Happy Thanksgiving 2011

By | November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldnโ€™t exist.

Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook containing Google traffic strategies. It also includes Master Resale Rights, and comes with a sales page and graphics.

Click here to download… (Zip file)

ebook cover

Next, here is the 4th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.

UPDATE: The two winners of the contest (randomly chosen, using Random.org) are Timothy Jordan and Edwin Brown. Congratulations! You will each be getting a free copy of my upcoming product. I’ll email you when it’s released in the next week or so.

Here is something I’m thankful for…

(My 5 kids with t-shirts from Israel. It’s sort of an inside joke in our family. Our home schooled kids had made up a funny song to memorize the bodies of water in the Middle East… so we had to get these shirts when we saw them.)

Please post a comment below and let us know what youโ€™re thankful for ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

765 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2011

  1. JoEl

    I’m thankful for all God has blessed me with and for people like yourself.

  2. Danny Kemner

    I’m thankful for the freedom to be able to work towards financial freedom ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Dave Anderson

    I’m thankful for my health and my freedom.
    It seems we all take both for granted now days.

  4. Dave

    Eric, Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for being a person of integrity!

  5. Jonathan Lake

    Hi Eric, Melissa and family
    Happy Thanksgiving from the UK

    Wow I am so incredibly grateful for so many things that I could take up an hour writing them down here! So I have chosen just a few…
    I am incredibly grateful for..
    My wonderfully amazing wife Debbie who is my soul mate and who I work alongside in our online Business.
    My wonderfully amazing kids who ALL make me proud and I learn from every day.
    My beliefs
    My health – hope you are on the mend Eric. Our prayers have been with you.
    The amazing world around us – not the media driven cesspool that they would have you believe but the amazing one that lets you enjoy the sunrise, the beautiful song of a Robin, the calming lapping of a gentle sea on the rocks, the loving looks of pensioners who are still so wrapped up in each others love that they think no-one notices.
    My ability to experience the saying “Every day is a school day!” – I learn something new about life every day – its fantastic.

    Well, I think that will do for now..

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving

    love to you all

    Jonathan & Debbie Lake

  6. Eric Schaeffer

    I’m thankful Because the Lord is guiding me though lessons and understanding the interent.

  7. eddy wynen

    Hi Eric,

    Thank you for being as great as Galileo Galilei.

    His quote.
    “You can not teach a man, you can only help him discover it himself in himself.”

    Thanks again.

  8. willie robertson

    Hello Eric, thanks for all the great training.

    I am thankful for my relationship with God, my family, employment, a computer, the internet and the opportunity to be able to pursue my dreams and help others pursue theirs too through free enterprise.

  9. Piotr

    I am greatfull for all your help, attention, concern
    All the bast to your Family

  10. Mandy

    This is One Great Family you have Eric! God Bless You and Your Family, Merry Christmas!

  11. Ana Danel

    Thank You, Eric! Your Kids are BEAUTIFUL. You have a sweet Family, thanks for sharing their picture ๐Ÿ™‚
    I just want to say I am grateful for my Life, the Life of my Sons, Daughter and my awesome Grand Daughter Alessandra, my Wonderful Husband, and for all my Friends, as well as for People like You, who make a good, decent living from helping others have better lives. Thank You and God bless You and all the good (and not so good, so they change! ๐Ÿ™‚ ) Peoples of our Earth.

  12. Rachel

    First off what a cute bunch, seriously i am thankful that God has answered prayer for restoring your health, and was really glad to hear that the trip to Israel has made you feel at peace, and feeling better. Thank God for family and friends.

  13. Gina

    Hi Eric – Hope you are feeling good – Happy Thanksgiving to you and your lovely family. I am thankful for an honest, nice marketer like you!

  14. Glenn Taylor

    Eric, I’m thankful to have a Christian man that I can actually trust. When you recommend
    something, I pay close attention to it, because
    I know you won’t intentionally mis-lead me.

  15. Dave

    Eric, may you and your family have a special Thanksgiving. I am very thankful for my family.

  16. Darryl

    Thankful for daily abundant blessings. That’s what keeps me going and truly happy! ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. LARISA


  18. Zetta

    Hi Eric,
    I’m thankful for good health and the many opportunities we take for granted in this great country.

  19. marilena

    I am thankful for my life and all the wonderful things around me. I’m also grateful for the freedom to be able to make choices.

  20. Earl Baldwin

    I am thankful for life’s challenges and good health at 69.
    I am also very glad I was able to find an online teacher with good morals and willing to share his talents. Thank You ERIC for all the great information.

  21. Tony

    Hey Eric,

    Your very thoughtful and considerate gift (Google Traffic Tips, Tactics and Strategies) eBook. Great photo of your kids!

    I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. Take care and be well. Thanks!


  22. Anonymous

    Eric, yuor family is reality biutyful. God bles to you and all your family

  23. Elisabeth

    Thank you for all your tips and free stuff along with all your great advice. Happy Thanksgiving. P.s great photo ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Vernial

    I am so very thankful for Eric Holmlund. In the past I have bought products from him and requested a refund. I requested refunds not because the products were of poor quality but because I did not have the time or willingness to put forth proper effort to suceed. In spite of this fact Eric has been kind and generous to me with his training tips and videos. Eric is truly a blessing to all who he impacts. I am thankful for much and Eric is included in all I have to be thankful for. He is a remarkable human being with a decent and kind heart.

  25. Michael

    Eric, I think that you are definitely a role model for other internet marketers to follow. With all the junk that is being sold online I know I can count on you for real honest advice.I bet those kids must keep you running in circles!

  26. Jose Larrauri

    Eric, your family is very very biutiful, God bles to you and your family.

  27. James

    I normally don’t bother with this sort of thing but I am posting what I’m thankful for because I have been awakened. I am thankful for God’s presence and my wife who has stood by me during a tough time. Tough times have truly opened my eyes in ways I never could imagine.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  28. Christien

    I am grateful that opportunity is always present in Life, and that intelligent, creative and ingenious individuals have discovered a myriad of ways in which it is possible to embrace opportunity and that they are willing to share their innovations with others..

  29. Anonymous

    Hi Eric, Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for good health and wonderful wife

  30. Karl G

    Hi Eric,
    You have a nice family to be grateful for! (By the way – all those blonds – looks like there might be some Swedish, or at least Scandinavian, heritage there?) I grateful for your all your tips and for today’s gift. You are a role model for all online and offline entrepreneurs.
    Thanks again,
    Karl Gรถran (Sweden & Russia)

  31. Jerry Kidd

    Eric, I am grateful for many things but this is the perfect opportunity to say thank you to you for all the great stuff that I have learned from “Eric’s Tips” over the years! Thanks!


  32. Kevin Edelmann

    I am thankful for my wife and kids. My friends and extended family. And the ability to do the things I love and get paid for.

    Hope you have a happy thanksgiving day!

  33. Jim Myers

    Just being born and living in America is akin to hitting the lottery. Most of the world suffers in abject poverty, while here in America, even most of the poor have more “luxuries” than kings and queens had as little as a hundred years ago. Don’t think so? What about your TV or cell phone? Or an electric refrigerator, computer or a microwave? Or medical care? A car? Education? Or plentiful amounts of food? (Kings and queens had plenty of food, but not the variety we have today.) The list is nearly endless. So, yes, we have much more to be thankful for than even the kings and queens of centuries gone by.


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