Happy Thanksgiving! While I’m aware that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, there’s no reason you can’t be thankful anywhere in the world 🙂
Today I’ve got a few things for you…
1) A Thanksgiving gift
2) A Thanksgiving CONTEST
3) Some stuff for you to check out
First, I want everyone who reads this newsletter to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.
Here’s a FREE small gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a collection of WordPress Sales Letter themes. In other words, these themes enable you to easily create a sales letter on any WordPress site. This is a $27 product: Click here to download… (14MB zip file) |
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Next, this is the 2nd annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
We did it last year and it was fun so we’re doing it again…
UPDATE: The contest is now over. Thank you to all who participated! We had approximately 675 comments during the contest.
How the winner was chosen: As stated at the beginning of the contest, it would be random this time (Last year I had such a hard time picking the best comments!). So I took the total # of comments before the deadline, and went to Random.org and generated a number between 1 and that number. Then I counted down from the top of the comments until I reached that number.
The winner will receive the website that I created in this demo video: Site Profit Bot demo
And the winner is…
Nadiya, who posted this comment: “Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Eric. I have everything to be thankful for – with all the trials and tribulations that comes with life – I have family that is always there for me and we always find a way to try and make the best of it – always with the thought that there are people that have less than us and so the gratitude is always there. And Thank you for always sharing your knowledge and the free gift – Just what I needed!” Congratulations Nadiya! |
OK, lastly…
Here is some stuff for you to check out while you’re laying on the couch digesting turkey this afternoon…
(No longer available)
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
I am tha nkfull that this year i was diognosed
with parkinsons as end of last year i was diognosed with parkinsons plus which is terminal
within 5 years
I’m thankful for the positive, giving nature of several residents of Fort Collins. That includes you, Eric, as well as other like-minded individuals who have likewise embraced the virtues of the “pay-it-forward” concept.
“Hey,This is really cool”info you have put out there!I can’t say Thank YOU Enough!
I can sum up your information with one single word Fantastic!!!
It’s not often that a” money maker” reveals his methods and tactics!
It’s like a dream come true
Let me take a moment to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving
Celebrate The Spirit of Thanksgiving!
Munch n’ Be Merry
Live it the way you love it
Have a safe and happy holiday
Wishing you the best
Avis UK
I am very thankful for the love and support that my wonderful family gives to me. Just a little over a year ago, I had a life threatening illness, that I had to have surgery for. All of my family came to see me, even though the hospital was not close (at least 2 hours for each one). My husband , God love him, stayed the whole week I was in intensive care and then in a room. I could not have made it without him. I love all of them and even though my youngest daughter was 8 months pregnant at the time, she came a few times. God was with me thru the surgery alongside my family and brought me thru with flying colors.
Even though I sat alone on yesterday (Thanksgiving Day) and again today, I am sooo thankful for my two children. I am flat broke, going through a divorce and don’t know where ,y next month’s rent is coming from, but I do know I love my children and try to make my (our) financial struggles invisible to them. I am also thankful after a resent surgery in Sept. that I am still here and able to submit this today :). Additionally, I am thankful for my parents that are angels on earth. Without their unwavering love and help over the past months, my kids and I would be on the street. They have sacrificed a lot for me (their only child). I am also very grateful and thankful that you have devoted your time to help those of us, like me. Those without an initial clue but struggling to make an internet presence and make money. Those of us without money to continue to pay for useless ebooks and software programs where by the time you can actually go through the info, your trial period is up and you are more confused than when you read it. Lastly, I am even thankful for my ex-husband. Since the divorce is not final, we are still married, technically. After almost 25 years of marriage, I have 2 WONDERFUL children and I can never be sorry for that. Without having had him in my life for more than 30 years, I would not have them. For that I am grateful!
OK, enough. Have a wonderful, fun, family filled holiday season.
Hi Eric, Wishing you and your family very happy holidays and a prosperous 2010! I am very thankful for YOU, too. I really have enjoyed the 50 or more lessons so far…I’m a few behind because I had to have surgery. YUK! I’m thankful that surgery is over and I have my health and my two dogs…Now I’m ready to keep plugging away on my business. Thank you very much for the WP book. I am currently trying to learn how to use the WP-Ecommerce plugin for a new site I’m trying to build. I’m sure I will be able to put your gift to GOOD use. I find all your products to be most useful.
Thanks again Eric for all your excellent advice.
UH-OH as I read some of these comments I see I might have missed some really good stuff!!! I better get caught up in a hurry 🙂
Happy belated Thanksgiving, Eric. One of the things I am thankful for as well are your tips that you provide. I understand that you have affiliate links to the products you recommend, but I don’t mind supporting you in the purchase so long as I am benefiting by your pearls of wisdom and experience. It certainly is refreshing to receive valuable information before I spend money chasing after products that may or may not benefit me. I did purchase the software you recommended, but was disappointed to find that after my purchase, there was no information or instructions given for downloading the product, no link, and no support email address. Do they send the software links by email? Keep up the good work. Mark
Thanks Eric and Happy Thanksgiving!
I would be ever so grateful if I was chosen to be the lucky one to receive your ready made WEBSITE. I’m 62 years old unemployed (not by chose)and have had the worst last five years of my life. I lost a son in Iraq five years ago which put a tremendous strain on my family. My wife and I ended up getting a divorce two years after our sons death. Our sign and screen print business collapsed. No one wants to hire someone of my age so I went to the Internet to make a living. You can guess what happened to me next. Yes, I lost what savings I had following one false guru after another. To make a long story short if I’m fortunate to be the one chosen to win your website I will fill in the blanks to everything that has gone on in my life over the past five years.
All that said I’m so grateful for what I think Site Profit Bot will do for me. I have been so overwhelmed with everything you have to do to make a living online. With SPB it seems all I have to do is figure out how to drive traffic to my sites. Maybe that is something you can help all of us outwith.
Thanks for everything,
I was just introduced to Eric and his programs and writings a couple of days
ago. I was attracted right away. It didn’t take me long to realize I
had found someone on the internet who was receiving Divine guidance.
It was exemplified from the very beginning that there was something different
about him through Spiritual Discernment, his writings, programs and his
reception of other comments from those who had long ago realized his
relationship with the Lord. It does make a big difference.
My intention is to learn as much as I can from him and his teachings. Maybe
one day I will be able to get invited to go out on his boat teach him how to
catch some bigger fish.
Stay being a Follower,
I am thankful that I am able to be me. Having lost a friend recently. I’m thankful I’m still here with a chance to make a difference in the world.
I’m thankful for my bride, my family, my Savior and the ability to create and maintain wealth.
And for mentors who help me along the way!
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for
getting to spend time with my family and friends and all the great food and your great tips they really help a lot thank you for being an honest person. Hope your here to stay i love eric’s tips
im thankful to be here after 4 bouts with cancer and three heart attacks and for 2 wonderfull sons that have stood by me with my problems
anonymous was me forgot to enter email add.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I lost my Dad this August, and was feeling sorry for myself this Thanksgiving since he was not with us. But then I began to realize how much I have to be thankful for: My wonderful wife and 3 healthy boys, a paid-for house, more than enough money to meet our needs, and especially, the salvation that my Heavenly Father has provided me through Jesus.
So now I realize I still DO have a Father after all, and my earthly father is just waiting for me in His presence. It all makes so much sense now. And my hope is that everyone who reads this may know the same peace and joy that comes from a personal relationship with the Savior.
Oh, and last but not least, I am thankful for you Eric. You are one of the few marketers I can truly trust and I suspect that is because of YOUR personal relationship with the Savior. You are doing a great work, not just with Eric’s tips, but also the mission trips you have taken.
You have mentioned that you plan on phasing out portions of your business in order to have time for more of your passions. I assume this means your family, hobbies, and the pursuit of carrying out the Great Commission.
If my assumption is correct, then you have likely realized that there are higher priorities than just business. That’s a rare thing in this day and age, and my hat is off to you, brother. I hope to hear that you have embarked on another mission trip soon, and I know that God will bless your work.
Thanks again for everything, Eric, and (cliche’ alert) keep on fighting the good fight. Continue following God’s lead in your life and you’ll never go wrong.
I bought the Site Bot software you recommended and plan on testing it soon on an existing domain I have which is currently parked (http://www.worldcameravideo.com). Just have to get my affiliate ID’s lined up.
Funny thing is, I bought the Adsense templates you and Joel were selling back in 2006 (which you mentioned in your video), but never used them. Too many distractions back then. I’m sure they were a great product at the time, but this one does look a lot simpler. Maybe now I can crank out the sites I missed doing then in way less time with better monetization.
P.S.S. You can let someone besides me have the free web site. The Site Bot will do just fine for me, but thanks for your generosity.
I’m thankful for my wife and two children. I’m also thankful that I live in a country that is free of guns and has very little violence. In addition, I’m thankful for all your great advice.
Kind regards,
South Korea
I purchased the software, so I can give you an answer. You should have received 2 emails after the purchase, one of which had the Member’s area access details. If you want to contact their support it is http://support.ethiccash.com
Login is at http://sales.ethiccash.com/2
I found their ordering process to be somewhat confusing, as it was a multi-step process. Perhaps you never made it to the end of the process and your order got lost.
We are so blessed to live in a country with the freedoms we enjoy daily.
I am grateful for family, friends and a testimony of a loving Heavenly Father. What more can anyone ask for!!
Thanks Eric for all you do, the knowledge you share and the hope and direction you give to us.
Happy Thanksgiving and keep up the fabulous work. Sandykj
I am thankful for the contacts I have made and the money that is beginning to roll in in internet marketing.
I am truely thankful that I have a God who is alive. I was diagnosed with a heart condition in 2001. Aparently I had a heart attack without knowing it. I was convinced that I’d be dead in two to three years.
I had no option than to Pray to my GOD. He must have answered my prayers because 35 days to 2010 and I’m still here and Stronger and better than I was then.
I’m Thankful to be alive today; I’m Thankful my heart is still beating strong; I’m Thankful for the Internet; And Most of All, I’m Thankful for the Living GOD and My Lord JESUS Christ.
We learned so much from Eric. He has saved us tons of money. Thank you. I live near Yosemite in california. and I’m most thankful for my home and my family,and the joy they bring.
I think I’ve missed out on the “thanksgiving” thread, but I did have a question for Eric about Site Profit Bot. The niches mentioned in the videos all seem to be health related. Is this the only niche that can be mined in SPB, or can we choose any subject we wish to use? I’m assuming the latter is the case, but I just wanted to make sure. Thanks!
Hi, Eric. I’m thankful for my family which i almost lost. I’m thankful for god bringing me back to where i need to be. And most of all i’m thankfulily for God’s grace over all of us. Bless you and your family.
Hi Eric,
To give a list of things I am thankful for is not a problem. I am thankful for not dying I the Vietnam War, even though my friends though I never left the battle field for more than 20 year later but they never gave up on me. I live in a country where we can still serve our chosen God and not a god that is forced upon us. I am thankful for my family and friends and I still have a healthy body mind despite all the things they have gone through. I am thankful for being introduced to your site, Eric’s Tips and you have been true to your word of giving us the information we need to be successful with this Internet Business, for that I am thankful. I am thankful for living in a country that offer a great deal of hope for those who seek it. In short I am thankful today and I will be thankful tomorrow.
Respectfully submitted,
I’m thankful for:
…the gift of salvation,
…an imagination to dream with,
…a mind to think how,
…a mouth to speak with,
…hands and feet to take action,
…and family and friends to unite hands with.
I am thankful simply
*For the privilege of being a human, the most magnificent creator in the Universe.
*For the possibility of being a Godlike human through the God’s qualities, which are embedded within my humanness,and the humanness of everyone.
Take care Eric, you’re a good man.
Try using a windows emulator – it should run fine on that ;D
I’m just thankful for the fact that I persevered long enough (several years of trying different IM products that were difficult to set up and to profit from)and followed your regular Blog posts and emails until this fantastic Site Profit Bot program came online. It looks so simple and fills a need for anyone, but especially non-tech savvy people like me, to set up profitable and multiple niche websites. I’ve enjoyed following your blogs which have given me a good background on which to build an ebusiness.
Hi Eric,
The Site Profit Bot Demo is really amazing. I want to buy it to make money online as fast as I can through that stuff but I still wanted to know if I can aaply it with google adsense? And how could I update it so that everyday there’s a new article i can post it in website? Can i post additional link and how to do it? And also i could i earn from that stuff, is that through pay per click, web hosting or through supplier only?
I await your reply.
Thanks again.
I don’t know if you got my thank you message, but in case I erred in sending that as well, thanks again. I’ve emailed support and we’ll see what happens!
I am thankful to God who makes the worst of times, the best of times for His people.
Although I am late for the contest, I would like to add that I am thankful for all my family and friends, especially for our newest addition, a grandson born in August. I am also thankful to live in a country where we are free to thank the one who is ultimitly responsible for all of this. Thank you LORD.
Thank you too Eric. I love your lessons.
Yes it is made to use with Adsense built in. You could add new articles and links manually, but if you’re planning on posting new articles each day you would probably be better-off developing a WordPress site, which is covered in my lessons: http://www.ericstips.com/tips/lesson33/
Yes it’s possible to earn money from it.
Eric – you have quite the following – you are one of the most trusted mentors in this business. I am ever grateful for your posts and lessons and look forward to more useful trainings. I am grateful for each breath I take, each moment I live, each day I can be of service and help others.
Eric, I can’t open the Thanksgiving gift you sent me:( I’m getting some message that it was sent by an e-mail and probally was not decoded. I don’t have a clue, can you suggest somthing I can do. Thanks
Happy Thanksgiving, Eric! Yes, we do have a lot to be thankful for! I am thankful that my teaching job was eliminated this year–after 20 years–because I now have the time and increased motivation to develop my internet business that I have wanted to do for a long time. I love receiving your emails, and I always look forward to reading your wonderful tips! I save them all!!! Thanks for what you are doing to help people with this! God bless you and your family!!
I am thankful for all the people (such as “Erics Tips”)that help other people and do not ask for anything in return. God Richly Bless each and every one of you.
1) yes the site will be overwritten. Well technically only the files with the same name will be overwritten. But the index will be overwritten which means the SPB site will show up.
2) It’s hard to say. I haven’t noticed anything that would leave a major footprint, but it’s possible. So yes you could tweak the template or make your own to make it unique.
I’m still thinking about making some more videos for it…
You can choose any niche. The site is based on any keyword/phrase that you input into the software.
The price is right, BUT, there’s a Pro option and that entails monthly fee. How good are the Websires withoutb pro option? And i’ve been waiting weeks for adsense Id. Can affiliate links be used instead?
I did not use any of the pro features in my demo, so it’s not essential. You could use something other than Adsense, using the custom blocks feature.
Why did you buy Site Profit to sell theme? Is it really worth it? Do the $67 dollar version link back to the Sit Profit website, and the Sellers version don’t?
What is the differences, the advantage, and dis-advantage of them both?
I was going to purchase the Site Profit Bot, but they got too much going on for me. I don’t like the idea of them saying that I have a 30 day free trial yet there is some kind of $47 charge at the end of thirty days and so on. All I wanted to do was get the $67 software. When people start adding on all this other stuff and I would have to try to remember to cancel something, I just don’t do it at all no matter what it is. I hate recurring billing. They just lost a customer amongst all the other ones that do this stupid stuff to try to make an extra buck out you.
Hi Eric,
Since your contest is over, I will simply say there is plenty I am thankful for. Congrats to the winner. 🙂
Regarding Site Profit Bot, it looks like a real cutting edge piece of website building software built with internet marketers in mind.
That being said, I am unsure at this point if I will pick it up because I just brought 90 Second Website Builder just over a month ago. Also a nice piece of software for building sites. However, it is not up to Site Profit Bot’s power based on its features.
One of the statements made on the copy page that is doable, but too costly for most persons, including me. The copy talks about the ability to quickly build 100 (monetized authority) sites monthly.
This is very doable with this software, but the domain costs ($7 – $11 a pop depending on where you buy them and if they are .com,.net,.org, etc) monthly would be a beast for 98% of us to handle.
Sounds nice, but not practical in reality. Maybe I am missing something. If so, what Eric?
Thanks. 🙂
Hi Eric.
A question… is the standard Site Profit Bot a stand-alone piece of software with nothing more necessary to use or purchase?
I understand that only provides three themes but I sadly admit (having been burned before) to being a bit cynical about hidden limitations on a product’s use.
Thanks for all you’re doing to help.
OK, thank you for the reply. And thank you for the efforts you make on behalf of burgeoning IM’ers such as myself.
Yes it’s a stand-alone software. There is an upgrade which costs monthly and adds more features, but it’s not essential and I did not use it in the demo video.
Well that would be less than $1000/mo for domains, and the key is whether or not those domains are bringing in enough income to pay for themselves.
So it’s not unreasonable, but it’s not a strategy that I would recommend.
There are some marketers that make insane amounts of money with sheer quantity of websites, and it IS a legitimate strategy… BUT…
I think the average person has a better shot at success if they focus on one website at a time and make it a good one.
So this software is best used as a supplement to an overall business plan, or simply to monetize your unused domains (that’s what I’m doing with it… and for that purpose alone I think the value of the software exceeds its price), but I don’t necessarily recommend the mass-production route.