Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.
Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook containing Google Analytics tips. It also explains how you can integrate Google Analytics with social media. Click here to download… (PDF file) |
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Next, here is the 3rd annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
(Watch this video…)
(Update: the contest is over and I have emailed the winners– twelve Eric’s Tips readers from all around the world. Thanks to everyone for participating! And it’s not too late to post your words of gratitude.)
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanks Giving to you and your family. I really enjoy your tips. All you do for us newbies, I thank you. There are not many people who give their time to help others. You are special.
Happy Thanks Giving…
Hi Eric and Family
Thank you for the kind thoughts,and we wish
the same for you family.Been reading Eric’s tips for a long time and re-reading,great value.Kinda bent about all the IM junk for sale on the Internet,so I am thankful,to have found a few good, honest IM marketeers like you.
What a powerful message! You literally show the world yourself, your family, your home, and how you operate in your business life and family life, all at no cost! That is very unusual in this world today, and it is good to see and receive this extra human touch, to help drive home the fact that this business is in fact possible for all that are willing and have the drive and dedication to succeed.
I follow your Eric’s Tips sessions a few at a time as my own schedule allows, and I plan to finish all of them to follow the creation and management of my new business in your footsteps. Thank you so much for sharing this knowledge, and sparking my own willingness to take a chance and attempt a similar track as your own! I am 100% sure that I am not wasting my time because I can see and hear your message and complete dedication to your work and life overall with my own eyes as each video session arrives in my email box, and I know that the knowledge I gain from your teaching will pay off in business and personal life 1000 times over.
I wish you and your family continued success and happiness.
John E.
I am thankful for all that God has done for me and mine. My family is extremely important to me and they are all doing well. I am thankful that I have a place to live and enough groceries to fix a Thanksgiving dinner today.
I appreciate this forum for giving thanks. I haven’t seen any other online marketers doing this!
Hello Eric,
Happy Thanksgiving!
And many thanks for the free gift.
Regards 🙂
Happy thanks giving,you have managed to remain down to earth but wise and great.We are greateful to have stumbled upon you,you are a hidden treasure,may this affordable wealth of knowledge be passed on to more deserving.
I’ve got so much to be thankful for today and every day that I don’t know where to start! I’m thankful for my 7 children and 15 grandchildren, soon to be 16 grandchildren. I’m thankful that all of us are healthy, have roofs over our heads and food on the table. Than alone is more than many people on Earth have.
I’m thankful for modern medicine; that it was able to find and destroy the breast cancer that my sister and I both managed to contract this year, and the thyroid cancer my oldest daughter was found to have. We are all cancer-free and no worse for the experience. At one time the word “cancer” scared me, but not anymore, and I’m thankful to have faced my fear and overcome.
I’m thankful for every day that I awake and am able to walk and talk and take care of myself and my sweet little dog. I have been blessed to be born and live in a wonderful country, with men and women who give their time, and in some cases their lives, to defend all of us.
I’m grateful for the chance to build a business of my own here on the internet, especially since I can’t leave my home to have a regular nine to five job. And I’m thankful for people like you Eric, and all the others who are so willing to give of your knowledge to help all of us here.
Everyday I am thankful for my health and even though I have yet to make a penny online, I don’t really care because I have just been blessed by first Grandson who is the most beautiful gift ever. As for the money online….that will come
I’m thankful for family and friends. As well as Eric’s Tips! Nice home by the way.
I am thankful for Life
I am thankful for Family
I am thankful for Love
I am thankful for Giving
I am thankful for Talent
I am thankful for Learning
I am thankful for Opportunity
Thanks, Julie
Hi Eric,
Wow so amazing to see so many people expressing their thanks. I am blown away by that! Nice job Eric for building the audience and nice job everyone for sharing.
I am thankful for four main things.
1. Faith
2. Family
3. Friends
4. Freedom
Faith, Family and Friends make sense, but what do I mean by Freedom.
Mainly what I mean by that is that I have the freedom of opportunity here in the US. I can work my tail end off to build a lifestyle and income in the way that I want to do it.
Which is not an easy thing to do. It takes lots of hard work. It takes failure along the way. But I have the freedom to experience that failure so that I can move from something average to something spectacular.
So that is just a little of what I am thankful for right now.
Peter Brissette
Digital Marketing Dude
I just want to say that you are one of the few internet marketers that are up front and trying not to do too many JV sales.
So I’m Thankfull to have found and learn from you.
I’m not posting here for your give away.
More just to saying that I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, with enjoyment and laughter with your friends and family.
Keep up the great info content that you are doing. 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving Eric to you & your family! You’re a solid honest marketer with lots of substance, so I’m grateful for your exemplary work & service to others. Hope some day to join you on a mission somewhere too but for now keeping my head focused on getting my IM biz going. BTW, this came to me today in my Inbox & while not specific to Thanksgiving, it fits & I can’t say anything more powerful.
Here’s an exerpt I’ve edited thanks to: http://www.navpress.com/pray/content.aspx?id=4594
Praying Psalm 23 for Spiritual Transformation
For about a month now I’ve been praying the 23rd Psalm before I get out of bed in the morning…..I’d really hoped to carry more of the psalm into my day—I got on YouTube and discovered half a dozen or so different musical versions of the 23rd Psalm. I watched my favorites over and over several nights in a row until I could sing along. In the days to come, the Holy Spirit used those melodies to bring the psalm to mind at random times while I was working, driving, spending time with people, and so on…..’The Lord is my shepherd.’ Sometimes I’d pause there and meditate on what it means to have Jesus, the good Shepherd, personally caring for me…..Where might I intentionally invite Him into my activities?…..Often I’d linger over ‘I shall not want.’…..(I’d) ask Him to help me to be content with what He provided…..’He restores my soul.’ This one always gets me. Often it turns into a plea…..One day as I was praying like this, I sensed the Lord saying to me, Why do you always pray it as a request? It’s a statement. I restore your soul. That’s what I do. I am already doing it. I have been doing it. Don’t plead for it…..He was so right! A huge shift took place in me that day when I realized that He did not intend me to pray this psalm as a request, but rather as a declaration, a praise, and a thanksgiving! He is my shepherd! He does supply all I need. He is restoring my soul!…..I find myself meditating more with my heart than my mind. I see more of the beauty and goodness of God and less of what it all means and what I’m supposed to do about it. For me, that’s refreshing…..I’ve been amazed at how this simple practice that takes less than five minutes a day really is changing me. My heart is more trusting and content, my mind is more at peace about both the present and the future, and I find myself thanking God and praising Him more…..I have a feeling I’ll be praying this psalm for long time to come. Maybe you’d like to try it, too. (End Exerpt)
I’m thankful to be living in a country where anything is obtainable. Where the only way you can fail is by giving up. I sincerely wish everyone here success in the coming months. Look around, there are so many that are happy with the status quo, yet, you’re here to try to make something better for you and your family. If you never give up, you will NEVER fail, you’ll just LEARN what doesn’t work 🙂
When it comes down to it, I am most thankful for God and my family (wife and son).
Thanks about sums it up.
Thanks for all you do as well.
Hi Eric, I’m so thankful first of all for my life in Jesus Christ. I’m so thankful that He came into my life many years ago. He has healed me, blessed my family and doint so many awesome thing today as well. One night maybe about 4 or 5 weeks ago, I was laying down on the couch chewing some sweet gum. I went to sleep and afterwards,I woke up trying to draw a breath. I guess the gum or the sweet juice had went down the wrong way. I literally was not able to draw a breath. I got up walked around and said “Jesus help me” and instantly, I was gone. I am sooo very thankful that that. Jesus is my “best” friend!
Eric, Happy Thanksgiving, you are so graceful with giving, especially with your missionary work, you really are a role model.
So I am thankful for health, family, friends and associates. But I am also thankful for my work, for learning, for sharing, or just for being part of it all.
After my Husband death, 6 years ago, it was the work which saved me, giving back my spirit, and joy of life.
I am also thank God for my mother health, she is 96 this year, she lives with me now, she is my best friend, and I enjoy every minute of her life, wisdom, knowledge, strength. She is a powerful personality, always inspiring me, believing in me, and gentle protecting me.
I wish each child in this complex world to have a mother as my own mother. I am not embracing the idea that kids are rise by a town, not even by the schools. They are a reflection of family values, parents education, unconditional love in their home, and above all they embrace the role model of their parents.
All the best for you and yours Eric.
P.S. I like the open space you have in your new house.
Hi Eric,
Happy Thanksgiving from the UK.
I appreciate everything you are doing for us all, you’re a true inspiration.
Thanks again.
Hi Eric,
Carlos here from the Philippines.
We don’t really have a sort of National Thanksgiving Day here, but yours is I guess spreading all around the globe.
So, Happy Thanksgiving everyone in the US and all over the world!
Your prizes aside, I’m really thankful for having bumped into EricsTips.com… Actually,I’m feeling lucky! I believe you’re one of the few voices the IM Industry who is sincere in helping his fellows out there achieve the same level of success that you have. To be honest, I wanted to have you as my model of success.
Well, I guess that’s all. And keep up the good works. I’ll be your fan forever.
This is so beautiful. Thanks
I am grateful for having discovered your video series on internet marketing. I am also very impressed by your generosity in sharing this info with all your viewers as well as some paid marketers you’ve told us about like Gary Ambrose’s Memberspring course.
God bless, and happy thanksgiving!
Marc Lajoinie
Hi Eric,
Today before we ate turkey, we decided to play touch football in the street. I did well, but I cracked a rib!
Turkey didn’t taste as good. The cheesecake was not yummy, like usual to me.
But, I was watching the healthy bodies moving around the rest of my time with family and friends.
It’s amazing how our mind shifts when our bodies are limited in any way.
When we left, I was telling my wife how thankful I am that I’m a healthy man. That I’m not in a wheelchair or have some other kind of major physical limitation that I take for granted!
I give God all the honor and glory for blessing me with this health. I’m going to be really appreciating my physical strength for the next few weeks as I feel this limitation.
This morning, I wrestled with my 6 and 3 yr old boys … it was incredible be physical with them and it really hit me about a hour ago how I won’t be able to do this for a few weeks.
And wow … I can’t tell you how much it hurts to cough, laugh or … SNEEZE!!!
Truly, truly, having health is something to be soo thankful for.
I’m thankful for the love and understanding which connects us all, throughout every country in the world, guaranteeing us hope and happiness….if we make the effort
Eric, I have many things that I am thankful for but here are 3 that are at or near the top:
1. I’m thankful for ethical, moral & responsible marketers like Aaron Leighton, Matt Garrett, E. Brian Rose, Jason Fladlien, your brother-in-law and of course yourself. The listed internet marketers are respectful of their customers/subscribers, don’t try to sell every darn thing that launches each week and actually “give back” to them with quality free information on an ongoing and regular basis.
2. My life… Nov. 22, 2008 I T-Boned a car that turned in front of me while I was riding my motorcycle. 2 weeks in the hospital, broken ribs, jaw and wrist but I am alive and doing quite well considering the possible outcome.
3. My father, Wally, who I was so very proud of as a P.P.C.L.I. Korean War Veteran and who was my best buddy. I was most fortunate to have him as a Dad and I’m thankful that I got to spend 53 yrs with him before he passed away this past January.
There are a ton of things that I could note but these are the ones that jump out at me.
Thanks for the opportunity to share these.
Daryl Austman
Hello Eric, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! I am a new internet marketer, but I believe that you always steer me in the right direction, so I always look forward to your informational tips coming across my email. I am a middle aged guy that is very much Thankful for all that the Good Lord has bestowed upon me. I am going through a very difficult bankruptcy and a divorce as well so Wow I know that OUR Lord still has great things in store for me, so I must stay the course at this time. I hope to truely see His power in my life and so my journey will be one of peace, love, Joy, and prosperity. And so as I (with your help) take on this new adverture it comes very exciting! For these things I am truely Thankful. Hope to see you at the top Eric!
Always remain Blessed Dave
I am really thankful that the sun is shining, the sky is a beautiful blue, my family are healthy and happy.
Even though we have had the loss of my dear father this year and also a beloved pet dog, we thank god each day to be alive.
Also Eric thankyou for your marvelous tips – as an older newbie the way you explain and show what has to be done makes it so simple (even though it does seem to take me a while to grasp some things!!).
Happy thanksgiving from Australia!!
Hello Eric and Everyone,
Happy Thanksgiving! First and foremost I am thankful for life. Even though Thanksgiving is a nationally recognized holiday each day we awaken is a gift from God.
I am thankful for each morning and each evening.
I am also thankful for my wife. Her strength and courage inspires me to dig deeper and go farther regardless of the challenges before me.
I am thankful for my beautiful children. Who teach me how to enjoy the simple things in life and what is truly important. There is no mountain too high, no obstacle too great, no one unworthy of love in a child’s eyes.
I am thankful that their purity convicts me and encourages me to demonstrate love in greater depth.
I am thankful for my family; nuclear and extended for showing me that diversy is to be treasured and not scorned. We may not see eye to eye but we are all created in God’s image.
I am thankful for this country the United States of America. In all honesty, I believe it is the greatest country on the earth. So many have poured forth precious blood so we as a nation could be free in so many areas.
I am thankful for my job. There have been so many who have lost jobs, homes, and family. I offer no complaints. My job has challenges. I view those challenges as an opportunity to rise above them and become a better man.
I am thankful for internet marketing. Why? Because if I have work ethic, passion, some money and a plan I can have a legitmate business. My message could command the audience of hundreds if not thousands.
I am thankful for opportunites to serve and give back. Simply because it is good at times to pay it forward.
I am thankful for EricsTips.com. Why? Because when I am looking for solid, true information on internet marketing this site has given me clear perspective.
With Much Thanks,
I am thankful that everyone posting on Eric’s site this this Thanksgiving has something to be thankful for, worldwide, whether you celebrate the holiday or not. I am also thankful that there are people like Eric that runs a FIRST RATE website and is honest and for all the work he does. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Thanks so much for your tips and being an example to follow. There is so much mis-info out there. I am thankful for a wonderful family and a God that loves me so much. I also wanted to thank those serving in our military for all they do. We just had a young man that graduated from my old high school in 2008, now serving in Afghanistan, wounded by a grenade blast just a couple of days ago. He arived in Germany today and is in the process of being flown back to the states as soon as he is stable enough. Incidents like this really bring things close to home and make one thankful for our freedoms, and the people that fight to protect them.
I am happy to be alive,and moreover happy to be in a position to help others with what the Lord Jesus Christ has provided for me.
Happy thanksgiving and wishing all the best.
Greetings from Slovakia.
Hi Eric,
Wishing you and your family a Blessed Thanksgiving!
May all the lives that you’ve touched in India rejoice because of your generous giving of your time and resource.
Best wishes,
Adrian & Family
Hi Eric, I am not actually from the states I live in Tenerife in the Canary Islands but that won´t stop me from wishing you, and all your readers, a very happy thanksgiving day.
I have more than most to be thankfull for this year- way too much to write on here to be honest. I have everything that I need in life if not yet everything that I might want. I am very thankful to know the difference.
I could wish for some more money, but here we are in the middle of a series of tutorials that will no doubt help me to rectify that. For that I am extremely grateful.
Mostly this year though I have been reminded of the many young men and women who have been at war over the last years – in many nations, I know children of friends who have been stationed in abysmal situations, and I am truly thankful that I, nor any of my immediate family, have ever had to hold or point a gun in anger, or worst still to look at it from the other end of the barrel. I am thankful to all those who have put themselves in that position for us. Regardles of political rightness or wrongness.
Life is so full of so many things to be thankful for- we just seem to forget what we have in front of us and become too engaged in searching for more and more to the point that we forget to appreciate what we already have.
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, let us all be thankful for what we have in front of us right now…today
Happy thanksgiving to you all.
I am thankful to have been able to spend Thanksgiving today with my family and that my mom was still here to celebrate it with us. In late March of this year around the time of my dads birthday we noticed that something was not right with mom. Tests in early April confirmed that she had pancreatic cancer. She had a stint put in and was told that it would have to be replaced every three months. She had three cat scans done. The first was done initially to find out what size the tumor is. The second was done mid summer and confirmed that the tumor had grown a fifth. The last was done a month ago and the tumor had not grown in size. The doctor had wanted to do chemo which my mom did not want so we did some alternative treatments. Through all this my mom has stayed relatively healthy. The doctor told us he is glad we did not do chemo for this way we can not give chemo credit for having kept her this long. By the way – in April she was given 5 – 8 months to live and she has not had to have her stint replaced. God still works miracles!
It’s a great day acknowledging an ALMIGHTY GOD to give thanks and praises.
1Thessalonians 5:18 “give thanks in ALL circumstances”
Challenges and trials in life are HIS ways to transform us to make stronger.
From the rising of the sun to its going down, HIS name shall be praised.
I am thankful for a loving wife of nineteen years. I am thankful that my business that I started a year ago is doing well. I am thankful for the friend who have stuck by me through the good times and the rough times. And thankful for favor from God with all who I come in contact with.
I am thankful for another day to be thankful. Happy there are still people in the world who want to improve the human condition.
Hi Eric
I am thankful to your family,thankful to God to his blessing on me, thankful to mother earth for this beatiful creations around of me, thankful to you for your beatiful honest helpful mind, thankful to your wife for giving birth of a beatiful baby,all above thankful to almighty God for keeping me alive in this beatiful world. May God bless you and your family— Sujit
Eric, where do I begin. I am thankful for a rewarding career that now let’s me retire and do internet marketing full time. I am thankful for a wonderful wife and having raised 5 children without having any real problems. I am also thankful for internet marketers like you that are willing to share so much knowledge for free. I always look forward to my next Eric’s tip. Happy Thanksgiving.
Loyal subscriber,
I am thankful for waking up in the morning, still breathing…to still be able to praise God in a storm.
Howdy Eric, Thanks for being real, and thanks for all of the help and giving me the motivation to go on.
I am thankful for all the “Love and Happiness, on this day; Hopefully someday, all days will be like today, if you will.
I am thankful for family, friends, everyone- Just Thankful Period.
Also, I am Thankful that I have a “Guru” who has an office that he Likes, so that he will continue on his journey of Eric’s Tips- And, The Joel Comm show is great- got that in Joel Comm’s Fire Sale.
Hey eric, I’m thankful for waking up this morning. I got life and thats a blessing in itself. I think we often forget that every day we wake up with new chances. Every time we eat, breath, cherish those close to us its more then enough of a blessing. We truely don’t need more then that.
We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Mexico but I do wish to sincerely thank you for your Eric’s Tips video lessons. I have taken to heart the material in the lessons and have followed your advice to the letter. It has made a big difference in my planning and saved me a lot of false starts. Thank you again and may you and your family enjoy a great Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for my Lord, my family, my home, my church, my community. I am thankful for you Eric, you are one of the very few out of the very many internet marketers that I know I can trust. God bless you and your family on this special day.
Thank you for your awesome tips and emails! Thank you for sharing with us your expertise and opportunities!
I’m thankful for salvation – The Lord Jesus – my wonderful wife – my church family – God’s gift of healing from t-cell limphoma – 61 years in martial arts (still kicking, just not as high) – God’s guidance in writing Christian articles for my websites (www.mastersmartialarts.org and http://www.kamidoaikido.com)
Hi Eric,
Happy Thanksgiving to you,your family and everyone around the world.In India,where I live,there is no formal day marked for giving thanks,although everyone knows and surely feels in their hearts that every moment is an opportunity and a blessing to thank God for all that He has given us.
A lifetime of thanksgiving would not equate all the bounty and beauty that is present in every moment that we are alive and aware.
Its about awareness and acceptance and gratitude for just being able to feel everything in life.
I loved Phil’s poem-ALL the prizes should go to him.His poem is the prize for all of us.
Thank you Eric for everything.
Hi eric;
God bless you for remembering to be thankful to God; so few people do.
A few years back I was told by the doctors that I had suffered something called a “silent MI”. In other words I had a heart attack without knowing about it.
I underwent all kinds of tests and medication, and was very ill. I was very disappointed, angry, fed up, tired…… and more.
I later realised later that I could have kicked the bucket any time before I was diagnosed and I stopped all the anger ..etc. I started to learn how to be thankful to God.
My life has been continually improving since then; and I now make it a point to say thanks to the Almighty every morning and each time I remember to be Grateful for the life I now have.
Once again Thank You for your thanks on this Thanksgiving Day. God Bless You and ALL your Readers. AMEN.