helpful to me (i’m newbie) and still is. Everyday I’m looking forward for new article and email from you. Thanks and good job!
Thank You Eric Your tips and programs about online marketing are the best. Being a non internet guru, i find your programs easy to understand and to use. They are very informative. GOOD LUCK!
each time i open the newsletter, Eric’s Tips always has something new for me. i’m a neophyte when it comes to the Internet and Tips have proven to be lots of help. I’m specially looking forward to the lessons coming up. thanks a lot Eric!
I just put together an ebook site and am now in marketing mode.
I have purchased many books and software as well as subscribed to various informational websites. All of this marketing information can be overwhelming, let me tell you.
Eric’s Tips are not only accurate but they keep me grounded. Eric’s Tips help to bring sanity back into the marketing world where, sometimes, too much information and too many programs at once are hard to digest.
That Eric’s Tips is FREE is just amazing to me.
God Bless You.


I am looking forward to your series of lessons in a big way. Many “guru” promise the world, and as I see you & your wife spurn the title, I look forward to what you have to tell me. As a disabled veteran, I have been toiling in the Internet Marketing world just like many others, and am eager, and determined to succeed.
Dear Eric. Many, many thanks for the extrememly useful and practical information contained in ‘Eric’s Tips’ and your blog. They are also a very good source for reference. Keep up the good work.

Yes I am new to this internet marketing ideas but Eric has opened up my mind to the great possiblities we can all help each other with and also how profitable it all can be. Thanks Eric for being open and honest
I am deeply impressed with Eric and his integrity. This is very refreshing and a blessing to me. As someone who has gained a level of success in the brick and mortar world, making the transition into internet marketing was very difficult at first until finding Eric.

Hey Eric, Just stumbled into you about a month ago and was immediately impressed with your knowledge and sincerity. Wish I had discovered you a couple years ago. Thank you for lesson #1 and for sharing your personal background. After seeing the photo of your group in Cancun I am eager to find out how I can become a member of your Extended Family.
Best Wishes, Mike Kraft
Eric’s tips are helping me to get on the right track in helping me becoming a real internet marketer. Thanks, Eric, Jim Rohrer
Hey Eric
We took your advice
We got off our behinds and TOOK ACTION, Now we are off and running. My Son & I are doing Directories,and man is it fun. They needs some work and we are in the process, we have things really going our way. Folks all I can say is this TRY IT what every it is Try It! YOU’ll NEVER KNOW till you try. You can sit there and NOTHING WILL HAPPEN… Don’t let this happen to you. Create Something, sell someone elses products, most of all don’t be afraid to ask someone to help. If you read Eric’s Tips: You’ll be alright, it’s a great place to start. Just remember TAKE ACTION!!!
Thanks alot Eric
John & Brandon McCollister
I don’t remember how I found your newsletter, but I’m glad I did. For a novice like me there is so much stuff on the web you really don’t know what or who to believe. You tips are down to earth, nuts & bolts and very believable.

Hi Eric, I have really looked forward to receiving Eric’s Tips in my inbox. All the info that he’s emailed me has been extremely helpful, especially since I’m kinda new to affiliate marketing. I thought it was so kind of Eric to help me, like an answered prayer. I hope many of you out there get the same informational opportunity from Eric’s Tips.
Lots of new open doors of prosperous opportunities to you Eric, Thanks Ivy Villarreal
I’ve been amazed with all the videos Eric has provided on helping someone new to online business. Every day I check my email to what new surprises Eric will help today. Thanks Eric, there still good folks around and that’s Eric.
hi Eric im from Puerto Rico an im berry tankfull because of youre tips, i’ll be laerning allat of strategies on how to promote. thanks 😉

Dear Eric Thank you for all lesson. Im Mongolian. I have abroken english. Its very important for me. everyday I listen lesson.
I’m not sure how i came across your web site but im very glad that i did. I am very certain that a person that listens to Eric’s no hype logic ,wisdom, detailed knowledge ,and most of all” Truth “and apply it to what ever there doing ,would have to succeed I believe !
The word ‘tips’ UNDERVALUES what Eric actually delivers! If any one has any thoughts of making money on the internet then you can save the rarest of commodities that we all have,time,and join Eric in his advice and deliberations. Thanks undervalues the gratitude for what Eric freely and expertly gives, Paul
Eric: You have taught me more about online success than anyone I know. You have no need or desire to become the next internet “Guru.” Thank you, you are the genuine article. Keep helping others and God will help you. I now have the courage to go forward. My book “No Tears For Carol” comes out in a few months and I know how build a website, get vistors and much more. You gave me this information. Thank you again and God bless you.
I have been learning about on line marketing for close to two years now and I have remained signed up for only a handful of lists. I found it nessacary to opt-out of almost all the email lists to get away from the hype and regain my focus enough to take action and get started building my own internet business. You are one of the few marketers that has earned my trust. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Dr. Lenny Sugerman
What a great source of information and tips! Thanks,Eric!
This site is of great help, Eric has told the stuff in simple and clear manner, without a hype.
hi There, Eric! This is Choy from Manila, Philippines. Thank you so much for the free lessons! So far I have saved 70 plus of your lessons and I’m starting to read them now that I have more free time. I know you are a guy I can trust, especially when I’m a novice at using the Internet. God bless you more!