Happy Thanksgiving 2010

By | November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.

Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook containing Google Analytics tips. It also explains how you can integrate Google Analytics with social media.

Click here to download… (PDF file)

ebook cover

Next, here is the 3rd annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

(Watch this video…)

(Update: the contest is over and I have emailed the winners– twelve Eric’s Tips readers from all around the world. Thanks to everyone for participating! And it’s not too late to post your words of gratitude.)

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

424 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2010

  1. Alberto Cuervo

    Hi Erick 🙂
    I am THANKFULL to the Life, for been a positive, for having family, a beautifull loving wife, for been healthy and for everyday I wake up, I am also thank you for your wonderfull helpfull tips that help to understand IM better.

  2. Andre Grilo

    Hi Eric,
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Congratulations for all. For you and your family.
    Nice house and office, you deserves. Your work is great and i’m grateful for that.
    Always follow your work with attention.
    Good day,

    Big hug,
    André Grilo

  3. Alberto Cuervo



  4. Christopher

    Hey Eric, Thanks for the e-book.
    I like to put on my gratitude attitude before even getting out of bed in the morning. Simple to do actually just say to yourself this is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. And with all the modern conveniences in these good old days like electricity, in door plumbing (nice out house by the way) micro wave ovens and all the rest how can we not be grateful?
    For anyone having a problem with being thankful just take a big bag of stuffed animals to a children s hospital and start passing them out. Those kids can show you what being grateful is all about even while they’re undergoing life threatening situations.
    Anyway, I’m thankful for you Eric and all your readers because without them, you wouldn’t put out all the great content just for me.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Ollie

    First I would like to say thanks Eric, and most of all giving special thanks to God for sparing all of our lives to live another day!

    Just to wake up and see another day is more than enough to be thankful for! See the Bible says that Life is like a vapor, meaning you could be here today and gone today!

    So with that said, that’s a bless within itself! I guess we never just set back in think about how bless we are!

    When you have soldiers losing their lives for us or a family member lost therelife because of something that was very senseless or people that’s in the hospital that can’t walk or talk and less us not forget about the homeless and poeple that are in jail !

    No matter what kind of adversities or setbacks we have, we can always look at someone else situation and see how bless and thankful we are!

    In closing God bless everyone on Eric Tips to have many many more Happy Thanksgivings!

  6. Mick Perry

    Hello Eric,much happines to you and yours on this thanksgiving from Mick in the UK.
    Let me say a thank you for the survival of the 31 Chilean miners who were expected to endure their plight untill Xmas (or eternity).
    Their rescue against all the odds was surely a miracle! Isn’t it wonderful that this most outlandish miracle can still occur in our darkest hours, graced with mans love for fellow man and his creator… This promises hope for all, Peace.

  7. Maartin

    Hi Eric,
    Firstly, I am thankful to our Creator – because He loves each one of us irrespective if we return the love or not. I am also thankful for so many mentors I had in my life sharing not only knowledge but also wisdom to empower others. You are one of them Eric, sharing your knowledge so freely to empower us to discover opportunities we never had before. Most importantly, I am thankful for my family and the blessing to love and be loved back. That in essence is the miracle of life. Happy thanksgiving to all who read this.

  8. Anders SAV Jacobsson

    I am happy for the money I am making on the internet and that you have given me opportunities.

    I and so many more people has been written about this negativity going on and the negativity does not excist it is only that you are afraid of winning

    Anders Jacobsson
    and guys we do not celebrate thanksgiving in my country but your tradition is great and thankyou Chicago for all the friends I have


  9. alex

    I am thankful for the God given ability to choose; The free will to do whats right. I’m just thankful that i can give thanks. period!
    We dont celebrate thanksgiving here in the UK, but i wish you all a Happy thanksgiving.

  10. Steve Rivkin

    Hi Eric, Imagine a day devoted to appreciation! It’s great to take a moment to reflect on all the possibilities. No matter what our station in life, we’re here to help each other. Thanks for putting out such a great series. We reap what we sow. Have a great Hoilday!

  11. Kate Saunders

    Hey Eric,
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    Thanks for the Google Analytics PDF. I have no idea how to integrate it with social media, so this is a needed gift!

    I also appreciate Eric’s Tips. It’s amazing the information you share openly with everyone on your list, and it’s obvious from all the comments that you are appreciated by many!

    I’m very thankful for my family, health, a growing business, and most of all for the Light of Jesus in my life. God is good – all the time. =)

    I think it’s very, very cool that you wrote a book with your Grandma! She must be a very wise woman and that’s a wonderful gift to share.

    Thanks again and Happy Thanksgiving to all,

  12. Rita

    Hi Eric,
    This comes from Canada:
    All the best to you and your family!
    You are really something special!
    You are a true example of ‘the more you give, the more you get’
    or: you cannot help your brother across the river without getting there yourself.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and teaching with anybody who is willing.

    Canada celebrates Thanksgiving Day about a month earlier.
    We should always have an attitude of gratitude.

    44 years ago , on USA Thanksgiving, I immigrated to the US! The cook on the ship even served turkey for lunch.
    And here something special for you (you have probably seen it already because it has gone viral!)


  13. ugo

    I am grateful to God for constantly loving me in a powerful. I am also grateful for my parents, siblings and my wonderful husband. They’ve been wonderful to me. Thanks Eric for Eric’s Tips

  14. Ingrid

    Although we are facing hard times and a foreclosure I am very thankful that I have God in my life. I am thankful for my family and our health. And of course I am thankful for Eric’s Tips 🙂
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Vince Andrews

    Hi, Eric and Family

    The one thing that i am truly thankfull for is that there is still time for the world to have peace, where we can all live as one and not feel jelous of what someone else has that is better than what we already have in our lives.

  16. Tony Prodger

    I’m just thankful for the Internet that has allowed me although a Brit to share Thanksgiving around the world with some wonderful people who have given of their time and knowledge to help me create a world for myself and others .

  17. Thomas Applegate

    I am grateful for…
    The air I breathe,
    my businesses,
    my girl friend,
    my future baby,
    my mom,
    4 brothers,
    my existence,
    being an American,
    finding ericstips.com,
    my life experiences,
    the tapestry of my life,
    my customers,
    my friends,
    my family,
    having an abundance of everything I want, need and desire,
    and everything else good and bad in my life for I am grateful for it all.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


  18. Malcolm Thursby

    I am thankful for the 90% of people on the internet who are positive, happy and honest. They make it a pleasurable place to come to work.


  19. joe ban

    I am thankful for more than I actually realized. To be able to have the opportunity to try and make a living online, to enjoy each day and try and stop and smell the roses, to enjoy loved ones and not take them for granted.

  20. Jerry

    I’m grateful I can not only make a living doing what I do best, but have the freedom to add whatever else I direct my attention to.

  21. Harry Crowder

    Hi Eric,

    I am thankful for my family; my daughter Nikki and her husband Devon who I spent some time with in California just this last month and my son Jesse and his wife Tammy who are close by so I can see them quite often and my mother who I see just about every other day and my father who passed on May 5 this year and was an incredible father and provided for the love of his life ( my mom ) even after he has gone. He was a great man and a real buddy to me in the last couple of years and I miss him everyday and remember how lucky I am to have had him around until he was almost 92 years old.

    I am thankful for the internet and how it allows me to do my business offline and online from home.

    I am also thankful for hearing from you and getting your sage advice and a few products to market online.

    Thank you and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

    Bets regards,


  22. Dan Walter

    Hey Eric, I’m really, really grateful for all the work you do to put out a quality newsletter and products. Keep up the good work and be sure to continue to shoot over your ideas and suggestions. Have a great holiday!

  23. Mike

    Hi Eric,

    Just wanted to say I am thankful and grateful to God for everything he has done for me. I’m grateful for my wonderful, caring and understanding wife. I’m thankful for the job that I have. I’m grateful that I’m not unemployed. I’m thankful for the opportunities you have given to me to improve my lifestyle through Eric’s Tips. I thank God for all the wonderful things he has provided.

    Best Regards,

  24. Boruch

    I am thankful for my good family, and our good health, and for the wisdom to see with clarity what we are supposed to be doing, and the One above who is the source of all those blessings.

    Thank you for your newsletter and tips.

  25. Chris

    I am thankful for a year of many blessings. My family has enjoyed health, prosperity, and the joy of helping others.

  26. Pete Olson

    My list of things I am Thankful for is almost endless.
    Like the forethought of our founding fathers.
    Friends and family. (see story below)
    My health, house, cars and the list goes on.
    Most of all the freedom I have because He set me free!

    Eric thanks for your tips and products. Soon I hope to figure out and have the boldness to make it all work.

    Below is part of an email a friend sent me it says so much. Fell free to share it if you like it.


    When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 Hours in a day is not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.

    A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him.

    When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

    The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full..They agreed it was.

    The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous “yes.”

    The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed. “Now,” said the professor, as the laughter subsided, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things – God, family, children, health, friends, and favorite passions — things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house, and car. The sand is everything else — the small stuff.

    “If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued, “there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are

    important to you. So…Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play With your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. “Take care of the golf balls first the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.”

    One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. “I’m glad you asked”. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.”

  27. kelly

    Well let me thank God first, Thanks God, I’m thankful that Eric is a person out there, that is willing to give there time to help the rest of use that are sick of the rip off’s just trying to sell-sell, us all the time with junk.

    I have only ever made two sales in five years with over $25,000 wasted out over that time to try a learn more and here you have given me more for free, then I ever got from them, my finances are broke, my loving family put up with me still trying to make it, as are disabled. Been on the net most days ten hours.

    I am grateful, that I now have god in my life, that god has taken away years of pain in just minutes with prayers said for me, I’m thankful for my family. I am grateful we have meet on the net.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, God bless you all.

    PS: Thanks for the internet to allow people to meet from all over this great world.
    PS: love your new office.

  28. Jonathan

    I am thankful my kids. They keep me flexible. I am thankful for family. They believe in me and support me. I am thankful for being able to make a difference in others lives. I’m thankful for the simple pleasures.

  29. Tonya

    Hello Everybody and a Happy Thanksgiving.
    I’m thankful every day for my family and the time I can spend with them.
    I’m thankful my husband is here another year.
    I’m thankful for my son what a good kid but like all kids he has his time.
    I’m thankful my grandmother has made it though the saddest time of her life her husband death.
    I’m thankful for my business to be able to do things I want to.
    I’m thankful for the new opportunities that you give us.
    I’m thankful to be able to meet people all over the world with just a click.
    I’m thankful for the internet because if it wasn’t for that I would not have found my life long friend. I moved and lost my stuff and lost numbers glad I found her again.
    I’m thankful for so much more….

  30. George E. Butler

    I am alive and well for a soon to be 61 year old. I am grateful to have retired in good health and found Eric’s Tips to help me pursue my dream of becoming a successful internet marketer. I do plan to help others with the success I know I will achieve on the internet with the knowledge I have gained from Eric’s Tips. It is truly some of the most straight forward guidance I have received on the internet to date. Thank you Eric and get ready world for another philantrophist.

  31. Abraham van der Linde

    Hi Eric.

    Thanks giving contest, Good idea.

    Now where do I begin?

    God. He who created the earth and all on it. Our Blessed Father, my thanks to Him for granting me the life I am living now.

    My wife. Who stand by me for 24 years now. I’m thankful for her love, understanding and support in times of good and bad.

    My 3 children. They are the light of my life and the ones that keep me young.

    Once again I am thankful to God for the good health and wisdom that He bestowed on me.

    I am thankful to you (Eric) to be able to follow your knowledge and teachings, for without it, I would not have a website today, I would not have an income (not good yet, but getting there) today.

    This is by no means the end of my list, but it’s the most important on it.

    Eric, you are the most unselfish person and humanitarian (marketer) I got to know on the internet. May you and your lovely family have a wonderful thanksgiving and a blessed Christmas and new year.


  32. Cheryl Kissell

    I am thankful for life! That I woke up this morning and that the day IS and has been a Beautiful Day! I am thankful for the love and support of my family and friends. I am thankful that I can make a full-time living on the Internet and meet and help a lot of people from all over the world. I am thankful for the ability to learn and the knowledge I have gained.

    I am grateful I can pause each year to give thanks and count the blessings I have received. I can be grateful for the kindness and compassion of all who lend a hand to those less fortunate. I am also thankful for our entrepreneurs and small-business owners, whose spirit and determination strengthen our communities. I reserve my deepest gratitude for our heroes in uniform and their families who preserve the promise of freedom and opportunity by their sacrifices.

    For all you do, for all you are – I appreciate and thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    Let me leave you all with this Poem: (‘cuz you know what’s next )
    Twas the night of Thanksgiving,
    But I just couldn’t sleep.
    I tried counting backwards,
    I tried counting sheep.
    The leftovers beckoned –
    The dark meat and white,
    But I fought the temptation
    With all of my might.
    Tossing and turning with anticipation,
    The thought of the sack became infatuation,
    So, I raced to the kitchen, flung open the door,
    And gazed at the fridge full of goodies galore.
    Gobbled up turkey and buttered potatoes,
    Pickles and carrots, beans and tomatoes.
    I felt myself swelling so plump and so round,
    ‘Til all of a sudden, I rose off the ground.
    I crashed through the ceiling, floating into the sky,
    With a mouthful of pudding and a handful of pie.
    But, I managed to yell as I soared past the trees…
    Happy eating to all – Pass the cranberries, Please.
    May your stuffing be tasty,
    May your turkey be plump.
    May your potatoes ‘n gravy have nary a lump.
    May your yams be delicious.
    May your pies take the prize,
    May your Thanksgiving dinner stay off of your thighs!
    Happy Thanksgiving to all!


  33. Lynden

    I’m first of all thankful for savor and then family. I enjoy Erics tips and always feel I am able to trust your advice. although I’m way behind do to unforseen problems, I hope to catch up soon.

    Thank you- Lynden

  34. Tim Randall

    I’m thankful for some friends who are providing us a house to live in while I look for another job.

  35. Bill DeHart

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Eric! I’m very thankful for the privilege of living in this country – in spite of the challenges we have as a nation and as a people. I was elected as a city councilmember this November here in Turlock, California. One of the reasons I ran is because I believe in providing a voice to those in our community who feel they do not have one, and, to be a set of ears to hear those who can speak but have not previously been heard. As a society, we have tended to have some success in our ministries of compassion and mercy but have fallen way short in administration of justice. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve and to seek creative ways to address our challenges. I am grateful for my wife, children and grand children and my church and faith family. I humbly say – Thanks for your generosity and commitment to helping others along the way. May you know the peace that only God can give – Warmest Regards, Bill

  36. Franklin

    Happy Thanksgiving to you Eric and your family.
    I am so thankful for salvation, although I struggle at times… I know that there is a God that can forgive us our sins and set us free from our sins. Secondly, I am thankful for my family and the the church folks I serve with. I go to the Potter’s House out of Prescott, Az., the church that tells the truth and so there is more but I will stop there. thanks and God Bless, Franklin

  37. Anonymous

    Hi Eric,
    It’s nice to see your new home and the beautiful surroundings. I am thankful each and everyday for the measure of health that I have dispite various ailments. I’m thankful for my age (76) and for my beautiful family and wonderful friends. I’m most thankful for God’s word the bible and the wonderful hope it holds out for righteous. Also, I appreciate your tips. It would be good if you could teach me how to copy and paste. I’m a newbie and there is still much that I do not understand. Best wishes to you and your family.

  38. Milton

    I am thankful that my family is living in good health and everyone is safe from harm. Happy thanksgiving to everyone!

  39. munongeli

    hi Eric

    am thankful for you for giving me this lessons and education that i do not think any one could give out for free as you do.it really change my way of thinking in doing business.

    thanks very much
    have a good year end

  40. Pam Eppinette

    Hi Eric,

    Here is just a few things I am especially thankful for this year:

    My salvation! I am thankful that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and I know without a shadow of a doubt that if I die today, I will be in Heaven with Jesus!

    I am thankful for God’s miraculous healing power! Yes, it is still for today! Last year at this time my husband was in a coma after a massive heart attack and an emergency 5-bypass surgery. He was in a coma for about 5 days and was not getting better.
    God gave me a vision and I saw rays of glory shining down on Ken, and He said “I am going to heal Ken, and send him to the nations.”
    A few days later Ken woke up and recovered well. He lost 50 pounds since his heart attack and just got a defibrillator/pacemaker this month. He is a walking, talking miracle and knows God has a plan for his life or he would not be here.

    I am thankful for all the prayer warriors in churches, on Facebook and Twitter that have prayed for Ken.

    I am thankful that God renewed our love for each other and we are happier now than ever. We have been married 35 years.

    I am thankful for God bringing my mom an awesome husband. He was hired to sing at her birthday in July and they got married in Nov. He has brought so much joy to our family.

    I am thankful for my TEAM leadership mentors and the founders, Orrin & Laurie Woodward.

    I am thankful that I can learn internet marketing and it is going to make a big difference in our lifestyle and I will be able to help others do the same.

    I am thankful for my family, especially my two sons, their wives and my two adorable grandchildren.

    I am thankful for my Christian internet mentors and their free newsletters.

    I am thankful for my Christian mentors and their house church and for the women’s conventions at Calvary Campground in Ashland, VA.

    I am thankful for all the friends I am making on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

    I am thankful for your video. It is proof that dreams can come true if you are consistent and persistent. One of my dreams is to have a big office with alot of space when we build our dream home and I love your setup!

    I am thankful that internet marketing makes money 24/7 even in a bad economy!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  41. jessica

    I am thankfull for having the chance to read your e-mails and having your help, also I am thankfull for still being around at the age of 74.
    I live in Spain and am thankful for having the sea and sun to keep me healthy and at my age, still working, also I am thankful for my lovely family of, 5 children, 13 Grandchildrenand 6 great grandchildren and also for my husband, my Sister and her family, also my Brother and his family. How Lucky I am. I am also thankful for being able to tell you all of this because I feel like I know you already
    Thank you

  42. Kadhim Mohammed

    Dear Eric
    The Thanksgiving from you is the indicate of your nice personality and high attitude from you .Actually we should thank you for your marvelous tips and videos that helping and will help as to be successful internet marketers ,so should be the opposite actually,(IF ITS HAPPEN IN REALITY ?) ,your members should make a competition between them every year if not every month and you should receive from every one a gift ,the most on attract you is the winner , I am so grateful for (( Ericstips.com ))and its my best,your lesson are very deep and its shows your higher education in this filed.

  43. Dee

    I’m Thankful for the many blessings so many of us enjoy each day – a life filled with love and opportunity. I’m thankful for the Excellent poetry from Cheryl above! God Bless and Thank You for giving us this forum!

  44. mk akan

    i love to use this special season to thanl all who have helped me inmy online journey.people who have taught and given information freely to people so they can step up their game online.may all the good things life have to offer come to you.
    people like Pat Flynn,Glen Alsopps,Eric(of course) and the other marketer and people sharing their knowledge online..remain blesses and the law of Karma does work so you will get good in return..happy thanks giving

  45. Victor Martinez

    Eric, this blog of yours has inspired me to do something simmilar in spanish, my blog´s name is “Yo Te Digo Como” (I´ll tell You How). I must tell you. I have several blogs, but this one is having a great success. So I thank God for making me a fan of your blog and one of your followers. I Thank God and I thank you.

  46. johnny

    After thanking the marketer that remains a man…
    thankful for being who I am
    thankful for living here and now
    thankful for growing in 2 different countries
    thankful for my feelings
    thankful for the internet and the inspirations that it caused
    thankful for the information
    thankful for discovering the law of attraction
    thankful for all the bad times I’ve been through that made me who I am
    thankful for how I intend to be
    thankful to my mom that gave me the love
    thankful to my dad that didn’t give me what I expected from a dad
    thankful to my understanding of the facts around me
    thankful to being on the path to a better life although in internet marketing I have done nothing yet
    thankful to my re-awakening
    thankful to the man I have become
    thankful to the lovers that never wanted me and that paved me the way to the most amazing woman in my life
    thankful for how the world gets better and better
    thankful of being aware that the better I feel the better things go
    thankful to having the power to shift my feelings
    thankful to every time I get caught up in something that doesn’t make me feel so good because when I get back to feeling good it’s better than before
    thankful of being part of 2 different cultures because it gave me a way to look at the world that is so inspiring and understanding so much more
    thankful for being me

  47. mike birdsall

    Hi Eric, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well! Thanks for the great video of your new place…looks great!
    I am thankful that you are all settled in now and I will be getting your tips in my inbox once again.

    Thanks so much,

  48. Darla Edmund


    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
    Let me start by saying I am thankful for having God in my life for truley it is he who has given me the ability to get results.
    I am so blessed,greatful,and thankful for all the following.
    1.Private Lenders that I have.
    2.Commercial & Residential buyers that I have.
    3.A successful Private Lending Investment Webinar following.
    4.Super new Audio business cards and reading materials that has just been created for the company.
    5.All the friends,and business associates that I have.
    6.My Health and strength.
    7.All My Financial Blessings given me this year.
    8. Last but not lease I am Thankful for you because without you I would not have been able to create a positive following.So THANK YOU for all the Education,Push,Confidence,and your sincerity that you have shared with us.



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