Happy Thanksgiving 2008

By | November 27, 2008

(In case you saw the original title of this post “Happy Thanksgiving 2009”, there’s a simple explanation. I had just finished Thanksgiving dinner and sat down on the couch to hurriedly type this post. Apparently all that turkey tryptophan got to my brain, because I forgot what year it was and didn’t realize it until the comments started coming in 😉 )

I try to avoid making the clichĂ© “holiday blog posts”. After all, do you really need to read ANOTHER sappy “I’m so thankful for…” article?

And in the Internet marketing world the way it usually works is the marketer says… Happy thanksgiving, now go buy this.

The fact is, I am incredibly grateful for my life and the people in it. But I’ll spare you the stereotypical thanksgiving “stuffing”, because I want to do something a little different.

First, I want everyone who reads this newsletter to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.

Here’s a FREE small gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook called Firesale Profits Revealed. I’ve made tens of thousands of dollars from quick little firesales, so this ebook talks about how to do it (Note: I didn’t write it… it was ghost written)…

Click Here to Download Now (Includes Master Resale Rights)

It also comes with Master Resale Rights and a full sales page for you to sell it from. Here’s the rights…

[YES] Can resell it and keep 100% of the profits
[YES] Can sell resale rights
[YES] Can give it away
[YES] Can bundle with other products
[YES] Can use as bonus
[YES] Can add to membership site
[NO] Includes Private Label Rights

Second, instead of making a huge list of things I’m thankful for, I want to know what YOU are thankful for. Please post in the comments below what you are thankful for.


Thank you so much to every one who posted a comment below. Many of them brought tears to my eyes. I’m sure the comments have touched and inspired hundreds of people who have read through them.

I honestly did not know what to expect. I knew I would get some comments, but the depth and sincerity of them really surprised me, particularly in light of the difficult time the world is currently going through.

Thank you for reminding me that the difficult times reveal to us what we have to be thankful for.

There were so many great comments… honorable mentions include Michael Robinson, Keith, Michaela, Ron, Simon W Rosenberg DMD, Ray, Pete Bass, Glenn Hughes, Carol Huskison, and too many others to mention them all.

My “runner up” would be Scott, whose website is Ask the Wealth Squad, who said:

I am thankful for

The pain I sometimes wake up to make me enjoy the freedom of pain.

My divorce for making me realize what was missing in my life – a strong relationship with God and his son Jesus

My recent layoff from work which gave me time to think about what I wanted to do with my life when I grow up (Currently age 40 but not wanting to grow up just yet)

The recent drop in the stock market as it created the realization that invested in ourselves in the best stock to buy.

The courts for granting me custody of my wonderful son 13 years ago.

My parents for feeding me while I am laid off

My years of plenty and God’s wisdom to store some wealth so that I can live for a bit without worry.

The worry that comes from that time I can live on my savings which gives me courage to do something new.

My friends and family for doubting me when I was young as it gave me the strength to succeed.

My dogs who love me no matter what the world does.

The USA and the opportunities it brings to anyone who is willing to work and sacrifice.

Our soldiers who have died protecting those rights.

The 2nd Amendment which protects us from our government reaching too far.

The Constitution and the brilliance it brings to our lives.

Austrian economics to understand business cycles and realize that this too shall pass.

Your website and the generosity you show – and the realization that you can be focused on doing good in the world and making a profit at it.

The interest and the ease of access to information to see how the world really works.

My travels overseas to fully understand how different our country is.

For my website which is still a work in progress – so this post has to stir me to action to finish it 🙂

For God sending his son to suffer and die for me.

For every breath
For every step
For every tear
For every pain
For every fear
For every doubter

For without struggle how can we say we have overcome? How can we know victory without knowing loss?

We fail not when we fall but when we don’t get up.


For the “winning” comment, I am choosing Kathryn Duerst, whose comment embodies the spirit of thankfulness. Thank you for reminding me to take a second look to see the divine.

Kathryn said,

Gratefulness is the ability to see the good in every circumstance, as even the hard times and trials are intended by God to shape us into His beautiful image and build our character. This is what I have heard all my life, but it does not come naturally without the practice of seeing as He sees. At first glance, I see the human side only, and it takes a second look to see the divine.

At first glance, I see the folks I care for at my jobs, elderly and handicapped people, and I think how difficult it must be for them to live in a body that does not perform as one wishes it could. Then I recall my training, that these people are gifted and special, and I am to come alongside as a friend, enjoying them and the value they contribute to my life. They do not want pity.

Seeing the one who has his feeding through a tube, I am grateful I can taste food and feel it going down my throat. Seeing the one who depends on me to be his eyes, I relish the many beautiful colors, shapes, lights, and bright eyes I can see. Seeing those who must move slowly in a wheelchair or with a cane, I exult in my bouncing steps down the hallway to answer the next call. These people make me know how good I have it.

And I wonder, if I was in their situation, would I be as pleasant? The blind man is so full of stories, memories from almost a century of life. He is one of my favorite people.

The one who gets a tube feeding every morning is so sweet and cooperative as I brush his teeth, lift him to his bath, and pour rinse water over his head; he trusts me completely. What faith! He seems grateful to have me there to help. I get to feel very needed and useful.
Then I think how much we all depend on each other. I depend on people like Eric to teach me everything about Internet marketing; without a mentor, I would be very handicapped online. I am so grateful there are people with a spirit of giving, to help me see hope in my circumstances. They breathe the divine viewpoint into my perspective.

So I am not just a struggling laborer, working for ten dollars an hour, 60 hours a week, a single parent of seven, wondering when I will get my lucky break. I am part of a divine drama in which God has me and others doing whatever most demonstrates His love to one another each moment.

I am grateful I can serve and help the people I care for, and I am grateful I have some time left over after all the hours I put in at work to pay the bills, so I can be with my family a little while, and I can work online, too, for the day my online business will free me to be wherever I am needed most, just because I want to be.

This evening, I am spending the time with my family and the family of my daughter’s fiancĂ©, and I have a few days off before the wedding to prepare for it. I feel incredibly blessed to enjoy this special time and relish it, because in a few days, the happy couple will be moving 2000 miles away, and I will be working hard to be able to afford to visit them whenever I want to. Gratefulness makes the most of what I have now, and it sees the potential in the future. I am grateful for these blessings.

Kathryn from Minnesota

I will be mailing Kathryn the Traffic Stampede course as a prize.

Although the contest is over, it’s not too late to post your comment of thankfulness. I know I will return to this page for inspiration when I’m feeling discouraged. You might want to bookmark it and do the same.

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

441 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2008

  1. Raja

    Hi Eric,

    Thank you Eric, Here in India we don’t celebrate thanksgiving day as such, But I am we happy that this is my first Wish i got and the gift i cool. Thank Youuuuuuuuuuu we much.


  2. Samy

    I am just grateful. This is my last night in the US before leaving for Kenya where I am living. Your Tips happen to come at the right time as if God prepared them for me. I am thankful. God bless you Eric.

  3. RickAnthony

    ok Eric how about being thankfull for the “melting pot” that we are. If its not for our give me your tired your poor unbiased AMERICAN beginnings we would not be who we are today.It is so unfair to call a foreigner an immigrant because in actuality that is what we all are.IMMIGRANTS!. Yes I am! and proud to be American.I was born here,yes,but my great great grandparents who stood in line for days on an island that they conceived to be solely as the gateway to a new life.Believing with whole wholehearted conviction in freedom.Life without dictatorship and suppression.Not prejudice. But our great government thought otherwise,THEY changed our names according to our abilities or just shortened them for convenience, but that was accepted ,we are here,they thought,the land of opportunity.Yes this great nation offers all an opportunity but it is what we grab by the reigns and make of it rather than today’s consensus that everything is just given to us.Now to get back to where I started I am an American of Italian/Irish/Portuguese descent not an Italian Irish or Portuguese American.I am looked at and acknowledged as white,that’s ok with me but what of the Korean who are called Chinese,the Egyptian who is called Iraqi, the Australian who is called Brit,the Guatemalan who is called Mexican,the Mexican who is called dayworker,or the black-person who is criticized as light or wannabe and last but not least our neighbors and school mates whom we call terrorists.Change is due,and it is not whom I voted for I am proud to say, I believe in America,and Her newly ELECTED BLACK MUSLIM AMERICAN PRESIDENT.This is who we are, so saith the people.

  4. enniya

    Thank god for making us, and thank us for making internet!
    Happy Thanksgiving eric and everyone else.

  5. Ron

    An Unfair Advantage: Sorry – this is not brief but if you bear with me and read it you will receive a blessing – I GUARANTEE IT!

    I was 6 years old at the time. The second oldest of 5 brothers. It was February 1965 – my mom was in the hospital after suffering a massive heart attack. My brothers and I were staying with aunts and uncles during this time. At the young age of 26 my mom was diagnosed with Angina Pectoris (a weakened heart muscle). She suffered with exhaustion and severe chest and arm pain.

    While in hospital a young preacher entered mom’s room to visit and pray for an elderly German woman in the bed beside her. Mom helped the preacher convey to the woman why he was there by interpreting for him as the woman spoke only German. The woman was not keen on receiving prayer but the brash young preacher prayed for her anyway. He then asked mom why she was hospitalized. After mom explained her health problem he answered,”I don’t think the Lord wants a young mother of five boys to be in that condition. Do you believe in healing prayer?” My mom answered that she did but having heard the prayer for the old German woman – she requested that he pray, God’s will not man’s will be done.

    With that, the preacher prayed a healing prayer for my mom. A peace blanketed the room as the Holy Spirit entered – it was so powerful in that hospital room that the German woman grew scared and requested she be moved from mom’s room. Hospital staff actually did remove that women from mom’s room.

    The next day mom was wheeled into a treatment room where two very sad looking doctors informed her that nothing could be done for her, that her heart muscle was deteriorating very quickly and she should prepare herself for death within two weeks. Mom took the news very well as the peace from the night before had not left her. Even after giving her this news – the doctors requested she see a another heart specialist and an appointment was set up for her. She agreed to this on the condition that she be allowed to go home instead of staying in hospital. She very much wanted to see her 5 sons so the doctors reluctantly agreed.

    That Thursday dad took mom home and carried her into their house (she did not have the strength to walk). My dad was very worried and not sure this was the right choice. Both mom and dad slept very little that first night home. The next day mom got to see her five boys for a short while but in her weakened condition – that visit had to be cut short so we went back to stay with our aunts and uncles. Friday night was again a tough night for mom and dad to get through – mom was in severe pain and dad was trying to convince her to go back to the hospital.

    On Saturday during the night (dad had fallen into a deep slumber out of pure exhaustion) mom was drawn out of this world through a scary darkness and she knew she was dying. She felt the hand of Jesus reach through that darkness and draw her into a beautiful place that she admittedly has never been able to find the right words to accurately describe. The beauty there is unlike anything experienced on earth. She recognized Jesus and was able to talk and listen to Him. Beyond Jesus was a force so powerful she could not face it.She knew it was God the Father – her Creator. At that moment, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that someday every knee will bow before His awesome presence. Mom relates that she felt heavy remorse while talking to Jesus about all the things she considered important in her life and that Jesus healed her sorrowful soul and gave her peace. She wanted very much to stay in that wonderful place and she states that it was her choice to stay or return to earth. She relates how she thought of her five boys growing up without a mother. She reveals how Jesus touched her dying heart and in an instant made her whole body strong and healthy once again. Then she awoke in her own bed beside her still sleeping husband.

    She excitedly woke him and told him what had happened. They rejoiced and praised the Lord. The next morning my mom and dad went to church and utterly flabbergasted everyone in that small farming community! Mom – healthy and full of life and joy – stood up in church that Sunday and shared how Jesus had performed a miracle healing on her.

    Mom and dad went to see her doctors that Monday. Shock and amazement showed on their faces as they examined my mom. Still, they insisted that mom see the heart specialist.

    The heart specialist – with a group of young medical students surrounding him – put mom through a plethora of tests and found her to be completely healthy. He told those students that if they wished to become great doctors, they should always include God’s healing power in their future practise.

    I’m 49 now and I still have my mom around. Dad passed on a few years ago – a very traumatic time for all of us but especially so for my mom. Some may find that strange given the full knowledge that dad truly went to heaven – that most beautiful of destinations. Mom had a difficult time accepting the loss and dealing with the lonliness and admits contemplating suicide in her darkest hour. She did a lot of praying and begging Jesus to chase Satan away. God saw her through and put another good Christian man in her life a short while later. It goes to show that we are all human. We all still need Jesus everyday. Even when we’ve already touched the pearly gates.

    So I repeat – I believe I may have an unfair advantage. I have a mother who postponed going to heaven in order for me, my brothers and two sisters who followed later to grow up with the love she has given me and my siblings all my life. When I am at my weakest in my faith,I am reminded that a very real and documented healing from the Son Of God Himself – Jesus Christ was bestowed on my own mother. And so – I share this true account with you. I offer it to you as proof that God exists. That the Holy Bible is accurate and true. That Jesus did die
    for all mankind and afforded a way to salvation by paying for everyone’s sin. That a simple acceptance of His gift awards you a home in heaven. How can I not be thankful? May God Richly Bless You.

  6. Anders

    When I see a stranger help granny with her shopping bags, when I see a stranger stop in front a crying child and asks about the problem, when I walk past a stranger in the early morning and I can see the genuine smile in the eyes
“Good morning”. When I drop a coin in the supermarket and a stranger in the queue picks it up and gives it to me with a smile.
    These might seem like little things in our everyday life, but those are the little things that make our days a little better for everyone.
    I’m thankful for those little moments because that is when love is born.
    Thank you stranger.

  7. Rachel

    Hi Eric

    I am so thankful for my husband who after 16 years (and three kids later) still finds me attractive and has coped through all my crazy ideas. Besides God, he is the best thing that has happened to me.
    p.s. thanks for your blog and free gift!

  8. Yvonne Bryan

    This is something we should say everyday. I am thankful to God for life and the ability to share my blessings with someone every day. Yvonne

  9. david

    Happy Thanksgiving Eric and thank you for the gift.

    What am I thankful for? Where do I begin? I am thankful for a God that blesses us. I am thankful for my 7 year old daughter and that I was able to speak to her on the phone today(I am newly divorced). I am thankful for you, after all these years of trying to get a business going on the internet I finally found someone willing to show us how to put the pieces together. I will be building my pre-launch web page using html tonight after I finish putting the tree together. It is my weekend with my daughter so I thought we would decorate the tree Saturday. Mostly I think that I am thankful that I was born in the USA where I have the freedoms that we enjoy and can choose to build an internet business to better my life and my daughter’s.
    Again thank you for the download and I eagerly await your next lesson.

  10. Pat Leutwyler

    I am currently jobless, and will soon be homeless. I am thankful to still be alive at this point… I just need to make money right now to survive…

  11. Donnie Graham

    I’m just thankful that God gave me enough time on this planet to be able to help others.

  12. Sheila Atwood

    I am grateful for my abilities. I have the ability to serve my fellow man. I have the ability to be happy and have great pleasure in my life. I have the ability to study and learn. I have the ability to laugh and cry. I have the ability to work hard and play hard. I have the ability to find solutions. I have the ability to know that to love and understand my fellow man is a goal worth achieving. This year I found an ability I never thought I had; after a great tragedy in my life I found the ability to accept the help and support of others.

    I am grateful that I live in this great country.
    A country that affords me the freedom of religion, the freedom to grow and be all that I can be. The freedom to create the future and to make amends for my errors. The freedom to pick myself up and start over again when I forget my abilities.

    Thanks for the gift.

  13. Sid Frasier

    I’m thankful for the blessings of health as I know many friends, family, and associates suffering from serious illness. I’m thankful for life and the great people that I have come to know and love. I’m greatful for my family and pets as they provide unconditional love and support. I’m thankful for the tremendous opportunities we have in this country. May each of us be blessed with the gift of helping others and seeing a joy in everyone we touch.

  14. Gail

    Eric – Thank you for such a generous gift and the unselfish way you share so much with your readers.

    I am thankful for the number of times that God saved my life – literally. I should be dead today.

    I am thankful for the roof over my head, food on the table and the beautiful sky above.

    I am thankful for the new people I’ve met in the past years.

    I am thankful that God keeps my bank account from bouncing as I feed two girls and two ravenous boys – have you seen how much boys eat?????

    I am thankful that I have the opportunity to work from home and be there for my children.

    I am thankful for the ability to think and make decisions. And I’m thankful to be able to rely on Him.

    Thank you Eric for opportunity to remember just a few of the things for which I am very grateful and thankful!



  15. RickAnthony

    Your site is being watchdogged!!!
    I posted a note
    then copeid it and mailed it to me.
    I then opened it my own mail to watch it dissipate

  16. Maurice Goulet

    I’m thankful for my family. They are the reason why I dedicate a minimum of 1 hour a day learning how to do internet marketing the smart way rather than the hard way. By learning how to work smart, I am able to spend quality time with those who matter most.

  17. georges baetens

    Dear Mr. Eric,

    I am so greatfull for knowing you.
    I have to say you are a person of great knowledge and the fine thing is, you are able to share.
    I, and all of your readers benefit tremendous from your time and efforts spend, just to make people happy by filing the wallets.

    Keep doing the wonderfull work.
    May God bless you, your family and co-workers.

    Thankfull for knowing you.
    Georges Baetens

  18. Simon W Rosenberg, DMD

    Here are some thoughts I have for this 2008 Thanksgiving Day:

    * I have food in the refrigerator, clothes on my back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep… that makes me richer than 75% of the people in this world.

    * I have some money in the bank, in my wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace… that makes me among the top 8% of the world’s wealthiest people (despite whatever debt I have and the recent significant losses in my retirement accounts.)

    * I woke up this morning with more health than illness … I am more blessed than the million who will not survive this week… (Unless G-d has other plans for me next week)

    * I have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation… I am ahead of 500 million people in the world who face these horrors on a daily basis, often without any hope of relief.

    * I can read this message, which is more than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.

    * I can attend a house of worship of my choosing, study the Bible or other Holy Books of my choosing and practice my religious beliefs without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death … I am far more blessed than millions of our ancestors and others that live in less tolerant lands then the USA and other free world nations.

    * I have spend the day with family and friends, eaten responsibly from a wide variety of choices, received over 30 emails from internet marketers whom I subscribe to who have sent me Thanksgiving Day best wishes and some free informational ebooks to stir my thoughts on how to weather the current economic storm, which give me things to reflect on and options for goal setting and action taking.

    And finally and reflectively with an acceptance of some pessimism and a hope of optimism, I live in a free country (USA) that has survived many horrible mistakes of the past 40 years of presidents and politicians who are clueless and I suspect don’t give a damn about the people they were elected to serve and protect, and yet we still survive as a nation, through it all. May G-d Bless and Inspire our leaders to act more appropriately in service to the people of this land, and as a light of hope and freedom to nations who struggle to achieve the freedoms and economic opportunities we have.

    * So on this Thanksgiving Day, I hold up my head with a smile on my face, count my blessings and am truly thankful to G-d for the opportunities I have.

    Simon W Rosenberg, DMD
    http://www.InternetDentalEnterprises.com (marketing site)
    http://www.DrSimonRosenberg.com (Dental Practice Site

  19. Jim Stephenson

    I am thankful that God has blessed me to live in a time and land where I have the opportunity to live as I desire, become what he wants me to become, and the responsibility to share my blessings with all around me.

  20. Steve

    Not long ago, I saw a grieving father forgive the young man who had been convicted of taking his only daughter’s life away.

    It was the kind of thing you never forget, witnessing an act of tremendous grace like that.

    It renewed my faith in how amazing people can be, even while facing a world with so much pain, hardship, and injustice in it.

    Since then, I draw strength from that man’s words, and from his belief that no matter what life throws at you, everything will be alright somehow.

    If he didn’t give up, I certainly have no excuse to.

    So I want to thank you Eric, for this forum, for your lessons, and especially for all of the awesome missionary work your wife and yourself do to help make this world a better place.

    May God bless you and yours, Happy Thanksgiving.

  21. Olivia Blair

    Happy Thanksgiving to all! I am thankful for my wonderful husband and new grandaughter. I am also thankful for Eric and all of the advice and encouragement he gives so freely.

  22. Djordje Ajdukovic

    You are one of the rare marketers who appear to be genuinely concerned with your customers by providing useful tips and bits of information and objectively writes/evaluates other people’s products. In this industry full of crap and scam, it has exceptional value. We
    all appreciate it and are thank you for all.

    In spite of my lousy marketing success (thanks to hype and wrong information obtained as well as my inexperience), I feel fortunate for my recent survival of three heart attacks and have every reason to be thankfull for my good fortune.

  23. Mark

    I am greatful that if I died today that I would know I have said everything that I have needed to say to my family to feel complete.

    I would feel complete.

  24. Charles

    Hi Eric,

    A little more than a year ago I worked in the mortgage industry and made a pretty decent living. Then suddenly I became a victim of the mortgage meltdown and found myself unemployed and then my whole world fell apart. Since I’m older and have been self employed most of my life I found it difficult to find work as I was told I was either overqualified or since I haven’t held a “JOB” since 1984 my background information looked like crap on the online job applications that so many companies use today. Long story short, my woman left me, I got evicted from where I was living and ended up becoming homeless. I was left all alone to try and put back the peices starting from scratch. It’s amazing how so many so called friends disappear once the money runs out. Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine myself in a situation like this but it’s all true.

    What am I thankful for? Well it’s been a long road but things are much better now than they were then. First and foremost I am thankful that through the experiences of the past year that I have found a stronger faith in God. I now have a roof over my head. A real bed to sleep in. I’m not hungry any more. I have a refridgerator with food in it. I have a new woman in my life who loves me for me and not what I have or don’t have. I am thankful that through it all I am still alive and in good health as I’m diabetic and went without proper care for a long time. I am most of all thankful that I have an internet connection, a used laptop and the ability to learn quickly and that I did not lose my drive and ambition and give up or quit. With these tools I know that one day I will not only be able to have the life that I once had but far surpass that life through internet marketing and like you I will be able to extend a hand and reach out and help others do the same.

    This may seem strange to say but the one thing that I am thankful for more than anything else is having had the experience of going through all of this because it opened my eyes. No matter how bad things got for me I could always look around and find someone else who had it worse than me. It made me aware. It made me even more thankful for the little bit that I did have so the next time you pass that homeless person on the street don’t prejudge him or her. It doesn’t make them a bad person. It may just be someone like myself who is trying t put their life back together again. Acknowledge them and just be thankful every day for the simple things that you take for granted each day and realize that it could happen to anyone, even you, just as it hapened to me.

    Happy Thanksgiving.


  25. Charley

    First and foremost, I am thankful for God’s love, that He loves me and will never leave me, that He died for me. I am thankful that He died and rose again for you, reader, and for all those I love.

  26. Michael

    Beyond the thanks for those in my family and my closest friends who I would go to war with if needed?

    I am thankful for living now when the possibilities and potential exists as a result of the virtual world.

    When a person in a 3rd world country (or in our own) can be educated and improve their skill and knowledge which might compare to that of a country with better resources, it will push them to a better quality of life. It also levels the playing field of course and keeps everyone diligent.

    No more do only a few have special information which others do not. With videos, flash and the internet, neither geography nor money will be the primary barrier as we continue this journey.

    An example is information such as what you have shared in your tips.

    I have shared your links with others less fortunate and they have been able to “get a leg up” to improve the quality of life.

    This is true because the internet exists.

    Another example is many I have contact with who have similar stories such as Michaela wrote on this post. No longer do the old limitations exist.

    So while there are predators, scammers, those and shallow thinkers on the internet, the value of sharing information over a wide range of ability, income and place in the world is awesome.

    To date, each time I follow an item you recommend, I have not been dissappointed.

    The journey will be to connect the opportunities for each perso in this new world. To this end, I attempt to contribute.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you Eric.
    I am glad you enjoy and appreciate the knowledge you have and that you share it with others with good character and responsibility.

  27. billy martin

    Hello Eric,

    well as everyone knows the economic times are tough right now as the stock market plummets and slowly rises again,

    the jobs are not as plentiful they once were,

    and the housing foreclosures at an all time high,

    and for anyone trying to make a living on the net it is not as easy as the ‘guru’s’ would like you to think it is, press this do that ‘walla instant money b@llsh!t” you know what I mean,

    now I’m not complaining as I am working on my own Internet business as we speak,

    and some of the “guru’s” info can be helpful

    but it does take time, hard work, dedication,
    and knowing what, how, when and where to do what you need to do to make it work,

    ok before I go on ranting about that I would just like to go back to the hard times of the economic meltdown,

    I as well as many other millions of people
    have been affected by this downturn in our society,

    I have lost my job and it seems that nobody is in the position to hire anyone, at least I haven’t found anyone willing,

    my house has been foreclosed on and the bank says I have to be out the week of Christmas,
    even though I have no funds to do so,

    Again I am not complaining, I am just stating some facts that are going on at the moment,

    I have done some firesales, not to any measure of success that you have done I am sure
    but the reason for all this info is this,

    no matter what is going on in anybody’s life
    good times or hard times,

    there is always room to be thankful for something,

    I am a single father
    of 2 beautiful teen girls, and my mother is disabled and living with us,

    so for me it is my family as they have stuck by me even though I have failed to be the best provider I wanted to be,

    I just wanted everyone to know you always have something to be thankful for, no matter how bad it seems at the moment,
    just take a look around take a deep breath and smile as you do have something to be thankful for, YOUR STILL ALIVE AND TOMARROW IS ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL BIGINNING OF ANOTHER DAY,

    sorry for the rants,


  28. Sylvia

    Hi Eric,

    Like you, I am most thankful for my family, and the good health of everyone of them. I’m
    thankful that we all have roofs, clothing, and
    enough to eat.

    Thanks for all the great tips!


  29. bog

    The first thing I was thankfull this morning it was for waking up. On my own feet. Isn’t that great?
    Then, I thought of all the things I’m thankfull for… I don’t think I’ll be done in two hours mentioning them.

    So… Have a great day, all of you!

  30. Victoria Ling

    Ever since my father was diagnosed with cancer, I prayed for his full recovery. He is in remission now and I have not stopped being thankful for the everyday that he is with me.

  31. Joe Harper

    Very thankful that I came across your “Eric’s Tips” website and that you have put so much work into it. It has been very helpful in moving me through the steps of creating my own Internet business.

    Best Regards

  32. Martin Donnelly

    Hi Eric and all Eric’s Tips readers, happy Thanks-giving day to all who celebrate it.
    But then, we should celebrate everyday with thanks to our God for all that we have been given, our loved ones, family & friends, to love & to be loved and the life we have been given and how we have developed it.
    I believe we are here on this earth to expand on what we are given, not necessarily material or monetary things, although these have become necessary in the western world today, but rather to develop our inner selves to make a contribution by giving of ourselves to others. And You, Eric do exactly that by giving of your time, guidance and expertise in these columns to us, the needy, thank you.
    Thank you, God for my life & all that I have been given & for what I am about to receive.
    Martin Donnelly
    http://www.burpin-catfish.com (for the greatest e-book maker with audio & video)
    http://cluckin-duck.info/ (for the greatest linking software)

  33. Bob

    Happy thanksgiving to you & family !
    I give thanks for every moment of my life,starting when I wake in the morning that I am alive to enjoy another day in this wonderful world. To be able to see,hear,smell touch and emotionally feel all the wonders that have been given to us to experience. I focus on the simple things that most people overlook like finding a penny on the ground and thanking god for this gift,so simple but so powerful! To smile and have someone smile back,to give and recieve a hug for no reason at all,to have someone to look at you and just know without a word spoken,to love and be loved. I could probably go on and on but these are all things not matrialistic,cost nothing,worth nothing but are priceless!

  34. Jennifer

    Hello Eric
    I am not sure when you first came into my life but of all the people who I have interacted with vi the internet in my process of learning about IM you I have to say really deliver, I enjoy the emails you send as with this one you have just delivered.. I really feel you are the genuine person who helps “newbie’ even after a year & half still struggling however, less with your valuable assistance Jen

  35. elsy

    I want to thank you in this special day because I think you know the basic concept to make this world better: share without expecting nothing…I always wonder the special person you are giving all people the knowledge you have to make people success…
    God bless you

  36. RickAnthony

    maybe glitch on my desktop but weird Joann was reading emais on other comp and just not there
    we have 2 pc’s in home office both shows receipt
    of email but not ?blog?

  37. Kevin Baker

    Eric,and all who read this please note,

    I am thankful for those times when I reflect on my life and the impact I have had on others by the standards that I have set for myself.

    Life really is good and despite all that has befallen me and those dearest to me over the years I am thankful most of all that I can still smile and find humour in life’s little foibles.

    Happy thanks giving.

  38. Kevin Baker


    Sorry to post twice and NO i am not hoping to hoodwink you for the traffic course (i would be very happy to win of course). I have just read the post above by Dr Rosenberg and wish I could be so graceful in my thoughts and so poetic in my writing.

    Now that post was inspiring.


  39. RickAnthony

    Erick I would not open myself up to criticism as I have just done but in all actuality wtf just happened

  40. Sir NicheALot

    I am thankful for your Lessons that come into my inbox every now and then.

    It serves as a reminder as well as a tune up of sorts about the latest techniques in the IM world.

    Thanks and keep up the great work, Eric.

    Sir NicheALot


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