Happy Thanksgiving 2010

By | November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.

Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook containing Google Analytics tips. It also explains how you can integrate Google Analytics with social media.

Click here to download… (PDF file)

ebook cover

Next, here is the 3rd annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

(Watch this video…)

(Update: the contest is over and I have emailed the winners– twelve Eric’s Tips readers from all around the world. Thanks to everyone for participating! And it’s not too late to post your words of gratitude.)

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

424 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2010

  1. Daniel

    Hi Eric
    I thankful that I’m born in a wonderful country, Singapore. I’m thankful that our Ministers and government manage our country very well.
    We came a long way since independence. Regardless of race, language or religion, we have become one people and we have being a peaceful nation.
    I’m thankful that God have being merciful and have blessed me again and again, and given me another day to live.

  2. Joe

    This is just to say thanks, because I rarely win things.
    I am thankful for finding you when I did. You are an inspiration to those of us who are overwhelmed by the I.M. technology and the main reason I have not given up on it altogether. You are also an inspiration to all of us who wish we could do more in missions, local churches, charities and family.
    As I survey the mess that govt., financial institutions and so-called leaders, are making of the whole world, it is depressing.
    I am thankful for my parents and their strong Faith. They moved to the beautiful Peace River area of Alberta, Canada, in 1930, just at the start of the great depression. I was born there and would not trade the experience of growing up there for anything. We learned integrity, honesty, hard times and how to work with our hands. We were taught how to love and serve our God and the saving grace of Jesus. And really, what else is important?
    Thank you for your straight forward teaching and example. God Bless you.

  3. Jacqueline

    I’m thankful for indoor plumbing; hot baths in a deep tub with my beloved husband; the beauty of our farm; that our youngest heifer just got pregnant; for being in a tremendously happy marriage; good health; the rewards of loving our animals; the joy of growing our own food; that my husband does work he loves; that I am blessed with creativity, tenacity and a good thinking brain; for good-natured neighbors willing to help when needed; that no matter how bad this recession hits us, that we are optimistic and committed to paying off our bills and mortgages and getting free of debt; and finally, that whenever it looks like the chips are down and the work is too hard, that we serendipitously manage to find the right helpers and take the right path.

  4. Jeff

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I am a newbie and have recently discovered your tips and really enjoy them. I am thankful for my family and friends and good health to all.

  5. idris salami

    Hi Eric
    Its a good effort youve made on your tips, and actually im very much impressed in reading your news letters. I Think it got to a point while i almost tired but i really benefit a lot in reading it, infact it worth thamkful for cos not really get tired of reading your tips most especially in the creation of website and that of bringing up the good analysis. You work hard and you are a great man for raisind the idea on a free note to the world at large, i commend you it worth thanks giving.
    Eric its a success story,that,i wish you all the best in life and your family.



    Hi Eric,
    A million thanks for all you have done and is still doing for all who you are dealing with.You are a true inspiration who is selfless as the bible commands us to be. You have sown so much seeds such that Harvest shall surely overwhelm you,meaning you shall reap,non stop in abundance.God sees all you are doing to millions of people without tiring and there isn’t a lot of people out there who are really kin teaching others the success methods the way you do. May God increase you,and take you from one level of glory to the other, in every area of your life and I wish you and your family all the best in life. Thanks a million for all the tips you have given us and for those which are still to come.

  7. Wendy

    I am grateful that I am sober today, one day at a time, so that I have my family in my life. I am also grateful to the founders of AA, without whom I would be dead. I am grateful for a Higher Power that I don’t understand. Without these two things I would have nothing, and oh, Eric’s Tips of course.

  8. Rich Muller

    Hi Eric. I hope that your family and you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! Among the many things that I’m thankful for in my life, would be my frequent immersions into Eric’s Tips. Like you, I am a teacher & a coach – and I know how rare it is to receive even the simple words “thank you”. Well, my friend, I am extending you a very appreciative thank you for the advice you’ve given me & the companionship you’ve provided. Sincerely, Rich Muller

  9. AidaSFG

    I actually read a few of your tutorials, and suddenly I got a job….so I don’t have time to read it at the moment and I believe that is very helpful to me so I always store your tutorials in one file and will read it everytime I have a free time. But I thank you so much for your help, and I pray that the Lord will bless you always with whatevery endeavour you may have. Gain Thank you so much.

  10. rod

    Hi Eric, here is a good opportunity for me to give you lots,lots,lots of thanks for sharing which I know the best information in the form of tips and free e-books…You are wonderful and talented guy. Through your video, I appreciate your place of work.. Very conducive to do your task on line. Hope you can think and create more ideas again to make other people happy just like me. I like and enjoy reading what you have sent to my email. More power to you and may God will continue to bless you and your team. / Rod

  11. We buy houses

    Hey Eric,

    Great tips for analytics.

    Any insights into automatic social bookmarking tools? Do the bookmarking link count at all! most of them do not get index

  12. Jim Ehrhardt

    Hello Eric;
    I have to say that I really haven’t done anything with your tips yet. I did get the trading pro systems set though. Just wanted to know that it is good that there are good Christian people like you using the internet for not only your good, but also other people. Thank you!
    Jim Ehrhardt

  13. gregg

    I just want to celebrate another day of life as i sit here healing from a near death experience. maybe thats what it takes to realize gratitude,cheers everybody

  14. Terry

    What am I thankful for? Well, I think the main thing is the backing a belief of my wife (my 3rd wife) she married me for better or for worse and so far worse is about all she has received (my last ex wiped us out) yet she still keeps backing and believing in me and my efforts (especially my internet hopes). By the way Erick, I appreciate the help you give too. All the best to everyone.

  15. Kasing

    Hallo Eric, thanks for your tips even I didn’t do anything with them or apply them yet. I’m sure that they will be very useful in other time. May God bless you and your family.

  16. Paul

    Hey Eric,
    As usual a great message and very inspiring.

    There is so much to be thankful for but many people don’t see further than thier current problem(s).

    This year has been a real financial struggle for me, in fact it has been that way for a few years but I really believe that I have now turned the corner with my online business and that is, in no small part, due to “Eric’s tips” so that is one thing I am definitely thankful for.

    Here’s the rest:
    The continuing support of my father even though it is really painful to me to have to rely on his generosity at a time in my life when I should be able to take care of him rather than the other way around.

    My two sons getting a better education than I could dare to hope for; both having recently graduated from university with fantastic results – definitely not “chips of the old block” in that respect!

    That I got to see my brother (who lives in Seattle) for the first time in eight years when he visited us here in the UK last week for thanksgiving – how appropriate!

    Most of all I am thankful for being able to share my life with an absolutely amazing woman who supports my online endeavours and loves me more than I could possibly believe. She is my inspiration and the source of my determination to make a better life for her – to enable her to quit at least some of the jobs she currently works at. I love you sweetheart.

  17. Eric Post author

    Sure. The winners were chosen randomly using random.org to choose #’s, which correllated with the comments.

    The winners are:

    Mike Wasiukiewicz
    Marilyn Fields
    Tony Bartlett
    Jonathan Lake
    Michael Owen
    James Suggs
    Peter Owen
    Alicia J. Moore
    Elisabeth Burk
    Vincent Olaer
    Abdullah Ibrahim

    We had winners ranging from USA to UK, Australia and Philippines!

  18. Troy

    Hello All,

    A bit late getting to this out here in Japan.


    Thank you for all that you have done to give us the truth about this business. I have seen what you’ve said proven true and correct time and time again over the past months.

    As for me, it’s hard to see sometimes, but I have much to be grateful for… my health, my beautiful wife, a few true friends, enough to eat, my freedom and my beautiful puppy that I rescued wandering in a parking lot who has become a cherished part of our family.

    But best and most of all, I am truly grateful for the gift of life that has been given to us with our first child on the way. Last year, we had a miscarriage and our child had no heartbeat. Now we have been given another chance and this time the heartbeat is strong.

    Bless you all and enjoy the holidays wherever you are!


  19. Michelle


    Sorry I missed the contest, but nonetheless I am grateful I found you and all that you’re sharing. Intuitively, I know you’re the real deal.

    Happy Holidays to you and your family.



    P.S. And thanks for the free download!

  20. teri ruiz

    I am so late writing my comment,First I am thankful I found Erics site and recieve his lessons,I am thankful to be alive and my doggie did not get hurt.I am thankful I was able to put this computer kinda working but very slow.The S.O.B’S that broke into my place and stole all my things,clear my out while I went job hunting and Pray the police finds who did it.Thankful to borrow the money to move.Eric happy holidays to you and your family and God bless. Teri

  21. Craig

    Hi Eric,
    As a proud husband and father, your question made me realize how thankful I am for not only the opportunity to learn but to keep on learning in all aspects of life. I believe everyday is another day to begin again more intelligently and Eric’s Tips has given me that opportunity and kept me full of knowledge, confidence and rhythm in both business and life so here’s a big thanks to you and all your associates.


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