Happy Thanksgiving 2010

By | November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.

Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook containing Google Analytics tips. It also explains how you can integrate Google Analytics with social media.

Click here to download… (PDF file)

ebook cover

Next, here is the 3rd annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

(Watch this video…)

(Update: the contest is over and I have emailed the winners– twelve Eric’s Tips readers from all around the world. Thanks to everyone for participating! And it’s not too late to post your words of gratitude.)

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

424 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2010

  1. Manju Thirani

    Hi Eric,
    Happy Thanksgiving to you,your family and everyone around the world.In India,where I live,there is no formal day marked for giving thanks,although everyone knows and surely feels in their hearts that every moment is an opportunity and a blessing to thank God for all that He has given us.
    A lifetime of thanksgiving would not equate all the bounty and beauty that is present in every moment that we are alive and aware.
    Its about awareness and acceptance and gratitude for just being able to feel everything in life.
    I loved Phil’s poem-ALL the prizes should go to him.His poem is the prize for all of us.
    Thank you Eric for everything.

  2. James Suggs

    What I am Thankful for:

    Hi Eric,

    James Suggs here, and fist off I would like to say that I am thankful for
    my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am thankful that he was willing to
    drink his bitter cup, die on the cross and rise again in 3 days for my
    sins, so that I could be saved and have eternal life.

    Eric, I normally don’t talk or write to much about my personal life, but
    today for some reason I feel ok with talking and writing a little about my
    self and my feeling.

    It was around October of last year that I had a really bad hurting in my
    right leg, just below the knee. My doctor was treating it for gout, but
    the pain just would not go away and I told him that he needed to give me
    something stronger to kill the pain because I couldn’t hardly walk and it
    seemed to be getting worst.

    My doctor told me that I would need to get a MRI so we could take a closer
    look at the leg to see what was going on with, because the pain pills he
    was giving me for gout should be taking care of the pain. He decided to
    take some x-rays of leg in his office to see if he could see anything that
    could be causing the pain.

    He called me back in a couple of days and said that he had not seen
    anything that would be causing the problem from the x-rays, but he knew
    that I was not putting on about the pain, so he asked a doctor friend to
    take a look at the x-rays and she saw something that needed attention right
    away, and he suggested getting an MRI so he could take a closer look at
    my leg.

    I told my doctor that I didn’t have any insurance and those MRI’s cost a
    lot of money that I didn’t have.

    To make a long story short, I had been working in a factory for the past
    30 years. I had worked for 15 years as a master mechanic and the last 15
    years as a maintenance supervisor. I got laid off back on September 11, 2003
    when the company was going through a large cut back. I tried to get work,
    but they just was not any work to be found doing what I was used to doing.
    Anyway, this is when I began looking for some way to make money on the
    internet. Which, I have been working hard, but not smart about the internet

    Getting back to my leg, money problems and no insurance. I decided to go
    to the VA Hospital and get my VA card so I could get some help through the
    VA Hospital.

    The VA Hospital gave me the MRI and found a massive growth in my right leg.
    They said that I need to get it operated on, but with the VA Hospital you
    don’t get to say when, if you know what I mean. I had to wait until October
    6th, 2009 for the operation. The doctors at the VA Hospital could not do
    the operation, because they didn’t have anyone on their staff that did that
    type of operation.

    I had to go out of town about two hours drive to the VA Hospital in Durham,
    N.C.. Anyway the doctors in Durham operated on me on October 6, 2009 and
    when they got into the operation they found that it was cancer, so they
    went ahead and took the massive tumor out.

    I got out of the hospital the next day and came home waiting on what had
    to be done next. My weight was about 220 lbs. and in about two week my
    weight had dropped to 185 lbs.

    My next appointment with the doctors was in about two week. They took the
    stitches out, and told me that they would set me up for radiation treatments.
    Then they told me that the cancer that grew out of my bone had to have come
    from some other place in my body and they need to run some more test. They
    set me up for some more MRI’s and a Pet Scan to see if they could find out
    where the cancer started from.

    Well, I had the Pet Scan and they said that it showed up in my right lung.
    This, I was not expecting, I had always been pretty healthy. So the doctors
    called me back in to have a talk about what they needed to do to stop or
    contain the cancer from spreading.

    First, they want to operate on my lung and remove the top section of the
    right lung. They want me to have the radiation first on my leg and then do
    the lung operation. I asked what would happen if I decided not to do any
    of these things. They came out and told me that they could not give me a
    precise time, but it could be 6 month to one year that I had to live if I
    didn’t take the radiation treatment, operation on lung and follow up with
    the chemo treatments.

    So, I started the radiation treatments on my right leg. Before I completely
    finished the radiation treatments, the radiation doctor told me that they
    had a new kind of heavy radiation treatments that the Durham hospital had
    been giving to their lung cancer patients and wanted to know if I was
    interested in getting the treatments.

    I felt at this time, it was a God sent offer, rather than having them
    operate on my lung. So, it took me around 3 minutes or less to let him
    know that I was willing to take the radiation treatment rather than for
    them to cut into and operate on my right lung.

    It has been one year and just about two months since I had the operation
    on my leg to remove the massive cancer. I went back for another pet scan
    about two months ago and their was no sign of it getting any larger in
    my lung and nothing growing anywhere else in my body.

    I know that this little note has grown into a letter and/or testimony about
    what I am thankful for this day.

    I am thankful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
    I am thankful for this day, this hour and this minute.
    I am thankful for all the preys that went out for me by my friends and family.
    I am thankful for my wonderful wife, Trudy and her health and well being.
    I am thankful for my three children, which are grown, saved and healthy.
    I am thankful for all my church and pastor.
    I am thankful for all my church friends and fellowship.
    I am thankful for God giving me this day and time to write down my thanks.
    I probley could go on and on and on about the things I am thankful about…

    Oh By The Way…

    I am thankful for this great Thanksgiving dinner that was prepared for me
    today by my sweet wife, children and family. Thankful for all the family
    being able to set at the table, give our blessing, eat and talk.

    I didn’t forget Eric, I want to thank you for going that extra mile, giving
    us a few tips along the way.

    Thanks again Eric,
    James Suggs family, wishing a Blessed day to you and your family

  3. Edward

    Im thankful, that im alive today, and able to continue to contribute to our community as we known today, and im thank you for meeting my girlfriend lately and getting together with her, and most important im thankful that im happy to still have my family and appreciate every moment with them. Thank you so much Eric for the encouragements you’ve give to us all as well. 🙂

  4. Julia

    Hi Eric,
    First of all I want to give God a glory and honor!
    I’m so thankful for the opportunity to learn from you, from Eric’s Lesson what helps me to achieve my goal become a successful entrepreneur and business owner.
    Secondly I give thanks for my family, friends, my health, my opportunity to help others and who are in need.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win the price, too. You are so generous and a very good christian.
    God bless you and your family and business!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Arron Hardy

    I am thankful this year for the stanth given to me for knowing I did all I could for me mother whom just passed on the 23. I am thankful that I can carry on with my life and greave in a healthy way. I am thankful that my mom is not in anymore pain and suffering from the efects of cancer. I am thankfful that she is with my father who will keep her forever. I have many more thing to be thankful for this year,although I greave for my mother, I know she is in a better place without suffering anymore. This is the main thing I am thankgul for this yesr.

    Thank you for letting me vent my feelings of thanksgiving this year!

  6. J

    Eric, congratulations on your move and great office:)

    … I’m grateful for everything.. or at least I try to be grateful everyday and remember how blesses we really are..

    *Your blog is grateful for the new pic too!!

    Best regards,

  7. Linda

    Some years it should be hard to be thankful. This is one of those years. In Feb my 41-year-old single mother of three was diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease. July 15th Karen passed away. I said it has been a year when it should be hard to be thankful, but what happens is that in a year like this you find that there is always room for thankfulness.

    What I am thankful for is the Internet and social networks. It gives us a way to instantly be in touch with those that we love. It gives us a way to be able to reach out for or to give help and support to family, friends and strangers.

    I also discovered and started using Eric’s Tips sometime during the year. I am thankful that I had a course like yours to concentrate on during the times when I could not sleep. I have course lesson numbers memorized, because it is easier to remember lesson 25 or 33 than it is to remember how to do something. It is sort of like having a friend on speed dial.

    This thanksgiving has been different, sadder than most, but it also had some happy moments and I am thankful for family and friends. I am also thankful for Jesus and God, that they are here with us to hold us and help us make it through the tough times.

  8. Rick Stokes

    Hi, Eric,

    You’ve been sharing your tips with me and, obviously, a whole host of other aspiring marketers for quite some time, now. And I’m very thankful that our Creator gave you the impetus to share your expertise with the rest of us. Most of all, though, I’m thankful that He gave me life with a great family, in a great nation and at a time when an opportunity like the Internet would burst on the scene, allowing almost anyone, anywhere, the chance to mine their dreams for as much prosperity as they desire!

  9. Cornell

    Hi Eric

    You sound like a great man. This is excellent asking us what we’re thankful for! I’m from Melbourne Australia, and I reckon we should have thanksgiving here too.

    What am I thankful about? Well interestingly just this morning I asked myself if I am happy with life. My instant reaction was to answer – I could be happier.

    So I looked at what it was that was stopping me from being completely happy, and the funny thing was I couldn’t find anything that prevented me from being entirely happy!!!

    Conclusion – Satan is out to steal our joys. Look to God and be thankful to Him for giving us all the opportunities he gives us to enjoy what He has blessed us with.

    P.S. I’ve just had a quick look through your analytics tips book – it’s wonderful – didn’t know that google can track flash files. I heard a rumour about it, but didn’t believe it.

    So thank you for that little nugget of info just by my spending 14 seconds looking through your book.

    Keep enjoying my friend!

  10. Anonymous

    I’m thankful for everything God has given me: Great life with my parents, grandparents, my brothers, sisters and most of all, the great life I have had with my loving husband of 44 years, with whom God blessed me with five (5)wonderful and loving children, all of whom are truly blessed themselves and have given me eleven (11)healthy grandchildren to date.What more can I ask for? Everyone in the family is healthy and happy by God’s grace, and for all these blessings,I’m truly grateful!

  11. Alfred

    Hi Eric, thank you so much for all that you have given us including, to name just a few, your time, talent and expertise. Of the many things I find to be grateful for in my life, the most obvious is my health and vitality. Something that we usually take for granted when we’re young and in great health. Working in a medical environment with paraplegics and quadraplegics has made me eternally grateful and much more careful to be grateful to God for his goodness in allowing me to have the full function of all my faculties. I have also learned not to complain about anything no matter how bad I think it looks to me. God bless you and your family always.

  12. Stanley Tan

    First of all I would like thank God, our Lord Jesus for connecting the right people to me. I knew there are many internet Gurus out there but Eric’s name came to me. As I read his Newsletter, I found out that his product proceeds will be used for his mission in Pakistan. So I didn’t really bother to explore whether the full price I paid for Eric’s product is worth it or not; because I am a God loving person too.
    I am really thankful for connection to Eric, he gave me much more than what I had paid for, many wonderful videos, practical tips. I am really thankful for the wonderful connection to Eric who is not only a God loving but family loving and community too.
    Don’t procrastinate, don’t waste too much time sourcing for the cheapest products price, you will never get started as your mind is set to think that there will cheaper and cheaper product out there in the market and by the time you realised, your precious time supposely to be used for money making had been wasted! I think that was one of Eric’s tips. I believe I will succeed with Eric’s coaching and I already written Ebooks on preview, one of them ‘Three Levels of Spiritual Growth.” Thanks Eric for the wonderful connection.

  13. Gregory

    I am thankful for our Military, Mom watching over me from above, My Dad’s new wife Beverly, Staying healthy, and for the chance to conquer my Obesity with Surgery and Wisdom,which we only get from our faith, hope, and Charity!

  14. Danna

    I am greatful for life itself & the experiences it has given me to grow beyond what I ever thought I was capable of. Since my husbands suicide, & trials I have had with my children, I have become stronger in more ways than one. I will be eternally greatful for loving & kind friends who have been there for me through thick & thin. Above all, I am greatful for a God in heaven who has given me the strength to endure to the end. God bless you & yours, & I wish you much happiness & prosperity.

  15. Susanna

    yes, this is called I wish you enough, has been around a few times, it is always beautiful. Getting through that final goodbye, that’s the really tough one. I’m grateful I was able to help my mom in her last year of life. I’m thankful my dad didn’t suffer long, he had a massive heart attack. I wake up with gratitude, I go to sleep with gratitude – one never knows when our last breath will be taken. I breathe each breath with love and awareness – hoping to make a little ripple in this suffering world that will help others smile and and not hurt so much. Love is the answer.

  16. Erlinda G Tismo

    I’m thankful for everything god has given me: Great life with my parents, grandparents, my brothers, sisters and most of all the great life I have had with my loving husband of 44 years, with whom God has blessed me with five (5) wonderful and loving children, all of whom are truly blessed themselves and have given me eleven (11) healthy & beautiful grandchildren to date. What more can I ask for? Everyone in the family is healthy and happy by God’s grace, and for all these blessings, I’m truly grateful! Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. Gary Hurter

    Hi Eric,

    I am thankful for many things including my faith, family and health. I am a single dad that has single handedly raised my 2 kids alone for the past 11 years. Being both a mom and dad to my kids (now teenagers) has allowed me to develop a stronger bond then I would have had if I had a spouse to help. I am so thankful every day that I see the sun rise and can look in the mirror to say to myself that I’m happy to be alive! God is great! Every day I count my blessings and make myself humble. This year, as I have before, I spent the day feeding and helping the homeless downtown. It really changes your view on life and being thankful for the things most of us take for granted.

    I also would like to put a shout out of thanks to you for staying “real” with your blog and keeping it full of content. Thank you!


  18. John Sullivan

    I am grateful thru blogging I have a great life today and for my children 🙂
    Hey I like the video and your honest laid back style glad I stopped by 🙂
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone
    Who’s Joel Comm ? LOL

  19. Johan Hedin

    I want to thank the Lord who has given us all life on this planet to serve each other and him. Thanks Eric for serving the internet community the way you are doing it. From running an online marketing business since 1999 and all the internet gurus out there, you are the one that I have the most respect for…

    God Bless you and your family on this Thanksgiving Day!


  20. B T Heath Sr

    Thank You Eric, I have learned more from you for free than I have with paid products! I thank the Lord daily for my children, all my friends and family, and for my health. I am Thankful for far more than I could ever put in this comment box, but I know my life is loaded with blessings, not because I’m wealthy or because of any “Thing” I have, but because of all the “Who’s” I have, Happy Thanksgiving Eric, and Thank You!

  21. Shawn

    Hey everybody,

    I’m thankful for God’s Grace and His mercies that are new every morning. And I’m thankful for my health and a healthy family.

    Take care,


  22. charles (chuck) stoneberg

    Hi Eric I am not much to the eloquent use of words but here goes. I am an old guy 84, 2 new knees, 2 tummy operations, back surgery of 4 vertibre and surviving 2 strokes and have to take 16 pills a day for my diabetes for my serviving. I tell you this because I am so indebted and thankful to you for your tips and programs and products and am, to my some ability, following your course to have my web site. I was fortunate to survive wwII and Korea. The Lord has gifted me to have knowledge of the scriptures (the only I did not forget in my strokes). I had to learn to speak, read and write all over again. I would like to share a couple of things with you as you mentioned your book to your grandmother. I have hesitated many times mentioning scripture this or that and especially if numbers are involved however this happened to me so: If one knows the same Lord Jesus I know 17 things happened to them all at one time–can’t have one without the other 16 also. I have the scripture for each and the number 17 is the number for victory. Now you know why I am a very happy and thankful person that while recovering illnesses I was led of the Lord to your programs. Lord bless you and yours Chuck

  23. Barry

    Hey Eric:


    A Morning Prayer:
    Give us, O God, a little sun,
    a little happiness and some work.
    Give us a heart to comfort those in pain,
    Give us the ability to be good,
    strong, wise and free
    so that we may be generous with others
    as we are with ourselves.
    Finally, Gracious God, let us all
    live in your own, one family.

  24. Robert Smith

    I am thankful for all the opportunitys left to use by our forefathers may the generations to follow be so blessed.
    I am also greatful that there are still places in America that a person can look out there office window on 10 thousand acres of unspoiled beautiful mountains.

  25. jeff

    It is really hard to express everything but I am thankful that there is a God who will be there. It isn’t just about his past and present blessings but just knowing that the same God who provided everything today will be there in the future means there is Hope. It is Thanksgiving with a target, a source. Without that it would just be Happy Day. Which might be okay today but it would have no hope.

  26. Brian

    Happy Thanksgiving Chris and family,This year I,m thankful for the lord leading me with understanding of how my adrenal glands and kidneys have been causing psycho somatic problems with motivation and cognitive functioning.I,m happy for being given the opportunity to focus on what is the real reason for this journey, and for the understanding and fruit or character that remained once some of the smoke cleared for myself and those Im blessed to share with and to learn from.

  27. Clint

    Hey Eric,

    Now that is some spread you’re blessed with. Being up here in Alberta, Canada, we already celebrated Thanksgiving back in October. It has been -28 degrees F for the last week and today it was +10, so for this I am very thankful. Not only this, I’m thankful for the privilege to try this IM dig. Though only one sale so far, I’m reading, learning and hoping. For my very patient wife and my two treasures in my children. So many other things, but most importantly I’m thankful for my and my families salvation. The hope of heaven is one of great thanks.

    Many more things, but that says it.


  28. Doug

    Hi Eric
    I am thankful to be an American, from a family of Americans. To be able to travel freely in this USA, and for Football

  29. Peter Owen

    WOW Eric,

    I suppose the first thing I am thankful for is that it is YOU that has to go through and judge all these comments, they are all fantastic!!!

    No Seriously… we have so much to be thankful for, but if we have to write it down then let me try. First to walk the walk as a Christian by the Grace of God would have to be #1 Then the love of my family and friends.

    I have been learning about marketing on the internet for just over two years, part time in between running a very busy business which take up most of my time.

    So it has been a slow learning curve for me but having emails from people like yourself has been a major part of my learning experience. One that I am very thankful for.

    Thank you to you and the internet family we have here, these comments are an inspiration to just keep going as we all have so much to be thankful for..

    Here’s a thought for the moment..

    Do not Judge Each Day By The Harvest You Reap,
    But By The Seeds You Plant

    God bless you and your family who continue to give.

  30. Eisen Yeo

    I am thankful that there’s a guy like Eric in this World. God bless you and your family.

    Blessings from the far east.

  31. Alicia

    I hope your day of Thanksgiving was blessed, Eric! I’m so grateful that the Lord has guided me so faithfully over the years, especially in leading me into my V.A. business and now leading me to honorable marketers such as yourself, and Paul, and Keith so I can expand the services I offer my clients.

    I’m so grateful for my husband, who has always been my biggest cheerleader and greatest supporter; my son who expands my mind and heart more each day; my immediate and extended family who give my life context; my church family and friends who lift me up and help me to be the woman God intends for me to be.

    I’m crazy in love with this beautiful natural world I get to live in – the majesty and complexity of it takes my breath away. And I’m so thankful that someone invented photography so I can capture little snippets of it to have before all the time.

    Gee, I could just keep going and going! Maybe you should just go to my blog and read my page for 30 Days of Thanks!

    Thank you, Eric, for making my life easier. You’ve been a God-sent blessing to me!

  32. Orlando Racelis

    Hi Eric,

    I’ve bought some of your products and I truly treasure all of it. One of the things I like best are your tutorials. They are all simple and easy to follow. Thank you for all the knowledge I gained from you.



  33. Vanyo Germanov

    Hi Eric, congratulation from Bulgaria! Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you very much for the Gift! Thanks and God with regards to support them in the future in your useful work!

  34. Joe Conde


    Thank you is really not the right word. I am not really sure how I got the first email, but I joined up right at the start, and since I started your lessons, I have built six websites, on Web Site Design, Stock Market Trading, Custom Golf club fitting, I have signed up as an affiliate with your Daily Market Advantage site, and a few others, and I have Adsense coming out of my ears. My first site was in Drupal (very painful)so I have built the rest in Xsitepro. I also got my first $1.26 from Google adds. Not much, but two months ago I would not even have dreamed of it. So Thank you is not the right word, You have enlightened me, you have given me a vision, and an objective to succed in the realm of Internet marketing. I am deeply grateful for your ability to chanel my energy into what I hope will be a sucess story. You know your stuff, thanks for sharing it. PS I have started to write an ebook. Is there a package to create the graphics for the ebook itself. Not the content, the cover that looks like an actual book, with all the right titles etc. Thanks again

  35. Dan Lamas

    This year has been a struggle. My salary was reduced by 60%. This forced me to look for alternatives to supplement my income. So I am thankful for stumbling onto your site. I was researching recipes and short-cuts for our family when I saw a link to your site on this organization website. I started watching with a burning desire to learn and understand what you have been teaching. I have yet to make my first $100 bucks but i know that I can and will with your lessons. In the past year my wonderful wife and I have had a beautiful baby girl and I hope to build my internet business up to the point where I can be home more and spend more time with her. Thank you Eric from the bottom of my heart!!

  36. Hal

    Hi, Phil !

    That’s a keeper if ever I’ve heard one – thank you 🙂

    re: Eric

    I am nearly immobile and usually in some degree of pain, but I am thankful for the faith God has given me, for my wife (often time, my “arms” and “legs”), for my children (every one a “keeper” I’m proud of), for my work as pastor of a small rural congregation in PA, for the opportunity to make more money to help my family and my congregation to do a better job of surviving, for everyone I’ve been able to help along the way, for everyone who has helped ‘me’ along the way, and for every breath and step I am able to take 🙂

    No prizes or gifts necessary, Eric.

    The opportunity to express thanks is a gift in itself 🙂

    Our needs are simple;… our wants/goals, however, might take a little extra “elbow grease” to see them realized 🙂

    Peace to all.

  37. Brad Miller

    I am thankful to my Creator for giving me the wisdom and opportunity to seek after the heart of God through creative worship and media.

    I am thankful for the opportunity to make an impact as I make a living through the power of the internet. Yeah God!!

  38. Maggie Tee

    Hey Eric, what a lovely way to get everyone thinking about all that we have to be grateful for. About a year ago, I moved in and am helping my 93-year-old dad, and I am grateful for the opportunity to do this. He is a treasure, and I am delighted that I’m in a position to give him a hand so he can remain in his own home for as long as possible. I am SO blessed; I have family and friends who mean a great deal to me. I am in good health (finally–had a couple of tough years, but I’m feeling terrific now!), and I am so grateful for that. You know, like so many of our gifts, we take our good health for granted till we don’t have it. LIFE IS GOOD!

  39. Anonymous

    Wow, Eric…

    Just look at all those posts above – and the weekend has not even started… all posts reflecting thoughts of one thing – perhaps the most important thing in life… gratefulness !
    That is a mission ! You are making so many people happy – gratefulness, the awareness of the gifts of life – is the ultimate happiness.

    And it is quite a helpful thing, to have a little institutional help – that of this officially special dedicated day… as well of some angels like You, not only reminding us, but making us think about it, then to express those thoughts in words to write… and with posting them here, shout them out to the whole wide world…
    …I am grateful, I am happy!

    That is a seed… many seeds. Seeds we need so crucially in this world.
    Thanks Eric !

    PS: May I add a little criticism too? Something that really disturbs and saddens me about this day very much… I mean… why do we celebrate Thanksgiving by causing a mass slaughter among the turkeys? Millions, hundreds of millions of them… most of them raised in inhuman conditions. (Black Friday?)
    There are so many people here quoting God (wonderful!) – but how does the creator feel about this??
    Lets practice awareness in this aspect too (and responsibility for the “lesser” Jesus spoke of)…?

    Maybe fasting on Thanksgiving Day would help us to be even more grateful and become aware and think about the gifts of life even more… (just as Jesus and many others did and do so often).

    Who may I challenge and invite to go a step further?

    Wishing everyone here the best in life !


  40. HaRa


    No, I am not anonymously – just forgot to fill the field above. LOL


  41. Michael Duarte

    To Thank God for all the blessings, care and love he has given us. To know that the plan he has for each of us is working.

    What is more incredible than the unconditional love that God has for us. The unbelievable capacity for forgiveness.

    We are all truly blessed.

    On this thanksgiving day we have much to be thankful for.

  42. Shawn

    I am thankful for my wife, my daughter, a great house, and family and all my friends both near and far.


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