Happy Thanksgiving 2008

By | November 27, 2008

(In case you saw the original title of this post “Happy Thanksgiving 2009”, there’s a simple explanation. I had just finished Thanksgiving dinner and sat down on the couch to hurriedly type this post. Apparently all that turkey tryptophan got to my brain, because I forgot what year it was and didn’t realize it until the comments started coming in šŸ˜‰ )

I try to avoid making the clichĆ© “holiday blog posts”. After all, do you really need to read ANOTHER sappy “I’m so thankful for…” article?

And in the Internet marketing world the way it usually works is the marketer says… Happy thanksgiving, now go buy this.

The fact is, I am incredibly grateful for my life and the people in it. But I’ll spare you the stereotypical thanksgiving “stuffing”, because I want to do something a little different.

First, I want everyone who reads this newsletter to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.

Here’s a FREE small gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook called Firesale Profits Revealed. I’ve made tens of thousands of dollars from quick little firesales, so this ebook talks about how to do it (Note: I didn’t write it… it was ghost written)…

Click Here to Download Now (Includes Master Resale Rights)

It also comes with Master Resale Rights and a full sales page for you to sell it from. Here’s the rights…

[YES] Can resell it and keep 100% of the profits
[YES] Can sell resale rights
[YES] Can give it away
[YES] Can bundle with other products
[YES] Can use as bonus
[YES] Can add to membership site
[NO] Includes Private Label Rights

Second, instead of making a huge list of things I’m thankful for, I want to know what YOU are thankful for. Please post in the comments below what you are thankful for.


Thank you so much to every one who posted a comment below. Many of them brought tears to my eyes. I’m sure the comments have touched and inspired hundreds of people who have read through them.

I honestly did not know what to expect. I knew I would get some comments, but the depth and sincerity of them really surprised me, particularly in light of the difficult time the world is currently going through.

Thank you for reminding me that the difficult times reveal to us what we have to be thankful for.

There were so many great comments… honorable mentions include Michael Robinson, Keith, Michaela, Ron, Simon W Rosenberg DMD, Ray, Pete Bass, Glenn Hughes, Carol Huskison, and too many others to mention them all.

My “runner up” would be Scott, whose website is Ask the Wealth Squad, who said:

I am thankful for

The pain I sometimes wake up to make me enjoy the freedom of pain.

My divorce for making me realize what was missing in my life – a strong relationship with God and his son Jesus

My recent layoff from work which gave me time to think about what I wanted to do with my life when I grow up (Currently age 40 but not wanting to grow up just yet)

The recent drop in the stock market as it created the realization that invested in ourselves in the best stock to buy.

The courts for granting me custody of my wonderful son 13 years ago.

My parents for feeding me while I am laid off

My years of plenty and Godā€™s wisdom to store some wealth so that I can live for a bit without worry.

The worry that comes from that time I can live on my savings which gives me courage to do something new.

My friends and family for doubting me when I was young as it gave me the strength to succeed.

My dogs who love me no matter what the world does.

The USA and the opportunities it brings to anyone who is willing to work and sacrifice.

Our soldiers who have died protecting those rights.

The 2nd Amendment which protects us from our government reaching too far.

The Constitution and the brilliance it brings to our lives.

Austrian economics to understand business cycles and realize that this too shall pass.

Your website and the generosity you show – and the realization that you can be focused on doing good in the world and making a profit at it.

The interest and the ease of access to information to see how the world really works.

My travels overseas to fully understand how different our country is.

For my website which is still a work in progress – so this post has to stir me to action to finish it šŸ™‚

For God sending his son to suffer and die for me.

For every breath
For every step
For every tear
For every pain
For every fear
For every doubter

For without struggle how can we say we have overcome? How can we know victory without knowing loss?

We fail not when we fall but when we donā€™t get up.


For the “winning” comment, I am choosing Kathryn Duerst, whose comment embodies the spirit of thankfulness. Thank you for reminding me to take a second look to see the divine.

Kathryn said,

Gratefulness is the ability to see the good in every circumstance, as even the hard times and trials are intended by God to shape us into His beautiful image and build our character. This is what I have heard all my life, but it does not come naturally without the practice of seeing as He sees. At first glance, I see the human side only, and it takes a second look to see the divine.

At first glance, I see the folks I care for at my jobs, elderly and handicapped people, and I think how difficult it must be for them to live in a body that does not perform as one wishes it could. Then I recall my training, that these people are gifted and special, and I am to come alongside as a friend, enjoying them and the value they contribute to my life. They do not want pity.

Seeing the one who has his feeding through a tube, I am grateful I can taste food and feel it going down my throat. Seeing the one who depends on me to be his eyes, I relish the many beautiful colors, shapes, lights, and bright eyes I can see. Seeing those who must move slowly in a wheelchair or with a cane, I exult in my bouncing steps down the hallway to answer the next call. These people make me know how good I have it.

And I wonder, if I was in their situation, would I be as pleasant? The blind man is so full of stories, memories from almost a century of life. He is one of my favorite people.

The one who gets a tube feeding every morning is so sweet and cooperative as I brush his teeth, lift him to his bath, and pour rinse water over his head; he trusts me completely. What faith! He seems grateful to have me there to help. I get to feel very needed and useful.
Then I think how much we all depend on each other. I depend on people like Eric to teach me everything about Internet marketing; without a mentor, I would be very handicapped online. I am so grateful there are people with a spirit of giving, to help me see hope in my circumstances. They breathe the divine viewpoint into my perspective.

So I am not just a struggling laborer, working for ten dollars an hour, 60 hours a week, a single parent of seven, wondering when I will get my lucky break. I am part of a divine drama in which God has me and others doing whatever most demonstrates His love to one another each moment.

I am grateful I can serve and help the people I care for, and I am grateful I have some time left over after all the hours I put in at work to pay the bills, so I can be with my family a little while, and I can work online, too, for the day my online business will free me to be wherever I am needed most, just because I want to be.

This evening, I am spending the time with my family and the family of my daughterā€™s fiancĆ©, and I have a few days off before the wedding to prepare for it. I feel incredibly blessed to enjoy this special time and relish it, because in a few days, the happy couple will be moving 2000 miles away, and I will be working hard to be able to afford to visit them whenever I want to. Gratefulness makes the most of what I have now, and it sees the potential in the future. I am grateful for these blessings.

Kathryn from Minnesota

I will be mailing Kathryn the Traffic Stampede course as a prize.

Although the contest is over, it’s not too late to post your comment of thankfulness. I know I will return to this page for inspiration when I’m feeling discouraged. You might want to bookmark it and do the same.

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

441 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2008

  1. Mary Kathryn Donachy

    Hi, Eric! First let me say that I’m thankful for all the help you have given me these past months. They are more important to me than you know. The one thing I am most thankful for though, is an autistic young lady that God blessed me with 20 years ago. We have had our difficulties and tough times, Eric, but love has pulled us through so many things. Today, on this Thanksgiving day, she was able to say thanks to God for Thanksgive dinner. It was just “Thank you, God! Food good. Amen.” That may not sound like much, Eric, but to us it was a miracle. Please go to http://www.theautistictouch.com and meet Jenny.
    We love YOU, Eric. Thanks again. I’m already a winner, don’t you think?

  2. Cesar

    Well EricK, Life is good. Sometimes we feel that isn’t fair but steel been good,it’s a gift. And talking about gifts lets say: Thanks Lord for everything, for your sacrifice, for show me the way and for provide us with presents of love, unconditional love and support. God bless you more!

  3. Yvonne

    Im Very Thankful for LIFE.So many people I know and love have found all kinds of sickness and even death in some cases this year.Its nice to wake up each and every morning knowing I am allowed to live my life for now without thinkingand worrying about how it might end.

  4. Wallace

    Just by reading all the other member’s posts.
    Above all the troubles in the world, there are
    generally alot more things to be thankful for.
    Count your blessings, no matter of how small or grand.

  5. Terry Hall

    What is thanksgiving or thankfulness? Thankfulness is my positive emotion or attitude acknowledging a beneficial gain I have received or will receive. Thankfulness is my feelings flowing from my heart expressing my deepest appreciation. I have felt that positive emotional attitude and have expressed my emotion of thankfulness many times. Through lifeā€™s experience I have felt the need to develop an ongoing attitude of thankfulness for things that have happened to me. By stepping forward and giving thanks I’ve seen that it became a stride toward achieving something bigger and better than where I am presently. My being thankful is like wrapping a present and being blessed by giving it away. Expressing my personal thankfulness in this way creates a wonderful memory in my heart that propels me on. By the act of being thankful Iā€™m saying I accept my past, in turn bringing good thoughts for today, and thus creating a drive for the future. If only we could learn this sooner to search our soul to value that life is about the little things. If only we can see being thankful for the little things I will be thankful for much. Through lifeā€™s experiences Iā€™m learning itā€™s enough to just say “thank you” when it comes sincerely from the heart. I’ve learned the lesson of thankfulness through the act of my will by just beginning to do it now. My grateful thoughts reflect upon all those people who have rekindled my inner spirit, I say: “Thank You!” I’ve chosen to write a journal of thankfulness in memory of all those special people, family, friends, and fellow workers who have spurred me on. I am so thankful for online entrepreneurs who have encouraged, inspired and motivated me not to give up but to press on to even higher heights. My heart over flows with deep gratitude compelling me to thank these special ones right now for taking the time to listen and help me through needful times. Again I say ā€œthank youā€ to all of you. Thankfulness is like coinage that we can make for ourselves and spend without fear of ruin even though the economy does not appear good right now. More and more I am seeing the need to reflect upon my present blessings. How we use our blessings is the true measure of our thanksgiving. I’m now beginning to realize the attitude of thanksgiving has been life changing and one of the most important factors of my life. The soil of which thankfulness grows naturally is a humble mind. A thankful heart bears good fruit chasing away seeds of discouragement. Sometimes my light has flickered but I owe my deepest thanks to those who came along to renew my fading light. My thankful heart is discovering new mercies and opening the window of opportunity for ideas to flow my way. I am so thankful for those unknown blessings that I am convinced are already on their way. My heart is compelled to be as others have been to me. To always remember when I am eating the fruit to keep in mind those who have planted the tree. Remembering no man makes it on his own. When we are truly grateful by choosing not to focus on what is missing from our lives we open ourselves to good fruit flowing our way. Last night as I gazed upon the vast universe with its brilliant stars I am reminded: ā€œCreation teaches us that an Infinitely Eternal All Powerful Creator created us and all we have. Therefore we are His creatures. He owns us. Our life, our breath, and everything we have are a gift. Our duty is simply to be thankful to Him from our heart and to cherish His glory and to love our neighbor.ā€ Daily reminding me a little thanksgiving goes a long way.

  6. ken Mahaffy

    Thankyou Erik,
    Your site is such a refreshing and safe haven for me and contrasts enormously with just about all the rest of the poppycock in this field that is out there. I guess what I appreciate most is that you tell the truth. You are not afraid to discuss some of the negatives of web marketing. You offer a lot of options for people like me starting out. You don’t appear to simply have your hand out.

    You don’t want to get me started about the things in my life I am gratful for. There are too many to list.

  7. Ed

    Hey Eric,

    Happy Thanksgiving.

    I am grateful that even though my job was outsourced to India (twice) in the past two years, I have good health, my children and wife are healthy. I’m thankful I live in a time and a country where people are willing to sacrifice and protect our country and make this a safe place to live.

    I am grateful for the character lessons my parents taught me and that I should pass them to my children.

    I’m thankful to the people I have met that are helping to inhance skills I have and teach me new ones.


  8. sophie martin

    Thank you for your generosity in helping us all achieve our goals. Whichever way one aids one’s fellow man, like you are doing, it is always in the spirit of love. Cheers.

  9. ihwan

    before i say that i am indonesian. in indonesia very much people but a little understanding english..so am i….
    i am thankful for living now when the possibilities and potential exists as a result of the virtual world.
    thanks eric……salam….

  10. rama

    hai eric,

    It is really awesome. I glade u for making this. it is very much helpful to the people how want to gain something in life. thank u a lot for this.

  11. Julius Po

    Dear Eric,

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, and also a HUGE thanks for the Gift.

    The Most Important gift you made me realize my Road in Internet Marketing. Your truth & honesty reflects in each and every lesson.

    To make it short, you have changed the mindset of many, who like would agree that business enterprenuers need to focus on being more realistic. Your approach is truely geninue.

    Thank you,
    Julius Po

  12. Trish

    Hi Eric, I am thankful that I have loving family and friends, that I live with freedom to make my own choices about what to believe, what to wear and what kind of work I will do. I am grateful that I have plenty of good food to eat, a roof over my head and a car to get about in.
    I am also thankful for all the successful internet marketers, yourself included, who willingly pass on their knowledge to help others achieve success and financial independence. Thank you very much.

  13. Scott

    I am thankful for

    The pain I sometimes wake up to make me enjoy the freedom of pain.

    My divorce for making me realize what was missing in my life – a strong relationship with God and his son Jesus

    My recent layoff from work which gave me time to think about what I wanted to do with my life when I grow up (Currently age 40 but not wanting to grow up just yet)

    The recent drop in the stock market as it created the realization that invested in ourselves in the best stock to buy.

    The courts for granting me custody of my wonderful son 13 years ago.

    My parents for feeding me while I am laid off šŸ™‚

    My years of plenty and God’s wisdom to store some wealth so that I can live for a bit without worry.

    The worry that comes from that time I can live on my savings which gives me courage to do something new.

    My friends and family for doubting me when I was young as it gave me the strength to succeed.

    My dogs who love me no matter what the world does.

    The USA and the opportunities it brings to anyone who is willing to work and sacrifice.

    Our soldiers who have died protecting those rights.

    The 2nd Amendment which protects us from our government reaching too far.

    The Constitution and the brilliance it brings to our lives.

    Austrian economics to understand business cycles and realize that this too shall pass.

    Your website and the generosity you show – and the realization that you can be focused on doing good in the world and making a profit at it.

    The interest and the ease of access to information to see how the world really works.

    My travels overseas to fully understand how different our country is.

    For my website which is still a work in progress – so this post has to stir me to action to finish it šŸ™‚

    For God sending his son to suffer and die for me.

    For every breath
    For every step
    For every tear
    For every pain
    For every fear
    For every doubter

    For without struggle how can we say we have overcome? How can we know victory without knowing loss?

    We fail not when we fall but when we don’t get up.


  14. rama

    hai eric,

    It is really awesome. I glade u for making this. it is very much helpful to the people how want to gain something in life. thank u a lot for this.

  15. Paulie

    In these hard financail times, with financail disasters throughout the world, and terrorist activities, I am thankful for having the wisdom and guidance from mentors such as yourself, Perry Marshall, and many others to have learned to be in control of my own personal econonmy. What ever happens around us, if we learn to control our own world, and learn to help others by sharing this knowledge, we can improve this world one person at a time.

  16. Lola Vanslette

    I have too much to be thankful for to mention, but I am thankful my son survived getting hit by a car and although he’ll never be “quite right” mentally and emotionally, I am glad he’s here and a cheerful and loving 15 year old. I am thankful for all my kids and my husband for pulling me through rough times. And I am thankful for all the Firesales on the internet because it has given me hope that I can actually do something to get out of debt finally.

    Thank you, Eric.

    Lola Vanslette

  17. Danette

    Hi Eric,

    Contemplating your question – for what am I thankful?

    I guess I am thankful for –
    all that is, has been and will be.

  18. Arun

    Since last 2 years i am receiving your mails,you are really doing a good job especially for newbies.After your inspiration,i have invested much time in internet business more effectively.All my best wishes are with you

  19. Debra

    I am thankful that we have the ability within us to create our own destiny. Develop an attitude of gratitude and enjoy Thanksgiving everyday!

  20. Jill Skillern

    I am so thankful that I have found network marketing and all that it can bring to myself and my family. I am also thankful that I have found someone like you Eric that is willing to help other people in network marketing for FREE and all the great information that you have given us and keep giving to us.I am also thankful for my family and my two little girls Ryann and Courtney I love you!

    Again Eric thanks for all that you have done and will do!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    Jill Skillern

  21. Stan

    I received an email the other day from an organisation with a short cover letter which just said”Christmas wishes please give.”
    “I have nothing” I muttered to the screen, why doesent somone give me? “So which part of the nothing do you want?”

    Reading the attatchment I was humbled, it was from an orphange, one I knew well.
    A small kid wanted a toy spade and wheelbarrow.
    A 12 yearold girl wanted a T-shirt; high school musical if possible.
    Some other teanage girls wanted toiletries, deodrants “Goodies that help us smell nice” their words.
    Some requests for stationary, pen and paper.
    The requests for bibles from a few of the children, really got to me.
    A gift of a bible helped me get away from drugs and gambling 28 years ago, not through anything I did, but through Gods awsome grace. Though I thought I have nothing.
    I have every thing.
    I have clothes enough to wear.
    Toiletries I take for granted;
    Paper I waste to much.
    I neglect my quiet time to read my Bible.

    I am really thankful for that email.

  22. Shanky

    Great to see so many people participating in the comments. Eric, this is a great mailing list, and am happy to be part of it. Thanks to all who are making things better.

  23. Bob

    God has surely blessed my life with more than I deserve. He has given me a wonderful wife (for 53 years so far), great children, grandchildren and good health.
    But, I am most Thankful for the blessings of serving my Lord for some 60 years by telling others about Him.
    Eric, thank you for your giving of your time by teaching us how to build a website.

  24. George Thurman

    I’m Thankful for everything that God has given me. Wonderful Kids, a great job, my Family, my Friends, and the wonderful life I have. I’ve been going through a lot of changes in my life lately and if it wasn’t for all these I would be totally lost. I’m also thankful for my Internet family (because that’s what I call them) for giving me the knowledge, inspiration, the drive to push me and tell me that I will succeed and live an abundant life. I know I haven’t done much lately to work and take action on my business. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not reading, studying, and learning everything there is to know about making a better life for myself, my kids, my family(s), and my friends. I’m thankful for God to be able to get me up in the morning and look in the mirror and say “You Deserve Abundance”, “You Deserve the Best that Life has to Offer” and go to work to do the best that I can each day to make the world a better and safer place to live. I’m Thankful for everything I have and for everything that is to come.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!! And I wish everyone an Abundant and Prosperous life!!

    George Thurman

  25. Anonymous

    Hi Eric,

    Firstly, I am very grateful for your lessons and the community you have brought forth with things such as this and also sharing your family experiences. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving Day just as I did. I am one of the lucky ones to have a big and mostly loving family who gets together for holidays etc. and know that alot of people do not have this. So maybe I should mostly be thankful for this.

    Late last year, about this time, I experienced some pretty serious health issues and lost alot of weight. In part this was due to working a very stressful job for a few years at a big ecommerce company which I won’t name.

    After a few changes, I have slowly but surely gained most of my health back to normal even though it was a tough year and my vision doesn’t quite seem as good as it once was. However, I am mostly thankful for regaining my health and also for gaining a renewed interest in computers through learning internet/affiliate marketing and starting an online business in part thanks to you.

    I have been following your lessons from day one and although I was not a novice and had quite a bit of computer experience I had not been able to find my direction in online marketing. Thanks to you and a few other internet experts I have now found a new direction and passion in my life.

    Thanks a million


  26. Ray


    5yrs ago my wife said I can’t remember what to do next while standing at the cooker. I’m thankful she had taught me earlier how to finish that dish.

    A little while later she couldn’t remember how to cook anything. I’m thankful for recipe books and good friends.

    A little while later when she couldn’t remember how to keep house. I’m thankful for a welfare system that provided some practical help.

    A little while later when she couldn’t remember how to work the shower, I’m thankful for humble people who care enough to help.

    A little while later when she couldn’t stand to be alone, I’m thankful for friends and a boss that let me work flexi hours.

    A little while later when she needed care 24/7, I’m thankful for a welfare system that let me do that.

    A little while later when her anxiety got the better of her, I’m thankful for medication that would settle her down.

    A little while later when she couldn’t sleep more than a few hours, I’m thankful for facilities that work 24hour days to care for her.

    A little while later after she has settled in to her new residence I’m thankful the short time we have together each day looking at flowers, horses and things she loved most.

    A little while later when our son gets married I’m thankful she is able to see it.

    A little while later when she is unable to make a coherent sentence, I’m thankful for a love which understands without words.

    A little while later as she’s being taken to the tiolet, I’m thankful to the Lord who promises to restore.

    A little while later when I’m home alone, I’m thankful for His grace to help in times of need.

    A little while later as I make a comment on Eric’s blog, I’m thankful that I can cry and grieve as I should.

  27. Gregory Elfrink

    I am thankful that every day I wake up I am in a land that will give me everything or anything I would or could ever desire. That through hard work, integrity and vision, not only can I find the destination of my pursuit to happiness, but also help light the path for others to find their own happiness.

    To me, that is truly amazing and a worthy thing to be praised.

    Hope all is well Eric! I don’t comment much, but I am here, and I am loving the lessons!

    -Greg the Writer
    PS. And heck, you know what, I’d also love that free course : )

  28. yanyong

    Hi Eric,

    I’m thankful and grateful for your kindness
    and thanks for all that you’ve done.
    God bless you


  29. Nnamdi

    Thank God for life, my career, family and friends. Especially my girl & fiancee whose memory alone turns a stressful, hectic day into moments of pure happiness & love

  30. Lezlie

    Iā€™m so thankful for God, who created me to be unique as a finger print. In holding this fingerprint in a vast world, I am thankful for the air I breathe in my existence. In this existence I am thankful for the nature, for it is bountiful and supportive. In support I am thankful for family and friends that are always there. In family and friends, I am thankful for the 6 billion people that inhabit this earth. In each person, I am thankful for how they shape the world, and strive to improve it. I am thankful for the improvements small in nature, for I am small in the big picture. I am thankful that I am small, for I will never know it all.. For that I live a thankful lifeā€¦and I am just thankful for this life..Thank You..

    And.. I would be thankful if I won..smiles.. Lezlie

  31. Lisa

    I’m thankful my fiance survived a life-threatening infection and is now recovering in the high dependency unit of a hospital in England.

    I’m also thankful I have a family that loves me when I see how many of my friends are neglected by their families.

  32. Ali

    Thank god for making us, and thank us for making internet! šŸ˜€
    Happy Thanksgiving to All

  33. Frankie Teo

    Hi Eric,

    Have always wanted to ask. You have always had a long hair before ? Anyway nice haircut & great look.

    Thanks a lot for the Gift..Eric..

    Thank you Universe for the Wealth, Abundance, Good Health, Strength, & all the Knowledge & Lessons We have Learned.

    Happy ThanksGiving Day To Everyone…

    Best Wishes,
    Frankie Teo

  34. Edwards Hawi

    Thanks for your great support,I have been following up your tips step by step,they flow well.I look forward to inviting you to Kenya(my country)to enable you give tips to people in Africa where I believe that internet has not been exploited.God bless you and continue with your good work.Pass my greetings to your family.

  35. Ebenezer

    i’m thankful for God for creating such a wonderful and kind hearted person like you, 2. i’m thankful for you deeming it fit to send this gift, 3. i’m thankful that the gift is of of good relevant, there are some gift that are not useful but you just have to accept it because it’s a gift, this is more than that it’s really a gift that can can make one happy, thank you Eric.

  36. Pete Bass

    Hi Eric,

    Just a few hours ago I was out at the County Jail where we hold a weekly Bible Study for the Inmates. I always start out our studies asking for praise reports. After all, just because someone is in jail does not mean that there are not plenty of reasons to be thankful. After we talk about what the men or the womens group have to give praise for, they usually ask me if I have a praise report too.

    I have so much to be thankful for. I recently lost my job and was kind of worried how I would be able to stretch the little bit of money I had until I either get unemployment or a new job. The Lord showed Himself faithful as He has provided for me miraculously. My house payment went down $124, my gas bill dropped by $25, Student loan gave me an $112 break, My power bill had a previous over pay and this month was only $3.23 and God gave me a little windfall on top of all that. I ended up meeting my bills and was even able to send $100 to my fiance’ in the Ukraine (where they are hit even harder than we are). To top it off I have an appointment for a job interview this coming Tuesday. How cool is that?

    The biggest thing I am thankful for though, is that I could go out to that jail and spend time on Thanksgiving with people who are just like I was. I spent a total of 11-1/2 years behind bars. I was a hopeless drug addict, a 4 time loser who never planned on quitting drugs. It was in prison that I met the Lord Jesus and said yes to Him. He changed my life instantly, & He changed my desires eventually. This year I celebrated 13 years completely delivered of my drug addiction . The change Jesus made in my life gives hope to others that He would do it for them too. (and He would!) but the really cool thing that I am thankful for this week is that one of the young men who was coming to the jail Bible study got out last week and went to a church last Sunday with 3 of his friends and all four of them went forward and made decisions for Christ. Now that is something to be thankful for.

    Thank you Eric for letting us give thanks on your blog.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone and thank you Stan for sharing your story too.

    God Bless you all,
    Pete Bass

  37. Helen

    I am so thankful for all the love that surrounds me every day, from my husband, my four beautiful daughters & my eight gorgeous grandchildren, not to mention my two sweet dogs! These are the stuff that really matters, so I am wealthy beyond belief!!!

  38. Kevan Brock

    Hi there Eric,
    thank you for the download.
    I am thankful for the fact that I have my health.
    I wish everyone Harmony, Peace and Upliftment.
    from Kevan…

  39. Jim Zak

    I have come to realize that I am so very thankful for my family and friends and the opportunity to live another day to pursue my dreams. Sometimes we have to come back to the basics of life before we can appreciate more in life.

    Life over the past 4 years has been very humbling for our family. My wife has pretty severe diabetes and wasn’t supposed to be able to get pregnant. However, about 4 1/2 years ago, my wife did get pregnant and was on strict bed rest for the last 4-5 months due to complications caused by her diabetes. Our daughter had to be delivered 8 weeks early to prevent my wife’s health from getting worse and risking both her life and the babies life. Although our daughter was born 8 weeks premature, everything turned out better than could be expected. However, soon after giving birth, my wife was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. They had even put her on the heart transplant list, but fortunately, further testing showed that the medications they had put her on were working and it appeard that they had the CHF under control.

    Soon after that, she had, over most of her body, what we now found out to be psoriasis, after going through major testing including skin biopsies. This still is not under control however and she struggles with severe itching all the time. With all of her ailments she’s on at least 12 prescriptions monthly. With all this, she’s still working a full time job unbelievably.

    I on the other hand had been programming for over 15 years and with having to take care of my wife during her difficult pregnancy and taking care of my daughter after she was born for the next year, I found it very difficult to find work as a programmer. Being 46, bad back and no money to re-educate myself, I was stuck with not too many options. I then turned to Network Marketing & Internet Marketing within the last 12-18 months. Although not impossible, I found it very difficult to try to build an online business with no budget and left desperate to find ways to make money online. I have learned a lot over the past 12-18 months and know that with my determination and knowledge I will be successful in my online endeavors.

    So what am I thankful for: I am so very thankful that my daughter was born healthy and continues to do very well now that she’s 4 years old. I am thankful that I have both my wife and child here with me, even when we live payday to payday, and many times not knowing how we’re going to pay our rent, bills and my wife’s prescriptions which she needs very much. I am thankful that I still have a dream to achieve so much more in life and thankful for all the people I have met through internet marketing and network marketing and the relationships I have made along the way. I am thankful that I still have my parents around. I am thankful for how God has continued to provide for our families needs even when we had no clue how we were going to pay our rent/bills on numerous occassions over the past 4 years. We don’t have much right now but we have it all. We have all that we need right now. A roof over our heads, a job for my wife, our lives and most importantly my dreams of success that I have not lost even through all we’ve been through and continue to go through. I will not give up on my and my familes dreams and I most of all thank God for giving me the dreams he has given me with a steadfast determination to never give up on them, no matter what.

  40. Eric

    I thank God for giving the chances to change from day to day.

    Sometimes I feel why I lack so much but when I see all the poor people and those are dying because they having no food at all…. What have I lack? I should be thankful always because I still have so many things that other people don’t have.

    My currency is so low compare to usd but I’m thankful that I still afford to do things online and to help others.

    I pray that all of us will be able to use what we have to help those who have nothing at all. Your move can change the life of people.

    God bless!

  41. Lekan

    Thank God for living. Many that have died did not wish to and as such I do for every brand new day that I see or comes my way I really appreciate it, more so when one remembers that you can only actualize or use a talent or achieve whatsoever you set your mind if and only if there is life! Thanks to you too Eric for the gift!!!


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