Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.
Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook containing Google traffic strategies. It also includes Master Resale Rights, and comes with a sales page and graphics. Click here to download… (Zip file) |
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Next, here is the 4th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.
UPDATE: The two winners of the contest (randomly chosen, using Random.org) are Timothy Jordan and Edwin Brown. Congratulations! You will each be getting a free copy of my upcoming product. I’ll email you when it’s released in the next week or so.
Here is something I’m thankful for…
(My 5 kids with t-shirts from Israel. It’s sort of an inside joke in our family. Our home schooled kids had made up a funny song to memorize the bodies of water in the Middle East… so we had to get these shirts when we saw them.)
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
Eric you and your family remind me of my 5 chilren who all with the grace of God have grown up to be fine adults. I look back now 50 uyears later to see a beautiful group of Grandkids and Grest Grandkids…my only regret I have is the loss of their Mother and Grandmother much to soon. But after all of that we all share every Thanksgiving with gusto and love…may your family enjoy all of life’s goodness.
Many thanks, Eric, for all you give to everyone near and far regardless of wealth or status.
You have definitely raised the BAR for inspiration, ambition and humility.
All the BEST to you and your loving family.
Thanks Eric for sharing your good and not so good days with us. You have a comforting online presence.
We’re all thankful for all of Eric’s tips.
I’m blessed to have a Christian husband and thank God for the many blessings he bestows on us daily.
Hi Eric happy thanksgiving to you and your family wishing you all the very best
Eric –
I’m grateful for my family in Fort Collins (where we had a fantastic dinner with my daughter, son-in-law and 4 grandchildren)and for your tips and lessons.
Skip Hyde
Drake, CO
Very nice video
I am thankful for all of the blessings you have given everyone with your “Eric’s Tips”.
Hey Eric,
It a joy to correspond with a successful internet marketer who is also a strong Christian with a lovely family. The world never can have too many such families.
Thank you for your TIPs offering. I read them all.
I’m thankful I am able to live in a world where a person can get a chance to change.
It could be a change of mind, change of job, change of life path, or a change of heart.
I am thankful to God for His amazing love, grace and everything He gives to me and my family every day – including your lessons and wonderful advices, Eric, as well as for the gift from you now.
And, yes, I’m not from the USA at all – I’m from Latvia, a small country at the coast of the Baltic Sea, Eastern Europe. But I’m sure there is each day something we should, can and even must be thankful for!
Hi Eric,
Just want to say thanks for the gift. Procedures to make the SEO work easier are always welcome.
Best wishes from Spain for you you and your family.
I am thankful for being in a place that I can say that I am thankful.
Hi Eric,
I’m grateful for each breath I take and for being taught that a thankful heart in not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues.
Here is a favorite prayer of mine I’d like to share with all the parents out there in the “Eric’s Tips” community:
“Derar God, teach me to embody those ideals I would want my children to learn from me. Let me communicate with my children wisely- in ways that will draw their hearts to kindness, to decency and to true wisdom. Dear God, let me pass on to my children only the good; let them see in me the values and behavior I hope to see in them”
May the Force be with us all 🙂
Woodland Hills, CA
I am thankful every time I wake up, every time I see my children, every time I see my grandchildren, every time I realize how blessed I am to have been born, and every time I realize that not one person knows why.
Eric, I appreciate the information you provide. You are obviously very talented and a genuine person. Warmest regards, John Mauldin
You know, it can be so hard to look at the blessings in my life, when my focus is on the brick walls that have come one, after the other, after the other for many months, and I’ve temporarily forgotten that my life isn’t just what I see 2 inches from my nose!!! When I turn my head right,left,up,down, or even sideways, it’s like coming out of the grey and realizing that I am SOOO grateful to live in the United States, with a roof & clothes to shelter me, and to have the FREEDOM to CHOOSE whether I focus on the darkness or the beauty in my life, because there are so, so many people who don’t HAVE the choice of what aspect of their lives they want to focus on……They only KNOW darkness,cruelty,hunger,rejection,fear, and hopelessness. Thank you Eric, for your suggestions, and for the opportunity to get my perception back to reality.
I am thankful for all your emails and tips. THANKS ERIC!
I am thankful for my amazing family of four children, 11 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren and many, many friends. I am thankful that we were able to share a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with two people who were but strangers a week ago. Now they are part of our growing list of friends and church family. It turns out they were in our city with no friends or family. It made our day so special. I am so blessed. And, last but not least, there is you, Eric, who are so willing to share. Thank you.
i am grateful for my life for 25 years i was in the black hole of addiction and thanks to god that problem was taken away from me through a spiritual intervention for the last 18 years i have been free.i am now 54 never thought i would reach 40
He must have something for me to do but as of yet it has not been reveled.
3yrs ago we lost all we had worked for house cars job but i thank god i didnt lose my wjfe after 35 years i have been trying to learn internet marketing for the past 2 years
i lost what little money i had on finding my way through this maze its been a hard slog
but i have had to stay focused which as been
very difficult sometimes. i got baptized just about a year before we lost everything
now i just keep moveing forward one step at a time i have a website up a few weeks ago no visits yet but i am pleased that i can see something happening dont know how i recieved erics tips but i am glad i did
best teaching vidios and teacher i have came across so far
my my goal is to learn internet marketing to a level that i can teach as many youngsters in my community how to earn a living on line
so they can escape the cycle i was in for so long and give them some hope. God gave me a second chance may be this is how i can repay my god given gift.
Thanks Eric you are helping me to move forward a bit more. LES BROWN says
“You need to make a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you some answers.”
slow but sure the answers are comeing.
“When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up. Find a reason to get you back up.”
no mater what life gives you get back up and move forward.
There are winners, there are losers and there are people who have not yet learned how to win.”still leaning may be on day
Hope i havent put you all to sleep GOD BLESS
to you and your family pete
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F A M I L Y That is what motivates us all and we rely on so much, Thank you for our Families!
I am thankful to God for allowing me to still be a part of life and for giving me the opportunity to learn and improve my life with the knowledge gained from people like Eric.
You have a beautiful wife!
Hello Eric. Frank here.
I would like to say how thankfull I am of my family. Thanksgiving is a special time and one should spend as much time with their family as possible.Thanks for my wife, my health and thanks to you for sharing your special gift.
Happy hollodays.
I am thankful for having met you on line Eric, for your tips and admiring your beautiful children.
I am thankful for being alive, healthy and staying optimist despite difficulties.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Hi Eric,
Thanks for Eric’s Tips and hope everyone is doing well.
Thank you.
Thanks Eric!
Thanks Eric! God Bless
So very thankful for my salvation through Jesus Christ – and the fact that He allows me to teach other women about Him every Wednesday.
And of course for the best hubby and sweetest son in the world!
Eric, great family. Be thankful everyday for your blessing. Don’t ever,ever forget that.
I am thankful for my 93 year old mother.
I am thankful for my 93 year old mother
What I appreciate most about how you conduct business is your kindness and generosity. You have been a breath of fresh air for me and others who are older and perhaps a bit jaded about the business world. Thanks for all that you do, not just professionally, but for your pro bono work as well.
I am grateful for the internet which brings so many friends like you in my life to help me understand internet marketing and your advice with excellent tips that you so freely share with us all. Thanks Eric
I am thankful for my “Present” – the gift of Life.
I am grateful for my “Gifts” – the present of Now.
T White
I’m thankful for all i see and experience every day. I have no doubt you are thankful, i can see some of your best reasons.
Happy Holidays
My health is restored!! Thank YOU Boze !!
First of all, I thank God for everything in my life.
I also would like to thank to Eric for providing great stuff to be survive in online business.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Hi Eric,
I wish you and your family have a wonderful
Thanksgiving with good health. Thank you for
your tips lessons.
Edith E
Thanks Eric, thanks internet for making it happen
Thanks you for your training and being straight up with what works and what is just BS. I’m grateful for my Family and having their support in this new direction in life. enjoy your holiday !!!
I am thankful for the freedom we share and the family I have and the hope of financial freedom that internet marketing holds and for making your acquaintance and becoming your student
I am thankful for life, good health; a loving family circle and my abundant of good friends, and also for Eric’s Tips.
Thanks for everything. Eric’s Tips breaks things down so they are easy to understand.
Great looking kids! I am thankful for all the valuable information and products that you share in Eric’s Tips. You are appreciated for all that you do and are doing.
Hi Eric,
I must thank you for giving me the opportunity to read the valuable book about Google Adsense wit no costs.
You also have been helping me by sending your tips (was great stuff indeed)which made my life easy in many ways.
I am happy to get to know a generous and Kind person like you.
I wish happiness and good health to you and your family.
Thankful to the Lord for family and friends. Thank you for your honesty and being down to earth and helping people. Bless you.