Happy Thanksgiving 2011

By | November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.

Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook containing Google traffic strategies. It also includes Master Resale Rights, and comes with a sales page and graphics.

Click here to download… (Zip file)

ebook cover

Next, here is the 4th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.

UPDATE: The two winners of the contest (randomly chosen, using Random.org) are Timothy Jordan and Edwin Brown. Congratulations! You will each be getting a free copy of my upcoming product. I’ll email you when it’s released in the next week or so.

Here is something I’m thankful for…

(My 5 kids with t-shirts from Israel. It’s sort of an inside joke in our family. Our home schooled kids had made up a funny song to memorize the bodies of water in the Middle East… so we had to get these shirts when we saw them.)

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

765 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2011

  1. Jeremy Ballance

    Hi Eric…thank you for sharing so much with us. My your home be filled with much love, peace and joy this Thanksgiving.

  2. Lisa

    Thank you so much Eric, for the gift and for reminding me that we need to be thankful for what we have!

    I had a terrible day, but when i saw the picture of your kids, I could not help but smile.

    Thanks again for reminding me that no matter how hectic things get, there is still something to be thankful for.

  3. Pete Bass

    I am thankful to live in such wonderful country even with the problems we have it is a good place to live. I am thankful to all the men and women who serve our country in the Armed Services and I am especially thankful for my salvation in Christ Jesus. I am also thankful for all the help you have given over the years Eric and thankful for your gift today too. Happy Thanksgiving to all the Eric’s Tips readers here and everywhere.
    God bless you all, Pete

  4. Jimmy Cook

    Hi Eric,

    Maybe I’m first to post a response – I donno.
    Anyway – I’m thankful for people like you that freely give.

    There’s a saying …
    Give without remembering
    Receive without forgetting

    Thank You!

  5. Shellie

    Im Thankful that I am an American with a healthy happy family!
    Happy Thanksgiving 2011

  6. Morris Murphy

    I look forward to each of the tips that I get from Eric as they are always filled with fantastic usable content. So far out of all the tips he has sent me, I have put probably half of them into action and pretty much each one worked exactly as he said they would. No one that I know has given me so much free great content and for that I am very grateful. Thanks for what you do Eric. Morris Murphy (Murph)

  7. M. Bari

    Hey Eric,

    I’ve reading your emails. Thanks for the Thanksgiving gift. I really appreciate that.

    I’ve posted my site address as well. It contains a great gift for you and your clients as well. I’ll be happy if it brings something good for you.

    Happy thanksgiving.

    M. Bari

  8. Tina

    Caring surgeons who saved my daughter’s life four years ago. Only God’s hand could have guided theirs whilst operating on her tiny aorta-she was five days old

  9. Tarisai

    The thing that I’m thankful for are the relationships I’ve formed over the past few months. Success is a collection of relationships and I intend to cherish each one.

  10. James

    I really love your blog.Your tips are really helpful in my business.You are one of that honest internet marketer that i like to be on your list and eagerly open the email because i know that you will give some good and useful information.


  11. Shirley

    While I appreciate the gift…(Thank you btw) I absolutely love the picture of your children…They are so adorable. Awwww so sweet. Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. astral travel

    Thank you Eric, very nice gift.
    We do not celebrate Thanksgiving in my country, but no matter. Personally, I am most grateful to have my health and my mind, because I see that so many people do not.

  13. Anonymous

    Wow Eric I am thankful I am not near your son while he has got what looks like a snake in his hands! You guys have a strange idea of Thanksgiving presents! Hope your health is improving.
    All the best, Dermot.
    Birmingham, UK.

  14. Nick Schultz

    I’m actually thankful for another year. Last year Thanksgiving I had a pulmonary embolism. My doctor said I was very, very lucky,survived 3 clots in my heart and the 3 that went into my lungs. So this December I will be 62 +1 years old. :]
    Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving

  15. Jim

    Thanks Eric for all of your help this year. You have such a beautiful family.

  16. Richard

    Thanks for all the information you provide to those of us trying to get going online. Happy Thanksgiving and may God Bless you and your family. Best wishes for improved health today and every day!

  17. Martien

    Hallo Eric,

    Ik ben altijd dankbaar, dit besef dringt steeds meer tot me door. telkens weer. Ik wens dat iedereen altijd dankbaar is.
    (I’m always thankfull, I have to remember this though over and over again. Wishing that everone could be thankfull for ever)

  18. Kay

    Hello Eric, I’m thankful to be alive. For me this is also a great time to say thank you to you. After struggling for a year to get my online business going, I stumbled upon your site. I just want you to know your training has made a big difference in my clarity, focus and success. Again, I say thanks and wish you and your family good health and many blessings.

    Happy Thanksgiving,

  19. Loraine Dégraff

    Thanks, Eric, for the gift. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  20. James Hoag

    Eric, like the others, I am thankful for all the lessons you have done for us and for all the great advice you’ve given over the years. I wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful Christmas season.

  21. DrDiane

    Hey Eric… thanks for today’s email and the gift. You don’t look old enough to have 5 kids (unless your pic is 10 yrs old 🙂 — they look sooo sweet.
    (hope I didn’t put this up twice, I clicked on it but couldn’t see it on your blog).

  22. Wayne

    I’m thankful to be an American, have a great family, and to be healthy.

    Great looking family Eric!

  23. Roar Nossum

    We’re glad you are getting better and that you can be celebrating Thanksgiving with your family.
    May the blessings of Thanksgiving be with you all.

  24. Kevalin

    Hey, Eric!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours

    I’m thankful for the fact that I live in a country that’s filled with so many diverse people and ideas… and though we may sometimes argue over those differences, we (usually) do so with an amazing level of peace.

    Likewise, I’m thankful for my family. My folks are getting on in years, and both of my siblings have disabilities to deal with from day-to-day, yet we’re all still here, all pretty healthy, and we’re all still able to laugh at our foibles and not take them too seriously for too long.

    All in all, not a bad life.

  25. Dermot

    Wow Eric I am not near your son while he has got what looks like a snake in his hands! You guys have a strange idea of Thanksgiving presents! Hope your health is improving.
    All the best. Dermot
    Birmingham UK.

  26. Calvin


    I am thankful for you and all the others out there sharing their ways to generate income online.

    Cheers! Calvin

  27. Maria

    I am thankful to God that I can live on this wonderful Planet among wonderful people like you, Eric and your family.
    All the best to you!

  28. Anonymous

    Happy Thankgiving to all our fellow americans!
    Eric thanks so much for all you share!
    What a beautiful family

  29. Irene

    I am thankful for my children, grandchildren and my family and esp my husband. I love them all. I am very thankful to have found your tips and I believe this will help our income since I was “forced” into retirement but I am not ready for no rocking chair yet!

  30. Sheila

    Happy Thankgiving to all our fellow americans!
    Eric thanks so much for all you share!
    What a beautiful family


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