Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.
Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook containing Google traffic strategies. It also includes Master Resale Rights, and comes with a sales page and graphics. Click here to download… (Zip file) |
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Next, here is the 4th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.
UPDATE: The two winners of the contest (randomly chosen, using Random.org) are Timothy Jordan and Edwin Brown. Congratulations! You will each be getting a free copy of my upcoming product. I’ll email you when it’s released in the next week or so.
Here is something I’m thankful for…
(My 5 kids with t-shirts from Israel. It’s sort of an inside joke in our family. Our home schooled kids had made up a funny song to memorize the bodies of water in the Middle East… so we had to get these shirts when we saw them.)
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
Hi Eric!
I am very greatful to have found your website -very value packed! I am also thankful for my husband and little girl, but most of all I am thankful to have God in my life!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family!
So many things to be thankful for. The main ones are good health,loving family, to live in a peaceful and free place and to experience the act of giving and receiving.
I’m grateful for all my great friends and their continuing support!
I am thankful for mentors like Eric Holmlund and Jim Cockrum who are helping me, even as I strive to help others.
I am thankful for the good, honest help you give. God Bless.
Every time you help someone, you help yourself.Every time you teach, you learn,if you do it with love.Thanks for all you have given freely.May God bless you.
Thanks for the gift.
Hope you and your beautiful family are having a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Hey Eric the most amazing thing about you is sharing ur knowledge thanks
Thanks, Eric! Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful for what I have…
Thanks, Eric, for being a wonderful internet marketer. Happy Thanksgiving.
I know it’s still early in terms of their ages, but this bunch looks well-grounded. They have an ease about them which is enviable. May all your holidays be as peaceful and content as this picture suggests.
I am thankful that the gallbladder surgery is over and seemingly successful!
I am so thankful to be alive, in the moment, realizing that all is one, and one is all. Thankful for what I have and loving just breathing, and knowing we all take part in a living universe.
Hi Eric,
I am very thankful for your tips!
Keep up the good work, greetings from
Dominican Republic.GERD
Ps.You have a really nice family God bless you
and your family
I am thankful for those people who help us understand ‘who we really are’ and that once we grasp that knowledge we can heal spiritually and physically, mentally and emotionally from within.
I am also thankful that I can again remember things. In 2004, my memory was so bad I thought I would have to move to a nursing home. Now I am happy to say that I am able to remember things again and do not need to worry about living alone. It is great to be healthy and free.
Eric as always your products are great
looking fwd for the next one
I am thankful for the wife of my youth – been over 40 years now! Also I am truly blessed and thankful for 6 wonderful grandchildren. Your picture (beautiful-by the way) reminded me of them as they are similar age spread and as gorgeous as your kids, too.
I am thankful for my family and new grandson!
Being in the latest of sixties, I’m extremely grateful for longevity and the oppotunity to still seek the success level I haven’t to this point achieved. Also for someone that is succeeding and is relatively close to home for me, Arvada Colorado. May GOD keep healing you that you may keep being of service to others.
Go well and GOD bless
Well, Eric, if I didn’t know any better I would think that you use god and your “good deeds” as a way to lure in more unsuspecting, overly – superstitious people. Like any religious charlatan. 🙂 I have noticed they are all wealthy.
Glad you got to see Israel. Tel Aviv is particularly beautiful at night. It’s so peaceful watching all the very safe Jews walking around and stopping at the outdoor cafes drinking coffee while the Palestinian people live in compounds outside their own homeland. What a selfish bunch of happy people. And those who uphold that type of self centered horror should get what they deserve. Sadly, I know well that there’s no god to do that sort of bidding for the Palestinians – or for me.
You can take me off your religious list of psychos. People who talk to YOUR god, but not Allah, nor Krishna, nor even YHWH. No, that’d be like worshiping a monster. No, no..Jesus came to take the place of YHWH and yet he said he WAS YHWH and then he prayed to him in the garden of Gethsemane. Crazy. You may feel blessed today as you do all this, but your life isn’t over, friend. 🙂 Tragedy may darken your door yet.
New Beginnings!
God Bless,
Paul Calabrese
I’m thankful for life itself and for being it’s part. This is frame to my big list of everyday gratitude. Once I decided put list of everything in writing and after some 400+ entries realised it is Hercules’s job.I stoped it and every day give me something new, good or bad to be thankful for.
Eric, your family,your work for us and teaching are my blessing also.Thank you!
Hi Eric,
If I could I would post a picture of my daughter too 😉
I”m thankful for the opportunity I have to support Mission projects in Guatemala and my community through Internet Marketing.
I’m thankful for good people to learn from.
Brad Miller
Eric, I am thankful that even though I lost my home of 10 yrs, my Dad had a room for me to move into. I have to believe God does not let a door close without opening another one, if only You believe… I believe & am shooting for things to change. Thank you for all you are doing to help people. 🙂 Sharon
Happy thanksgiving Eric!
When are you planning to release the next lesson?
As you grow older, your focus and priorities change. Hopefully, you become less superficial, and more focused on things that are really important, like your loved ones and TRUE friends. I may not have many of the later, but I am surrounded by the love of my wonderful husband and amazing son. For them, I am truly thankful. And most importantly, I’m thankful for the unconditional love of an awesome God. Thank you Lord for ALL you’ve done for ME. This is what I’m thankful for.
First of all, thank you for your lesson’s in the form of Eric’s Tips, and the gift.
Most of all, God, family and all the lives that touch ours. Happy Thanksgiving Eric, to you and your family!
God Bless you all!
I am indeed thankfull for all your tips.
Prettiest Internet Marketing Family I know.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for health, wealth, and wonderful people in my life.
I love this story. Hospitality and thanksgiving go together.
Thank you, Dan, for sharing.
Thanks, Eric, for your gift today, for sharing your knowledge, and for your generosity. You are one of those who shows us Christ by how you behave toward others.
Great pic Eric!! Thanks for the gift, much appreciated.
Thanks Eric for your tips!
That’s five lovely kids you have there
in the photo.
I hope that when I find success, I can be
like you and help others succeed.
Happy thanksgiving to you and your family.
I’m thankful for the current day. You should live everyday like it’s your last day.
And next time you come to Israel, Give a call…
Hi Eric and Co.
Family is the essence of true eternal happiness and joy!
Thank you for being such a great teacher and mentor!
Appreciated.. Great gifts…
Sweet lovely bunch nah…
No, thank you!
I am thankful for God who loves and blesses us and for people like Eric who shares his blessings to us. Thank you Eric for always including me in your gift list even though I have not bought anything yet from you. Thank you for always sharing your dear ones to us, lovely kids and wife, you are so blessed.
Hi Eric,
Happy Thanksgiving from Australia. Although we don’t celebrate thanksgiving in Oz, I think its a great concept to take the time to reflect on the things in our lives that we are thankful for. I look around me and I am thankful for the love and support of my family and friends. On the business front, I am thankful for finding an Internet Marketers like you Eric, who provides great advise and value to your subscribers. For this, I am very thankful as there are too many gurus out there that unfortunately are just after your money.
Best regards
May God preserve and keep you and yours always under His wings.
What cute kids and the t’s are great. My attitude is gratitude and thankful in all that God does and is in my life. Bless you and your family and may your health continue to improve and heal.
Ha ha ha… ya know Eric I gotta tell ya, this couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. I laugh because my thankfulness doesn’t even come close to being thankful enough! But what I’m thankful for is the opportunity to understand the principles of laws, that God has imbedded the spirit of life in, let me share a little….
All too often many go through life never taking the time to understand how the very thing they live in… all the way until death, bares witness to all their thoughts from within first, then externally second, playing out on principles of laws that can do nothing more than bare its truest intentions… as a witness to our choices without ever missing a heartbeat.
Learning what we are made of and how we work helps remove the struggles that so many face going through life. Yet, few will take the time to understand and study the vehicle in which they are in and often fall short.
It is one thing to give to charity a portion of our earnings as required by God to help feed the hungry, the poor, the lonely, the destitute, the hopeless, the fatherless and the widow… but I believe it is even greater to help raise the mentality of those who can think, to think for themselves in a way that opens the pathway to their own personal miracles… they are all possible and they are all available, and if you can believe… all things are possible (Mark 9:23).
By your words you are justified and by your words you are condemned (Matthew 12:37) are a warning that our words which originate in thought first, play out on the principles of law that witness and bind the justification or the condemnation of their intention… as we sow in the seed of thoughts and words (Galatians, 6:7), we reap into being by the principles of laws that manifest them into the physical, as everything in existence is bound by laws… atomic laws, held together by principles of laws, and none other than spoken into existence by one who is the majesty of laws claiming his word shall never return void (Isaiah 55:11), and similarly in the image and likeness within ourselves.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), yet, few have taken the time to understand the power that that scripture reveals, and instead live in a form of ignorance in which we do not know what we do (Luke 23:34) ….
… it’s often said that we did not come with an instruction book, and that’s true, as we didn’t have to in the beginning because the instruction was pretty simple… don’t touch or eat of the tree in the middle of the garden.
As a result, we do have a book… took a little time to make but it consist of all the trials and errors of mans thoughts against Gods thoughts, with God winning in the end and showing man how he could do the same… we only need to read and apply it’s principles.
Hope you are feeling better Eric, and remember there is death and life in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21)… with over 100 to 180 trillion cells in your anatomy, your body is listening to every single word you say to yourself, and obeying the very spirit of your words. Therefore, say the very best to yourself about your health… always, because your words, your thoughts, are the seeds (electro/biochemical) that plant themselves into the cellular structure of your own biology, and reflect back in the same way.
Hi Eric:
I am thankful that I want to keep learning and the adventures that brings to my life. I am grateful that my path brought me to you and your generosity, and giving. All the best! Jenny
I’m thankful you are not one of those guru’s that bombard email after email with offers but has genuine stuff to each & help people. Hope I can be a winner for the product. thanks
I’m thankful for so many things – but above all I’m thankful for the love and grace afforded me by God, and the love of a good woman (36 years now).
Thank you Eric,
for the ebook – even with ready to use sales page and squeeze page. Very useful!
I think that we who live in the rich part of the world (I’m living in Norway) have SO much to be thankful for, but as we take for granted. We should be more thankful in our everyday life, because being grateful makes us happier.
I am thankful for my kids. After 13 years of home schooling, my son is finishing out his last year and will soon be off to college. He loves the Lord and I am so grateful that he seems to be on the right path.
Hi Eric,
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I have a lot to be thankful for but I am not just thankful today but everyday. I always am thankful that I have God in my life and that He blesses me each and everyday. I am thankful for each day that God gives me to spend another day here on this Earth to enjoy the many blessings He has provided for us all such as nature.
I am very thankful for finding the love of my life 5 years ago and after many years of looking for happiness I have found it with my husband Rick. After many years of bad relationships it is great to know that there really is good men to able to spend a life with.
I am also very thankful for my 4 children and my grandchildren, and thankful that I am still very young to enjoy them hopefully for many years to come. I became a grandmother at the age of 34…yes I was a very young Mommy.
And last but not least I am very thankful for my online businesses and all of my members which have become to be my online Family to me. I truly love each and everyone of them. I am thankful for the many new people I have met this year and a few of them I have created some very close relationships with and they have become very dear friends to me.
So I thank God for all that I have and all that I am, and all that I have become.
Have a fantastic weekend Eric and God Bless You!